Describe about the Examining Impact of Employee Training in Achieving Motivation?
The success factor of a business organization is dependent on the performance of the employees. A business organization can achieve the highest level in the market if all the employees of the organization work hard at their own will. In this area, the employee motivation is the most vital factor. The research study will be conducted with the focus on the area of employee motivation. Importance of the training process on the employee motivation will be investigated in this research work with a particular case study.
Many research works have been done in the area of the employee motivation, which have provided clear concept about the different theories and models about the employee motivation. Different theories and models and their uses have been analyzed in many previous research works. Different types of the training processes and the effect of these processes over the employee motivation has also been researched by some previous researchers, but more research work is needed for gathering more clear view and the impact of the new training processes on the employee motivation. The environment of the present employability has been changed since the last several years (Bell, 2000). The chosen organization for this research study is Smile with Pride Dental surgery. In order to understand the motivating factors of the employees of the chosen organization, research work in the particular area of this organization is needed. The traditional theories and models of the employee motivation are not enough for understanding how the employee of the chosen organization will be motivated by the use of the theories and models. The research study will help to understand the present status of the employee management of the chosen organization. The impact of different training processes is dependent on the present status of the employee management of the organization. Considering this concept as the background, the research study will be conducted.
Smile with Pride is a private dental clinic of UK. It is situated near the Woolwich road London. The private clinic has the belief that the high quality dental care can be the cause of a life changing experience. They are trying to offer the best care while conducting the surgery of the patients. The company has the aim of being one of the biggest private dental care organizations in the country. The organization offers different types of dental surgeries as the name of Smile with Dental Care Surgery to their patients with a great care. They are trying to achieve a high place among the private dental clinics with delivering the best customers services to the patients. Best customer services providing can only be possible if the employees of the organizations work for them with their full participation at their own will. Therefore, the employees need to be motivated in their work responsibilities. Therefore, the organization needs to motivate their employees to higher level. Training is a vital process for ensuring the motivation factor of the employees. The organization need to find the effectiveness of their training process and if needed they need to modify their training processes for motivating their employees to a higher level. In this context, the research work will be conducted to find out how the training method is motivating the employees of the organization.
Background of the organization
It has been found that the key factor of getting success in any business is to get the maximum performance from the employees of the business organization. Training period is the time when the employees get awareness about the different types of responsibilities of their job position. Training period is the time, when the employees get the idea about what they have to do actually at their workplace. This is the right time while the employees can feel motivated for their works. The motivation factors of the employees are dependent on the type of the training given to them. The research study will help to understand the impact of the training process of Smile with Pride Dental surgery on the employee motivation. This will help to improve the employee motivation of the organization by improving the training process of the organization.
The purpose of this research work is to understand the most effective training methods for motivating the employees. The research work will be conducted in the area of the training methods used by Smile with Pride Dental Surgery for motivating their employees.
Employee motivation is the crucial factor for achieving the desired success in any business. In this area, there are different types of theories are available for motivating the employees at their workplaces. The training method and the different types of activities done in the training process are very important for motivating the employees at the initial level of their working life. The organization is trying to grow in their business and the effective collaboration of their employees is required for this purpose. It is very important to understand about the different strategies used by the organization and how the strategies are affecting the motivation of their employees.
The research is based on the importance of envisaging employee training to motivate the employees of Smile with Pride Dental Surgery. It is essential to maintain employee motivation because it will drive the employees to accomplish certain activities for the organization. The motivation of the employees can be influenced by the social, emotional, intellectual and biological factors. In this research study, motivation is defined as a multifaceted system, which is influenced by not just the intrinsic factors but also by the external factors. Using the personal motivation factors of the employees like the events, goals and activities where the employees find motivation, training is provided to the employees. Moreover, the extrinsic factors and intrinsic satisfaction Smile with Pride Dental Surgery can motivate its employees to perform better (Stone, 2011).
Motivation is defined as the most important factors, which will influence the organizational efficiency. If the dental institute, Smile with Pride Dental Surgery lacks proper motivated employees then despite having latest technologies, and advanced infrastructures the company might fail to attain the desired productivity. Therefore, the various ways the management of Smile with Pride Dental Surgery can ensure employee motivation is by ensuring cooperation, reduction of labor problems, optimum utilization of resources, sizeable rise in productivity and performance with effective training programs (Price and Price, 2011).
Significance of the problem
The main aim of the research work is to understand the potential impact of the training on the employee motivation. The research work will find out the different types of training methods used by the Smile with Pride Dental Surgery and the impact of these methods on the employee motivation of the organization. The research study also has the aim of suggesting some suitable suggestion for improve the training methods of the organization to motivate their employees in a higher level.
The research objectives are based on the research questions. Therefore, the research objectives will help in the following:
To determine the current employee-training program undertaken by Smile with Pride Dental Surgery to evaluate its employee training process.
To assess the ways employees can be motivated in the organization and the way employee motivation affect the performance of Smile with Pride Dental Surgery
To determine the impact of the employee training programs in achieving the employee motivation.
To establish an appropriate employee-training program that can be implemented in Smile with Pride Dental Surgery.
What is the current employee training program undertaken by Smile with Pride Dental Surgery?How can employees be motivated and how does it affect the performance of Smile with Pride Dental Surgery?
What is the impact of the employee training programs in achieving employee motivation?
What is the appropriate employee-training program that can be implemented?
Dissertation structure:
Figure 1: Dissertation Structure
(Source: Created by the Author)
Overview of the chapter:
This chapter is about the reviews of the previous research papers available in the area of the employee motivation and training method of the employees. Definitions of the employee training and the employee motivation will be discussed in this chapter. Importance of the two concepts within the chosen area will also be discussed. After gathering the primary concepts of the two variables of the research work, different types of theories and models of employee motivation and training will be discussed. Finally the impact of the training process over the employee motivation will be discussed by considering the findings of the previous research works.
Employee training is the process where the employees get instructed regarding their actual job role and responsibilities at their work places. Sometimes the employers think that the training process delays the work of the organization. This is a true fact, but the initial delay of the works can be the cause of greater success in the future work (Brahier and Speer, 2011).
Training provides the education about the job responsibilities and the use of technical instruments to the employees.It ensures the competitive edge in the market.Training promotes health and safety measures at the work places.Training provides opportunity of personal development and career growth and employee motivation.It also plays a vital role in retaining the employees. Training provides effective level of helps to the employees for complying with laws and regulations while working.It increases the productivity and profitability of the business (Devins et al., 2005).
