You will be required to demonstrate skills and knowledge required to define campaign objectives; prepare an advertising budget; You will be required to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop a schedule for proposed advertising activities; defining campaign objectives and preparing advertising budgets. You will also require to demonstrate communication skills to question, clarify and report when creating an advertising campaign and technology skills to use a wide range of office equipment and software to develop an advertising campaign.
Read all materials required for this assessment task: this procedure and the Bounce Fitness Simulated Business Corporate Marketing Plan.
In response to the Bounce Fitness Simulated Business Corporate Marketing Plan (provided), you will develop a report.
- Defining the campaign objectives and preparing an advertising budget, which addresses all questions in this task.
- Defining a schedule for proposed advertising activities, which addresses all questions in this task.
- To demonstrate knowledge in defining campaign objectives and preparing advertising budgets.
1. Clarify Bounce Fitness’ advertising purpose and objectives from Bounce Fitness’ marketing plan. Use measurable terms for the objectives for the advertising campaign. |
1.1Purpose and business objectives(please refer to Creative Brief for the Introduction of Corporate Fitness Programs file) |
1.1.1 |
Business’ vision statement |
To lower overall costs to corporations and help workers to be more productive with innovative programs and strategies. |
1.1.2 |
Target market of the business |
Geographic |
Corporations located in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne city centres. With its headquarters in Cairns. |
Demographic |
Employees in corporations in the stated city centres. With a target of 15,800 employees, 51% being male and 49% being females. The income range of this employees being $38,000-$75,000. |
Behavioral |
Injuries and chronic illnesses among workers to be prevented rather than dealt with after occurring. Increase the productivity of workers by having them take up healthier lifestyles. |
1.1.3 |
The business’ unique selling propositions |
Emphasizes prevention and good health promotion rather than treating injuries and chronic illnesses when they have occurred, reduces health care costs to corporations by reducing absenteeism and turnover, increased staff productivity and motivation as the workers are healthier and reduced workers’ compensation claims. |
1.1.4 |
Marketing objectives |
Increase market penetration in the city centres of Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney every quarter year. |
Change from traditional endeavors to corporate health care from treating illnesses and injuries to preventive health care measures and increase sales by 10% every year. |
Effective advertising campaign to promote Bounce Fitness services. The methods taken will depend on consumers; this is because marketing today is increasingly becoming consumer-driven. |
1.1.5 |
Advertising brief review
(based on the company’s marketing mix) |
The advertising campaign will reflect the needs of its members by value and outcome effectiveness. |
It has an objective to offer the community with quality and unique health programs and services. |
State of the art equipment and practices will be used to improve the quality of life through health and fitness services using the expanded preventive services. |
The fitness center will consider environmental factors and competition from its rival so as to come up with good advertising strategies. |
1.1.6 |
Proposed new creative requirements |
For this business idea to thrive, innovative and creative advertising methods should be taken up. For example, using social networks like Facebook, you tube and bounce fitness website. |
Worker productivity is directly tied to health care issues. The marketing team can start you tube videos which people will subscribe to join a work out session without physically visiting the fitness centre, especially If they live far from the centres. This way they can earn more. |
Creative ideas have to be implemented to deal with the demographic and economic changes. For instance, providing affordable programs that can be accessed by the majority of the target population. |
Investing in state of the art equipment and practices that are unique and beneficial to improving lives of the workers. |
The innovative programs will be affordable, reduce overall costs and at the same time increase the productivity of workers. |
1.1.7 |
Illustrate a creative artwork for an advertisement poster for Bounce Fitness that would focus on one of its advertising campaign objective (Increase market penetration every quarter) to ensure positive consumer responses. |
1.1.8 |
Provide a rationale on how the artwork would be able to enlist a positive consumer response |
The poster is eye-catching and that way it encourages one to take action after completing to read it. Action taken can be by making a phone call or visiting the nearest fitness centre. Having the posters in plain eye sight and at multiple places will have people getting the message and not forgetting it. A strategic location of putting up the posters like, at bus stops, bill boards along major roads will have the target consumers getting the message and taking action. Engaging the management of corporations by providing pamphlets will have them know about the fitness centre, and the target market and they may end up encouraging their employees to take up the idea.
1.1.9 |
Provide a brief justification on how it would meet ACMA regulatory requirements
Bounce fitness centre will ensure to pay the necessary charges to ACMA for having posters and billboards across the cities broadcasting the services they offer. The centre will ensure to follow all the standard codes of practice set by ACMA regarding the advertisement poster.
