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What is the future of java language?

Future of Java Programming

Java is a general purpose with computer programming language that is considered to be concurrent with class based and object-oriented factors that helps in designing the new implementation dependencies with few implementation plans. The application developers need to work on compiling the Java codes that can run on the applications with compiling to the bytecode for Java virtual machine. One design goal of Java is portability with the programs that are set for Java platform with similarity focusing on hardware and operating system for handling the system runtime support adequately (Slaughter, Lee, Treichler, Bauer, and Aiken, 2015) . This is achieved through the compiling of the Java language code with the intermediate representation like Java bytecode, rather than directly representing to the architecture specific machine code. They are intended to be set by the virtual machine which is then written for the host hardware. The end users tend to make use of the Java Runtime Environment which is installed on the machine with the standalone applications of Java.

Java has been considered to be an important language for the long time, where it is trying to incorporate the different bits and syntax pieces which are from different language. The Java developer who has been content makes use of the parts of Java which are comfortable to stagnate out of job market (Carpenter et al., 2017). The Java developer helps keeping oneself up-to-date with the evolution that helps in understanding the job opportunities with codebases to maintain the decades. The Java developer tends to incorporate the new language features where the architecture needs to be service oriented. The idea is about the services that are Java based and how the developers are able to work in comparison to PHP developers and are always able to achieve the solution for different problems. Some say that future of Java is uncertain where there are present and the past factors that could be considered to be holding some fragments of future. The few invention has a tremendous success where Java has been developed for the computer programming language with the minimum work and can run on any platform as well. Java is incorporated in laptops and almost all the gaming consoles which has been quoted that there are 9 million Java developers who are working on the latest trends in Java Programming Development (Heaton, 2015). It is easy to be used, written, debugging, compiling and then learning, when compared to the other languages. It will also help in allowing one to create the reusability of the codes with the modular programs effectively. Java can be considered to having a huge role in the development of software with the clients working on hiring the developers of Java rather than other streams.

Considering the importance of Java in cloud computing, it has been able to work on the data science framework, with web development and applications as well. The languages like Python are evolving and are popular, but presently and in the coming times, there is a increased use of deep learning and machine learning workloads. There are libraries which are found to be compatible with the different libraries (Bracha & Ungar, 2015). There are different and better security options when compared to Python and the example is Internet of Things (IoT) applications where it has a larger user group with libraries working on making a pathway for machine learning. The valuable resources are mainly related to meeting the needs and then building up the repository with free software. Java has been working with new developers learning where others might include JavaScript, C,C# for their work. It is considered to be one of the classic object-oriented static language where the strengths and the weakness of the language versus the dynamic language like JavaScript has been important for the users and is being almost daily. It is helpful for the deep learning and the artificial intelligence (Gosling, Joy, Steele, Brecha & Buckley, 2014). This will continue to grow with the basis of infrastructure and better microservice development and can move to the cloud along with different workloads.

Java Longevity from Programmers (Developers) and End-User Perspectives

Over the time, Java powers of the software tend to make use of the real world for facilitating the business and then accomplishing the tasks as well. The stability, predictability and the depth of features are for the strong community with greater business choices. The consistency of the updates are for Java developers where the updates are complete, functional and holding the backwards compatibility with properly focusing on enterprise applications in different cases. The business community helps in updating standards of predictability and long lead procedures with supporting times (Erdweg et al., 2015). The faster cycle of release includes the trends that are related to how the new features are announced with moving Java to a faster release cycle. The new JDK development helps the companies to work with the scheduled versions with receiving the long-term support mainly from Oracle. There are companies who are valuing the stability with the predictability about upgrading the time and want to access the new features which have frequent releases. Considering the different changes and the updates, it is seen that JDK developers tend to make use of the structure which is accustomed to take hold of the benefits of modularity with the ability to set the customized configurations for the modules. It is considered to be increasing greatly with the efficiency and scalability in Java apps (Cordeiro, Kesseli, Kroening, Schrammel & Trtik, 2018). The goal is to make more access to the smaller scale machines and then there are components set for the better functionality. The developers are also able to get the instant response on the code which they are working on. With the ongoing trends, it is seen that there is embracing of interoperability, where Java has been able to open the doors to partnership where the other originations tend to extend for the Java community (Khaleel, Ashaari, Meriam, Wook & Ismail, 2015). The examples are OpenJDK and Jakarta EE. They are important for improving the integration of API and then supporting the modular open source libraries with different frameworks. The setup is based on how the microservices are set with developing new applications.

The Java Developer is not only for a particular area but the entire people in the globe where the developers are working and learning in depth about the opportunities where the technology like the services of banking, hospital, big data solutions and the stock market could be incorporated in it. Being the programmer of Java candidates, there are enrolments of Java training programs that covers the things which are from the advanced concepts and the rules to run best practices in an effective manner (Tan, Falcou, Etiemble & Kaiser, 2016). The OOPS concepts help in optimizing the use of the Object-Oriented Programming language like Java, where there is a continuity to keep in sync different happenings which are proceeded in the world. There are different problem-solving methods that helps in developing a logic at the time of Java coding. It will help in handling the core APIs inside out. The work is on the verbal and the non-verbal communication skills with practicing the leadership skills, with growing up ladders in career. The future of Java is about using sorting, searching and hashing techniques with balanced binary trees to understand about Java which helps in implementing the computer science fundamentals. The future of Java is not about the language, but it is about the data models, that works with the algorithms, patterns and the intuition (Matsuzawa, Ohata, Sugiura & Sakai, 2015).