Working in the area of dental treatment is associated with critical jobs and handling of different types technical instruments. It is one type of health care center. Working in this area has a high level of responsibilities as the workers are dealing of the life of the patient. Proper training is requires to know how to deal with different types of patients practically. There is a huge difference between the theoretical learning and the practical work. Training helps to understand the difference between the theoretical and practical life and how to apply different theoretical aspects in the practical field (Byars and Rue, 2011).
Statement of purpose
Dental employers need to provide initial and annual level training for handling the hazardous instruments and proper safety measures for decreasing the risk factors at their workplaces. In case of any changes of technical instruments, the existing employees of this sector need proper training about the changed environment and equipments (Clark, 2015).
According to Michel Armstrong, training is a systematic process of development of skills and abilities which will transform the performance of the individuals. The training helps the employees to acquire clarity about the roles and responsibility of the work and the expectation that the organizations that have from them. There are four main objectives of the training programs of organizations which are discussed below:
Individual Objective- The objective of training is to help and support the employees in achieving their personal goals which will be beneficial for the organization.
Organizational Objectives- The organizational objectives of training is to support the primary objectives of the organizations by fostering employee effectiveness.
Functional Objectives- The functional objective of training helps to sustain the contribution of each and every department of the organization which is suitable for the organizational needs.
Social Objectives- The social objective is to ensure that the activities of the organizations are ethically and socially responsible that is suitable for the society.
Apart from these objectives the primary objective of training is to make skilled and well trained workforce available to the organization. The role of the training programs is to prepare the old as well as the new employees to adjust to the changing environment and requirement of the organization and prevent any obsolescence. Training imparts knowledge and skill which will enhance the intelligent performance of a particular job. The employees are able to prepare themselves for high level tasks by acquiring special skills through the different level of training programs. The training programs enable the employees to operate effectively in the present designation by exploring the latest information, concepts and techniques that will help organization (Ozturan and Kutlu, 2010). The training also ensures that every department of the organizations is able to work efficiently and economical output is rendered of required quality. There are different training practices that are prevalent in different types of organization. It must be noted that different organizations have different requirement of training which distinguishes between the different training types. Below are the different types of training and development programs which are adopted by several organizations.
Source: (St-Jean, 2012)
Stages of Training programs:According to Bates and Davis (2010), the effectiveness of training is acquired from the systematic way in which it is implemented. Thus, training is considered to be the systematic approach of any organization which is comprised of mainly four stages which is represented by the following diagram:
Source: (Lee, 2015)
Training is a systematic process which formed by various steps that need to be followed which is already discussed in the previous sections of the literature review. These steps when followed together form the training models or the training cycle that are required for every organization to follow. To better understand the process of training and it is conducted effectively, it is important to determine the different training models that can be adopted by different organizations which are developed by different researchers and scholars. These models will not only help to gain in-depth knowledge about the foundation of these training models but will also ensure the effectiveness of these models in achieving better training outcomes. This section will focus on the training models and the effective training program that will enhance not only the employee performance but also the employee performance as a whole. Some of the appropriate and effective training models are:
Statement of the problem
System Model- the system model was developed by Crpatna (2011) which consists of five steps. The aim of this model is to support and help the employees so that they can perform according to the standards developed by the organization. It is implemented in a systematic way by analysis, identification of training purpose, setting training objectives, designing the training and determining the delivery method and finally implementing training.
Process of learning model- This process model is based on the mutual relationship between the instructor and the employees. The main aim of this model is to ensure that the effectiveness of the training is possible though the successful efforts of both the instructor as well as the employees. The responsibility of the instructor is to provide an appropriate climate for learning and mutual planning. The instructor would communicate with the employees and enable the employees to communicate among themselves (Devins et al., 2005). Thus, the problem of self centered employees can be removed if the instructor is able to drive away the ego and the rivalries between the employees. This would ensure that the training programs are well implemented (Blanchard and Thacker, 1999).
The following is the proposed conceptual model of training for every organization:
Source: (Grossman et al., 2014)
Training Needs Assessment is the first step of this model in which the requirement of the training process is analyzed. In this process the TNA is conducted through the interviews, questionnaires, observations and etc. The TNA is followed by setting the goals and objectives of the purpose of training which is crucial for the identifying the appropriate instructor who would be able to train the employees in the field that is identified. In the next section the employees are motivated to participate in the training process. The role of the instructor is to provide a climate and supportive environment of learning for the employees which will be beneficial for the successful of the training programs. The program can then be implemented and assessed for the measuring the effectiveness. Once the program is evaluated, the goals and objectives are assessed for its achievement. If the training program is able to achieve the goals and objectives of the training then the training program is effective and successful. But if the training program could not achieve the goals and objectives of the training then the program is revised for further amendment and the process continues. Thus, the training programs can be effective only when it is executed in a systematic way so that the training program is able to attain the objective of the training (Clark, 2015).
Employee motivation refers to the energy level, creativity and commitment of the employees at their job positions. Motivation is the energy which gives the power of performing at the best level at the workplaces. In order to get higher productivity and profitability, the employers used to motivate the employees. According to Clark (2015), the employers need to recognize the facts that will motivate the employees at their work places. In this area, the employers need to ensure that the employees are getting all of their basic needs from both of the emotional and financial aspect. According to DelCampo (2011), job satisfaction is the most important fact that is required for achieving a great success at the workplace. The job satisfaction can be achieved by achievinghigh level of motivation. In this area, the employees need to know their job responsibilities clearly before starting the job. The environment of the workplace should be flexible and energetic for the employees thus they can feel motivated at their works.
Research Rationale
The works of the health care sector is highly dependent on the motivation level of the employees. Working within this area is quite different from the other business sectors. Only profit gaining is not the aim of the organizations that are providing health care services to the common people. In order to provide the best health care services to the patients, the employees should have mind set of helping the needy people. In this area, they need to have a high level of motivation for providing the higher level of services to the patients. In the area of health works, the employees can provide extra services for more improve health of the patients (Dessler, 2013). The employees of the dental care surgery are the employees of the health care sector and they need to be motivated as all other health workers. Like all other sectors, the employees of the health care are also need good career opportunities. Therefore, these types of motivations are required in the field of the dental care unit (Dunning, 2011).
