Report on should comprise types, characteristics, properties, application, economic perspectives and future of Smart Material You should conduct your research into this topic by using the internet, books and electronic access to the academic journal papers available at the University College and The University of Sunderland. You must provide at least 10 references.
Your report should not be more than 10 sides in length, including a title page and a page containing your references.
Smart materials became an essential basis of many modern technology devices in different field of applications. You are assigned to select one (1) application that used smart materialsin its construction. You need to study the concept of this application, the design and development process. Explain the step-by-step procedure of the application’s production.
Discuss the difficulties that may be encountered throughout its development process.
Smart materials, also called intelligent or responsive materials, are designed materials that have one or more properties that can be significantly changed in a controlled fashion by external stimuli, such as stress, temperature, moisture, pH, electric or magnetic fields, light, or chemical compounds. Smart materials are the basis of many applications, including sensors and actuators, artificial muscles, particularly as electroactive polymers (EAPs).
Each student is required to submit a project report
The report shall consist of the following content:-
- Discuss the design and material of the application
- referring to the relevant technical literature
- step-by-step procedure for producing such application
- Comment on the difficulties that may be encountered in this process
Details engineering analysis and calculation (if any).
Complete detail technical drawings and schematic of the model
Introduction to Smart Materials
A wide research study has revealed that the intelligence of both the smart concepts alongside adaptive materials trace their origin back in the middle periods of 1980s. This came into place in attempts of giving a description of the new emerging research. The research covers a wider area of material electroactive functional integration into structures of large-scale as occurs in actuators and sensors. Previous records have demonstrated that electroactive materials had their use applied only in both microscale and small-scale transducers and mechatronic precision (electronic + mechanical) control systems. In general understanding, intelligent, smart and adaptive materials and structures gives an implication of a clever ability. Active, sharp fashionable alongside sophisticated. Contrary to this, it is realistically important to note that both materials and structures can never reflect true reasoning or intelligence without the addition of artificial intelligence. This is only achieved through use of personal computers, controllogic, microprocessors together with algorithm controls. In this context, these materials can only be active and ultimately the structures could be intelligent. Additionally, the integration of synergistic smart materials, sensors, structures, actuators together with control electronics has redefined structural concepts from a passive convention. This system is elastic system to an adaptive or active multifunctional structronic (electronic + structure) system with capabilities which are inherent for self-sensing diagnosis together with control capabilities. In this regard, the main objective of this research is to give a review of fundamental characteristics, practical applications and design principles of key smart materials. The examination of these smart materials includes piezoelectrics, electrostrictive materials, alloys of shape memory, magnetostrictive materials, magnetorheological fluids, photoferroelectrics materials, polyelectrolyte gels, photostrictictive materials, magneto-optical materials and lastly materials of superconductors. The multifield requirements of optothermoelectromagnetic mechanical system of application are sometimes complicated problems of multifield thermal, coupling elastic, electric, light interactions and magnetic are also debated.
Actuators broadly classified into two key and fundamental aspects. This includes the unconventional and the convectional actuators. It is important to note that the convectional actuators have the essential role and application in the mechatronic systems. Some of the areas in which the convectional actuators are used include electrical motors, hydraulic piston, pneumatic actuators as well as relays. On the other hand, the unconventional actuators often regarded the highly integrated elements. In essence, the elements in the systems not only regarded as the part of the system integral but also the structure part of the overall norm. The norm regarding these elements and the overall components for the convectional and the unconventional actuators mainly illustrated as indicated in the figure below
Selection of an Application
Figure showing the Actuators Sensors Arrangement
The two elements often illustrated and demarcated based on the principle of operations in that the convectional one applies the mechatronic systems. On the other hand, the unconventional approach applies the concept of the adaptronic system. Furthermore, it is fundamental to note the Piezoceramics, dielectric elastomers as well as shape memory alloy grounded as one of the unique elements in line with the actuators. Jacques and Pierre who were Curie brothers came up with the first observation on the electric generation field in line with the quartz crystals. The electric field often generated when the materials were subjected to the mechanical forces in the analysis conducted in 1880. Furthermore, the individuals also observed the strain generations in the event that crystal often subjected to the makeable fields. Piezoelectricity refers to phenomena which involves coupling of dynamic elastic as well static electric field. There are three key basic principles which one need to follow in line with the design approach for the sensors and actuators for smart materials. Notably, the smart materials are often commercially available and some of the materials include sheets, rods as well as pipes. First, the smart materials are pre-stretched via the application of heat at designated temperature. However, it is important to apply load in ensuring the wire does not deform but instead retains their original shapes upon cooling. There is adoption of the one-way smart materials technique which utilizes force creating combination components. The components often applied include constant load and antagonistic two SMA wires arrangement. The analysis regarding the principles in line with the actuators SMA wires mainly illustrated as indicated in the figure below
There is the adoption of the three basic principles of actuators in line with the combined design concepts. The concepts tend to result in makeable innovative device plurality. In essence, it is fundamental to note that both the controlled switching and the overall self-sufficient actuators tend to record exemplified norms. Furthermore, it is important to note that the switch controlled in the actuators tend to employ the shape memory and effects directly and thus, operates with the construction and design basics of the parametric smart actuators.
