Discuss about the Empirical Evidence and Future Research.
The report helps in analysis of the area of the leadership and management styles in the entire business. Proper analysis of the effectiveness of both the leadership and management styles as this will help in improving the appropriateness. The different literature review along with discussion will be conducted as this will help in solving the issues related to management and leadership in the organization effectually.
The main aim and purpose of the report is to identify the entire leadership and management style in the entire business. The effectiveness has to be analysed in an appropriate manner that will provide different kind of issues and solutions to resolve such issues as well. The different kind of analysis has to be done in order to understand the evolvement of the leadership along with difference between the management and leadership as well. Proper analysis of the contribution of leadership to the management is required to be done effectively as well.
The structure of the report includes literature review on the critical analysis of the leadership and management styles in the organization. Proper culture has to be ascertained as this will help in understanding the relationship of the same in different organizations as well.
Leadership and management are considered practically overlapping kind of different concepts. However, there are various differences between the two concepts that is required to be analysed in an effective manner as well. Yang et al. (2017) has commented that the both leadership and management are totally different kind of concepts and there are differences in the both concepts as well.
According to Yahaya and Ebrahim (2016), with the implementation of globalization along with technological innovations, effective leadership is essential in nature and it is crucial in nature as well. As observed by Kotter, leadership is related to change wherein there is acceleration of change, there is requirement of the effective kind of leadership as well. Furthermore, Chuang, Jackson. and Jiang (2016) has commented that leadership is essential in nature as this maximises the efficiency as to achieve the different kind of organizational goals in an effectual manner.
There are diverse kind of definitions of the leadership wherein Demirtas (2015) has commented that the leadership concept is the activity of leading a group or the organization wherein it establishes a clear vision along with sharing the vision and providing knowledge to realize the vision as well.
Understanding the Differences between Leadership and Management
On the other hand, management is art or science that is used in order to accomplish the goals of the organization in an effectual manner. It is defined as the entire process wherein the organizations are able to achieve goals in an effectual manner and it is different from leadership as well.
Furthermore, Demirtas (2015) has commented that management and leadership are two different kind of concepts wherein unlike management, leadership cannot be taught. The leadership can be learnt and enhanced through proper mentoring and coaching. For instance: Bill Gates is one such example of great leader who has inspired the individuals by continued kind of passion and innovation. Despite of the different failures, Bill Gates has tried to engage into different kind of activities and inspired the different subordinates to perform in an effectual manner.
The main function of the manager is to plan and budget along with development of the process steps along with setting timelines as well. It helps in displaying the impersonal kind of attitude about the goals and vision. The managers of the organizations help in delegating the responsibility and authority among different kind of subordinates in the organization.
It helps in identification of the structure and organizes the staffs in the organization as well. It will limit the choices of the employees as well along with displays less kind of emotion as well. It is based on the vision of the managers order and predictability. The managers help in providing the expected kind of results consistently to stakeholders and other kind of stakeholders Mittal and Dhar (2015).
The managers control the different kind of processes along with identification of the problem in an effectual manner. Furthermore, the managers will monitor the results along with they take low amount of risk to solve the problems in an effectual manner as well. Furthermore, the managers do not take much risks in overcoming the issues and bring some change in the organizations.
The leaders help in setting directions along with developing strategic kind of plans as this will help in achieving the vision in an appropriate manner Mittal and Dhar (2015). It helps in displaying passionate kind of attitude about the goals and vision as well. The leaders help in aligning the organization and communicate the vision, mission along with direction. The leaders help in increasing the choices and it displays driven and high emotion as well. The leaders of the organizations help in influencing the creation of the teams along with partnerships as well.
Impact of Organizational Culture on Leadership and Management
On the other hand, the leaders motivate and energises the subordinates and they try to overcome the different kind of barriers and bring some proper change in the organizations as well. Furthermore, it helps in satisfying the basic kind of needs of humans along with take high amount of risk in solving the issues unlike the different managers of the organizations. It helps in promoting the dramatic and useful kind of changes that includes the new product or approaches to improve the labour relations in an effectual manner Demirtas (2015).