1.1.10 |
Provide a brief justification on how it would meet ACCC regulatory requirements
Services provided will be in line with the industry codes and regulations to fitness businesses. The prices offered for the programs and services will be logical and won’t be aimed at exploiting clients. The centre will also ensure it competes fairly with its rivals. |
1.1.11 |
Provide a brief justification on how it would meet ethical (social and cultural)requirements |
The management will ensure safety and quality of services and programs it offers to its clients. It will engage in fair employment practices and employ qualified individuals from mostly around the areas where they have set up the fitness centres. It will also engage in fair marketing and selling practices of their activities. |
Management approval(Trainer please þover boxes) |
Approved |
Not approved |
Management Initials (Trainer): |
Date |
2 Performance metrics of Bounce Fitness advertising campaign |
Review areas |
Corporate Marketing Plan Performance Review |
Evaluation (What is your opinion on the Bounce Fitness’ marketing performance?) |
Forecast |
Actual |
Sales |
$540,860 |
$540,860 |
Target sales were met. It’s good that the fitness centre has achieved the forecasted sales though it can expand to other places or increase the intensity of its advertising practices to increase sales. |
Marketing expenses |
$24,600 |
$73,818 |
The amount exceeded the budget by 50k plus. The business has to try alternative marketing practicesto reduce these marketing expenses. Like it can use sales-persons to go to the different corporations and advertise the services offered by the fitness centre. |
Website development |
$19,450 |
$17,300 |
The actual amount is lower than the forecasted, that’s good if all the developments in the site took place and were satisfying. |
Success with target segment last 3 months |
103 |
151 |
This shows that there was more positive feedback from the target population than expected. This means the business is viable and it can even expand according to the needs of the people. |
Success with communication strategy |
Pamphlet |
52 |
6 |
The pamphlet fell below target by 46. This isn’t a bad sign, but instead it shows that people trust social media advertisements more than pamphlets. It thus means that this isn’t the most effective advertising method. |
Website |
47 |
78 |
A business website that is well developed, attractive and widely advertised can get to the target market quickly and because people can read reviews from clients who’ve experienced the services first hand they can decide on whether to try the activities out. |
Facebook ad |
12 |
36 |
Facebook a social media platform is primarily used today, therefore,has a broader target market that it can get to, that why there feedback is more than expected. |
YouTube |
32 |
21 |
YouTube may not have received the targeted number because it may a require subscription to the YouTube channels. This maybe expensive for the population that doesn’t have access to a good internet connection. |
Special offers |
8 |
6 |
This is a good idea, but maybe it didn’t suit the target consumers as maybe it wasn’t as beneficial to them as they expected. If the special offers were on specific services and not all services; that may have been a reason for the low response. |
Total |
151 |
147 |
Better or improved communication strategies are needed. Or we need to change how we carry out our communication strategies altogether. Seeking the consumers’ opinions about what they expect can help us determine which communication strategies to take up. |
3. How does Bounce Fitness ensure that its campaign objectives will be feasible? |
SMART elements |
Bounce Fitness’ marketing objectives
(How does the organization’s objectives relate to SMART) |
Specific – ensure your objectives are clear and outline what you are hoping to achieve (Refer to Business Plan). |
Return on investment and increased net earnings. For a marketing plan to be feasible goals and objectives should be specific. Objectives help attain already set goals and help in achieving the vision of a business. Wider market penetration, increasing sales and revenue among others are examples of specific goals which lead to goal and vision achievement. |
Measurable - are your objectives able to be measured?
(Refer to Business Plan). |
Yes, the objectives can be measured. Bounce fitness intends to increase its sales in fitness programs and services to 10% every year. Increasing market penetration in the city centres of Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne every quarter year. Return on investment is expected to be 15%. The success of Bounce fitness is dependent on these parameters. |
Achievable - are the campaign objectives achievable for everyone involved? (Make your own assumption on how you wish to divide the percentage for each centers over 100%) |
Centers |
Target %
(Divide % appropriate to each center in terms of expected performance) |
Cairns (HQ) |
35% |
Sydney |
30% |
Melbourne |
20% |
Brisbane |
15% |
Realistic – do you have the resources and knowledge available to achieve the campaign objectives?
