1. Project quality management is referred as the process of regularly checking and inspecting the quality of all the activities and taking the correct action for achieving the desired quality. It manages the quality of the project, sets and maintains the standard to achieve the planned quality. Effective quality management plan also lowers the risks and cost of the product. The plan also confirms of the deliverables are accurate and project is delivering the right output. According to plan if a project does not deliver the desired output the individual will be able to make minor changes by providing minor direction rather than entirely redoing it (Slaví?ková 2021). There project quality management plan is done by following three processes that are quality assurance, quality planning and quality control.
Quality Planning- In a good project quality management plan comes with the clear idea and definitely of the goals of the project and its deliverables. In the planning process one must ensure how the deliverables will look and what it will accomplish based on that it will be decided if the project is delivering the right output or not (Mohammed and Adindu 2021). This phase includes the risk assessment activities, sets high standards, documentation of everything, defines the tests and methods to achieve the desired goal and controls, predicts verifies the success of the goal. The different quality management tasks are assigned to different groups or individuals who are ordered to track and report the metrics in quality
Quality Assurance- This phase provides the proper evidence for the stakeholders about all the quality related activities are executed as planned and desired. It is usually done to the services and products of the project with procedures and processes to manage and ensure the output. It is usually done by project audit or checklists. The audits and tests help the individual to understand and predict the quality of the services of products and take actions for the accordingly.
Quality Control- This phase of quality management process includes the different operational techniques to ensure the quality of standards. This process collects, identifies, analyzed and corrects all the issues in a project. It any error or issue occurs it suggests the methods for improvement. Monitors the specific outputs and it determines the compliance with the appropriate standards. The phase looks for the unnecessary factors what hampers the quality and helps to mitigate it. Quality control can be done to ensure the budget and schedule of a project. It is done through the peer review and testing. If the outputs do not match with the desired output, it can be changed (Juraboevich 2021).
In project quality management all the activities and decisions are needed to be made based the on the degree of conformance of the outputs. A project delivers a huge output that can be in any subject form. The output depends on the technical work nature and the specific requirements of the individuals (Chen 2019). The company has planned to use the WBS as the base for integration to set the quality of the project following the customer requirements. Her program sets the roadmap for the project quality which it assists the with the planning of what are the next requirements.
Quality Assurance
2. The cost of failure is defined as the costs that are costs associated with the defects found in the products received by the customers (Rezvani and Khosravi 2019). The failure costs are associated with correcting and non-confirming materials including the scrap, repair work, rework, warranty actions and other factors related to the correction of nonconformances. The internal failure costs can be defined as those which exits before sorting the defects of the shipments. These are developed during the processes. There are different types of costs that includes the manufacturing costs, appraisal costs, purchasing costs, miscellaneous quality evaluation costs. The main factor that puts the direct effects to the cost are the customers not confirming the individual requirements.
Figure 1: Graph for representing the prevention, failure and total costs
Hence the quality is measured with the defects that are identified. One of the most important thing quality cost measurements are customer satisfaction, doing the things right at the first time. It occurs while handling the issues of quality in order to improve the poor quality of cost. All the costs are categorized in four sectors like External failure cost, inspection costs, internal failure cost, and prevention cost.
The external costs are mainly associated with the founded defects by customers after receiving the product or services. Processing customer complaints, product recalls, warranty claims and lastly customer returns are examples of external failure.
The internal costs associate with the defects that are found before the products the services reach the customer. The defects being talked about include re-inspection, examining, review of material and material down grades. Inspection cost incurs to control the degree of conformance to the quality requirements like measuring, evaluating and auditing. The prevention cost is referred to the prevention of poor quality keeping the cost and failure to minimum. Like new product review, quality planning, suppliers survey, process review, quality improvement terms. The cost of poor quality is one of the main reasons of cost failure of the products. The products when it does not meet the customer demands and standards become the cause of failure. The individual company can improve the quality as soon as the elimination occurs (Wang et al. 2019). COPQ (Cost of poor quality) helps in improving the profit of the company so that it gets the advantage of competing with the competitors. The poor quality and cost failure does not only vary in the mentioned categories but also depends on the hidden costs as lost due to lost business. Costs of project managements, loss of customer trust and cost of lost assets also affect the product cost failure. The costs are like icebergs which are insubstantial in the water surface comparing to the hidden waster surface (Yudi and Azwir 2018.)
