Learning Outcomes:
- Describe objectives and activities at each stages in a system development life cycle;
- Manage and carry out a project (Case Study) by going through the main phases in a life-cycle model;
- Apply basic analysis, design and implementation techniques in simple system building tasks;
- Create simple models for small applications using common languages and tools;
- Communicate and present the work effectively.
An external view of Sports Steward Agency (SSA) system of the steward's registration includes steward's information for example name, address, phone number, email address, qualification, experiences etc. of stewards. To complete this SSA model we also need to store the information of all events and also store each event handle by the team of stewards with their role and date, time day, week etc. of the event. These all thinks represent by using Unified Modelling Language (UML). These system requirements and specification document is the part of the project documentation so that some features of this system are following: -
- Stewards register for an event by providing their information.
- Admin of the system view, add, update the event information according to the situation.
- Admin also set a list. This list store the information related to each event and which steward work in which event. We can also say that admin set the schedule for each steward according to date and time.
- Steward view their current assignments and schedule also view and update their information.
- The system will provide the user id and password to each steward that work for the event. So that steward logs in to the system and view their schedule at any time and also update their information if required.
1.2 Detail summary of project: -
- 2.1 Background of the project: -
- The aim of Sports Steward Agency (SSA) model is to collect the information from the user or Stewards. Their users are maybe job seeker and may be to find a better opportunity for steward’s training. In this model, we register the user or stewards and store all information related to those.
- the aim of this module to store the information relating to 5-10 events like the name of event, description, date, time and where each event is organised.
- Admin set all the schedule of each steward. So the main objective of the model to maintain the schedule list of each steward. This list store the information related to date, time, week, day, event and all stewards those work for that event with their role.
- 2.2 Environment and system models: -
This project involves the complete database design for the Sports Steward Agency (SSA) and also designs a prototype. This prototype shows the UML diagrams. So that web developer easily understands the working of the system.
Purpose of the system: - The main purpose of this project to store and maintain all the formation in a system not use the pen and paper to store the information related to the SSA. If we design all these things all excel then this environment is not user-friendly for the users and very complex to maintain all the data related to SSA. The main disadvantage is the user need go to SSA Company and apply for the job and also steward need to go to check the schedule. How we create a prototype of SSA web site. So that user register for steward's job at any time and anywhere and also steward and owner or admin see all the information related to the event at any time and anywhere.
For users: - users register on this website for the steward's job. For the registration, the user adds their basic information like name, address, phone number, email if any, qualification and list of the role that he/she able to play in any event. System store all the information and owner/ admin may to may not offer the job. If the user gets the job then the system will provide user id that is Steward Id and one-time password to the user. Then user easily views the entire schedule related to their work and also able to update their qualification or roles.
For admin or owner: - in this system or model admin or owner can add and update each event. In the event, he/she store the data related to the event. He/she also set schedule of each steward according to time and time.
Detail summary of project:
Input data: - when user open SSA website then user have the option for registration and log in. for the new user they must be register first and all information that see in the registration form like name, address, phone number, email, qualification, role etc. if the user already the member of this site then just log in and view all the information related to each event. Admin or owner input data related to each event, they also add and update the event data. They also add and update the schedule of each steward those work in SSA company.
Data store in database: - database store information related to each steward, each event and schedule of stewards. This schedule table store information related to event date and time, day, week, event information, steward information and each role play by each steward in the event according to date time and place.
- 4 A list of functional and non-functional requirements: -
- Functional requirements: -
- Register new users and login existing users.
- Add, delete and update new users.
- Add, update events.
- Add, update the steward schedule.
- Generate user id and one-time password.
- User or steward change their password, qualification and roles.
- Update database remotely.
- When the user registers in this site then the system asks the user to name, address, phone number, suburb, email, qualification, experience and role.
- The system store the information event’s date, time, address etc.
- Non-functional requirements: -
- Security: - only Owner or Admin add and update the events and steward’s schedule. Each steward set the password and also change their account password according to the condition.
- Performance: - easy track each recodes and updation can be done.
- User-friendly: - the Sports Steward Agency (SSA) system is very interactive.
- Maintainability: - backup and recovery for SSA model's database are available.
- Effective display: - autos arrange with priority and request blinking.
- Reliability: - auto match search requirement.
- Direct manipulation: - display only those information those are relevant to the context.
- Error prevention: - those items are not valid in a particular context those are inhabitants.
