The Definition of Leadership in the 21st Century
Describe about the Cultural Marginality of Identity Issues in Global Leadership Training?
According to dwright D. Eisenhower, leadership is the art where one gets someone else to do something that one want to be done because he wants to do the same. Leadership in the 21st century is changing with the time. The new trends, styles and the theories that have been developed represent how these very theories have simplified the term leadership. Leadership is nothing to do with the seniority or the position that is in the hierarchy of the company. When the talk is made then too many of the people consider that it is the seniority of the officials that is contemplated is the leadership skills. While, the most of the things that can be said is that leadership doesn’t reach a pattern that happen to be occur within the time frame with the pay grade. What means the titles in the leadership has no meaning at all. When you have reached to some C-level then does it mean that you leadership s lower down or is at exptreme? When one speaks the word; leader, then what most of the people will consider is that of the domineering, and they also take the charge charismatically and we often think of the icons come the shortly as the president Lincoln and general Patton. Leadership is not confined to the management and it is the term that s extended to the new and broad meaning where one individual without having any title or the rank may have the leadership skills and is termed as leader. The leadership is all about of the representation of the personality where the individual is all look like leader.
The assignment will talk about Bill Gates who is the founder of the well known and famous industry called as Microsoft.
Leadership as nothing to do with the personal attributes. In the present time history where the number of the officials look over the matter in the respective time, looks like as the management requires more traits to be developed of the leadership.peter ducker has rightly said that who has many followers is a leader. But, in this age, you may or may not find many beings that have equally the followers but they are not supposed to be leader. the situation of the chaos and confusion is settled with the new meaning of the leadership where it means that when any being is able to understand the significance of his many fellow beings and they choose him to be all like the leader then the most admired part is that they have to be select this person as the leader where his commands and orders shows his leadership. When in the field of the management different giants comes and goes then the most important part that is to be noted down is that of the fact that with the time and the circumstances there will be occurred a kind of the difference in the nature of the management and the theories will carry on with the models. The new concept is established in the different theories where they explain the meaning of the leadership. When one is able to translate the vision into the reality, then it is leadership.
Theories explaining the leadership in 21st century
Following are the theory with which helps we will be discussing the leadership in the 21st century:
There is searched for the traits and the characteristics of the leaders in the very early time. Form the writings of the Plato to plutarch’s lives there has seen the question as to what qualities will difference between the individual as a leader.carlyle indentified the talents and the skills with the physical leadership or the characteristics where the men will rosé to the power and this Galton’s hereditary genius examined the leadership with the powerful men. It was believe that leaders were born and not developed. In this context, we assume the example of the Microsoft founder, Bill Gates and when this theory is made applicable to the leadership of this century and in the respect of the bill gates then it could rightly said and observed that how bill gates assume the position of the Microsoft and how he founded it.wit the small beginning, there could be traced the development of the leadership qualities and thus it will remain in the forceful situations with the new completion of definition. This western theory believes that moral force of character and the instinct to lead which is found in bill gates. The essence of this theory lies in the fact that will give the super power to the leadership.
Within the late 1940s and 50s , there was the series of the qualitative reviews about the studies and the researchers like that of stogdill and Mann while found that when in person is acting like the leader in the one situation will not be the leader in the other situation, and this theory deals with the fact that when the leadership was not more characterized with the individual traits and as made more kind of the investigation in respect of the carrying of the facts and thus there will be made the time when it will be more convenient for the leaders to based on the situational approaches. When compared to this theory, the leadership of this century is to be made mention in regard to the different kind of the traits and the leadership will be tested with the situational approaches and with those approaches the kind of the facts will comes and thus they will make the better approach to it. This approach has dominated the other theories and it has been continued for the long time. The reason is that because the situations of the company matters and the difference is not in the person but in the situation and this theory clearly explains that when someone is acting like a leader in situation ,may not be the same in other situation.
For the study of the leadership traits the new and the dynamic approaches were followed and the new concepts came in the light and the focus and the main focus is that how the individual will come across the situations and how the traits of the leadership will be emerged in it. With these the very principles one will be able to grasp the facts of the case and with these following things will be tested of the leadership:
The Rise of Alternative Theories
Openness to experience, and
When the theory of the trait was criticizes then what was more accepted was that of the attribute pattern approach and in this approach there was followed the different perspectives with which the leader attribute pattern will look to the case and thus there will be the time to have the knowledge of the different perspectives. This theory is based on the approach that when there s the influence of the individual characteristic on the total way rather than the integrated installations of the individual differences then it may deal with the kind of the leader effectiveness. Thus this theory to some extent applies to the present time leadership.
