Quantum Computing: The Emerging Field of Efficient Calculation Techniques
The text discusses conventional binary computing architecture. However, an emerging field of research focuses on the development of quantum computers. Find and summarise a resource that explains why there is so much interest in this type of computing (for example, the potential applications).
For the identification of the conventional computers the resource has been used. The computers have been very efficient in storage of numbers in their memory. In addition to this there has been a greater efficiency in handling of the numbers by various kind of manipulation methods such as addition and subtraction. In addition to this there have been various kind of algorithms that are defin4d for the processing of the numbers in the conventional computers.
In the resources that is referred to in here there has also been a mention of the quantum computers in addition to the conventional computers. The quantum computers have been more advanced than the conventional computers. The computers makes use of the superposition methods for the data. The conventional computers used the transistors but the quantum computers had changed the systems.
There has been serious interest in the quantum computing as because they are regarded superior to the conventional ones. The methods and the functionalities that are involved in the quantum computers are very useful for the manipulation of the data. One of main function that the computers are able to perform are the efficient level of factorization.
The resource has been very helpful in providing an insight to the Grover’s Calculation method and the Shor’s calculation methods for the performance of efficient calculation techniques. This methods are more advanced than the conventional methods. They produce better and efficient results.
The text briefly makes mention of the Linux operating system, an open-source Unix variant developed in the 1990s. There are many popular Linux distributions (look up “Linux Distribution” if you don’t know what that means). Find and summarise a resource that describes the features and advantages of ONE of these distributions.
Provides the information about the Linux operating systems in details. The Linux systems are very useful in supporting the virtualization techniques. In addition to this, there are a number of distribution of the Linux operation systems. The Linux distribution are the system that are made up using the Linux kernel.
The systems provide package management systems. In addition to this, a wide variety of the Linux distribution operating system are available. The resource is very helpful in identifying the Linux distribution systems.
Typically a Linux distribution system consists of the Linux based kernel on which the operating systems are designed using a different GUI. The resource that is being discussed here provide the description about the different type of the Linux distributions. The most common of the Linux distribution system is the X windows system.
The main advantage of eth system is that they support the open source systems in their methods. In addition to this they also support the things that are available in the open source market. The main disadvantage of the system is that, the system would be only supported in the Linux kernel and would support no other kernel that are available.
Why Quantum Computing is Generating Interest in the Computing Industry
The text discusses the concept of virtualisation. There are several “type 2” or hosted virtualisation products (software) on the market (both commercial and open source). Find and summarise a resource that describes the features and advantages of ONE of these products.
The article that we are concerned with here provides the information about the virtualization. The virtualization a type of technique that enables the users to run the services of any type of system remotely. They would be provided remote access to the systems. The virtualization basically are used for the using the concepts of cloud computing techniques. The systems are also used for the successful partitioning of the devices and the devices that the systems are connected to. In addition to this there are several type of virtualizations that are provided in the article. The type virtualizations are the operating system, virtualization, the full virtualization of the systems. In addition to this there are also the server virtualization and the desktop virtualization.
In addition to this there are also the concepts of the type-2 virtualization. In the article the example of the OpenVz, Xen and VmWare are some to the type-2 virtualizationmachine thata have been mentioned in the article.
The virtualization techniques are used in the sharing of the resources and in addition to this there various other types of uses of the systems. The technmiques also provides the user te option of the scalable environment. Hence, the virtualization techniques are very effective for the systems.
TCP and UDP are examples of two Layer Four (L4) transport protocols that are discussed in the text. Find and summarise a resource that describes the features and uses of ONE other L4 protocol that is not discussed in the text (i.e. NOT UDP or TCP).
The resource has provided the information about the TCO and the UDP protocols. He TCP is the Transmission Control Protocol and the UDP is the User datagram Protocol. The provided article makes a comparison in between the two protocols that are present there in the layer four of the transmission protocols.
In addition to this the protocols have been analyzed in accordance with the behavior of the Adhoc of both the protocols. The Results of the comparison were inferred from the tests that were conducted on the network that are simulated under different conditions. The network provide the performances metrics for the evaluation of the both the protocols. As the result of the comparisons it was inferred that the TCP protocol works better for the network in comparison to the UDP protocol. The protocols are also analyzed according to their data traffic and mobility features.
Cyber-attacks on governments or government assets are receiving increasing publicity and media attention. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE recent cyber-attack (within the last 3 years) against a government website or asset.
The resource that is referred to here provides an insight to the impact of the cyber-attacks on the private sectors. The incident that the resource refers to here is the incident that took place on February 2014. I the incident a cache of the personal data contain the credentials of the various users were hacked and they went up for sales in the. The number of emails accounts that were hacked were 1.25 billion and they went up for sale in the black market. The Massive data that was hacked is the case for the largest breach of the data in the history. This breach would be indicating the maximum in the history of the technology. In addition to this, the breach would be indicating the increase in the cyber-attacks.
A Brief Overview of Quantum Computers and their Superposition Methods
In addition to this the resource also mentions about the denial of the services. The Dos attacks are also very frequent in the world today. The cyber-attacks have been proven to become one of the major threats in the field of information technology. The threats are raising a serious concern among the frequent users of the internet. In addition to this the governments of the whole world are also concern due to this concern in the world today.
