This paper will explore media and the fundamental transformation which occurred due to media expansion and technology. Expanding technology and media helped the society to change almost in every sector. The communication media helped a lot and which have an impact on this society, culture and environment. Not only the social factors have changed, but also the transformation in the economic sector is also prevalent because of the changes between traditional media and digital media. This paper will emphasize the changes between the traditional mass media and new media and their impact on individuals and on society. Also, the application process and the difference between the traditional and new media will also be explored. This paper will also explain about mass media and communication and their impact on humans and on society.
The relationship between society and technology makes changes and help society to develop. Technological usage makes society more modern and developed. The presence and use of technology and media transform society almost in every sector like, education, culture, employment, business, communication which help to enhance the circle of life of every individual. The incorporation of technology and science made life easier to lead on regular days because of the blessings of technology and media. Communication with people over the distance got much easier due to upliftment and the development in contemporary society. Application of technology in everyone's life help to embrace social, cultural, environmental and economic changes (Naikoo et al., 2018).
Mass media defines the communication which can be done through some digital and electronic device and can reach a large number of people in a very short time. Mass media communication can happen through some digital and electronic devices which helped for this transmission and communication such as print, audio-visual tools, television, newspaper, radio, mobile phones (Siapera, 2017). Basically, this can be defined as a channel of communication between the people to send and to receive information. This technological application had a vast audience at a time, which became popular in a very short time.
Traditional mass media is defined as the mass communication devices which were invented before digital and social media, which attempt to communicate a message to human society by targeting a large number of people in a short time. And on the other hand, new media is the digital application of media that encompasses a different variety of entertaining factors which help to communicate and express feelings and to convey any message with the help of websites, social media, online social networking sites, email. New media can be defined as the amalgamation of mass media, which is rapidly changing and empowering society with its application and process. The overreaching application of new media makes the lifestyle easier for every individual its one click. The expansion of new media over radio, television and newspaper is changing society. The growth and the evolution happened after the emergence of new media, and society started to grasp the concept of new media and communication. The growth of this technological application allows people to find the information very quickly and easily. Present generation people are the population who are using this new media regularly in their life. The main difference between traditional and new media is, traditional media cover the common information through their application and send the common message to a large number of people. And with the help of new media giving and receiving information is depends on the individual. Every individual can choose their interest to search for that particular information with the help of websites other appliances of new media and communication. Competing with the traditional media with its content, new media expanded the expectation and established their market (Salaudeen & Onyechi, 2020). Thus, the usage of new media in every sector depending on their need can be done as this has an unlimited option for every individual. Expansion of the internet opened up the communication way where every person can make their choice of things with a click of the button. Internet facilities and digital devices like computers, laptops and smart electronic devices are needed for the usage of new media. This amalgamation of existing different types of media with the facility of accessing it individually increase the number of consumptions of mass media communication. With the expansion and development of new media and communication, society and the environment also changes their features for its development compared to the past. This development changed and formed the new market depending on the digital invention of media and through which many corporate organizations started their business and started to apply their ideas through this to have a quality and innovative, profitable outcome. However, the new media expansion enables the traditional media and digital media to develop harmoniously (Zhu & Liang, 2018).
The Impact of Mass Media and Communication on Society
Social media has a different impact on the social and cultural factors. Communication through the use of mass media has changed as compared to the past due to its impact on communication. The communication way and the approach changed because of the media. Time is one of the precious things nowadays where people do not want to waste their time. Productive and important conversation when and where they need can happen due to the blessings of new media and its application. For fulfilling their needs and requirements, they use social media not only this for entertaining purpose in their daily life; every individual nowadays use media. The application of new media and social media has an impact on communication and making an interpersonal choice for interaction. This has reduced face to face conversation as they have the facilities to have communication without meeting with them in person. This communication way creates a distance between the people as they start to lose their emotion, get avoided by switching their choice from person-to-person meeting to calling over mobile phones. Lack of time in every individual's life has increased the usage of mobile phones to communicate with each other. Media communication has both positive and negative impacts on the individual and on the behaviour of the audience. It has brought changes in the communication way and on the behavioral pattern of an individual (Subramanian, 2017). People tend to spend their time using social media and new media appliances for entertainment and for their communication. Different kinds of communication occurred, and this media communication helped the individual to have a democratic platform for sharing their thoughts. By using social media, and mobile phones, people maintain contact with their relatives and friends. Among all the advantages, people have no time to meet with the person physically, and they avoid the group of people for having conversation physically if not very important. Using different verbal languages for social media has become a new language for the present generation.