Bounce fitness has all the necessary resources and knowledge to achieve the campaign objectives. With all these the corporation can reasonably expect to achieve its goals and objectives within a particular timeframe.Based on the performance metrics of the company in Q2, it is observed that these attainment is possible |
Timing – map out a clear, achievable timeframe in which the objectives should be achieved. (Please note that objective is to increase 10% of sales $540,860 = $54,000 extra = $594,946 to be apportion into 4 quarters within a year) |
Qtr. |
Target forecast (Based on expected revenue of $594,946/- after including an increase of 10%) |
1 |
$140,000 |
2 |
$148,550 |
3 |
$150,100 |
4 |
$156,296 |
Task 2 |
1. Prepare an advertising budget based on the following” · What research resource requirements will Bounce Fitness need for this campaign? · Discuss the range of media options that Bounce Fitness can consider and provide justifications to the choices selected. · Seek approval on the choice of media options for Bounce Fitness by providing a discussion and ensure that the budget and availability allocated is sufficient to meet the advertisement objectives? · How would Bounce Fitness ensure that the overall budget meets the requirement of the advertising brief? |
Types of market research |
Discuss the various market research rationale to enable Bounce Fitness to understand what is needed for its advertising campaign |
Marketing research |
Market research is paramount for Bounce Fitness as it links employers and employees of the target corporations to the staff and owners of Bounce Fitness. This research will help identify and determine the impacts that different advertising or marketing methods have to consumer behaviour of fitness programs. It will help management to make decisions concerning the services they offer. |
Attitude surveys |
A consumer attitude survey is essential to understand the feelings of the target consumers about the change in which Bounce Fitness will bring to their lives and how it will increase their productivity, compared to other Fitness Centers that haven’t changed from the traditional practices. This will help the management know what services to improve and the ones that aren’t so important to the majority of the population. |
Secondary research |
This kind of research is based on written sources. Example books, journals, newspapers and even surveys done by another party relating to information that Bounce Fitness needs to learn about its target market. Data collected from this research should be evaluated well to ensure it isn’t obsolete because it may have been taken at a time that economic and demographic changes were not considered. |
Focus group interviews |
It used to collect qualitative data and is an excellent source of information, it’s a bit cheaper, and one can get to interview very many people. It will help determine what is most important to the consumers’ of Bounce Fitness programs. People speak and air out their opinions more when they are a group than as individuals especially if it’s an organized discussion. |
Observation |
Observation will help Bounce Fitness realize what their target population considers to be important in their lives and how it will incorporate fitness to be a culture of this people. Quantitative and qualitative data can be collected using this method. |
Mystery shoppers |
This isideal market research as a researcher will go into another fitness centre and observe the activities carried out, the centre’s environment, client-staff communication and maybe the number of clients that that particular fitness hub serves. This way Bounce can improve its services to match or beat those of its competitors and therefore increase its sales. |
Site audits |
Site audits can be used to identify the assets that a competing fitness centre has. It can also help determine how it records its financial statements. This will help Bounce Fitness know the population better since that is what will drive competing fitness hubs to invest in particular assets. |
Demonstration/observation checklist |
Candidate’s name |
Assessor’s name |
Dr Eugene Lim/ Andrey Loburets |
Work activity |
Seek clarification on Bounce Fitness’ advertising purpose and business objectives |
Date |
2. Identify and negotiatewith external supplier (your trainer would undertake this role)on the range of media options that Bounce Fitness can consider. (You may use supplementary case materials found in the Moodle to assist you on this question) |
Media options |
Merits (list benefits of using media type) |
Value according to budgetary requirements (How much and does it meet budget?) |
Legal and ethical requirements (List regulatory body/ issues) |
Free TV advertising |
A larger population gets to view the advert as most people watch tv. Television is the best option for products that have a wide target market. The geographic scope of television advertisement may vary from region depending on whether public broadcasting or subscriber-based cable services are used. Having a captivating advertisement that conveys the message undoubtedly can increase the number of customers Bounce may get. |
$6400. The amount exceeds the budget with a considerable amount. The amount is based on three months for four states for four quarters of a year. |
Australian Communication and media authority (ACMA). |
Radio advertising |
Smart marketers use radio to advertise their products. Advertising on radio is cost effective and easily accessible, provides direct responses as it speaks directly to consumers of different lifestyle segments. It also provides a personal connection that reaches mass audience in a targeted way. Radio targets at the right time in a creative way and it’s specific. Radio stations are mostly local though there are options that can increase geographical coverage of a radio station. |
$5280. The amount exceeds the budget with a considerable amount.The amount is based on three months for four states for four quarters of a year. |
ACCC, Commercial Radio, Communication Council |
