You are expected, using a rich set of sources and applying the most appropriate theoretical frameworks and concepts, to critically analyse and discuss the following aspects:
The CSR issues associated with the company of your choice;
The variation in the CSR issues and approach your chosen company uses in different countries, especially considering the specificities of the activities in emerging markets associated with the selected company/sector
The most relevant stakeholders in your chosen TNC-related case (local, national, and/orglobal)
a) the CSR strategies and b) alternative social enterprise forms that can be used to tackle ethical issue(s) identified with your selected company and some examples from your group member companies for comparison e.g. low wages and use processed meats vs living wage and use of sustainable unprocessed meats; recommendations/plan for a social enterprise alternative with pros and cons of it as an option identified.
Corporate Social Responsibility of McDonald's
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays crucial role in image building of every organization. It helps the organization to achieve desired reputation in the society (Castellanos, Parra and Tremblay 2015). Every business organization incorporates some CSR policies into their rulebook to improve their public image, as transparent image is highly beneficial for every organization to achieve long term goal. CSR act as an important tool to draw the attention of large number of consumers and media. It helps the organization to promote their brand image (Anaf et al. 2017).
McDonald’s is a leading American fast food restaurant chain. It is famous for its burgers, and other fast food products. It offers wide range of products to its consumers. The organization has started its journey in 1940. It is considered as one of the largest restaurant chain of the world. It is a huge profit making organizations. Organizational management of McDonalds has incorporated some effective CSR policies to maintain healthy relation with the society and consumers (, 2017). The below mentioned article has concentrated on the CSR policy of McDonalds. The article has articulated different CSR policies of the organization that have been adopted by the organizational management to put a strong impact on the society.
McDonald is renowned for its food products as well as for its corporate social responsibility. It has implemented many remarkable steps to support the social development and the people around the organization. The development of any organization is highly dependent on its CSR policy. It helps the organization to build a strong image in the society. According to the Steve Easterbrook the CEO of McDonalds, the primary objective of the organization is to provide quality product and service to its consumers (Cha, Yi, and Bagozzi, 2016). However, they always pay close attention to their activities. They do not participate in any kind of operation that can be harmful for the society and the people around the society. The organizational management is aware of the fact that it is highly important for every business organization to maintain healthy and interactive relation with the all the stakeholders, society and people around the organization to run the business organization successfully (Cheng, Ioannou and Serafeim 2014). The organizational management of McDonalds has included some important CSR policies into their rulebook, such as-
The organization focuses on using low LED light bulbs to save energy. It helps the organization to save energy which is highly beneficial for the society.
McDonald's CSR Policies
According to the organizational management if McDonalds they concentrate on using biodiesel into all their trucks and other transport system to avoid the use of harmful fuel on the trucks.
The organizational management of McDonald believes in recycling. They encourage their staff members to use bio degradable products into all their firms and restaurants. It is highly beneficial for the society to fight against the effect of global warming. The organizational management wants to save the planet by providing efficient support (Stone 2015). The organizational management encourages its employees to produce zero waste and recycle the waste of the organization. They have implemented several new technologies to recycle the waste products to save the environment from the effect of global warming.
The organizational management has taken another notable initiative to save water. Water is one of the key components to save the earth. The organizational management has concentrated on saving the water by implementing effective strategy. The organizational management encourages its staff members to avoid the excessive use of water. The organizational management has included some rules to prevent the excessive consumption of water.
The organization management of McDonalds often participates in several social awareness campaigns such as- keep Britain tidy, keep Wales tidy, keep Scotland beautiful. It helps the organization to support their society as well as build a strong relation with the society.
McDonalds often participate in various charity programs to support the needy and underprivileged people of the society. Hey provide educational support to the children who are suffering from poverty.
McDonald is well-known for supporting sick children. The organizational management of McDonald provides sufficient support to those kids for getting beetr treatments to heal their disease. The organizational management of McDonald has set an example by providing the children who are suffering from various deadly diseases. The organizational management of McDonald is associated with various hospitals and health care organizations for providing financial support to them. The organizational management has taken a notable initiative to collect donation for the poverty stricken people and sick people of the society. They keep a box in each of their restaurants and asked their consumers to provide a small amount for the betterment of the needy class of the society (Wymer et al. 2014).
