Case management file for two different clients
- Provide a profile of a medical and/or allied health professional who could be chosen to communicate with about the case study client outlined below. You will need to communicate with a medical and/or allied health professional in regards to clearance before prescribing an exercise program.
- This will depend on the type/s of medical and allied health professionals chosen – that is, if the person is only suited to treating patients of a medical nature, an additional letter and report to an allied health professional may be necessary. Outline their area of expertise to justify your referral to this medical and/allied health professional. Provide evidence of your communication with this medical and/or allied health professional.
- Using the above information, prepare a letter to a relevant medical and/or allied health professional in regards to the client’s results on his pre-exercise screening form. The letter is to contain an introduction and an overview of your requirements – that is, you will require clearance and guidance in order to deliver a fitness program for the client.
- Prepare a report to support this letter that outlines:
- the results of the pre-exercise screening form and fitness test
- request for clearance to perform these exercises and activities, and/or clearance to perform alternatives as suggested by the medical and/or allied health professional
- the client’s fitness goals and your view on his goals
- an outline of the client’s risk factors and why these risk factors are beyond your area of expertise.
Case study – Peter
Peter is a 51-year-old male client at the gym. He has been referred from a doctor. He was recently involved in a motor vehicle accident (three months ago). Peter suffered from a fractured tibia in the car accident, which was operated on, and then placed in a plaster of Paris cast for six weeks. He has recovered well from this operation. The bone is in good condition and cleared for exercise following some early rounds of physiotherapy. Peter’s doctor has recommended that he start going to the gym to get fit and healthy again. Prior to his motor vehicle accident Peter walked daily, but he has never exercised in a gym before. Peter reports feeling very tight in the calf muscles and ankle since the plaster was removed six weeks ago. Peter’s other health information, as provided by his doctor, includes:
- a blood pressure reading of 142/92 bpm
- asthma (he takes ventolin)
- poor eating habits, such as frequent takeaway lunches at work and dinner, skipping breakfast.
Note: Although this doctor has suggested that Peter join a gym, you should still assume that you will require clearance from the relevant medical and/or allied health professionals prior to exercise testing and/or programming when considering Peter’s medical and health status.
This task involves the receiving of simulated referrals from medical and allied health professionals and making decisions as to what plan of action you might take in response to each referral. Each referral situation is provided as a case study.
Katherine X
Dr Jones is a local general practitioner. He has referred Katherine to you (as a fitness trainer) because he would like her to start exercising. Katherine is obese, reporting poor dietary habits, and has Type 2 diabetes. Her resting blood pressure is 145/91mmHg. Katherine has arrived at the gym to buy a membership based on Dr Jones ‘telling me to come and see you’. The referral letter is as follows:
Katherine X is a 57-year-old female patient who has recently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Katherine is still learning about this condition and would benefit from further education and lifestyle modification. Her blood pressure is 145/91mmHg and she has commenced medication to assist in this being reduced. She will need an exercise program to assist with management of her condition. She is 89kg and 168cm tall.
- Complete a pre-activity questionnaire form for Katherine, filling in the information that you expect she would be able to fill in based on the information provided by Dr Jones. (Note: Even though it would be Katherine who would normally complete this form, this task will help you to demonstrate the ability to record health information for Katherine based on Dr Jones' referral.)
- Write a short report (approximately 500–750 words) outlining:
- a) Katherine’s risk factors, including calculation of her BMI for poor health
You are to demonstrate a collection of evidence in a portfolio showing your ability to identify and refer clients requiring medical or allied health professional expertise. This task is most suited to students currently working in the fitness industry and who have been working collaboratively with medical and allied health professionals;
- Access information from at least three clients with health or medical concerns that require medical or allied health professional expertise. Use pre-test screening information and seek additional health information from the clients as required.
- Analyse health information to determine the need for referral and guidance. Recommend the client seek advice from medical or health professionals as required and arrange the referral with permission, consent and within confidentiality and privacy standards.
- Maintain a case management file with all documents, communication and collaboration with medical and allied health professionals.
- owever, your trainer may provide you with simulations as deemed appropriate, especially for those who have not had sufficient access to the required situations. Follow the instructions carefully to ensure you complete this task to the detailed level required. You will need to provide a variety of evidence, such as supervisor reports, letters, DVD recordings and so on. This assessment will need to be performed over a period of time to ensure you have adequate time to provide the evidence of competency required.
You are to demonstrate a collection of evidence in a portfolio showing your ability to be part of an entire case management file for two different clients. The goal is to be part of a team that is managing a client for a particular concern, such as recovery after a motor vehicle accident or other injury, Type 2 diabetes management and so on. This should involve liaising with local medical and/or allied health professionals. An example of an appropriate case may include, but are not limited to the following:
- a pregnant client who has been referred to the gym for an exercise program during her pregnancy
- a postmenopausal client who has been referred to the gym for a weight-bearing cardiovascular program and a resistance program to minimise the risk of the onset of osteoporosis
- a client you have referred who has presented to the gym with risk factors warranting guidance and clearance from a doctor. You then continue managing this client under the care and supervision of a doctor or allied health professional.