Step-By-Step Procedure for Producing Such Application
The step-by-step procedures regarding the production of the application mainly summarized and appraised as grounded on the figure below
Figure Showing Step-By-Step Procedure for Producing Actuators Application
There are various stages and phases which one must incorporate the design and this mainly discussed as follows
Design and Development Process
External Load Effect
The elements mainly used in defining the relationships which emerges between the various primary output quantities. However, the set values for the stroke as well as force in line with the actuators often defined if the overall external loads characteristic curves incorporated and considered in the design works. The incorporation of the elements tends to offer the second qualities relationship (Islam and Seethaler 2014 p.668).
Input Quantities Thresholds
This is considered in line with the maximum values which one uses to describe existing load analysis. It is grounded on the variable listed items which tend to range from the parametric 1 to 4 value. Input variable which one chooses depends on the monotonic nature of the actuator as the key drive. However, the value tends to operates up to the set threshold limit but exceeding the point cannot allow for any increase in the input variable. Thus, the analysis on the threshold limits tend to offer the opportunity of reducing and allowing for changes in the dimensions set.
Geometrical Parameterization
It is important to analyze the maximum output quantities using the threshold analysis method. The examination uses the actuator geometry. This norm is grounded on applying the fixed variables choice for the item1 and 2 respectively. The first set procedure in the evaluation is the global representative identification. The identification process involves three key elements which include the length, actuator sizes as well as the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the corresponding numbers of the makeable reference lengths at designated points in line with different axes is also essential. Moreover, the geometrical variables also relating to the reference lengths existing on the same axis in line with the non-dimensional variables are also important to incorporate in the work (Islam and Seethaler 2014 p.668).
From the observations given by the Curie brothers, Pierre and Jacques, there is a close connection in the generation of electric field based on quartz crystals. There was a general overview brought when mechanical forces are subjected on crystals. Again, the two also gave an observation when the crystals are subjected to electric fields. A material of piezoelectric has been found to respond to both mechanical pressure/forces alongside generation of both electric charges and voltage. This phenomenon is referred to as ‘direct piezoelectric effect’. This effect is illustrated below (Islam and Seethaler 2014 p.668).
Figure illustrating the Piezoelectric Materials (Islam and Seethaler 2014 p.668)
Furthermore, there is also an induction of mechanical strain or stresses by the electric charges applied to the material. In usual sense, this direct effect of piezoelectric forms the basis for the application of sensors and the reverse effect is directed for actuation of the precision alongside manipulation in the application of controls. It is important to note that the lower the electric field, the higher the piezoelectric effect. However, increase in electric field results into electromechanical hysteresis. The below table gives a representation of piezoelectric effects
Difficulties Encountered Throughout Development
Table indicating common Piezoelectric Materials(Islam and Seethaler 2014 p.668)
From the above table, it can be observed that most of the natural and synthetic materials exhibit properties of piezoelectricity. These natural properties can be grouped into liquid crystals, natural crystals, textures, non-crystalline materials and lastly synthetic piezoelectric materials. At an elevate temperature, these materials are made anisotropic after application of high electric field on them. Due to these, their dipoles rearrange and align themselves to orientation in the structure when temperature is reduced (Islam and Seethaler 2014 p.668).
For some times now, quite a lot of advancements have been witnessed in the engineering field. A number of theories and hypothesis on piezoelectricity have been formulated. Another key area of concern noted is the proposal and refining of optopiezothermoelasticity over the years. The applications of the piezoelectric materials in engineering found its foundation in the depth-sounding device based on Rochellesalt and invented in 1917 by Langevin. These novel devices of piezoelectric materials were applied after invention to a wide variety of engineering applications (Jabbari, Joubaneh and Mojahedin 2014 p.58).
Sensors such as pressure transducers force transducers, accelerometers among others, actuators (robot manipulators, precision manipulators, driving mechanisms, ultrasonic motors for scanning tunneling microscopes among others), structronic systems (for example airplane wings, helicopter rotor blades, precisionstrusses, space structures e.t.c) and smart structures have been documented. (In fact, smart structures areas and structronics started with the distributed piezoelectric sensing and control research in the early1980s.) New devices are being invented and patented every year. The table below highlights a list of sample applications (Islam and Seethaler 2014 p.668).
