Write a Reflective Practice Essay on Developing your Communication Competency.
Assessment of Different Forms of Communication
Effective business communication is essentially a two-way street. It includes the process of listening as well as speaking and is important to be maintained in a workplace for its effective functioning. Communication is an important aspect which is needed to be maintained in order for a workplace to function in a coordinated manner. Therefore, this essay deals with the different forms of communication that are required in a workplace in three detailed sections. The first section includes assessment of different forms of communication I through details from which one important concept has been identified. This aspect is the main focus of the next section. The last section includes the identification of two more concepts which would undoubtedly help me in reaching my future aspirations in the field of business. Therefore, this essay would contain the identification of different modes of communication which can help in maintaining the proper functioning of an organization or workplace. Therefore, this essay starts off with the basic understanding of the weekly assessments of the ten weeks.
In the first week, the basic definition of communication has been explained in through details followed by its effective purpose as well as the different types of theories and principles which are required to understand this concept in a better manner. During my second week, the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication was accessed through the aid of expectancy violation theory. Week three dealt with a different form of communication. This type of communication was in a written form which includes emails, reports, memos, and newsletters among others. During my fourth week, I learned about the importance of how these written forms of communications were needed to be executed. The main focus was given on how to structure the sentences and paragraphs and most importantly on how to avoid plagiarism.
During the fifth week, I learned about how to construct a literature review as well as self-reflective essay based on the information from the previous weeks. Week six included the approach to public speaking as an effective mode of communication. In this week I learned how to overcome my apprehension of seeking in public. I also understood how I can organize the information for it to be laid out in a presentable manner. The seventh week dealt deeper into the different aspects of communication. It mostly focused on cultural and inter-cultural communication. In this week I understood the different problems one might face due to the language barrier. Therefore, I also accessed alternative methods through which this aspect can be overcome.
Importance of Verbal Communication
In the eighth week, the main focus was on organizational communication and the different forms of a communication network through which the main context can be understood. The ninth week consisted of understanding how to effectively communicate within a team. Therefore, the different stages of teambuilding through the aid of collective decision-making process as well as group discussions were held. I learned about the importance of formal meetings through which effective communication can be processed in a workplace. In the tenth and last week, the difference between interpersonal communications to that of intrapersonal communicating was assessed. These assessments were done through the aid of identification of passive and assertive message and how they can be used as problem-solving skills. I also learned about different types of socio-communication styles which can be used for the process of communication.
During the ten weeks of assessment, I have identified various methods of communication. Among all these methods, the one which seemed the most relevant and effective to me is verbal communication. As pined by Little et al. (2015), both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication have its advantage and disadvantage. However, according to me, verbal communication provides the most scope of relaying of information from one source to another. According to the models of communication, there are three different aspects known as the linear model, the second is called the interactive one while the one is a transactional model. A thorough assessment of these respective models has helped me in understanding that the linear model only allows one form of communication. Therefore, in this aspect, the message can only be given but not received. According to Abney, Dale, Kello & Louwerse (2017), the interactive models allow a two-way form of communication which allows in sharing of the message as well as feedback. Although there can be various barriers in the form of noise which might disrupt the smooth flow of the communication.
However, it is the third model known as a transactional model which allows not only sharing of information but also creating adequate content while maintaining appropriate communication.
Therefore, I can align this model with that of verbal communication as it allows two-way exchanges. As per the view of Karanges, Johnston, Beatson & Lings (2015), verbal communication helps in direct exchange of oral words which leaves no space for miscommunication. From this, I can understand how verbal communication stands out from the rest of the forms of communication. More the amount of communication will help in the effective formulation of solutions to various problems. Especially in a workplace where there are a number of stakeholders present, verbal communication is the most effective as direct information can be shared (gdins.org, 2018). I can understand that direct communication undoubtedly makes the whole process a lot simpler and easier to access.
Different Types of Verbal Communication
Through the aid of the exchange method in direct communication, all the problems can be discussed openly with stakeholders. Different opinions and views can be gathered from this process in order to formulate its effective solution (scipro.ru, 2016). This process would not only solve the issue of a workplace but also enhance teamwork as it requires the process of collective discussion. From this, it can be stated that the aspect of verbal communication can be actually be divided into four parts. These consist of intrapersonal and interpersonal communication followed by small group and public communication (sagu.edu, 2016). Through an assessment of these types have helped me in understanding that while intrapersonal is a form of restricted communication to oneself, however, interpersonal communication takes place between two individuals.