The organizational management of McDonalds donates a huge amount of its annual revenue for the betterment of the agriculture industry of Britain as the ingredients of McDonald’s food products come from the farmers of Britain and Ireland. Those British and Irish farmers help the organization by providing food pork, beef, eggs organic milk, potato and other vegetables. In order to maintain a healthy and transparent relation with the farmers organizational management provides sufficient financial support to the farmers.
Impact of CSR Policies on Society
The organizational management of McDonald participates in various kinds of fund raising program like football tournaments, auctions. It helps the organization to earn sufficient fund to provide support to the needy people of the society.
To encourage the youth of the society the organizational management of McDonald organize football and cricket tournament in the schools, colleges and clubs. They give effective messages to the young generation of the society to motivate them to achieve their target. Such community building activity of the organization fosters the growth of the organization (Wickert, Scherer and Spence 2016).
McDonald organizes a program called daily litter petrol to encourage the society to avoid the use of harmful fuel in the transport.
McDonald ensures that all the food products are being supplied to their consumers are completely organic and harmless. The organizational management has taken several initiatives to ensure that all the ingredients are being used in the food product are 100% organic. They maintain a strong supply chain with all their suppliers. They inform their suppliers that they need to take care of their livestock and provide them sufficient and good food. It is important to maintain the health of livestock for producing high quality food products. The organizational management of McDonalds has taken several initiatives such as- global beef sustainability, global coffee sustainability and so on. The organizational management of McDonalds encourages their farmers to use modern techniques to improve the quality of their farming and protect the crops from any kind of virus affect (Richards et al. 2015).
The organizational management of McDonald aims at providing healthy and nutritious food products to its consumers. The organizational management pays close attention to produce healthy and good foods for the food lovers. They focus on the taste of their food products. According to the CEO of McDonalds, they do not prefer to compromise on their quality and taste of their food products.
The organizational management maintains strong and effective relation with all its employees and other stake holders. The organizational management is aware of the fact that to ensure the growth of the organization it is important for the organization to maintain healthy relation with the employees and earn the faith of the stakeholders. They offer various services to their employees, such as- free eye check up, free health check up. It helps the organization to maintain a strong relation with the employees (Nordensvard, Urban and Mang 2015).
The organizational management of McDonalds provides complete support to their employee if any employee is suffering from any kind of emotional or physical issues. It often offers leaves, incentives or valuable suggestions to its employees to overcome the rough patch they are going through.
The organizational management of McDonalds pays close attention to the problems of their each employee. They try to maintain communication with their employees to identify the problems their employees are going thorough. In order to achieve the desired target it is important for the employee to participate in the organizational operation. Such practices help the organization to increase the loyality towards the organization. It influences the development of the organization (Xu 2014).
According to the organizational management employees are the face of their organization (Lee et al. 2014). They often provide educational support to their employees. The organization always stands by the side of their employees if they have any kind of financial or personal problem. They support their employees to follow their dreams. It is a remarkable initiative taken by the organizational authority of McDonalds. The employees are often offered various kinds of opportunities by the organizational management which are beneficial for the growth of their career.
The organizational management avoids the use of any kind of non bio degradable products in the firms and restaurants. They encourage their staff to use vegetable oil to prepare the food products and avoid any kind of practices that can be harmful for the environment.
Such practices have helped McDonalds to achieve a desired position in the organization. McDonalds has brought revolution in the food industry. The organizational management of McDonalds always focuses on maintain healthy and interactive relation with the society to maintain the development of the organization (McDonald 2015). McDonald has set an example in the food industry by providing efficient service. According to the organizational management of McDonald although, the primary motive of a business organization is to earn profit, the organization must play the role of s responsible citizen.