Social media is a democratic platform, and negative usage of this platform can reduce its main objective, which turned out as a controversy in the era of consumption of new media. People started bullying and commenting, which increased the discrimination, and on the contrary, people use social media platforms to spread positive news for reducing inequality. Dominant features of social media reduce the importance of face-to-face conversation (Subramanian, 2017). Internet addiction and using it for negative purposes creates mental illness, emotional breakdown, issues in concentrating. The main negative consequence which has because of the excessive use of new media is it does not keep any information as private. Lack of privacy and maintaining privacy turned out as a controversial topic about this subject (Siddiqui & Sigh, 2016). Finding out personal information with the use of technology and digital media encourage society to involve in deviant activities, which is defined as cyber-crime.
Traditional Mass Media and New Media: A Comparison
Various media platforms which changed due to the arrival of digital media enhance the features and develop the society and other social factors. From radio to music apps, television to laptop and other smart devices for watching movies and other types of videos for entertainment purpose, newspaper to an online news channel, using of mobile phones to communicate, email for replacing letter system. Though the usage of new media increased in the place of traditional media, the relation between both types of media has its relevance in this era also. In everyday life combination of using two different types of media makes its place from reading the newspaper to watching movies and surfing social media.
Traditional media and social media as new media have their importance, and through its application, both these application practice goes in hand in hand for an effective outcome. Traditional media like the use of newspaper, for marketing and promotion using of billboards, print, satellite and cable give us informative information which is useful for the development which is being successfully used (Roztocki & Soja, 2019). There are advantages and disadvantages for both traditional and new media, and the choice depends on the individual to select depending on their preference. Social media gives the platform to communicate and to promote, share, marketing their ideas and to create social consciousness and development, which every individual can do without any struggle and easily (Naikoo et al., 2018). Traditional media is also helpful for promoting any subject, but for this, it requires help from others. For many businesses, the traditional form is attainable as the internet system and computer cost high for using social media platforms. Although both media has different advantages and disadvantages related to it, for application and using traditional and new media, both are useful and effective.
There are many challenges and negative impact which draws certain issues because of media, especially using social media creates different types of issues in our society, which can affect our society negatively. Traditional and new both forms of media have some disadvantages and challenges related to it.
- Expensive and time consuming to promote or to use then new media
- Time-consuming to reach a large population and to target
- Difficulties in measuring the standard percentage of the population who relies on traditional media
- One way of communication closes the opportunity to have interaction between the individuals (Shah, 2020).
- Expensive devices are needed for consuming new media.
- Providing wrong information and spreading fake news.
- Internet speed and proper service needed for using this media
- Taking advantage of this platform for committing Cyber-crime and bullying others.
- Lack of privacy is another issue that needs attention. Finding others' information by hacking their profile for a negative purpose (Shah, 2020).
However, from the above discussion, this can be suggested that mass media and communication is important in our society and in every individual life for development and upgradation. Both these media has their own advantages and disadvantages in the regular life of almost every individual. Media plays a major role to influence and to encourage an individual in their daily activities. People started to depend on the media for having a conversation and to communicate with others by using social media and other smart devices. Using of traditional media decreased with the arrival of new media with its advanced technology, but both have their own importance for practising and fulfilling daily needs. Almost in every sector use of traditional and new media makes a change for its betterment and upgradation. Communication ways and approaches have changed with time because of the arrival of new media and its practice which changes people's way of communication and interpersonal behaviour. Between its difference and the pros and cons, using both types of media in our contemporary society is useful and is prevalent in every social organization and in the daily life of human society. Thus, this can be concluded that using social media, and traditional media have their own positive impact on which people should emphasize and work more rather than taking advantage of this aspect by committing deviant acts and by influencing people by providing fake news. Promoting its importance and using these features for development of the society is what people should focus on.
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