Therefore, in a workplace interpersonal communication and small group communication are mostly taken into account. The aspect of small group communications can be defined in terms of meetings where ideas and views are exchanged. According to my assessment, small group communication is the most effective among verbal communication. This is because it allows the freedom in a workplace to discuss various ideas and opinions. As forwarded by Slack, Corlett, & Morris (2015), verbal communication proves to be effective especially in the time of crisis. In this respect, I can state that through the aid of verbal communication all the problems can be discussed in through details. Apart from gathering information and opinions, verbal communication will effectively help in providing a solution in a faster manner through the aid of open discussion (Duff, 2017). Therefore, these ideas and opinions, in turn, can be used to increase effective use to increase the organizations.
However, there are certain aspects of this mode of communication as well. For example, getting too many ideas and options at once can lead to a chaotic situation. This can create more problems instead of any solution. Also, in a group meeting, all information might not all interpreted by everybody in the same manner and as the course of a meeting requires steady conversation, one might not get the chance to clear it immediately; hence it would create a communication and lag in understanding. Therefore, I think these aspects in verbal communication should be paid adequate information so that the process can be carried out thoroughly within any hindrance.
From the above literature review, I have thoroughly accessed the importance of verbal communication and its significance in a workplace. However, I have also managed to identify two more important concepts which might help in a future assessment. Among these two concepts, I have identified intercultural communication to be of vital importance. As per the view of Bonaccio, O’Reilly, O’Sullivan & Chiocchio (2016), intercultural communication faces a lot of problems, mainly due to language barriers. Therefore, according to me, the first step is to understand the other culture. Asking questions s an effective method through which the aspect of intercultural communication can be made better. Continues practice is also necessary in order to break the language barrier (inlpcenter.or, 2018).
Advantages and Disadvantages of Verbal Communication
Moreover, in a workplace hiring of a translator is an excellent recommendation through which this process can be made more effective and easier (mastersincommunications.org, 2018). Meanwhile, periodic training procedure is needed to be implemented. This process is kind of an on-going job training where the employees can work and also learn about the other culture in order to overcome the language barrier. Gaining the proper skill of intercultural communication is a vital aspect which would undoubtedly help an organization to grow towards a positive direction (Parodi, 2015). According to my opinion, in a workplace, not only does this helps in creating effective communication but also enhances the reputation of the company. This aspect can directly be connected to the concept of professional communication.
Professional communication is essentially a process used in a workplace in which communication is differed orally, visually or even digitally. In the 21st century, the presence of digital media has spread like a wildfire with the advancement of technology (Gartmeier, Gebhardt & Dotger, 2016). Among professional communication, verbal communication also plays an important part and therefore, these two aspects are interconnected with one another. Thus, it can be stated that these two procedures are essential concepts through which I can enhance my working abilities in the future. For appropriately working, integration of intercultural as well as a professional form of communication in my skill set will help me achieve better results as a professional worker.
The ten-week course has undoubtedly helped me in understanding the various modes of communication which are essential in a workplace. Thorough assessments of all these concepts have to lead me to believe that by integration of intercultural and professional communication would help me achieve a certain degree of professionalism in a workplace. Through these aspects, not only can I communicate with people from various cultures to enhance my organizational value but also deal with them in a professional and organized manner. For my future career, I essentially believe that these two forms of communication will help me to properly present myself in a workplace where I would be able to communicate about my views and opinions for enhancing the overall organizational performance. Therefore, these modes of communication can be of essential help for the fulfillment of my future aspirations to work successfully in a business organization.
During my ten week assessment, I have gathered enough information about the different types of communication and the ones which are the most significant. Among these, I have identified verbal communication as the most important form of communication which is essential in a workplace for its proper functioning. Apart from this aspect of communication, two other important forms have been identified as well which would essentially help in the maintenance of proper aspects of communication. These include intercultural and professional modes of communication. Through the implementation of these aspects, an organization can definitely benefit. However, the modes of communication are essentially used by the stakeholders, therefore, through assessment of a workplace will help in identification of the proper method of communication needed to be used. Although the most recommended one is verbal communication due to its easy mode of direct conversation with the opposite party. Therefore, this essay has thoroughly helped in understanding the different modes of communication available which can be used in a workplace for its effective functioning. Thus, through the aid of a thorough analysis of the weekly discussed concepts, the significance and it is effective has been understood and through highlighted in this essay. Its contribution to the assessment of my future aspiration is also immense as I have able to identify which forms of communication I can use to work effectively in the future. Thus, this essay holds great significance and in-depth discussion of the chosen forms of communication.
Abney, D. H., Dale, R., Kello, C. T., & Louwerse, M. M. (2017). Burstiness across multimodal human interaction reveals differences between verbal and non-verbal communication. In CogSci. 1(1), 33-54. Retrieved on 2nd October 2018 from: https://mindmodeling.org/cogsci2017/papers/0020/paper0020.pdf
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