Sales brochures/ promotions |
Sales brochures areinexpensive and easy to produce. The designing and printing of these brochures has been made simple with today’s digital world. They are very easy to read as they have all the necessary information that needs to be communicated |
$1400. This method meets the budget. |
Australian Communication and media authority (ACMA). |
Magazine advertisement |
Magazines offer organizations with an option of presenting their message using high quality images. A magazine already has a fan base that buys each issue, as an advertising platform bounce can advertise in fitness and health-related magazines or even corporate magazines. |
$23880. Exceeds the budget by a small amount. The amount is based on the whole year advertising is paid every month for half a page and its casual. |
Australian Communication and media authority (ACMA).. |
Web development/ social marketing |
The internet is the fastest growing media advertisement method. Expenditure for internet advertising is experiencing unparalleled growth compared to spending in other media advertising methods. Social media advertising is used to describe forms of online advertising that focus on social media sites such as; Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. |
$23760. It doesn’t exceed the budget it is actually less the than the speculated amount. The amount is based on five minutes of advertising every day for four quarters of the year. |
Australian Communication and media authority (ACMA). |
Prepared by |
Student’s signature |
Date |
Management approval(Trainer please þover boxes) |
Approved |
Not approved |
Management Initials (Trainer): |
Date |
3. Seek approval on the choice of media options for Bounce Fitness by providing a discussion and ensure that the budget and availability allocated is sufficient to meet the advertisement objectives?(Please refer to the Creative Brief for the Introduction of Corporate Fitness Programs) |
Demonstration/observation checklist |
Candidate’s name |
Date |
Work activity |
Budget proposal and approval |
Assessor’s name |
Dr Eugene Lim/ Andrey Loburets |
Type of media |
Justifications to choice |
Annual budget allocation ($) |
Q1 ($) |
Q2 ($) |
Q3 ($) |
Q4 ($) |
Sales brochure/ promotions |
It is less expensive, and our sales representatives received positive feedback from clients during handing out. The information in the brochures was accurate. |
6,000 |
$2000 |
$1800 |
$1200 |
$1000 |
Magazine advertisement |
Employees and employers in the selected city centres buy magazines a lot. Bounce decided to advertise in health, fitness and corporate related and inspired magazines. |
23,880 |
$5970 |
$5970 |
$5970 |
$5970 |
Web development/ social marketing |
Social media ads, pages and Bounce Fitness website received the highest feedback that why the most significant amount was allocated to it. |
23,760 |
$5940 |
$5940 |
$5940 |
$5940 |
Total |
$53,640 |
Management approval(Trainer please þover boxes) |
Approved |
Not approved |
Management(trainer)Name |
Dr Eugene Lim/ Andrey Loburets |
Management (trainer) Initials |
Date |
4. Produce a timeline chart for Bounce Fitness to meet creative, media and production requirements for a YouTube advertisement to supplement its social marketing activity in order to achieve advertising objectives.(* You may make reference of each task activity at |
Creative, media and production activity (Please highlight the boxes according to the required timeline to achieve each activity) |
Periods |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
Setting up media objectives |
Market research |
Planning on core message |
Writing a production brief |
Pre-production |
Write script |
Create storyboard |
Plan and schedule shoot |
Production |
Post production editing |
Transpose graphics and special effects |
Mix music and soundtrack |
Record voiceover |
Format and host the video |
Set up analytics and results |
Distribute and promote video |
Monitor and review response |
5. milestones for monitoring progress and expenditure against budget, and for evaluating campaign effectiveness for various media types |
Media type |
Period |
Monitoring milestones activities(Briefly state when should each media be tracked) |
Person responsible |
Start date |
End date |
Monitoring progress against proposed plan |
Expenditure against budget |
Evaluating campaign effectiveness |
Sales brochure/ promotions |
17/7/18 |
16/7/19 |
Bi-monthly. |
Kept at $6,000 |
Customer response rate. |
Marketing manager |
Magazine advertisement |
17/7/18 |
01/7/19 |
Bi-monthly. |
$8000 |
Customer response rate |
Marketing manager |
Web development/ social marketing |
17/7/18 |
31/7/19 |
Bi-monthly. |
$9200 |
Customer response rate |
Marketing manager |
Management approval(Trainer please þover boxes) |
Approved |
Not approved |
Management(trainer): |
Dr Eugene Lim/ Andrey Loburets |
Management Initial: |
Date |
References |
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
6. 7. |
Daymon, C., & Holloway, I. (2010). Qualitative research methods in public relations and marketing communications. Routledge. Huseman, R. C., Lahiff, J. M., & Penrose, J. M. (1991). Business communication: Strategies and skills. Harcourt School. Nysveen, H., &Breivik, E. (2005). The influence of media on advertising effectiveness a comparison of internet, posters and radio. International Journal of Market Research, 47(4), 381-404. Laufer, W. S. (2003). Social accountability and corporate greenwashing. Journal of business ethics, 43(3), 253-261. Parker, C. (1999). Compliance professionalism and regulatory community: The Australian trade practices regime. Journal of law and society, 26(2), 215-239. Kaye, B. N. (1992). Codes of ethics in Australian business corporations. Journal of Business Ethics, 11(11), 857-862. Waters, R. D., & Jones, P. M. (2011). Using video to build an organization's identity and brand: A content analysis of nonprofit organizations' YouTube videos. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 23(3), 248-268. |
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