Table Showing Sample Concepts
Application of Actuators
The applications of the actuators mainly discussed based on the type and the selections of the elements. Some of the types selected and discussed in line with their applications include
Thermal Actuators
This type of the actuator mainly defined as the bimetallic strip. The devices often aim at converting the overall thermal energy to parametric motion. The analogy mainly operates with the utilization of the thermal expansion effect. Preferably, the thermal expansion extrudes the norm of utilizes the thermal energy change manifestations in line with the materials. Notably, the heating of the material tends to make it to increase the distance which exist between the overall atomic molecules. However, the distance amount varies from one material to the other. Moreover, the increase in distance is often termed as the microscopic incremental and thus, not visible to the human eyes in most occasions. The changes recorded with time will increase and began to be visible to the human eyes. On the other hand, the opposite reactions are likely to be recorded in the cooling process as the temperature decreases. Thus, it is noted that whenever a material is exposed to the constantly variation ambient temperature, then the materials will begin to expand and contract grounded on the whether the temperature is increasing or decreasing.
Review of Smart Material Types
The application of the thermal actuators in line with the smart materials often depicted as illustrated in the pictorial diagram below
Figure Illustrating the Application of Thermal Actuators
Electric Actuators
It is another essential element of the actuators and tends to have immense application in the long run. The principle operations and the techniques regarding the electric actuators mainly illustrated as indicated in the analysis below (Jabbari, Joubaneh and Mojahedin 2014 p.58).
It is important to note that an electric actuator is also defined and demarcated as electric motor as shown in the above analysis. Preferably, it is important to note that most of the direct current motors tends to functions via the application of the flowing current. The current often flows in the wire coil and thus, creating the magnetic fields around the makeable coil. Notably, the coil is often wrapped around the parametric shafts of the motor and positioned between the designated large permanent poles of the electromagnet and the magnet. The engagement of the two magnetic fields results in rotation of the coil on its axis and thereby rotating the shafts of the motor as shown in the above analysis. Thus, the electric actuator demarcated as the transducer whose is to convert the magnetic energy into the motion or mechanical energy (Jabbari, Joubaneh and Mojahedin 2014 p.58).
Technical Calculations for Actuators
The analysis regarding the norm in line with the technical appraisal mainly summarized as indicated in the expressions below (Jabbari, Joubaneh and Mojahedin 2014 p.58).
The technical drawings for the actuators mainly illustrated as indicated in the diagram below
Figure Showing the Technical Drawing and Illustration for Actuators
Moreover, the connection of the actuators to the feeders is also essential and equally important at all times. The appraisal regarding the norm often indicated as per the analysis demarcated in the pictorial diagram below (Islam and Seethaler 2014 p.668).
Figure Showing the Connection Actuator to the Feeder
Furthermore, the detailed analysis and design specification in line with the 2 and 3 D drawings indicated as follows (Islam and Seethaler 2014 p.668).
Design Specifications for 2 and 3D Drawing (Peng and Chen 2014 p.89).
The difficulties which one can encounter in the process mainly indicated and summarized as per the analysis given in the tabulation format below (Peng and Chen 2014 p.89).
Different actuators often appraised and examined in the analysis. The actuators which one investigates in line with the JENA demarcated to have same type. In essence, the set values for the Maximum stroke is ?X≈42 µm and this is set at temperature, T=300 K. The illustrations regarding the analysis mainly indicated as shown below (Peng and Chen 2014 p.89).
Variations of the full range (Vmax=120 V) displacement with temperature
Figure Showing One-Way Pose Accuracy (Modarres et al. 2018)
The application of actuators in the engineering works and designs offers the viable opportunities and precise analogies. In essence the application of the active controlled smart materials assists in the provisions of the new dimensions as well as design opportunities for high-performance devices, mechatronic systems, structures as well as structronic systems. Synergistically is the application of the integral smart materials, sensors, control electronic as well as the artificial intelligence with the aim of enhancing the convectional mechatronic devices. Thus, the analysis has indicated that the synergistically integration incorporates the convectional applications as well as the convectional disciplines.
Islam, M.N. and Seethaler, R.J., 2014. Sensorless position control for piezoelectric actuators using a hybrid position observer. IEEE/ASME Transactions On Mechatronics, 19(2), pp.667-675.
Jabbari, M., Joubaneh, E.F. and Mojahedin, A., 2014. Thermal buckling analysis of porous circular plate with piezoelectric actuators based on first order shear deformation theory. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 83, pp.57-64.
Modarres, A., Jiang, L., Cruz, M., Pieron, R., Ye, F., Gregorio, P., Grant, D. and Olien, N., Immersion Corp, 2018. Systems and methods for haptic feedback using laterally driven piezoelectric actuators. U.S. Patent 9,870,053.
Peng, J.Y. and Chen, X.B., 2014. Integrated PID-based sliding mode state estimation and control for piezoelectric actuators. IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics, 19(1), pp.88-99.
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