The future that has been seen for the Java developers is increasing with time and the companies are also demanding for the efficient Java applications. This is the only programming language which cannot die, and the software or applications are built on it. The Java Platform like COBOL, includes the implementation of the different systems but at the same time COBOL programmers are also hugely in demand (Imam & Sarkar, 2014). According to the end users, Java and the software industry is considered to be helpful for the developers who are moving at a faster pace. With JShells, the developers are able to get the feedback rather than waiting for ten seconds. There have been convenience methods for the factors and the modules, with increased automation. Java is able to handle the new stack trace of API which can help in writing the programs for diagnosing the problems and telling people about it (Sedgewick & Wayne, 2017). The experiences are important where the automation will help in adding means with re-using without any indirection code which could be entirely optimized mainly for the clarity of reading rather than easy writing. The basis of Java trend is embracing the interoperability and cooperation. The industry trends are continued among the people with contributing to the open source and then to the automated upgrades. There are cooperation grows in language and runtimes that are for supporting of the external processes in Java 9. There has been a complete versatility with the cross-platforms where JVM has been considered to be continuing and becoming more with the increase of develop focus and interlanguage cooperation (Urma & Mycroft, 2015). Java 9 has been considered to be the awaited version for the modularization for the end-users who are expecting a bigger and a popular open-source libraries for the modularizing and then setting the frameworks. The Java comes from Oracle to Eclipse with expecting the different development plans that includes the involvement and ownership effectively. As per the advices and thoughts of people, it is considered to be an re-active architecture with re-active patterns and programming which tends to grow and attract the developers in 2018. The architecture has been important for the front-end world with using the Spring framework that is considered important for the back-end to be implemented with the Flux/Redux patterns for the back end. The predictions are about the frameworks like the Hibernate and how J4EE is also able to work on adapting the asynchronous functionalities and updating the database drivers as well (Al-Bastami & Naser, 2017). There are different database drivers which are found to be still synchronous.


With the release of Java cycle, there are different changes that are found to be coming in the recent time. It is seen that Java is going to be responsive for the emerging trends with the development and fulfilling the proper needs of users. The embracing of the quick release cycle with extended support is for the reference build-up where Oracle has been implementing a hybrid approach that is important for the flexibility and stability of the system.  


Al-Bastami, B.G. and Naser, S.S.A., 2017. Design and Development of an Intelligent Tutoring System for C# Language.

Bracha, G. and Ungar, D., 2015. OOPSLA 2004: mirrors: design principles for meta-level facilities of object-oriented programming languages. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 50(8), pp.35-48.

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Cordeiro, L., Kesseli, P., Kroening, D., Schrammel, P. and Trtik, M., 2018, July. JBMC: A bounded model checking tool for verifying Java bytecode. In International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (pp. 183-190). Springer, Cham.

Erdweg, S., Van Der Storm, T., Völter, M., Tratt, L., Bosman, R., Cook, W.R., Gerritsen, A., Hulshout, A., Kelly, S., Loh, A. and Konat, G., 2015. Evaluating and comparing language workbenches: Existing results and benchmarks for the future. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, 44, pp.24-47.

Gosling, J., Joy, B., Steele, G.L., Bracha, G. and Buckley, A., 2014. The Java language specification. Pearson Education.

Heaton, J., 2015. Encog: library of interchangeable machine learning models for Java and C#. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 16, pp.1243-1247.

Imam, S. and Sarkar, V., 2014, September. Habanero-Java library: a Java 8 framework for multicore programming. In Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming on the Java platform: Virtual machines, Languages, and Tools (pp. 75-86). ACM.

Khaleel, F.L., Ashaari, N.S., Meriam, T.S., Wook, T. and Ismail, A., 2015, January. The study of gamification application architecture for programming language course. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (p. 17). ACM.

Matsuzawa, Y., Ohata, T., Sugiura, M. and Sakai, S., 2015, February. Language migration in non-cs introductory programming through mutual language translation environment. In Proceedings of the 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 185-190). ACM.

Sedgewick, R. and Wayne, K., 2017. Introduction to programming in Java: an interdisciplinary approach. Addison-Wesley Professional.

Slaughter, E., Lee, W., Treichler, S., Bauer, M. and Aiken, A., 2015, November. Regent: a high-productivity programming language for HPC with logical regions. In Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (p. 81). ACM.

Tan, A.T., Falcou, J., Etiemble, D. and Kaiser, H., 2016. Automatic task-based code generation for high performance domain specific embedded language. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 44(3), pp.449-465.

Urma, R.G. and Mycroft, A., 2015. Source-code queries with graph databases—with application to programming language usage and evolution. Science of Computer Programming, 97, pp.127-134.

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