There are various theories that describe the ethical practices of a business organization, such as- duty to people or principle, compassion and consequence, virtue and vice (Lim, Kang and Kim 2017). These theories enlighten different sets of ethics. As per the previous discussion it can be stated that organizational management of McDonald follow the ethics of Duty to the people or principle. McDonald management always concentrates on their duty towards the society and serves the society with quality service. The theory discusses about the business organization that wants to participate in social establishment by providing efficient support. Organizational management of McDonalds focus on their social responsibility to helps the society. Being a leading food restaurant of the world, McDonald always provides quality food products to its consumers and always listens to their complaints to identify their mistakes and improve their performance. The organizational management avoids any kind of practices that can harm society (Parra, Tremblay and Castellanos 2016). Thus, it can be stated that organizational management of McDonalds follows the duty to people and principle ethics to manage its operation successfully.
As per the previous discussion it can be stated that organizational management of McDonald has taken some extra ordinary steps to support society establishment. Such behavior is rarely shown by any business organization (van den Heuvel, Soeters and Gössling, 2014). It is often evident that McDonald’s organization management supports the community building by organizing various physical activity programs such as football tournament, cricket tournament. However, this is not often evident. The main objective of the business organizations is to earn profit. Although, being a business organization the primary objective of McDonald is also to earn huge revenue, the organization is aware of their social responsibility (Mayes, Pini and McDonald 2013). It helps them to avoid any kind of unethical practice that can be harmful for the society. In this competitive era, it is often evident that business organizations participate in various kind of unlawful activity to defeat their rival companies and to make huge profit. However, according to the organizational management, they want to maintain healthy relation with the society and play the role of a good neighbor. It leads them to maintain a transparent and interactive relation with the stake holders and society (Korschun, Bhattacharya and Swain 2014). Another remarkable step taken by the organizational management of McDonald is to provide educational support to the employees. The management of McDonald has set an exceptional example in the history of business. It has distinguishes McDonald form other profit making business organizations. No other business organization provides this opportunity to their employees. According the authority of McDonalds, employees are the face of their organization. They are highly responsible for the growth f the organization. Thus, it is important for the organization to stand by the side of their employees in all circumstances. The organizational management provides opportunity to the employees to improve their skills and achieve their goal (Green and Peloza 2014). This has increased the loyality of the employees towards the organization. It is often evident that business organizations pay low wages to its employees and expects them to perform more efficiently. In this scenario McDonald is doing an exceptional job. McDonald is also known for taking remarkable steps to save the atmosphere. Save water, zero garbage, recycle, such practices has helped the organization to earn reputation in the society. The primary objective of McDonald is to serve their consumers with healthy and nutritious products. In order to achieve the target and making huge profit, the organization never compromise with their health of their consumers. They always use organic products to produce food products. They make sure that no harmful or artificial ingredients are being used by the manufacturers. Here lies the difference between other brands and McDonalds. Cheap and Harmful products are often being used by the producers of food products in restaurants. The organizational management of McDonald pays close attention to the fact to avoid any kind of awful consequence (Dong, Burritt and Qian 2014).
CSR policies plays crucial role in the development of every organization. It helps the organization to achieve desired position in the society and defeat the rival companies. Corporate social responsibility of the every organization helps the organization to achieve desired target and maintain healthy relation with the society and people around the organization. Many leading organizations have implemented various corporate social responsibilities to promote the brand image in the society and draw the attention of maximum number of consumers. As per the previous discussion, it can be concluded that McDonalds has set an example by taking some innovative and unique initiatives that has distinguished the organization from rest of the business organizations. The organizational management of McDonalds follows the ethical theory ‘Duty to the people and principle’. The motive of the organizational management of McDonalds is to earn profit as well as perform all the responsibilities of being a good neighbor. The organizational management has taken some notable initiatives, such as- save energy, save water, community building, help the needy people of the society, save environment and provide support to the employee. These activities have helped the organization to earn the faith of the stakeholders and promote the brand name of the organization. Another major CSR policy has been implemented by McDonald is to provide educational support to the employees who want to follow their dreams. This has brought revolution in the business world. This has influenced the development of McDonalds.
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