3. Kaoru Ishikawa is considered as the father of Japanese quality program, the inventor of the Fishbone diagram which is also knows as the 4M/5M or the cause-and-effect diagram. The individual also supported the concept of next operation as the client for avoiding workplace politics (Absalyamova et al. 2018). The individual believed in making people think differently about the individual task processes. Ishikawa noticed that the lack of internal coordination in the operational activities the customer requirements. The improved coordination leads to better quality. The individual followed the other individuals who believed in quality control as well. With W. Edwards Deming, the main developer of Plan-Do-check-act-model Ishikawa extended the topic into a six-step plan. The individual strongly believed the strength of six quality tools and enlightened the individual with the six quality tools that are- control charts, run chart, flow chart, histogram, scatter diagram and pareto chart. The individual believed and included the quality control management for the companies (Azbaki et al. 2021). The individual’s major contributions can eb listed as followed-
Quality Control
Fishbone Diagram: It is known as the one of the basic tools of quality control. The objectives of the fishbone diagram are identification for the cares of improvement by removing the waste form the project. It clusters the barriers together to identity which has the greatest impact on the project. Ishikawa designed the program to design and prevent causes that affect the program.
Quality Circles Implementation: It is referred as the group of people who conduct meetings to identify, inspect and resolve the work-related problems. Improvement The main objectives of the quality circle are safety, manufacturing, product designs and the overall culture of the organization (Rohrbasser et al. 2018). The concept was first described by Edward Deming in 1950 and later it was expanded by Ishikawa. The basic idea of quality circle is the formal group of people who are trained by the specialists in human factors and skills to identify, gather data and analyze the factors to generate a solution.
Emphasis of the Interna Customers: Ishikawa suggested that over relying on the group of specialists may limit the scope of all the employee improvement. the individual suggested that the overall participation is required rom all the employees at the different levels of the organization. In Every area there is the potential to contribute in the general quality so all the areas are supposed to have the statistical technique for the external as well as the internal audit programs. The company-wide term includes the activities of the company with the quality of management, human aspects, sales services and the customer care.
All the theories and provides the individual with the benefits like cost reduction, waste reduction, improvement of goods, increased production, decreased false data and reports, product quality defect reduction, improved human relation, smoothly performed meeting, better communication between vendors and vendees, established techniques and better relationship with the departments.
4. The main input of project quality management varies on the three main processes that are project planning, project assurance and project quality control.
The main inputs in the project quality management planning are project charter which is the short documentation that sets the main details of the project supporting the aim and goals of the project, project management plan that helps in guiding the program managers and project personnel to hold and execute the quality management and assurance activities for the project or the program (Frazier-Logue et al. 2022). Another input is the project documents that documents and saves the necessary information that are required to properly manage the project quality form the project planning. The other inputs which assist in maintaining the project quality standards to help in the project deliverables are the organizational process assets and enterprise environmental factors.
Some of the inputs in the project assurance are project management plan are similar to the inputs of quality assurance process. The inputs that help to perform the quality assurance process are quality metrics that refers to the number of tests in the certain period of time, number of tests in the total time (Borkovskaya, Degaev and Burkova 2018). The quality metrics are divided into different types that are source code metrics, testing metrics and development metrics. Quality control measurements are done to analyze and execute the quality of the processes and deliverables. Another major input is the change requests that refers to the documentation used for requesting the actual change to process the plan. To execute the steps of the quality assurance all the updates of the project management plan are required so it is considered as another input of the quality assurance (Taylor 2018). Other inputs of quality management plans are the project documentation, organizational process assets update that is required to proceed with the plan (Bacoup et al. 2018).
Cost of Failure
Lastly the third phase of the quality management is the quality control. The main inputs of the project quality control are project management plan, project documents, approval of change requests that refers to the approval of the requests that were initiated in the first phase, project deliverables, work performance data that refers to the data that are raw and observed in the workplaces and the other inputs areenterprise environmental points and organizational process assets which are similar to some of the inputs of the previous processes. The inputs decide the quality of the projects, verifies the deliverables, work on performance information of the project team, plans the project management plan updates, project management documents updates that also includes the lessons registers, issue log, risk registers, test and evaluation of the documents (Loganina, Skachkov and Lesovik 2020).
To execute the quality management inputs are needed and it is considered as the main factors. The different phase has the different inputs that categorized based on the activities it provides (Du Plessis et al. 2018). The inputs that are considered as ty most important ones are the project management plan which is required in all the phases, project documentation, change requests, work performance data, project deliverables and organizational process assets.
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