Check your case management file is appropriate with your trainer before submission. You will need to submit all necessary documentation to support your claims of competency.
Note: One of your cases should include receiving at least one referral, while the other case should involve you making at least one referral. Some cases may involve more than one medical and/or allied health professional. If the client is not officially ‘discharged’ from the medical and/or allied health professional, the case should be managed for at least two months to ensure adequate time to demonstrate competency in this task.
- Identify information that needs to be recorded in the case management file.
- Identify information that needs to be shared with medical or allied health professionals and provide as required.
- Maintain current, complete, accurate and relevant client records for each client contac
- Report to support the letter:
According to the Screening report and fleetness test Pater has very poor eating habits. He often skips his breakfast or dinner. He also frequently takes launch and dinner within a short period. The irregular eating habit has made his digestion system weak and deficient. Peter has 27 BMI which is not very high. However he has high blood pressure that frequently hinders his daily activities. He has chronic Bronco Infection that leads to Asthma. Currently he is taking ventolin for medication.
The above latter is made to request for clearance from a general medical practitioner named Michael Drivas. This letter is intended to receive any suggestion from the practitioner about the regular physical activities of Peter. The goal of the fitness program is to improve the fitness of the Peter. The high blood pressure of Peter needs immediate weight losing and cardiac exercise. At the same time the fitness procedure should be concerned about the asthma problem of the client.
Peter recently has recovered from the tibia fracture which needs additional care and protection. The tibia is a valuable bone that helps him do any movement activity. Apart from that if the current condition needs any special activities or program, the identification of the requirement would be out of my expertise. Any misguidance in this vulnerable condition of Peter can lead to risky condition or severe injury.
Part B True/False – Risk factors (25 marks)
Select the correct answer.
True |
False |
1. A referral from a fitness trainer to a general practitioner should note a current medical history of hospitalisation and infectious disease. |
? True |
False |
2. Mononucleosis is not an infectious disease and clients are recommended to train during the illness. |
True |
? False |
3. Pregnancy is always a cause for referral for clearance from a medical professional to conduct a fitness test and/or fitness program. |
? True |
False |
4. A family history of a heart attack or stroke is one risk factor that contributes to the need for referral to a medical practitioner. |
? True |
False |
5. Low-risk clients are men under 45 and women under 55, who are asymptomatic and have no more than one coronary risk factor. |
True |
? False |
6. Moderate-risk clients have a known cardiovascular, pulmonary or metabolic disease and three coronary risk factors. |
True |
? False |
7. High-risk clients will most likely require exercise guidance from a doctor and/or an accredited exercise physiologist. |
? True |
False |
8. A recent myocardial infarction is an absolute contraindication to exercise testing. |
? True |
False |
9. Unstable angina is an absolute contraindication to exercise testing. |
? True |
False |
10. Acute myocarditis is inflammation of the cardiac muscle. |
? True |
False |
11. Severe hypertension is always an absolute contraindication to exercise. |
? True |
False |
12. Chronic infectious diseases, such as hepatitis, are relative contraindications to exercise and exercise testing. |
? True |
False |
13. Neuromuscular conditions exacerbated by exercise are relative contraindications to exercise. |
? True |
False |
14. Fitness trainers should refer current musculoskeletal injuries to an appropriate allied health professional, such as a physiotherapist. |
? True |
False |
15. Diastolic blood pressure greater than 110mm/Hg at rest warrants medical referral. |
? True |
False |
16. A Type 2 diabetic client will never require insulin as part of their treatment. |
True |
? False |
17. The quadriceps muscles are made up of the rectus femoris, vastuslateralis and vastusmedialis only. |
True |
? False |
18. Patellofemoral pain syndrome is a common dysfunction seen in clients with anterior knee pain. |
? True |
False |
19. The Achilles tendon is responsible for connection of the gastrocnemius to the calcaneus. |
? True |
False |
20. The Tibialis anterior is responsible for plantarflexion of the ankle. |
? True |
False |
21. The equivalent bones in the foot and hand are tarsals and carpals respectively. |
? True |
False |
22. High blood glucose levels are greater than about 1mmol/L. |
? True |
False |
23. High blood glucose levels (greater than 15mmol/L that last longer than 24 hours may start to result in the signs of hyperglycaemia. |
? True |
False |
24. Hyperglycaemia will not result in thirst. |
True |
? False |
25. HDL cholesterol is known as the ‘bad cholesterol’. |
True |
? False |
Part C Case study – Referral (15 marks)
This task involves the receiving of simulated referrals from medical and allied health professionals and making decisions as to what plan of action you might take in response to each referral. Each referral situation is provided as a case study.
Katherine X
Dr Jones is a local general practitioner. He has referred Katherine to you (as a fitness trainer) because he would like her to start exercising. Katherine is obese, reporting poor dietary habits, and has Type 2 diabetes. Her resting blood pressure is 145/91mmHg. Katherine has arrived at the gym to buy a membership based on Dr Jones ‘telling me to come and see you’. The referral letter is as follows:
Katherine X is a 57-year-old female patient who has recently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Katherine is still learning about this condition and would benefit from further education and lifestyle modification. Her blood pressure is 145/91mmHg and she has commenced medication to assist in this being reduced. She will need an exercise program to assist with management of her condition. She is 89kg and 168cm tall.