- Research
2.1 HCI design guidelines: - designing guidelines are the part of HCI (human-computer interaction). It provides the best guideline how to interact with the technologies. The main purpose of this project to create a website that manages all the game's event and offers jobs to the user online registration. The main purpose of HCI design guideline to produce the safe and usable system as well as the functional system. I follow the following instruction to produce a website with good usability: -
- Understand: -this factor says that how people use the web site. Firstly user opens SSA website after that register on this site if they are not registered other log in with their user ID and password on this site. For registration process, the user must provide their information like name, address, phone number, email address, suburb, list of roles and qualification. After that system matches the qualification criteria. If user full fills the criteria then user get the job. The system will provide the Steward ID and one-time password. After login to this website, steward check their schedule and also update their role and qualification. All the events and schedule set by the owner or admin.
- Develop: -techniques and tools those are used to develop SSA web site. I just create the prototype for the web site by using UML diagrams and also create the database for SSA website in Oracle. For UML diagrams I used Visio.
- Achieve: -effective and safe interaction.
- Requirement analysis: - this requirement analysis firstly I go through the case study. You work as a system consultant for Greenwich IT Ltd. The company has been approached by Sports Steward Agency (SSA) for a computerised system. SSA recruits stewards for various events such as the London Olympics in 2012, IAAF World Championships 2017, the Nitto ATP Finals and Primary League football matches. Stewards undertake various roles e.g. checking tickets, directing people to the right entrance, ensuring the athletics/players are kept away from the public, securing restricted access areas, and troubleshooting etc. As such, certain steward positions require more experience or qualifications than others. In reality, a typical event such as a football match might use 300-400 stewards, however for testing purposes this is not practical so you should set your system up with 5-10 events and 5 -10 stewards per events etc., whatever you feel you need to demonstrate the full functionality of the system. The key functionality to demonstrate include add/update stewards/events, list stewards/events, show all the stewards working for a particular event, show all the events a steward is allocated in a specified day/week, and check the qualification of a steward.
- Prototyping: - inthis state, I create the prototype for better visual representation and interactive representation of the SSA website. For this purpose, I create UML diagrams. I create use case diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram and entity relationship diagram.
- Development: - in this phase, I create the database for SSA website according to the ERD. Then insert the meaningful recodes in every table and also test the data by using test cases. Observe the output of test cases and repeat the process until I get the correct result according to the business rules.
Software packages/tools currently in the market for data modelling (creating ERDs): - there are many packages/tools currently in the market for data modelling but I discuss only three tools in this report and these are following: -
- Visio: - Visio is used to create ERD. In this tool, we can also create UML diagrams. The micro soft package provides the micro soft Visio but we can also create diagrams by using cloud computing just open Draw.io.
- Dia: - dia is the software that is used to create ERD like as Visio. But we need to install in our system first then we used that tool.
- Visual paradigm: the visual paradigm is used to create conceptual, logical and physical ERD. It also used to create UML diagrams. This tool ERD is more Attractive than others tools.
2.4 Software packages/tools currently in the market for database management (creating the database): - there are many packages/tools currently in the market for database management but I discuss only three tools in this report and these are following: -
- SQLyog: - Sqlyog is the platform for MySQL. We can create the database in this tool. But it is different to other tools. There are some differences when we used data type in it. In MYSQL I used int for the integer value, double for decimal value etc.
- Oracle: - SQL developer is a platform for Oracle database. We can create the database in this tool. But it is different to other tools. There are some differences when we used data type in it. We also create the logical and relational model in SQL developer. In Oracle, I used number with one demission for integer value like number (10). If we want to add the decimal number in the database table then I used number with two demissions like number(22, 6).
- Microsoft SQL Server: - Microsoft SQL Server is another tool to create the database. We can create the database in this tool. But it is different to other tools. There are some differences when we used data type in it. Here we can also use int for number and varchar for the string.
2.5 Conclusion: -
- Visio: - I used Visio for data modelling. I decide to create ERD in Visio because it is easy to use and no need to install on my system I just use draw.io to create Visio ERD.
- Oracle: - I decide to used Oracle database for database management system because if queries have any error then it easy to solve. It automatically shows all things. For example group by files. Join fields etc.
2.6 Data Protection Act 1998: -
According to data protection Act 1998, it protects how your personal information will be used in business, organization or government. Under section 7, if you view any organization data without their permission then organization hold on them reasonable fee.
Under section 14, if someone requests to correct the information then it must be corrected by the company. If the company don't correct the data then court immediately order to correct data otherwise distorted. In some cases, compensation may be rewarded.
Under section 10, if data not used anyway or anyone then it wills potential to cause damage.