According to Demirtas (2015), it has been seen that leadership is much broader kind of concept that helps in leading over the management in different kind of organizations. It has been seen that the leaders in different kind of organizations help in setting different directions along with development of the different kind of strategic plans as well. The leaders portray a very positive attitude towards the different subordinates who are performing their best in the organizations.
However, Mittal and Dhar (2015) has commented that managers help in delegating the activities between the subordinates and this helps the organization in performing in an effectual manner. Furthermore, the author has commented that the managers help in organizing the staffs in the organization that helps them in implementing the vision. But () has commented that managers limit the different kind of choices of the employees in the organization and it controls the entire process that can create negative influence on the entire organizational culture and structure as well.
Furthermore, it has been seen that Mittal and Dhar (2015) has stated that the leaders help in motivating and energizing the subordinates in the organization. The leaders help in satisfying the needs of the subordinates and take high approach of risk to solve the issues faced in the organization. The leaders of the different organizations help in improving along with promoting different kind of labour relations with the subordinates in an effectual manner.
The organizational culture creates a huge impact on the leadership in different companies in the entire economy. According to Mittal and Dhar (2015), the organizational culture is the proper system of the different kind of assumptions, values, norms along with beliefs manifested by different kind of symbols along with shared experience of the different members of the organization as well. It has been seen that all the organizations have different kind of culture as this helps them and the employees to perform successfully and this is essential in nature to believe in culture as well.
Importance of Ethical Practices in Organizations
Furthermore, it is commented by Collinson and Tourish (2015) that the organizational kind of culture is the model of different beliefs, attitudes along with norms that affects the entire organizational behaviour. Johnston and Marshall (2016) has commented that the patterns of the shared kind of values along with beliefs helps the different kind of individuals in understanding the functioning of the organization along with providing them the required norms in the respective kind of organizations as well. Paterson et al. (2016) has stated that the organizational culture is one of the strategic assets for the companies as this helps in increasing the adaptability and fit the entire organizational culture and structure in an appropriate manner as well.
Proper organizational ethics is required to be present in the organizations as this helps in making the organization adoptable to the external environment as well. Johnston and Marshall (2016) has commented that all the organizations need to maintain proper and fair code of ethics while working in the organization as this will help them in responding to the external environment effectively. Klenke (2016) has stated that all the employees in the organizations should not indulge in any kind of manipulation of the information of the organization to get results, this is not the example of proper kind of ethics as well. Furthermore, proper and effective kind of fairness is required to be maintained by the organizations in order to gain proper importance in the entire environment as well.
Collinson and Tourish (2015) has commented that the organizations should not discriminate among the different employees in the organization. The organizations need to take care of all the employees in the organization and there should not be any kind of discrimination done among the different employees as well. Proper management and leadership is required in the organizations in the entire economy as this helps in understanding the issues and solve them effectively as well.
The organizational culture plays a significant role in the organizations wherein there are different kind of organizational cultures that include Schein, Schwartz, Hofstede, O” Reilly, The Competing Values Framework. Engelen et al. (2015) has commented that the competing value framework is the most kind of influential used model in the research of the organizational culture. Gopee, and Galloway (2017) has stated and developed organizational culture framework that is built on the theoretical kind of model that is known as competing values framework. There are different kind of characteristics of all the cultures of organizations.
Bird and Mendenhall (2016) has commented that the organizational effectiveness is essential in nature in different kind of organizations along with achieving the goals of the organization as well. Proper ascertainment has to be done in order to understand the fulfilment of the objectives effectually as well. The entire topic of the organizational effectiveness includes and emphasized on process, information, control along with setting goals in an appropriate manner as well. It has been seen that from the various viewpoints of different authors, there are relevant kind of features along with effectiveness areas as well.
Bolden (2016) has stated and described that the measurement of the entire effectiveness is the most critical issue in the organizational culture theory. For linkage with the organizational culture, Bergh et al. (2016) has tried to identify the different kind of characteristics that helps in determining the effectiveness of the organization with utilizing the competency value framework. There are different kind of organizational values that are defined as the enduring kind of goals that serves as the guiding kind of principles in an appropriate manner.