The research on motivation has revealed that several academics and corporate entities have been involved in finding the magnitude and dimension of motivation. Every Organization functions mainly due to the contribution of the employees and the employees are believed to work towards achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. According to Panagiotakopoulos (2013), if the factors that influence the employee motivation are kept least then also this motivation is going to stimulate the employee performance (Panagiotakopoulos, 2013). The only responsibility of the organization towards motivating the employees is to provide them with the best and sufficient resources and a platform for them to perform. Kuo (2013) had stated that the success of the organization lies in the value that the organization can build for them which is possible when the motivations of the internal employees are used to combat the external changes and demand of the organization (Kuo, 2013). Within the dynamic and complex environment it is necessary for the leaders of the organizations to ensure that the employees feel trusted and empowered which will motivate them and the ultimate performance of the organization can be improved. According to Smith and Rupp (2003) the employee performance is derived from the motivation and that the organizational structure, strategy and resistance to change are the role that is related to the motivation within an organization (Smith and Rupp, 2003). Some of the dimensions of motivation are discussed below:
Training- The most crucial dimension of motivation is training. Training is the systematic approach to provide skill, knowledge, ideas and techniques to the employees which will motivate them perform well. In the organizational view training is the process of teaching the employees and providing them knowledge and skills which will help them to enhance their performance. Through the process of training employees get clarity regarding their roles and responsibilities towards the organizations which will motivate them to attain the organizational goals as well as the personal goals. In recent business era, human assets are the foundations of every organizational success and help to attain competitive edge. In doing so the management of every organization ensures that the employee engagement is maximum which is possible by motivating their employees by different other means.
Research Aim
Monetary incentive- The monetary incentive is another important dimension of motivation which stimulates the employees to great extent and it gives them the enthusiasm to work better and in an improved manner. According to Berettiet. Al (2013), monetary incentive helps to build a positive work environment which increases the job interest for the employees. This is the main reason behind the motivation of the employees (Beretti, Figuières and Grolleau, 2013). Money is the crucial factor for existence and increasing the standard of living for everyone. If the employees are rewarded (monetary terms) for their work performance then they will be motivated to work better in the future proving to be a valuable human asset for the organization.
Promotion- The promotion within an organization is determined by the employee performance. The better the performance of the employees, the more is the chance to get promoted to the higher designation. The higher designation means more responsibility, increased salary and more respect that the employees will get within an organization. Thus, the quest for promotion will motivate the employees to work toward the organizational goals and enhance their performance.
Working Conditions- The fair, equitable and healthy work environment will reduce the employee conflict within an organization. If the working conditions ensure that the employees are treated fairly and with respect then the employees would get the motivation to work well and improve their performance. If the employees are treated unfairly and have shown disrespect by the other top management then the employees would be depressed and lose their interest towards the job and this will de-motivate them (Fan, Gao and Luo, 2008).
Other dimensions- Among the other dimension, appreciation, job security and recognition help to motivate the employees. The appreciation is based on the employee performance which when rewarded will motivate the employees to great extent. Job security is the important factor for job interest. If an employee knows that they would not be terminated at any point of time then it will motivate them to work efficiently. Recognition is other factor of appreciation, when the employees of the organization are recognized for their outstanding performance and have been appreciated for their work, then it will spur motivation in the employees.
There are many theories available in the area of employee motivation. Some of the popular theories will be discussed in this section:
Equity theory: The equity theory was given by John Stacy Adams in the area of the employee motivation. According to this theory, payment and working conditions alone are not enough to explain the motivation factor of the employees. At the time of working, when the employees are feeling that they are treated fairly and advantageously, they feel motivated at their workplaces. Employees expect that they will be treated equally at their workplaces. When the employees are treated unfairly, they feel dissatisfied at their working life. Maintaining the equity at the job places provides the opportunity of getting high performance from the motivated employees (Harzing and Pinnington, 2011).
Herzberg’s motivation theory: Herzberg has given a theory regarding the motivation of the employees. In this theory, the different types of facts that are affecting the employee motivation have been discussed. In this theory, the hygiene is referred as the necessary factors for motivating the employees. The theory sated the following six factors as the top factors for causing dissatisfaction of the employees (Ivancevich, 2001).
Research Objectives
Factors affecting the employee motivation:
Leading to Dissatisfaction |
Leading to Satisfaction |
Company policy |
Achievement |
Supervision |
Recognition |
Relationship with Boss |
Work itself |
Work conditions |
Responsibility |
Salary |
Advancement |
Relationship with Peers |
Growth |
(Source: Ivancevich, 2001)
Maslow’s need hierarchy:
(Source:Marchington and Wilkinson, 2012)
The above diagram is showing the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid. The Pyramid has five stages. The stages define different types of needs of the employees at their workplaces. The stages are:
Physiological needs: These are physical requirements of the employees for the survival. Air, water and foods are the basic physiological requirements. In order to being motivated at the work places, the employees should get the physiological requirements fulfilled (Stone, 2011).
Safety needs: The next stage is about the safety needs. In this area, the employers should provide proper health and safety equipments to the employees at their workplaces. Different types of safety needs include the personal security, financial security, health and well being, accidental benefits (Torrington, 2011).
Love and belonging:After fulfilling the safety needs the employees require the friendship, intimacy and family related requirements. The social needs of the employees should be fulfilled by the employers for achieving the desired level of motivation (Truss, Mankin and Kelliher, 2012).
Esteem: This is about the self respect of the employees. The employees should be respected at the workplaces by the co-workers and the employers also (Torrington, 2011).
Self-actualization: This is the top level of the employee motivation as per the hierarchy pyramid of Maslow. In this level the employees got motivated by the realization of their own ability at the job position (Stone, 2011).
Training is the systematic process in which the desired skills, knowledge and abilities are delivered to the employees. The employees are filled with the eager to learn new skills and develop new techniques which also implies that the organization has effectively hired the correct set of employees. The employees generally want to acquire better understanding about the company in which they work and also understand their roles and responsibilities towards their work. In such a situation, they are eager to learn new skills which will in turn improve their performance. The introduction of the training and development programs comes under the operations of the Human Resources Department (Dysvik and Kuvaas, 2008). If the employers are interested in honing and harnessing the full value of the employees, then the investment in training and development program will be profitable for the organization. In understanding the relationship between the employee training and motivation, it is important to understand how does the employee training motivate the employees? To address this question, the different aspect of training and motivation is explored in this section.
The first stage of the training process is the assessment of the training is the analysis of the organization, department, job and the employees. Training does not solely means to provide the employees with skills and knowledge; it also implies a complete understanding of the goals, vision, mission and objectives of the organization. Not just the understanding the organization but also acquiring clarity regarding the type of work, roles and responsibilities that an employee has towards the organization. If an employee has complete understanding about the role that it needs to play within the organization then it will motivate them to perform well and form a valuable human asset for the organization. Thus, understand through the training program will motivate employees (Eisele et al., 2013).
