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The effects of poverty on education

Discuss About The Economic Growth Development World Scientific.

The following will be discussed upon the impact of the education on reducing the poverty all over the world. The word ‘poverty’ generally means the bad condition of people in terms of financial position. The people who belong to line below poverty are generally called the poor people (Rakodi 2014). Other than that, poverty can also be attributed to mental poverty as well. This means the inability to taste the good things and acknowledge them. However, if a bulk of people belong to a position who do not earn enough money to make the both ends meet for their families are the poor people indeed. It has been seen most of the people are deprived of education because of their poverty (Ratha 2013). Most little children in the poor countries are not able to go to school since they are very poor and they do not have the proper means to attend their classes as their parents cannot pay the fees at the schools (Rakodi 2014).  The role of education in the developed and developing countries is to design the process by which the children can at least be able to go to schools since education is the basic right of the children. The development of the poor countries relies mainly on the spread of education throughout the countries. Several international organizations are working for the spread of the education throughout the world. This would surely help to reduce the poverty levels. In this essay, the main focus will be on the evaluating the role of education as a long-term solution to fight against poverty (Ratha 2013).

Thesis statement: Education is considered to be a long-term solution for the fighting against poverty from health, economic and social concerns.

The effects of poverty are much wide ranged. Many organizations have been trying to get rid of the evils of poverty within the society (Chawla 2016). In the developed countries, the governments must take the proper initiatives to make the most opportunities for the success of the society in terms of arranging for education. Some experts have opined that education is only a long time solution for the eradication of poverty from the society. The children in many poor countries suffer from malnourishment (Chawla 2016). This is why they die at a very tender age and they do not get the opportunity of attending the schools. Some of them are not able to get the food in proper time because the adults do not take care of them properly Litschig, S. and Morrison, 2013). Sometimes it has also been seen that the little children do not have the idea that they should not eat the stale food. This is generally due to their lack of education. If they had this education they should not have done this but they do not have the education of maintaining the proper hygiene indeed (Litschig and Morrison 2013). Poverty has led them to a certain state that they cannot afford the necessary things in their lives. This is why they are deprived of these things indeed. The question remains whether the spread of education among the common people can lead to the betterment in the situation related to poverty (Satterthwaite and Mitlin 2013). Education certainly has a huge role to play in shaping up the society but it has to fight against poverty as well (Apple 2012).

The role of education in developed and developing countries

It has been noted that the effects of the child poverty are huge in the realms of spreading the education. The children suffer from several physical and psychological health issues indeed. The children who belong to the poor families suffer from several psychological issues as well as they do not receive the formal education properly. Some of the most important issues in this context are the psychological stress, low level of self-esteem, depression and anxiety. In this modern world, the percentage of poverty is seriously increasing and everyone has to fight against this evil (Apple 2012). Education can be a very strong weapon for fighting against the evils of property. Another prime reason behind this lack of education is the high school drop outs. The pupils remain unemployed as well (Ladd 2012). The current generation pupils have fewer chances of employment so they suffer this heavily. These pupils who join the list of the school drop outs are unable to land with good jobs at the end. They have to get into such jobs that do not suit them so they are deprived of earning a big sum of money (Tarabini and Jacovkis 2012). This is why these people suffer from poverty at some point of time indeed. The economy in most capitalist countries is primarily knowledge based. In this scenario, the education crisis seems to be a huge problem for all the people. The reforms in the school syllabi are under the process but it has not yielded positive results till now (Todaro and Smith 2012). 

In this scenario, it can be said that the education has the responsibility to take care of the children for the people below the poverty line. The spread of the poverty all around the world will be highly important in this context. This is why the schools must bring out some important schemes by which the poor people can also join the schools indeed (Platteau 2015). The economic development of the country mainly depends on the industries the government can fetch from different countries. If the countries match their educational system in a way that the children can get the proper education and get the jobs to earn money, this will definitely heighten the economic condition of the country. The countries should make some special economic programs by which they would be able to make the social development. This should pave the way for the development of the entire society. The education process definitely seems to be a long process since it really takes a long time to educate a child. The government should take up the bigger responsibility. They should launch some strategies by which they should be able to cope up with the challenges of poverty indeed. The macro-economic strategies should be implemented here in this context as well. The conditions in the country can really improve if the governments take the ample action in order to provide the best facilities to the people of the country. This will be a faster option to eradicate the poverty from the society and educational systems can be strengthened thus.


This conclusion of the paper can be drawn in the following fashion. It has to be said that the education and poverty are very much inter related from the economic aspects. However, the experts have suggested that getting educated will not eradicate the poverty from the society. On order to do so, the people have to discuss about the ways the government can make some strategies (Van den Berg 2016). The poverty reduction strategies implemented by the government will be very much important in this context as well. It is the government who must take up the necessary responsibility for making the proper arrangements for reducing the poverty within the country. If the children get educated it will surely create more opportunities for the jobs. This will indirectly help the society to grow in a better way indeed. The government should always take up the initiative so they can provide the proper steps to eradicate the poverty. However, education is obviously a very important strategy in this context since the education will fend off the lights of ignorance and make way for a better society in terms of the financial conditions indeed.


Apple, M.W., 2012. Can education change society?. Routledge. (,+M.W.,+2012.+Can+education+change+society%3F.&ots=Ka1KJ7ZfL4&sig=qjVjPnrBpa9oMAgGrivMuupCDb4#v=onepage&q=Apple%2C%20M.W.%2C%202012.%20Can%20education%20change%20society%3F.&f=false)

Rakodi, C., 2014. Urban livelihoods: A people-centred approach to reducing poverty. Routledge (,+C.,+2014.+Urban+livelihoods:+A+people-centred+approach+to+reducing+poverty.+Routledge.&ots=CXLmpeMCAo&sig=eu_HYi0cnknOHZV-NpYaGj32Nf0#v=onepage&q=Rakodi%2C%20C.%2C%202014.%20Urban%20livelihoods%3A%20A%20people-centred%20approach%20to%20reducing%20poverty.%20Routledge.&f=false)

Satterthwaite, D. and Mitlin, D. eds., 2013. Empowering Squatter Citizen:" Local Government, Civil Society and Urban Poverty Reduction". Routledge (,+D.+and+Mitlin,+D.+eds.,+2013.+Empowering+Squatter+Citizen:%22+Local+Government,+Civil+Society+and+Urban+Poverty+Reduction%22.+


Van den Berg, H., 2016. Economic growth and development. World Scientific Publishing Company (,+H.,+2016.+Economic+growth+and+development.+World+Scientific+Publishing+Company..&ots=2I37lQYJ31&sig=5h_7OHYqLsaEU-1XcedowpcruVU#v=onepage&q=Van%20den%20Berg%2C%20H.%2C%202016.%20Economic%20growth%20and%20development.%20World%20Scientific%20Publishing%20Company..&f=false)

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