It has been mentioned in the article that there are huge loss of the finance and also for the sensitive information in the different countries of the whole world.
Flood, fires and earthquakes are events beyond our control, yet impact heavily on ICT infrastructure. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE example of an organisation’s ICT infrastructure being impacted by such an event and the resulting effects on the business and/or its operations. For example, you might want to search for “data centre fire” or “network cable earthquake” to find suitable resources.
The resource provides the knowledge about the significant earthquakes with their side effects that took place in Taiwan. The incident had several people of Taiwan injured and several others had suffered from the loss of resources in the country. Workers were being sent to fix the cable fibers that also had suffered the effects of the earthquake. The workers went to the country to prevent them from the loss of the telecommunication services in the country.
The earthquake stuck the city of Pingtung in the country. The largest telecommunication company of the country was being affected by this natural calamity. The earthquake had knocked down the global communication services and the internet services in the country. The services were restored by rerouting the services and the cables that were damaged. This was done six different areas of the country.
In addition to this the China and the U.S cable network also became a victim of the earthquake and also the Asia Pacific cable networks also went down. But both the network were quickly restored by the workers that were there in the place. Al these under sea connections carried out a bulk of the network data and traffic and hence it was very important that the network connections were restored quickly.
The text briefly mentions crowdsourcing which is a form of social business that organisations employ to engage with the public to achieve a goal. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE example of an organisation using crowdsourcing and the outcomes of the engagement.
The article that is in reference has provided the instances of the different organizations that make use of the crowd sourcing techniques. The rate of data transfer has been very significant in resulting of the enterprising access of the various source of the information. The crowd sourcing makes use of the contribution of the individuals externally. The resources have been used for explaining the beneficiaries of the crowd sourcing techniques. The resource also discusses the advancement in the latest products of this systems.
Understanding Grover’s Calculation Method and Shor’s Calculation Methods
The resource that has been referred to has been used for the analysis of the GenMill company. The company is a food processing business company. They involve the processes of packing the food, the assembling of the items and also the delivery of the completed products. The company also have added the technological concepts into their businesses.
It has been mentioned in the resources that the company is searching for the deployment of the technical aspect of the systems in to their business. They are trying to implement a site that could be accessed by anyone very easily. They also have a system so that the users can recommend products for their businesses.
With the advent of mass data collection and storage has come a surge of instances of data theft. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE example where data has been stolen from a private company or corporation and explain the impacts on the customers.
The three mobile hack case is one of the major cases of hacking the information of a company. The hackers had hacked into the private data of the users of the company. The resource provides the information about this situation. The hackers have hacked into the databases of the system by using the employee login key. The hackers have hacked about six million users’ accounts information. The private data that were hacked form the databases would be very valuable to the users and also the user would be vulnerable to the outside world if their information are displayed in front of the whole world. In addition to this, the users would also loose their privacy and also the data integrity of the company would be hampered. Although it was mentioned by the company that the data was wrongly laced and the fact that the actual user data would not be accessible by eh hackers and only the data of the purchases made by the users would be available to the hackers, But the incident made a huge dent to the reputation of the company. Hence, this was major issues in history It ethics.
The failure to adapt business processes and embrace technology, particularly ICT, has led to the downfall of many previously successful companies. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE example of an organisation that failed to adapt to changes in technology and explain what the organisation failed to do/respond to.
In this article Blackberry is selected as the association for the analysis of the incident. Although there has been many incident that have been mentioned in the resource but black berry incident is identified as the most valid one. In this resource it has been mentioned that there had been times when the BBM was one of the most popular app for the business executives. But the technology had no further development and had thus lost its position in the market.
Around the time the iphone was being introduced to the people that ware using the black berry and the interface of the iphone had provided a better option for the users and the business executives. And this was the reason for the downfall of the blackberry company. In addition to this, the Samsung company also had reached the highest level in the business and the blackberry resulted into a further downfall.
Introduction to Linux Distribution and its System Design
In addition to all these the article has provided the information of the personal assistances option that were introduced by the other companies such as the Siri in the Iphone. The blackberry also had its own blackberry assistance system but the system was not as efficient as that of the other AI system of the other companies and hence this method failed.
Large, complex ICT projects are more likely to fail than succeed. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE example of a large ICT project that failed and explain the impacts of the failure.
The IBM Stretch project has been selected for this scenario. The project had failed. It miserably had been. In the year 1956 the IBM company had fabricated the largest supercomputers of the world. The IBM 7030 was created in this time and they were known as the Extend.
The article has explained that supercomputers were initially transistorized and made use of the transistors. The 7030 that was released by the company resulted in a huge failure. It was assumed that the systems that were constructed would be around 100 times faster than the formal systems. But system was proved to be 30-40 times fasters only. And hence, there was a huge loss in the company. This made the company loss around 13.5 million dollars. Hence, as a result the company had quit the idea of making a business from the 7030 model.
The article had thus provided one of the greatest disasters in the business policies of a very big company such as the iBM company.
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