Research Questions
The training also helps in overall improvement of the employee performance. If an employee lacks a particular business skill, then it would undermine his performance and his productivity will fall leading to dissatisfaction of job. Through the training the programs, the employees will be able to increase their productivity, improve their quality of work and enhance the employee outcomes. This will ensure that the employees are happy with their work and have achieved job satisfaction which will motivate them to work better. Thus, training will improve the productivity of the employee and motivate them to perform well (Quesada-Pallarès and Gegenfurtner, 2015).
Employees are always looking for opportunities to improve their career which means they are seeking progress in their careers. The career development is possible only through the participation of the employees in training and development process. The training programs help to retain employees and improve their performance. Employees can be retained when their careers are developed in other words when they are promoted to higher designations. The promotion in the workplace is the highest motivation that employee can derive from their workplace. Thus, the training will cause career development which will motivate the employees to improve their performance. Below is the flow chart will explain the impact of the employee training on the motivation and thus impact the organizational performance.
Source: (Blanchard and Thacker, 1999)
The importance of the training and the development process has already been discussed in the earlier sections of the literature review. It is evident from the several research that the training programs assures that each and every employee is able to acquire the best skill, knowledge, abilities and tools and techniques with which they would be able to enhance their performance and prove to be a valuable asset for the organization. The training is important for both the new as well as the seasoned employees and so render quality and customized training is elusive in nature. There are certain challenges that are face by the organization while implementing the training and development programs. The different challenges of the training and development programs are discussed in this section.
Quality of training is a constraining to the training programs as it is difficult to monitor that the instructor is rendering the correct type of training to the employees. Time is considered to be another constraint to the training programs as neither the HRD nor the employees has the time to participate in the training process. Though the new employees can be coerced to participate in the training program, it is difficult to convince the existing employees to enroll themselves in the training programs.
Cost constraint is another challenge of the training programs. Heavy investment in the training programs may seem to be a positive step taken by the organization but the return from this investment may not be an immediate one. The organization has to wait till the end of the financial year for the assessment of the employee performance. Hence it is quite unsure whether the course of the training is in the positive direction or in the negative. The training is considered to be a vicious cycle in which the training can be ineffective. The organization would curtail those employees who have taken the training and yet could not perform well. This will create a decline in the productivity of the organization and they would hire new competent employees which will also have to be trained to make them fit for the organization. Thus training programs are trapped within the vicious cycle where the ineffective training programs cannot be stopped as the new employees would require one to fit in the organization.
Training programs include the safety training, program training, procedure training etc which will improve the skills of all types of employees. Too much of information delivered to the employees can be detrimental as it would cause crowding out and the employees would not be benefitted from any of the training programs. Thus, training programs may become ineffective in this respect (Bell, 2000).
The employees regard the training programs to be boring and intrusive on their personal time which gives an overall tedious experience and hence one of the major challenges of training is the active revulsion of the employees which causes ineffectiveness of the training programs. The training programs allow employees to be dependent on other employees but the self-centered nature of the employees means that the sense of rivalry may cause reluctance in participating in the training programs. This may worsen the situation as the employees would be stuck up with their egos and rivalries and would not fully involve in the training program which makes the training programs to be ineffective (Sievert and Chapple, 2013).
The employee training is an important function of the Human Resource Department. The organizational success depends on the performance of the employees which is improved through the training programs. Several research, academic journals have proved that employee training enhances not only the employee performance but also fosters the overall performance of the organization. The different programs of training and development have been discussed in this section where the organizations can benefit from these programs if they are implemented efficiently. The different dimensions of motivation and the impact of the employee training on the motivation have been explored. The literatures reveal that there is strong relationship between the training and achieving the employee motivation. Not everything is positive about the employee training programs. There are certain drawbacks of the employee training program which restricts the effectiveness of these programs and thus it is required to be mended. Lastly, the conceptual model of training will help every organization to restore the effectiveness of their training programs and thereby motivate the employees and improve the performance of both the employees as well as the organizational as a whole.
Overview of the Methodology:
It is very important to choose a proper methodology for the total research work. This chapter will demonstrate different types of methods that will be used in the research work. The research work will be done by selecting the positivism philosophy, deductive research approach, descriptive design. The research study will be conducted by collecting only primary data from the employees and managers of the chosen organization. Both of the quantitative and qualitative data will be gathered for this research work. All of these methods will be discussed with the alternatives methods available. The justification for choosing each of the method will be discussed in this chapter of this research study.
The belief and understanding that leads to the basis of research is known as research philosophy. It is the overall process and the data collection method that have been undertaken to achieve the result. There are several research philosophies that have applied in a research proposal (Truscott et al. 2010). Out of those two most important philosophies are discussed as follows:
Positivism: Positivist has a belief that reality can always be described from the objective point of view. The phenomenon that has been studied should be isolated, and the observations are repeatable. The method of positivism has long and rich historical tradition. Though it is a very debatable issue regarding whether it can be used as in a scientific study but this approach has a particular association with the physical and natural sciences (Truscott et al. 2010).
Interpretivism: This philosophy is totally opposite in concept of Positivism. Here the researcher gives concentration on the subjective approach that is based on reality. They admit the fact that there may more than one interpretation of the reality, but the interpretation is themselves act as a part of social science. The key approach of this philosophy is the study of phenomena in the natural environment with the collaboration of scientific method that cannot be avoided. The tradition of interpretivism is not less glorious than the positivism, and it is not also shorter (Truscott et al. 2010).
Both the above-discussed philosophy is used in the research study. It is observed very often that no single research method is better than the other method used, and many authors propose to use a combination of research methods so that the quality of the study can be improved. The research is based on a service providing organization so both the subjective and objective approach will help to accurately estimate the data (Saunders et al. 2009). Overall the interpretive philosophy is broadly used for this research purpose as in this research we required to understand the behavior of the employees before and after conducting the training and development program. Hence, the research will derive from the realistic observations made through the study of the Smile with Pride Dental Surgery. However, the various elements of the research objective are discussed in the following sub sections in detail.
There are two popular research approaches available in the area of the academic research work. The two approaches are deductive approach and inductive approach. The two approaches are used for different types of research works. The selection of the research approach is dependent on the type and topic of the research work. Inductive research approach helps to describe the elements and events of the research study. This description provides the platform for formulating hypothesis for the research work depending on the observation and the pattern of the events. The hypotheses help to analyze the existing theoretical frameworks. On the other hand, the deductive research approach follows opposite way of the inductive approach. In this approach, theoretical framework and hypothesis are used to establish relationship between the variables of the research work. The hypotheses are tested with the help of the empirical data and observation of the pattern of the data and events. This research study will be conducted by using the deductive approach (Harrison and Reilly, 2011).
