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A FIRST CLASS mark must have all the above plus: Interpretation and scope: Excellent definition of the situation discussed and analyzed. All significant points are identified and covered. All necessary information is presented in the appropriate format.Understanding of topic: Excellent understanding and exposition of Operations & SCM management issues. Insightful and well informed. Good awareness of nuances and complexities of Operations &
SCM with other operation activities. The topic is focused and clearly defined.Use of literature Excellent use of related evidence to support arguments/points. Substantial evidence of independent research that exceeds the basic requirements. Practically no TURN-IT-IN matches in literature.

Evaluation and synthesis of evidence: Substantial evaluation and synthesis of source material and numerical results. Evaluation of interactions with other business areas. High level of numerical analysis.Critical analysis: Excellent standard of critical analysis. Questioning but unbiased approach of current practices. Clear evidence of independent thought. Critical discussion of numerical results.Structure, logical development: Convincing case made. Aims, arguments and conclusions fully compatible.

Executive Summary: Clearly defines subject. Includes aims, approach and conclusions Conclusion: Excellent. Accurately identifies and summarises key points/ issues/ outcomes. Uses appropriate number of numerical results to support outcomes Spelling, grammar and syntax: Very high standard. Negligible errors.Style: Very effective use of English. Clear and easy to read.Presentation of data and references: Excellent use of relevant data, examples, figures, models. Data
are clearly and effectively summarized with the use of appropriate tables or figures. References accurately cited and listed.Overall presentation: Excellent presentation. Carefully organised and well presented. Students’ Handbook followed.

Project Aim

Every organization looks forward in the direction of completing their project successfully and increasing the turnover of the company. The development of the continuous improvement for innovative policies and procedures helps in improving the operational capability of the business. The flaws and gaps which exists in the current working environment of the enterprise can be resolved by doing reviews and evaluation of feedback to analyse the requirement of changes required in the logistics and operational plan of the enterprise (Mary, Enyinna, and Franca, 2015).

The logistics management system focuses on managing the supply and demand of the members to meet their requirements and values. The visualization of the inventory flow among the different sectors of the firm is the major concern to achieve project success (Otieno, 2014). The logistic program focuses on managing and storing the inventory, packing of the product, distribution of the product to the end users, and transportation process. The development of the effective supply chain management system is the key role for improving the better control on managing the flow of inventory.

The long term sustainability of the enterprise can be achived by developing effective model for the supply chain management system. The efficiency of the operational plan can be effectively enhanced by proper utilization of the resources. The productivity of the firm increases with the development of provision plan to provide good quality services and facilities to the customers.

The Globex Organization is facing problems in completing their undertaken project within time and with efficiency. The quality of the end-products are decreasing due to the poor management of operational plan, stakeholder association of the project, ineffective logistic program, poor strategic plan, management of resources, and others. The owner of the company is looking forward to design a new operational strategy which is helpful in managing the resources to the construction site, operational working plan, logistic management plan, better control of project activities, and others.

Project Aim

The aim of the project is to improve operational and logistic limitation of the current working of the Globex organization by deploying new strategic plan for the betterment of the enterprise.

Project Objectives

The objectives of the project are as follows:

  • Evaluation of the problem domain exist in the current working of the operational plan of the business organization
  • Analysing the limitation of logistic plan and resource management plan
  • Development of the project schedule for improving the strategic plan of the enterprise
  • Innovation in the operational and logistics plan of the business
  • Managing communication flow between internal and external stakeholders of the organization
  • Analysing the efficiency of the supply chain management system
  • Designing of the new improved innovative supply chain and logistics plan
  • Development of Inventory management system
  • Development of quality standard and quality management plan’
  • Initializing performance indicators factors
  • Analyse the impact of change in operational strategy and logistic plan on the project capability and output

Project Scope

The scope of the project is to determine and evaluate the limitation of the Globex organization in managing their resource planning, supply and demand of resources, inventory management, quality of the end products, and logistics plan. It is required to design an innovative solution for the enhanced strategic planning to manage better control on inventory, resource management, logistic control, communication management plan, and others.

In-scope activities

enhanced strategic planning

to manage better control on inventory

Resource management

logistic control

Communication management plan

Improved operational plan

Incorporating performance success factors

Development of effective stakeholder management plan

Out-of scope activities

Training program required for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the working employees

Agreement with the contractor

Cost estimation plan


Project Objectives

Description of the current situation

The Globex organization is facing problem in managing effective scheduling of the resources and the inventory. The demand raised by the participating members was not fulfilled which results in the delay of the project schedule which marks the project failure. The quality of output is not produced by the working units due to the limitation of strategic plan and operational plan of the enterprise. The profit and turnover of the company is getting decreased at a faster rate due to the increasing market competition and excessive amount of inventory wastage. The significant step and strategy is required to resolve the complexities of the project (Monnappa, 2017).