Transformational leadership is one of the styles of the leadership that is often considered the most effectual kind of leadership among the different individuals in the organizations. The individuals who inspire the transformational leadership style are the ones who provide various opportunities to the subordinates to showcase their views and perform well in the entire organization as well (Mittal and Dhar 2015). However, it is seen that these kinds of individuals are blue-sky thinkers and they are detail-oriented kind of managers and this implemented strategic visions as well. Secondly, the transactional kind of leadership includes the much focused on the group kind of organization along with establishment of the chain of command that is clear in nature. Furthermore, the different kind of transactional kind of leaders offer exchange and they reward for the good kind of performances as well (Birasnav 2014).
Furthermore, the servant kind of leadership includes with the help of power sharing models of authority along with the needs are being prioritized and encourage the decision making of the different team members who are working under the same team as well. This kind of leadership is named as altruistic leadership of the team and there is lack of diversity and increase the morale of the employees as well. In this case, there is lack of the authority among the leaders of the organization wherein only the team members take the tough and critical kind of decisions (Ingram et al. 2015).
The autocratic kind of leadership is the one that is one of the extreme version of the transactional kind of leadership and the autocratic kind of leadership have significant kind of control over the different staffs and the workers suggest power as well. This kind of leadership is wherein the leaders rule the entire team and the team members do not have any role to play in the team as well. Laissez Faire leadership is wherein the leaders are being judged and characterised by their hands-off approach and this is effective in performing the employees to perform their tasks and this is effectual in nature as well (Ingram et al. 2015).
Situational kind of leadership is defined as the theory that includes range of different kind of styles depending on the environment. There are different factors that include seniority of the work along with business process that is being performed along with complexity of the work in an appropriate manner. There are different kind of new leaders have natural kind of leadership style and all the members in the team have the power to take different decisions.
Leadership is essential in different kind of organizations as this helps in understanding the different kind of issues that are faced by the members in the organization. Hoch et al. (2016) has commented that leadership helps and it is defined as the action of leading the different kind of employees to achieve the different kind of goals and maintain sustainability as well. () has commented that leadership is good in nature when the leaders influence the different employees in providing and sharing their views in order to understand the future state of the entire organization as well.
D’Innocenzo et al. (2016) has commented that good kind of leadership is essential for the organization to achieve the organizational kind of success. The leaders are the key human resource in different kind of organizations and this helps them the power to compete with other competitors in the market as well. The entire importance of the leadership cannot be overemphasized and the management of the supply chain management is essential in nature to conduct the team work that is appropriate in nature.
Leadership is the important factor for making the organization successful in nature and it is the entire process of influencing the individuals to complete the assigned tasks in a successful manner along with an efficient manner (Gamble and Thompson 2014). Without a proper kind of leadership, it is seen that the managers cannot transform the potential into the reality. The different kind of leadership in the organization is to meet the three-different kind of challenges that includes the first challenge wherein the shared vision is required to be provided to the employees.
Furthermore, the main purpose of the organization is to understand the vision and mission wherein this includes the set of objectives that has to be performed by the organization. The second kind of challenge is to set proper kind of objectives and this helps in converting the strategic kind of vision into the directional course of the actions as well (Shin et al. 2015). The proper kind of leadership is essential and appropriate in nature wherein the team members and the leaders need to understand the mission and vision of the organization that is required to be achieved by them in an effectual manner with the implementation of the set of the objectives as well.
Leadership is one of the most essential functions in the different kind of organizations and it helps in maximising the efficiency and this helps in achieving the organizational goals (Renko et al. 2015). In fact, the leadership is the essential part along with the crucial kind of component of the effective management.
Therefore, there are different kind of importance of the leadership in demonstrating the achievement of the entire excellence of the organizations. The different kind of importance of the organizational leadership are as follows:
One of the first step is that leaders in the different kind of organizations need to undertake the different ascertainment that is required to be established and the communication is essential in nature in order to clarify the objectives in an effectual manner (Day, Gu and Sammons 2016). Secondly, leade3rs provide the structured kind of approach that helps in generating the action plan in an effective manner to achieve the goals of the organization effectively. Leaders need to provide encouragement to the employees in the different companies to provide motivation to the employees effectually (Tian, Risku and Collin 2016).