In this case, there is no need of testing the existing theories and models of the employee training and employee motivation. Therefore, inductive approach is not the suitable one for this research study. Rather than testing the existing theories, the research study has the aim of establishing relationship between the two variables. Therefore deductive approach will be selected for this research study as it will provide the effective level of help for establishing the relationship between the employee training and motivation.
The research design is an implementation process of research methodology. The design can be made through three approaches namely explanatory, exploratory and descriptive approaches. The explanatory design is made to find out the problems associated with the study and the probable solution for this. On the other hand, the exploratory design suggests an in-depth analysis of collected background information. The descriptive design collects the actual information and makes a comparison with the objectives and findings of the study (Creswell, J. W, 2008).
In this research process, the suitable method for research design should be exploratory and descriptive design. The data has been collected on the basis of the background study made, and the questionnaire has been designed by making an in-depth analysis. On the other hand, the hypothesis of the study is based on the assumption that there may be some impact of a training program on the motivation. So in this part the descriptive data design technique can be applied to the findings of the study can be compared with the assumptions made for this research (Crouch, C. and Pearce, J,2012).
The data collection and analysis of the data can be both qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative research is a type of exploratory research that helps in understanding the concern and issue of the problem. It provides a deep insight into the issues and helps in quantitative data analysis. On the other hand, quantitative data collection is concerned with the facts and figures and the analysis is made on the basis of statistical tools (Gummerson, E, 2010).
Two methods are used for collecting the data one is a primary method and the other is a secondary method. Primary method means a collection of data from first-hand information. Here the researcher has to conduct the research by engaging him in the research field, and the actual response collected from the sample is recorded (Crowther, D. and Lancaster, G, 2012). On the other hand, secondary data collection methods require the analysis of the available data. It may be in the form of journals, books, newspaper or any other published work. The data collection process is one of the most crucial tasks of a research proposal because without collecting the relevant data it is not possible to draw any conclusion about the study (Bergh, D. and Ketchen, D. J,2009).
For this research, both primary and secondary data collection methods are used. The main focus is given to the primary data collection where the data have been collected through the survey among the employees, and an interview is also conducted among the HR personnel (Leavy, P. and Hesse-Biber, S. N, 2010). This study is very helpful in order to get a detailed understanding about the employees thought process. Very small amount of data from the secondary sources has been used. The theories of employee motivation are studied by going through different books and journal articles. The knowledge and information gathered from the collected data help in reaching the findings of the study (Bernard, H. R., 2011).
Survey: Survey will be conducted for collecting the quantitative data of the research study. Some of the employees of the organization will be selected for this purpose. Survey questionnaires will be used for this purpose. These will be developed by using some close ended questions regarding the employee training methods used by the organization and the effect of the methods on the motivation of their employees. Survey questionnaires will be distributed to them and they have to just select the options as per their choice.
Interview: Interview will be conducted with 2 HR manager of Smile with Pride Dental Surgery. The data that will be collected through the interview will be treated as the qualitative data of the research study. The managers will be asked about the different types of methods used in their training process and how they are motivating their employees. They will be also asked about the potential challenges they are facing in the training process and employee motivation.
Data collection instruments refer to the equipments that will be used by the researchers at the time of data collection. In this research study, both of the quantitative and qualitative data will be collected. Survey and interview will be used as the process of the data collection of the research work. In this purpose, the instruments will be used are: measurement scales, survey questionnaires, interview guides etc.
Sampling is the process of selecting some of the total population available in the area of the research work. In this case the employees of the Smile with Pride Dental Surgery will be treated as the population for the data collection. The quantitative data of the research study will be gathered from the employees of the organization. Survey questionnaires will be used for this purpose. The total number of employees of the organization is 20. Some of them will be selected randomly as the sample population of the quantitative data collection of the research work. The selection of this will be done by using the Simple Random Process of the Probability sampling technique. This formula will be used for the sampling of the research work:
n= N / 1+ N (e)2 = (1)
N = Population (The number of total employees of Smile with Pride Dental Surgery= 50); n = sample size; e = margin error (5% = 0.05)
n= 50 / 1+50(0.05)2 = 44
Therefore, 44 employees of Smile with Pride Dental Surgery will be selected randomly for the interview.
Selection of the sample size for the interview will be done by the use of the non probability sampling technique. The sample size will be 2 as 2 HR managers of the organization will be selected on the basis of the choice of the researcher.
Reliability is the degree to which a data can produce a consistent result. On the other hand, validity means how well a data can be tested in order to reach the conclusion (Freshwater, D. , 2007). For getting an accurate result reliability alone is not sufficient because if the data is reliable but not valid then the purpose of the research cannot be fulfilled. Reliability is the dependency of the measure that demonstrate the solidness and consistency with which the instruments measured the ideas and serves to make the survey as "goodness" of a measure (Denzin, N. K. and Lincoln, Y. S., 2011).
In this research, the collected data is both reliable and validate because primary data collection method have been used. The interview process is a face to face communication where the responses are recorded immediately after those are collected from the respondent. The sample size is also not very high, so the chances of sampling error are less in this situation (Dul, J. and Hak, T,2012).
Ethical consideration must be given to all the levels of research activities at the time of conducting the research. The ethical issues of the research suggest that each and every activity must be conducted in a systematic manner so that the integrity and the validity of the research process are maintained (Onwuegbuzie, A. J. and Leech, N. J,2009). At first, the collection process should be made ethically. If the sample size is ten then it should be ensured by the researcher that the data is collected from those 10 persons genuinely (Hanson, D., & Grimmer, M, 2007). Secondly, whenever any information is cited, then proper information and references regarding that data must be provided. It is expected that no information has been misrepresented intentionally in order to prove the theory. Numbers and figures are properly represented to formulate the research. The moral and social values and the code of conduct of respective countries must be abided by the researcher. Confidentiality is to be maintained in all the segments and respect for the intellectual property are to be given due importance (Harrison, R. L. and Reilly, T. M,2011).
All the above mentioned ethical aspects are given due consideration at the time of conducting the research. No employees are forced to give their opinion. They are free to participate in the survey conducted by the researcher (Toloie-Eshlaghy, A., Chitsaz, S., Karimian, L. and Charkhchi, R., 2011. Confirmation is taken from the people before embarking the survey. The researcher also gives confirmation that no private and demographical information about the respondent are disclosed without any prior permission. All the information and the sources of data collection cited with appropriate references (Hooper, C. S, 2011).