The failure of the project is majorly due to the inaccuracy in information and data provided to the stakeholders, slower rate of operations, instability in the completion of the project activities, increased growth of market competition, poor quality of the product, and excessive amount of inventory wastage. The development of operational and logistics management system for the improved and enhanced working capability of the enterprise helps in improving the turnover of the company and providing better quality products to the customers.

The good provision of facilities, quality and services helps in developing strong bonding with the customers. The traditional working of the enterprise is facing complexities in designing the operational plan for the logistics system and transportation of the resources at the time of need. The integrity in the forecasting the requirement of supply and demand of resources is the failure in the current working scenario of the enterprise. The changes required in the process schedule are not easy tasks to incorporate in the operational plan of the enterprise.

The complexities in managing the resources induce chaos and conflicts in the working procedures laid down by the stakeholders in completing their given tasks. The inefficiency of the business operational plan and project schedule may affect the decision making capability of the project manager in enhancing the work flow management system among the participating units.

possible solution

The inefficiency of the Globex organization can be improved by developing innovative strategies for the operational plan of supply chain and logistics management system. The possible solutions for improving the working strategies of the enterprise are:

Processes analysis and facilities layout:

The evaluation and analysis of the processes undertaken have to be done for improving the work flow management of the organization. The focus should be given on the quality of services and facilities provided to the end users. The systematic synchronisation of the processes helps in achieving the goals and objectives of the Globex enterprise with efficiency. The limitation and gaps which exists in the existing policy framework should be analysed for the effective development of inventory management system, logistic management system, communication management plan, resources planning, and others. The quality standards should e prepared by developing the checklist from the requirement specification plan designed by the project owner.

In-scope activities

The activity schedule should be developed according to the requirement specification plan so that the goal can be achieved within the boundaries of project time and cost. The work breakdown structure should be prepared to analyse the significant completion of the processes and procedures in the direction of project objectives. The division of role and responsibilities among the stakeholders according to their capabilities and efficiency helps in increasing the work performance. The development of the stakeholder engagement plan helps in minimizing the chaos and conflicts which exists among the employees due to the resource unavailability and required authority for completing the tasks.

Logistics and distribution strategies

The strategic approach should be designed for managing the flow of resources among the working units of the enterprise. The logistic process starts with the input required for the project which can be summarised as natural and physical resources for the project, human resources, financial funding resources, and information and data resources. The logistic activities are comprised for various stages for managing the flow of raw material, in-process inventory, and delivery of the final goods and products. The various activities which are undertaken for managing the flow of information are analysis of the customer services and facilities, forecasting of the demand raised by the stakeholders, deployment of the distribution communication plan, estimating the inventory control procedures, managing flow of material handling for the required project,

managing process and procedures, incorporation of the order processing units, selection of the warehouse, development of the procurement management plan, systematic analysis of the packaging system, distribution of the goods and services, development of the waste management system for the inventory, proposing the design for traffic control and transportation system for the products, and effective management of the inventory storage. The incorporation of effective logistic program helps in increasing the level of customers satisfaction, increasing profitability of the organization, and gaining competitive advantage.

The logistics management system focuses on managing the supply and demand of the members to meet their requirements and values. The visualization of the inventory flow among the different sectors of the firm is the major concern to achieve project success. The logistic program focuses on managing and storing the inventory, packing of the product, distribution of the product to the end users, and transportation process. The diagram below shows the systematic management of the logistic program for improving the efficiency of the Globex organization.

Estimation and Demand Forecasting

Out-of-scope activities

Demand estimation and forecasting is the procedure for defining the linkage between the demand variables and strategic planning of the enterprise. The value estimation of the demands helps in increasing the profitability and turnover of the enterprise by completing the undertaken process within the given time frame (Oy, 2011). The focus should be given on analysing the variation in the market price and estimated cost of the required resources so that the balance can be made in the inflow of resources and cash out flow.