Leaders have an open and engaging kind of relationship with the different individuals and the proper and effective kind of relationship is essential in becoming the integral component of the organization. The good kind of leadership helps the different kind of organizations in remaining focused during the crisis of time and their achievements are developed appropriately (Peachey et al. 2015).
From the above discussion, proper leadership is the integral kind of the communication and management of the organizations. Proper effectiveness in the leadership management is essential in nature and is required to be attained by the different kind of organizations in such a manner that will help them in gaining competitive advantage. Proper kind of leadership qualities is required to be inbuilt in the different kind of managers in the organization as this helps them in motivating the individuals who are performing well in the companies (Hallinger and Chen 2015).
Furthermore, with the help of the organizational culture along with future vision has to be inbuilt among the individuals and this will motivate them to perform in much appropriate manner as well. From the literature review, it has been seen that proper enthusiasm along with self-awareness is required to be inbuilt in the different employees or the team-members in the organization as they are the crucial part of the company and they are required to be provided with lot of motivation as this will help them in performing better (Donate and de Pablo 2015).
Lastly, it has been seen that there are different kind of leadership styles that is required to be maintained in the organizations as this helps the companies in gaining competitive advantage. Proper decision-making capabilities is essential in nature as well that helps in maintaining lead in the entire market that is competitive in nature (Weng et al. 2015). Furthermore, the development of the new ideas helps in resolving the current issues effectually and leaders with proper qualities of leadership will help in maintaining proper integrity in the entire organization as well.
Furthermore, the values are conceptualized in an effective manner wherein it is both explicit and implicit in nature and this creates desirable kind of influence and beliefs among the individuals who are working in different kind of organizations as well. leadership is one of the essential components that can be used by the different organizations in improving the overall performance of the organizations effectually.
The leaders in the organization needs to manage the individuals in their team as this will help in creating openness in the organization and solve the issues effectually as well with development of the awareness of the weaknesses, strengths, opportunities along with the threats as well (Muenjohn and Armstrong 2015). Lastly, leadership is much a broader kind of concept in different kind of organizations wherein this helps in taking huge amount of risks and achieve the goals appropriately.
The managers of different organizations help in delegating the tasks among the subordinates, however, it has been seen that the leaders try to complete the different kind of tasks with the help of the subordinates in the organizations. Furthermore, it has been seen and concluded that leadership is the most essential components in the increasing the organizational effectiveness and appropriateness. However, both management and leadership are equally essential in nature and both of them are totally different concepts from one another as well.
It has been noticed that culture is defined as the actual essence for maintaining proper effectiveness and appropriateness in the different kind of functions of the organization. Proper culture is required and it is essential in nature in order to maintain proper goodwill of the company. It has been seen that proper ascertainment has been done in order to make the entire effectiveness of the organizational culture and management as well. It has been seen from the entire scenario, that both leadership and management are equally essential in nature as this includes that both are different kind of concepts and they are apart from one another as well.
On the other hand, Yahaya and Ebrahim (2016) has commented that leaders who are supportive in nature to the different strategies and they exercise different kind of actions of the leadership in an effectual manner, they are known as the strategic leaders in different kind of organizations. Chuang, Jackson. and Jiang (2016) has commented that there is correlation between the aspects of the behaviour of the leaders, performance along with emotional intelligence as well. The emotional kind of effectiveness and intelligence are largely responsible for the effective kind of performance along with job satisfaction and job performance of the subordinates of the organization.
Therefore, it can be concluded that leadership is one of the essential components in the different kind of organizations. Proper analysis has been done that has helped in understanding the relationship between the culture, ethics along with leadership management. The organizational effectiveness is a major tool in maintaining proper balance between performing better kind of activities in a much effective manner. furthermore, the literature review has been done wherein proper analysis has been done in order to understand the differences between the leadership and management in different kind of organizations in the entire economy as well.
Furthermore, proper analysis has been done in understanding the effectiveness and appropriateness of the leaders in different companies. The different styles of the leadership have been discussed and the importance of the leadership in comparison to the management has helped in learning about the whereabouts of the leaders that can help in increasing the entire efficiency of the organizations. Furthermore, the purpose of the entire leadership has been identified wherein the effects of the culture has been identified and discussed effectively as well.
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