Limitations are the restrictions or the obstacles that are faced by the researcher at the time of conducting the research. It is mainly associated with the topic of the research. Some of the limitations of this research process are mentioned below:
Time is the main constraint on the research. The process is conducted within a very short span of time so the ample size could be increased if the time limit is more.
The data mostly gathered from the primary sources, and it may be happened that the responses are not accurate for all the cases. So it reduces the possibility of authentic data.
There is also some physical restriction and internal failure that needs to overcome.
The data selection method is simple random sampling. If other methods like stratified random sampling or cluster analysis are used then, the result might not be the same.
There are many respondents who are reluctant to give their opinion.
The procedure of conducting the interview of five HR personnel is a very hectic and time-consuming job as open-ended questions are asked, so it takes lots of time to record the data.
Research activities |
1st week |
2nd to 3th week |
4th to 7th week |
8th to 9th week |
10th to 11th week |
12th week |
Topic selection |
ü |
Research methodology |
ü |
Literature review |
ü |
Primary data collection |
ü |
Data analysis |
ü |
ü |
Research findings |
ü |
conclusion |
ü |
This is the most vital chapter of the whole dissertation where all the data of this research work are collected and analyzed. Both of the quantitative and qualitative data are collected and then analyzed in different sections of this chapter. The quantitative data are summarized in tabular format and then percentage calculations are done and charts are developed for better understanding of the facts. The qualitative data of this research study has been analyzed by the deep observation of the transcripts of the interviews conducted with the HR managers of Smile with Pride Dental Surgery.
Part A: Demographic aspect:
Options |
No. of Responses |
Percentage of Responses |
Total no. of Responses |
Male |
25 |
58% |
44 |
Female |
19 |
22% |
44 |
Chart 4.1: Gender
Findings and Analysis:
Motivation is a psychological fact that differs over the gender of the employees. It has been found that the needs of the female and male employees are different. The motivation levels of the employees are dependent on the individual needs of the employees. Therefore, data has been gathered from both of the male and female employees of the organization. It has been found that there are more male employees than the female employees in Smile with Pride Dental Surgery.
Age group:
Options |
No. of Responses |
Percentage of Responses |
Total no. of Responses |
20-30 years |
14 |
32% |
44 |
31-40 years |
15 |
34% |
44 |
41-50 years |
14 |
32% |
44 |
Above 50 years |
1 |
2% |
44 |
Chart 4.2: Age group
Findings and Analysis:
People have different types of needs and the motivation factors depending on their ages. Therefore, the data has been gathered form employees of different age group. It has been found that maximum employees of the organization are below 50 years. Data and information from the employees of all age group will help to understand the organization is able to motivate all the employees or not.
Duration of employment
Options |
No. of Responses |
Percentage of Responses |
Total no. of Responses |
Less than 6 months |
14 |
32% |
44 |
6months-1 year |
15 |
34% |
44 |
1 year-3 years |
11 |
25% |
44 |
More than 3 years |
4 |
9% |
44 |
Chart 4.3: Duration of employment
Findings and Analysis:
The work duration of the employees depends on the motivation level of the employees. After collecting the data from the employees, it has been found that there are only 9% employees who have worked for the organization more than 3 years. Most of the employees are new as they are working less than 1 year in the organization. Therefore, it can be concluded that there are some problems with the motivation level of the employees. They should focus in this area for achieving more success in their work by the effective collaboration of the employees.
Part B: Motivation aspects in Smile with Pride Dental Surgery
Rate your level of satisfaction with the working culture of the organization
Options |
No. of Responses |
Percentage of Responses |
Total no. of Responses |
Highly Satisfied |
15 |
34% |
44 |
Satisfied |
11 |
25% |
44 |
Average |
2 |
5% |
44 |
Dissatisfied |
8 |
18% |
44 |
Highly Dissatisfied |
8 |
18% |
44 |
Chart 4.4: Working Culture
Findings and Analysis:
It is very important to understand the effectiveness of the work culture of the organization. After gathering the information from the employees, it has been found that the total 59% of the employees are satisfied with the working culture of the organization. 5% of the employees are unable to say anything about the culture. 36% of the employees are not happy with these where 18% of them are strongly dissatisfied with the working culture of the organization. The organization should give focus on this area for motivating their employees.
Rate the statement “Top Management is interested in motivating the
Options |
No. of Responses |
Percentage of Responses |
Total no. of Responses |
Strongly agree |
10 |
23% |
44 |
Agree |
10 |
23% |
44 |
Neutral |
4 |
9% |
44 |
Disagree |
15 |
34% |
44 |
Strongly disagree |
5 |
11% |
44 |
Table 4.5: Motivational strategy of the top management
Chart 4.5: Motivational strategy of the top management
Findings and Analysis:
While gathering the feedbacks from the employees about the motivational ability of the training methods used by the organization, it has been found that 45% of the employees are not motivated by the training method of the organization. They should develop a better training method for motivating all of their employees in their job roles.
Understanding job role is vital for motivating yourself in the workplace
Options |
No. of Responses |
Percentage of Responses |
Total no. of Responses |
Strongly agree |
37 |
84% |
44 |
Agree |
4 |
9% |
44 |
Neutral |
3 |
7% |
44 |
Disagree |
Strongly disagree |
Table 4.6: Understanding job role for motivation
Chart 4.6: Understanding job role for motivation
Findings and Analysis:
After collecting the data about the effectiveness of the training for understanding the job roles, the employees were asked to give their responses about the effectiveness of understanding the job responsibilities for motivating themselves. After collecting and analyzing the data from the employees of the organization, it can be concluded that the clear understanding of the job responsibilities are vital for the motivation of the employees because 84% of the 44 employees have agreed with this fact.
Please check all items that appeal to you as recognition for an accomplishment:
Options |
No. of choices |
Percentage |
Total no. of options |
Money |
40 |
91% |
44 |
Professional development/conference |
41 |
93% |
44 |
Time off |
33 |
75% |
44 |
Thank you note |
30 |
68% |
44 |
Public praise/thanks |
43 |
97% |
44 |
Education/classes or seminars |
41 |
93% |
44 |
Increased responsibilities within current job |
33 |
75% |
44 |
Job promotion |
41 |
93% |
44 |
Plaque/certificate |
42 |
95% |
44 |
Admin Leave for School or Volunteer Activities |
31 |
70% |
44 |
Flexible work schedule |
40 |
90% |
44 |
Autonomy over daily work schedule |
32 |
73% |
44 |
Telecommuting |
24 |
54% |
44 |
Campus or departmental committee work |
29 |
65% |
44 |
Table 4.7: Appealing facts
Findings and Analysis:
It has been found that most of the motivational factors found in the literature review section are preferred by the employees of the organization. Job promotion, professional development, educations are three major factors which are able to motivate the employees in the work places of the organization.