In response to the previous explained theories, when al they were criticized ten the namely behavioral theory came into the existence and with it, there was described about the leadership style with the development of the positive ego.david McClelland said that, leadership takes a strong development with the strong personality and thus there will be made the time that will show the good to it. To lead, what is most important is that of the confidence and high self esteem and even it is also the essential one. In this 21st century where the leadership is guided by different factors ten the confidence and the highs self esteem no doubt plays a greater role and with these rules, not only the greater ideas are shared but also with the developed confidence one is able to get the time frame in this context.
The positive reinforcement means that when the time comes in the situational way and it occurs with the response of the positive stimulus in response to the behavior where the people have the different way to show their behavior and when the praise is made, then it will bring out some type of good quality. In the present time, it is seen that the rewards and the compensation that are offered to the employee and the other ways will make the people to have the good leader. The leadership lies, according to this theory in the type of the reinforcement or the stimulus that is given by many ways.
This theory depends on the fact that whatever is done by the individual in the present time theory is that they have to look over the leadership traits will have to depend on the situations that are present. in this time, when the situation is more or less not in the favor of many individual then it could be said that this is the situation where the individual is more like dependent in this manner. The descriptive type of leadership could be applied here and it shoes what kind of leadership is provided.
The task oriented leadership is that style where the leader is focused on the tasks that are to be made the performed to meet the production goal. In this era, the leadership is all about concerning for the production step by step and for the given goal or the problem there is made the strictly sure these deadlines with the results and the target outcomes. When the task has been assigned ten it is checked that is to be mentioned the meeting of the goal and with it, we will be able to follow the guidelines where will come the time frame .in the relationship oriented type of the leadership, it is more interacted with the relationships that is for the groups and is generally linked to the good of the all. In the time, when the leadership is looking for the surviving of the best to all then it is most required that will give the boost of the conditions and thus will follow all the notion to give the perfect leadership. This model explains the relationship that exists between the two. The group and its advantage are seen in the relational leadership while in the task oriented, the leadership s related to the fact that when the time is there then one has to meet the deadline. Therefore, with the changing of the time, the more and more theories are being developed and as there many theories related to it, thus, it is often said that it is better to look after the perfect kind of the theories in the life.
The Reemergence of Trait Theory
With the explanation of the various theories it is now more evident and clear that for the good leader, it is important that following traits should be presents:
Honesty: the first importance that is given to the good leader is that of the honesty. The honesty is the best policy is that maxim where it is explained that when any being or the leader is honest, then the functioning of the team will be made in such a manner that will make he team to be run in the fashioned manner.
Ability to delegate: to be a good leader the foremost thing is that followers always wish to get a leader who has the ability to market he delegation and when one is able to delegate then one could handle all the kinds of the situations.
Communication: there should be made the good communication between the leader and the followers. This communication is the primary force that will act like the bridge between the two.
Commitment: when the leader is of the such nature that he is totally committed to his team and has followers, then whatever be the situations in life and the team, the leader will be able to make them out of all the situations. This team commitment is the most important factor in the management run organization.
Confidence: the major thing that makes one as a leader is that of the confidence. We have seen how the leadership in the 21st century is lead. The leaders are all confident and the giant leaders have always shown the positive kind of the impact to the life of others. The management works means that there should be made the kind of the confidence that will make the good to the organization.
Positive attitude: the positive attitude is most important. The trait of the leader is that whenever any kind of the situation is targeted in this time, then the foremost thing that comes in the life of all and everyone is that they have to see the major changes in their organization .if it is the leader that is running the organization with the positive attitude then he should look to the situations in the ease manner,. Therefore, it is always advised that the leaders when giving instructions and such like to the followers should always be the more of the good attitude.
There are many theories and the models that has been explained above and when these all theories have explaiedthe leadership, then it could be concluded that with the time and this age, the leadership model has been changed totally. It was in the old times that the leadership was restricted to some sort of the traits and the behavior. The 21st century leadership requires one to be all keep the perfectness in the nature. It is the fact that there are many features in the life of the beings and thus they have to be carried with the help for these things. Now a days, it s observed that the people looks with different manner and thus they have to be sgare with the kind of the things and thus it will deal with the newly born things which will carry the good traits of the leadership. In this way, the present time situations will make it better. The good leader is known for its various reasons. The good leader is all soulfully connected to its followers and whenever the situation is of such nature that the followers are unable to come out of that situation then a good leader acts like the ideal leader. The different theories explain that how one is adjudged as the good leader. With this the good leader will be able to delegate and with his delegation the members and the followers will be benefit. Therefore, this assignment makes a view clear on the fact that in the 21st century all the leadership is based on the different perceptions but has to be followed with the sequence way.
Attribute Pattern Approach
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