Purpose of the system:
Under section 11, any company and organization's data not directly used in marketing. There are some rules for data protection those follow by each and every one and this is called data protection principle. These rules are following: -
- Each data used lawfully and fairly.
- Data only used when it is necessary. Don't use for a long time.
- Data must be handled according to the access right.
- You don’t transfer any type of data without permission.
- Ethical background.
- Religion belief.
- Political opinion.
- Health
- Sexual health.
- Criminal recodes.
2.7 Issues on collecting and keeping personal data in databases relating to DPA1998:-
Some issues are we don't personally share the data with another one. And not access any type of data without owner permission. If data owner graded permissions only when I access the data. If you view any organization data without their permission then organization hold on them reasonable fee. If someone requests to correct the information then it must be corrected by the company. If the company don't correct the data then court immediately order to correct data otherwise distorted. In some cases, compensation may be rewarded. If data not used anyway or anyone then it wills potential to cause damage. Any company and organization's data not directly used in marketing. But another side it is beneficial for any company and organization.
- Analysis and Design
3.1 Assumptions and ERD: - I create the database according to the SSA case study. I create four tables. EVENT_INFO, STEWARD_INFO, ROLE1 AND WORK.
- EVENT_INFO store the information related to all events.
- STEWARD_INFO table store the information related to the steward.
- ROLE1 table store information related to Steward Roles.
- WORK table store information related to the steward’s work schedule.
- Each event has one or more stewards.
- One steward work in one or many events according to date and time.
- One steward has zero to many roles.
ERD (entity relationship diagram): -
In this use case diagram, the new user can open this SSA website and also able to register on this site. For registration, they need to add their information and click on submit button. Steward (existing users) can open SSA website and log in. After stewards able to view/ update their personal information also view work schedule that set by the admin.
Admin/owner able to view/update/add stewards information, events information and also set the work schedule for stewards
3.3 Class diagram: -
I create class diagram according to the ERD.
3.4 Sequence diagram: -
- Sequence diagram for admin/owner: -
In this diagram admin /owner open the website and view/update/ add the entire information store in this SSA site's database. For example, admin view/update/add event information, admin add/update/view steward information and also set schedule for each steward according to date and time.
- Sequence diagram for user/steward: -
In this diagram new users firstly open the SSA website. Then it displays two open registrations and logs in. when the new user clicks on the registration then they need to add their information in registration form then click on submit button. Then the system automatically sends the username and password if new users match the criteria. For existing user open SSA website and click on login option then it displays the login form type their username and password and log in the SSA website. Then steward able to view their work schedule and also able to view and update their personal information.
- Implementation and testing
4.1 Implementation: - for implementation, I first create the database in Oracle SQL developer and according to the ERD. Also, add data in all tables according to the requirements. For testing purpose, I run some queries and it generates correct output/result.
4.2 Main functions: -
- Register new users and login existing users.
- Add, delete and update new users.
- Add, update events.
- Add, update the steward schedule.
- Generate user id and one-time password.
- User or steward change their password, qualification and roles.
- Update database remotely.
- Display all the data or information according to the requirements for example when we generate queries.
- When the user registers in this site then the system asks the user to name, address, phone number, suburb, email, qualification, experience and role.
- The system store the information event’s date, time, address etc.
- In wizard aid step by step execution.
4.3 Testing plan: -
s.no |
Test plan name |
Expected Result |
Actual result |
Pass/fail |
1 |
List all events in the database |
Display list of all events |
display all event |
Pass |
2 |
Search a steward by name and/or id |
Display steward information according to name/id |
Display steward information according to name/id |
Pass |
3 |
List all the stewards for an event |
Display all the stewards work in event=”E101” |
Display all the stewards work in event=”E101” |
Pass |
4 |
Show the details of an event and the names and contact numbers of all the stewards assigned to it |
Display event =”E101” with that event detail also display steward name and phone number those work in this event |
Display event =”E101” with that event detail also display steward name and phone number those work in this event |
Pass |
- Evaluation
This project is very inserting and I learn many things when I work on this project. Firstly I read the case study and make a plan firstly I done the theoretical part task 1 and 2. Then I create the ERD for the database in stage 1 and UML diagram for website creation in stage 2. At last implement database in Oracle SQL developer. I have done all the work according to my plan and learn about many things. For example how to create ERD, use case diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram, implementation of the database. Protect act etc. this project is very helpful to SSA and stewards. SSA's owner easily manages all data and job seeker easily find/ apply for steward job.
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