Part C: Effectiveness of employee training program
Proper training and guidance is there for completing each task successfully
Options |
No. of Responses |
Percentage of Responses |
Total no. of Responses |
Strongly agree |
11 |
24% |
44 |
Agree |
10 |
23% |
44 |
Neutral |
3 |
7% |
44 |
Disagree |
12 |
26% |
44 |
Strongly disagree |
9 |
20% |
44 |
Table 4.7: Training and guidance provided by the company
Findings and Analysis:
Data has been collected from the employees regarding the training and guidance provided by the organization before starting the job. A mixed response has been gathered from them. Almost half of the employees are satisfied while another half are not satisfied with the training provided by the organization. Therefore, it can be concluded that the training not efficient for all the sections of the organization. They should give focus on developing effective training process in all the sections.
Training process of Smile with Pride Dental Surgery provide enough support to understand the job responsibilities
Options |
No. of Responses |
Percentage of Responses |
Total no. of Responses |
Strongly agree |
12 |
27% |
44 |
Agree |
10 |
23% |
44 |
Neutral |
4 |
9% |
44 |
Disagree |
10 |
23% |
44 |
Strongly disagree |
8 |
18% |
44 |
Chart 4.9: Training of the company for understanding the job responsibilities
Findings and Analysis:
In this research work, data are also gathered regarding the effectiveness of the training process of the company for understanding the job roles. In this case, again a mixed response has been gathered. Therefore, the same conclusion can be drawn as the previous question that the organization needs to focus on the effective training process in all the sections of the organization for understanding the job responsibilities by all the employees.Part D: Ways to improve employee training program
Please rate the below mentioned aspects from 1 to 5, where 1 = low impact, 5 = high impact
The training program is subject to similar general administrative control and guidance employed by the organization for other allied health care training programs. [1 2 3 4 5]
Options |
No. of Responses |
Percentage of Responses |
Total no. of Responses |
1 |
30 |
68% |
44 |
2 |
10 |
23% |
44 |
3 |
3 |
7% |
44 |
4 |
1 |
2% |
44 |
5 |
0 |
0% |
44 |
Finding and Analysis:
Problem has been identified in the section of the administrative roles in the training provided by the organization as the maximum responses have gone to the section of low rating by the employees.
The organization ensures that physical facilities for all parts of the program are appropriate, safe, and sufficient to enable employees to meet the programs’ educational goals. [1 2 3 4 5]
Options |
No. of Responses |
Percentage of Responses |
Total no. of Responses |
1 |
12 |
27% |
44 |
2 |
11 |
25% |
44 |
3 |
5 |
11% |
44 |
4 |
12 |
27% |
44 |
5 |
4 |
9% |
44 |
Finding and Analysis:
A mixed response has been gathered in the section of the appropriateness of all the processes of the training. Almost half of the people gave low rate to this factor of the organization where the remaining half employees gave high rating to this fact. It can be concluded that the company is facing some issues in this area and need to give focus for the further development of the employee training process for motivating the employees.
The program has a strategic plan that is reviewed and revised, if appropriate, at least annually. [1 2 3 4 5]
Options |
No. of Responses |
Percentage of Responses |
Total no. of Responses |
1 |
11 |
25% |
44 |
2 |
10 |
23% |
44 |
3 |
8 |
18% |
44 |
4 |
8 |
18% |
44 |
5 |
7 |
15% |
44 |
Finding and Analysis:
In the section of the strategic plan of the training program of the organization some mix responses have been gathered again. In this case the majority have voted the section of low rating. Therefore, it can be said that the organization needs to develop more superior strategy for the training of the employees. All the employees are not getting satisfied by the existing strategy of the training process.
The plan includes long-term program goals; specific measurable objectives; strategies for achieving the goals and objectives; and a schedule for analyzing and evaluating the plan, and progress on the plan. [1 2 3 4 5]
Options |
No. of Responses |
Percentage of Responses |
Total no. of Responses |
1 |
10 |
23% |
44 |
2 |
8 |
18% |
44 |
3 |
7 |
16% |
44 |
4 |
10 |
23% |
44 |
5 |
9 |
20% |
44 |
Finding and Analysis:
The long term goal of the training process of the company is not very clear to the employees. This has been concluded by observing that almost half employees rated this fact as low where another half rated this fact as high. The organization should focus in this area and develop proper awareness regarding the long term goals of the company. In case of do not having any long term goals the management of eth organization needs to set the long term goals immediately.
As per the viewpoint of the first HR manager of Smile with Pride Dental Surgery, training tends to put the human resource of the company into proper action. He believes that proper combination of physical, financial and human resources tends to fulfill as well as accomplish the goals of the company. The second manager of this company has stated that improving the level of efficiency among the employees on the organization is highly important. Moreover, training program of the company leads towards the achievement of the set organizational goals and thus training among the employees of the company is required.
Apart from that, the surgery techniques keep on changing with the course of time and thus it is important for the employees to stay updated with the innovated techniques in the organization. The first manager has said that conduction of training builds friendly relationship among the employer and the employees of the company. Therefore, it has been found that both the first manager and the second manager of the company believe that training is one of the strong motivating factors that enhance the company towards more productive outcomes.
How training improves the performance of your employees?
The first HR manager of the company has stated that investment in the training sometimes improve the financial standing of the company. Poor performance of the company often results in the slow growth of company and in this part, providing effective training to the employees can enhance the performance of the employees as well as the business growth of the organization. Job satisfaction among the employees of the company tends to increase self-esteem of the employees when the employees start understanding their work properly. The second HR manager of the company has stated that when the company invests money in the training programs for the employees, the employees feel worthy and this higher sense of worth make the employees feel more loyal to the company. As per his opinion, proper and effective training enhance the feeling of empowerment among the employees and this motivates them to be more productive in the organization. In addition to the response of the second manager, the first manager has stated that with the feelings of empowerment, willingness of the employees are reflected in their task and this is helpful for the company to achieve the business growth easily.
What kind of training your company is providing for motivating employees?