The demand of the required labour, human resource, material, machinery, and cash inflow should be forecasted for managing the balance between the supply and demand of resources according to the requirement of the stakeholders. The forecasting of the demand can be done in sequence of steps which are categorised as analysing and evaluating the objective specification for managing demand, identifying the required quality of resources, determining the time boundary for the delivery of resources, identifying the innovation in the new products, initialization of effective technology according to the change in market requirement, and defining the change in the requirement plan of the stakeholders (Patanakul, 2010). The demand forecasting can be effectively done by deploying the interviews and survey methods for analysing the need and requirement of the stakeholders in advance.

Inventory management

The inventory management system focuses on tracking the requirement of the goods, raw material, machinery, and others for completing the given tasks and operation. The decision making capability of the inventory manager plays vital role in improving the management of inventory to manage the supply and demand of the required resources. The efficiency of the organization can be improved by establishing the centralized control over the resources, and products to overcome the problem of wastage.

The stock operations can be effectively handled for resolving the issues related to the overrunning and under-running of the stocks. The productivity of the organization can be effectively improved by providing the resources on time and reducing the wastage of inventory. The hidden cost associated with the wastage of inventory can be effectively minimized to keep the balance with the cost estimation plan (Merrit, and Ricketts, 2012). The following diagram shows the clear portrait of the inventory management system for improving the efficiency of Globex Organization.

Distribution and warehousing

The supply chain management system depends on effective schedule for distribution of goods and services and management of inventory at the warehouse. The warehousing can be effectively done by managing flow of inventory for manufacturing operations. The services provided by the warehousing system for improving the operational plan of the enterprise are

  • Better control and improved efficiency of the inventory management system
  • Development of the effective model for the order processing units
  • Development of the better quality control system
  • Analysis and evaluation of the Contractor performance in managing the resources
  • Development of value added services

Possible Solution

The development of distribution services helps in managing the right product, resources, and raw material to the right authorised person at right time with the right price. The distribution of the products helps in increasing the satisfaction level of customers by providing ordered product at scheduled time. The focus should be given on acknowledge received by the receiver should be documented for future reference.

Performance measurement

The performance measurement helps in analysing the meeting of the project output with the requirement specification plan and checklist prepared for analysing the quality of the end products. The success criteria should be prepared by deploying the key performance indicators so that the success and failure of the project can be effectively measured. The long term sustainability of the project can be measured by evaluating the customer satisfaction level with the product quality. The value for money can be created by improving the performance of good and services provided to the end users. The monitoring of the operational plan and deployment of the communication plan helps in measuring the success and failure of the project.

Application of new technologies

The implementation of the new technologies helps in overcoming the gaps and obscure which occurred with the existing technologies. The analysis of the Globex enterprise helps in evaluating that the organization is facing problem in managing its big data. The implementation of the big data management system within the working curriculum of the enterprise helps in increasing the performance and efficiency of the undertaken project. The development of the Enterprise resource planning system helps in improving the rising data and information management system. The big data can be effectively handled by the ERP system of the organization (Upadhyay, Gupta, and Pandey, 2016).

The ERP system helps in managing the effective resource planning, stakeholder engagement plan, financial management system, inventory management system, logistic management system, and others. The new technologies which can be used by the organization to improve its existing operational plan are deployment of the big data management system, IOT (Internet of things) implementation, 3D printing architecture, Drone system, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality system.

Quality Management:

The quality standards should e prepared by developing the checklist from the requirement specification plan designed by the project owner. The emphasis should be given on analysing the project requirement for developing the quality checklist and standards. The end results of the operational plan should meet the requirement placed by the stakeholders. The project execution helps in analysing quality standards of the end products. The quality control policies and quality assessment plan should be developed so that the customer requirement can be effectively fulfilled. The monitoring of the project execution phase helps in managing the required quality of the product.

Processes Analysis and Facilities Layout

Project Management

The project management is the core part of developing the effective operational plan because it helps in developing the systematic flow of project activities to meet the customer requirement within the projected time and cost. The completion of the project within the given time limits and cost results in the project success (Kothari, Jain, Venketeshwar, 2018). The quality of the work flow can be optimised by preparing the project schedule and stakeholder engagement plan according to the requirement of the project. The project management is divided into five processes which are categorised as project planning, requirement gathering phase, designing and development phase, project evaluation phase, project implementation phase, and project closure phase.

Proposal of a new procedures or change

The logistic and supply chain management plan can be improved by indulging the new model of Internet of things which in turn helps in improving the operational plan of the Globex organization. The tracking of the delivery system can be effectively improved by utilizing the concept of IOT because the IOT is based on the principle of real time analytics procedures. The location of the vendors can be tracked to analyse and forecast the delivery of the resources to the demanding units. Wastage in the inventory and warehouse can be sensed proactively for minimizing the damage and wastage (Mansfield community, 2013).