The first manager of the company has said that Smile with Pride Dental Surgery arranges promotional training for the employees; as it has been found from several instances that promotion motivate the employees to deliver best result to the company. The second HR manager of the company has added that the company arranges classroom or lecture training approach for the employees. Both the HR managers of the company believe that classroom training has always been the foundation of strong employer-employee relations in the organization. The second manager has stated that the lecture method is highly convenient and most of the cases, it makes high sense, especially at the time of addressing large number of the employees together.
Apart from that, the managers consider this retraining program often is considered as helpful, as this help to overcome the shortcoming of the employees in the behavior along with the performance of the old employees. Beside these two types of training program, the HR managers of the company have opined that the company arranges Job rotation as well for their existing employees. This particular training approach helps the employees to broaden their knowledge along with the skills and abilities.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation
This chapter is about the conclusion of all the research work done in this dissertation. All the relevant data are collected and analyzed in the previous chapter. Some objectives were declared at the initial level of the research work. The objectives will be linked with the findings of this research study and then some recommendations will be given to the organization for the further improvement.
To determine the current employee-training program undertaken by Smile with Pride Dental Surgery to evaluate its employee training process
Different types of training methods are analyzed in the literature review section of the research study. In the fourth chapter of the dissertation, the data are gathered about the different types of training approaches used by the organization and their effectiveness. It has been found that the organization is using class room training programs and practical training (with the supervision of the seniors) methods are used in the work place of the organization. They used to change the schedules of the employees for understanding different types of job roles.
To assess the ways employees can be motivated in the organization and the way employee motivation affect the performance of Smile with Pride Dental Surgery
Some problems are found in the area of the employee motivation at the job positions of the organization. A huge number of employees are not satisfied with the training methods applied by the organization. Some mentionable numbers of the employees have said that they are not happy with the job responsibilities they have at the workplaces of the organization. This is hampering the performances of the employees. There are very few employees who are working for the organizations for a long time. In the literature review section, it has been found that the employee loyalty s dependent on the satisfaction and motivation level of the employees. There must be some problem in the area of the satisfaction and motivation level of the employees of Smile with Pride Dental Surgery so that, people do not work with the organization for a long time. The organization should focus in this section and need to built a well strategy for motivating the employees for achieving a high level of employee loyalty within their work place.
To determine the impact of the employee training programs in achieving the employee motivation
The training programs are not so effective for motivation all the employees of the organization. There are some problems in the sectional training methods applied by the organization. The organization is having problem in some sections regarding the effectiveness of their training for motivating the employees. They should focus in all the sections of the organization and apply different types of the training methods for motivating all of the employees.
To give some recommendation for improving the training method of Smile with Pride Dental Surgery for motivating their employees
Based on the situation of the organizational training methods and the employee motivation of the organization, some recommendations are given in the section below for improving the training methods and motivating the employees for better performances. It has been found that the training method used by the organization is not effective for all of their employees. Therefore, some new strategies are required to motivate all of their employees which have been suggested in the recommendations given below.
The company is recommended to focus on retraining approach for the employees rather than the classroom or lecture. This type of retraining program is to acquaint the existing employees with the latest and the updated methods to perform their task more efficiently. Brahier and Speer (2011) has stated that this type of training in essential in the company, as this help the employees to relearn and to keep proper pace with the technological changes in the field. It can be found that most of the employees in the organization believe that this specific training approach seems to be repetitive and thus the employees fail to concentrate properly on this approach. Therefore, the HR managers of the company are suggested to shift from the classroom or lecture to retraining approach with proper use of power point presentation and laboratory facilities. This retraining approach is highly essential at the time when the new type of the innovative techniques is given to the existing old employees. With the advance of this training approach, the employees enjoy the chance to enhance their performance in the organization.
To identify the employee strength and strengthening the employer-employee bonding
The company is recommended to identify the strengths of the employees and it can be stated that training can be one of the highest opportunities for the employees, whose manager has identified some specific skills among the employees. In order to do that, the company is required to arrange more training programs, as several training programs help to strengthen the employer employee relationship. Only then, it is possible for the managers to identify some specific skills among the employees of the organization. Proper training program must offer useful training depending upon the needs and the requirements along with relevance of the assigned task. In training programs, the employees work together for solving several problems and this enhances the bondage among the employees. Most of the times, the employees during a particular training session work for a common goal and this leave a positive impact on the daily work. Thus, it can be easily recommended that the company and the respective managers need to identify the strengths as well as weakness of the employees. Identified weaknesses as well, are required to be dealt carefully by the managers in order to enhance the performance of the employees in the organization.
Understanding the ability and specialization of the employees at the time of training and design the job roles accordingly with the focus of long term goals
It has been found that the job designing plays a vital role on the employee motivation. A huge percentage of the employees of Smile with Pride Dental Surgery have also mentioned that they are not satisfied with the job positions they have in the workplaces of the organization. Training is the time when the employers can understand the ability and specialization of the new employees. At the time of the training the management of the organization should identify the ability of the employees by observing them at work. Which types of jobs can be done better by which employee should be understood at the time of the training. After developing proper ideas about the specialization of the employees they should develop the job designs. The employees will be more satisfied by getting the jobs which can be done better by them. In order to that, the supervisors of the training period should try different types of jobs to understand the ability of the employees in different sections of the jobs. In this way they can identify the specializations of the employees and then can assign the appropriate works to them.
The major limitation of the research work is the limitation regarding the time limit of the research work. The whole dissertation had to complete within the specific time limit. Some more time might be more effective for more effective result of the research study. Another limitation of the research work is the budget problem of the research study. Some of the tasks of the total research work might be more effective with some more money. Sometimes people don’t feel free to answering about their working life and motivational factors. Therefore, the data collection was quite difficult for the research study. The HR managers are very busy with their tasks, so getting the appointment of them for interviewing difficult while gathering the data for the research study.
The data gathered in the research study can be used as the empirical data for the future research works. Some recommendations are given to the organization for the improvement of the training method of the organization. After implementing the recommended plans for the training future research work can be done to understand the effectiveness of the proposed method for motivating the employees. New training processes are developing depending on the updated technologies. Therefore, future research study can be done in the area of new updated technical trainings. The requirements of the employees are also changing over the time and the types of the job responsibilities in their work place. The job roles in the dental surgery area are dependent on the new technologies of medical science. Use of the Information Technology in the workplace is also changing the job responsibilities of the dental surgery. Therefore, how the new job responsibilities and associated training programs are motivating the employees of this sector can be investigated in the future research study.
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