The real time monitoring of the system with the use of IOT infrastructure helps in minimizing the risks associated with the project. The accuracy in the delivery of resources can be effectively achieved by proactive sensing the performance of the vendor company by analysing and tracking its location (Kotsifaki, Dimitriadis, Ketikidis, and Missopoulos, 2007). The connectivity should be maintained between the logistics members so that flow of resources can be managed properly according to the requirement of the project. The following diagram shows the efficiency of IOT deployed in the logistics system:

The tracking of the products and resources can be done with the help of RFID reader. The NoSQL database is deployed for managing the big data of the enterprise. The IOT cloud is developed for managing the flow of information between supply chain management system, customer relationship management system, inventory management system, and enterprise resource planning system. The productivity of the organization increases by managing machine to machine communication by deploying the principles of IOT architecture.

Description of the new situation

The development of IOT environment in the working units of the enterprise helps in filling the gaps which exists in the current working architecture of the Globex organization. The following table helps in analysing the new scenario created by the IOT in different departments of the working operational plan of the enterprise.

Marketing and sales department

Product Development process

Logistics and supply chain management system

Manufacturing of the product


Develops new operating model for the business units

Provides new opportunities for increasing sale

Develops global connection with the clients and customers

Provides new opportunities to analyse the customer requirement

Provides new billing and payment system

Develops new values for the services and facilities

Analysis of the quality features of the product

Ensure reliability

Provides new operating environment

Better management of resources and other utilities

Identification of the configuration management

Develops good and advanced tracking system

Optimizing the capability of the warehouse management system

Optimizing the dynamic routing for the delivery of the product

Monitoring of parcel condition

Alert system in the warehouse

Better management of resources and other utilities

Identifying preventive measures

Tracing the product condition

Real time monitoring of the development process for the product manufacturing

Identifying work, health, and safety parameters

 Monitoring of the organization behaviour

Analysing the remote services provided to the customers

Optimizing the predictive maintenance

Providing effective services to the customers after the sale of the product to ensure longetivity (Upadhyay, Gupta, and Pandey, 2016)

Logistics and Distribution Strategies

The problem areas of the supply chain and logistics management system can be resolved by deploying the techniques of IOT for managing the complexities of the logistics programs. The accumulation of sensor technologies and communication technologies helps in tracking the complexities and uncertainties associated with the logistics operations to provide better control over the inventory management and manufacturing of the products (Kharaiweish, 2013). The communication between the IOT technologies helps in improving the balance between the resource utilization and its associated delivery.

The remote monitoring of the warehouse system helps in increasing the decision making capabilities of the top executives of the enterprise to get better opportunities. The network connectivity between the different departments of the enterprise helps in managing the flow of information (Li, 2014). The IOT architecture is the secured system and minimize the chance of theft in the organization. It is the cost effective program to optimize the logistics operation of the Globex organization and provides a new architecture to the working system of the logistics and supply chain management system.

Justification of Change

The new environment build with the help of IOT deployment in the working units of the Globex enterprise helps in resolving the complexities faced by the logistics and supply chain management program in completing the operational plan efficiently (Kamthunzi, 2014). The implementation of the IOT helps in enhancing the monitoring of the In-transit parcel by evaluating its GPS location with the help of RFID reader. The following diagram shows the working of the RFID reader in getting information during the monitoring of the in-transit parcel:

This newer technology helps in managing better control over the warehouse management system for managing the flow of information between the different units of the organization. The management of inventory for inflow and outflow can be effectively managed with the help of RFID reader. It helps in reducing the wastage of stock in the warehouse by generating alert signal. The following diagram shows the working of the warehouse management system by utilizing the concept of IOT:

The implementation of IOT helps in providing various benefits in improving the operational plan of the business units. The complexities which are faced by the Globex organization in managing the logistics and supply chain program can be resolved by using the technology of IOT. The IOT environment helps in providing tracking system to improve visibility of the supply chain operations to enhance the working performance of the employees by providing them resources on time. The operational cost of the warehouse management system can be effectively reduced with the help of IOT environment.

Estimation and Demand Forecasting

The surveillance and monitoring system reduces the chance or occurrence of theft in the working model of the organization. The forecasting and demanding of the resource utilization can be done proactively for managing inflow and outflow of resources. The implementation of the IOT helps in enhancing the monitoring of the In-transit parcel by evaluating its GPS location with the help of RFID reader. The communication between the IOT technologies helps in improving the balance between the resource utilization and its associated delivery.

Implementation plan

The centralized control over the warehouse, inventory, suppliers, and other units helps in bringing effective management in the operational plan laid out by the enterprise with the help of IOT architecture. The technologies which are used in the implementation of the IOT units are as follows:

Sensor technology: The sensors are used for analysing the location of the physical objects. These are placed according to the requirement of tracking, temperature analysis, speed, position, and etc. It helps in analysing the location of the suppliers, monitoring of the parcel condition, and having communication with the logistics manager (Mendes, 2017).

Communication system: The efficiency of the operational plan can be effectively improved by deploying the effective communication system which has a wider range of tracking the GPS location of the suppliers. The Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and 3G technology are majorly used for enabling the communication between the participating units.

Cloud Based Services: The cloud based services helps in enhancing the performance of the warehouse management system, inventory management system, and others. The big data of the organization can be effectively managed by deploying the cloud architecture to support IOT infrastructure (Tu, Lim, Yang, 2011).

Cyber physical system: The cyber physical system helps in managing the flow of information between the processing units of the logistics program. The sensors are used for collecting the data from different sources in a synchronised and systematic manner.

Internet of Things: The networking system should be composed of real time analytics for the development of the IOT architecture with the use of sensors, routers, actuators, and others. The horizontal and vertical integration of the network components helps in managing flow of information for optimizing the capability of the operational plan of the enterprise (Raz, Shenhar, and Dvir, 2011).

Data mining associated with the big data: The big data of the organization can be effectively stored in the NoSQL database for retrieving the information through the data mining operations.

Internet of services: The infrastructure development of the organization according to the requirement of the IOT helps in providing effective real time services for handling the information effectively within the working units of the enterprise.

 The following diagram shows the implementation plan of IOT in the supply chain and logistics program for improving the operational plan of the enterprise.

The order processing and manufacturing process of the organization can be improved by deploying the channel of IOT in the logistic program. The real time monitoring of the logistics system helps in providing visibility to the parcel movement on the single system (Bautu, and Bautu. 2016). The transportation cost and time can be effectively reduced which in turn helps in increasing the satisfaction level of the customers. The analytical approach helps in resolving the complexities of the operational plan. The performance of the Globe organization can be improved by analysing the real time GPS location of the supplier and provides in-time delivery of resources to the working units of the enterprise. The following table shows the technologies which are used in analysing the efficiency of the IOT architecture:


Monitoring and identification

Navigation of the position

Monitoring of the condition

Communication management plan































The IOT technologies are implemented according to their functionality and requirement to manage the network congestion. The implementation of the GPS technology is used for analysing the location of the supplier, communication can be effectively managed with the help of 4G network, the cameras are used for monitoring and control of the inventory in the warehouse, Bluetooth and Wi-fi technologies are used for managing the communication, and others (Ballou, 2014). The systematic implementation of the technologies helps in improving the effectiveness of the IOT system to get desired results. The implementation of the IOT architecture helps in gaining attraction of the customers from the global level to increase the turnover of the company.


It can be concluded that the Globex organization is facing problem in managing effective scheduling of the resources and the inventory. The IOT infrastructure is the preferred solution for optimizing the working capability of logistics program of the enterprise. The implementation of the new technologies helps in overcoming the gaps and obscure which occurred with the existing technologies. The analysis of the Globex enterprise helps in evaluating that the organization is facing problem in managing its big data.

The implementation of the big data management system within the working curriculum of the enterprise helps in increasing the performance and efficiency of the undertaken project. The centralized control over the warehouse, inventory, suppliers, and other units helps in bringing effective management in the operational plan laid out by the enterprise with the help of IOT architecture. The remote monitoring of the warehouse system helps in increasing the decision making capabilities of the top executives of the enterprise to get better opportunities. The network connectivity between the different departments of the enterprise helps in managing the flow of information.

It is recommended to implement IOT architecture in the working operational plan of the enterprise because the complexities which are faced by the Globex organization in managing the logistics and supply chain program can be resolved by using the technology of IOT. The IOT environment helps in providing tracking system to improve visibility of the supply chain operations to enhance the working performance of the employees by providing them resources on time. The operational cost of the warehouse management system can be effectively reduced with the help of IOT environment. The surveillance and monitoring system reduces the chance or occurrence of theft in the working model of the organization.


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Upadhyay, A., Gupta, V., and Pandey, M. (2016). A case study on schedule delay analysis in construction projects. International journal of engineering and technology

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