Write a short report (approximately 500–750 words) outlining:
- a) Katherine’s risk factors, including calculation of her BMI for poor health
poor eating habits,
Type 2 Diabetes,
High blood pressure 145/91mmHg
- b) The relevance of BMI in this situation
She is 89kg and 168cm tall. In this situation she needs to have lower weight. Therefore, it is clear that this BMI condition also influences her blood pressure. In order to keep his blood pressure and body weight balanced, she needs to reduce her BMI below 28.5 instead of having BMI 31.5
- c) a suggested management plan for Katherine
Screening report and fleetness test for Peter
Katherine is obese patient that must as soon as possible lose weight for her healthier future. The benefits she will get is not only to how she gonna feel but she will reduce all this risk factors she already has,such as Type 2 Diabetes. Also by reducing weight she will reduce her future problem with bones and joints and reduce risk of future cancer.She must reduce the amount of intakes she gets daily and exercising almost 4 days a week. Her BMI must range between 20-25 as per high and must be loose about 17 kg to reach approxematly 70 kg recommend for her high
- d) what guidance you will require from medical and/or allied health professionals prior to fitness testing and/or fitness programming for Katherine.
- Client’s risk and needs:
Katherine has several risk factors including Obese, poor eating habits, Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. The high BMI report represents her tendency of Obesity. Irregular eating habits with unhealthy food proportion have lead to this situation with Type 2 diabetes. This high weight is causing high blood pressure as well. If needed this high blood pressure of 145/91mmHg has to be cured with appropriate medication and other treatment.
Exercise type:
Jogging – Cardio and locomotion based program to improve muscles and bone functionalities and
Freehand exercise- to increase the flexibility of the body wing enhanced insulin acceptance
Regular Bicycling- Cardio based blood pressure reducing program
Regular Climbing stairs- Cardio based respiratory improvement program
Aerobics in alternative days- Fat burning exercise that reduces the blood pressure as well
Write referral letters for medical and/or allied health professionals in your local area that you might suggest that Katherine should see either before or during your time with her. Ensure you provide a rationale for your referral.
Practitioner Name KATE HOLMES Clinic INGRID ORTH DIETITIAN AND NUTRITIONIST Re: Client Name: KATHERINE Client Address: BANKSTOWN Client DOB: 57 YEARS OLD MY client KATHERINE X has presented to our business/service/facility with the goal of lose weight as her GP suggest she must exercise to reduce her health risk factors such as Type 2 Diabetes KATHERINE information and measurements recorded during pre-exercise screening include the following:
In response to her screening results I am requesting your guidance in relation to Katherine condition to enable me to ensure delivery of a safe and effective exercise program. KATHERINE NEED A EATING PROGRAM PLAN WICH WILL HELP HER TO REDUCE HER BODY WEIGHT AND REDUCE RISK FACTORS AS SUCH SHE IS SUFFER OF Based on Katherine goals, I intend to have /her commence an exercise program consisting of the following: Jogging – Cardio and locomotion based program to improve muscles and bone functionalities and Freehand exercise- to increase the flexibility of the body wing enhanced insulin acceptance Regular Bicycling- Cardio based blood pressure reducing program Regular Climbing stairs- Cardio based respiratory improvement program Aerobics in alternative days- Fat burning exercise that reduces the blood pressure as well Please assess Katherine condition and indicate any recommendations you may have in relation to her exercise program, including specific activities /she cannot or should not be undertaking at this time, or other relevant notes. I/ will keep you informed of KATHERERINE’s progress and any major changes in /her condition. To acknowledge you have received this referral, please complete this section:
Please include in notes any instructions you may have regarding follow up or progress reporting. I/we welcome any advice you feel necessary and can be contacted by phone <123456789> during <9AM-5PM > or email <[email protected]> anytime.
Your Sincerely, Business/Facility Opening Hours 9am-5pm |
Part D 300 Portfolio – Make referrals
You are to demonstrate a collection of evidence in a portfolio showing your ability to identify and refer clients requiring medical or allied health professional expertise. This task is most suited to students currently working in the fitness industry and who have been working collaboratively with medical and allied health professionals;
however, your trainer may provide you with simulations as deemed appropriate, especially for those who have not had sufficient access to the required situations. Follow the instructions carefully to ensure you complete this task to the detailed level required. You will need to provide a variety of evidence, such as supervisor reports, letters, DVD recordings and so on. This assessment will need to be performed over a period of time to ensure you have adequate time to provide the evidence of competency required.
- Access information from at least three clients with health or medical concerns that require medical or allied health professional expertise. Use pre-test screening information and seek additional health information from the clients as required.
- Analyse health information to determine the need for referral and guidance. Recommend the client seek advice from medical or health professionals as required and arrange the referral with permission, consent and within confidentiality and privacy standards.
- Maintain a case management file with all documents, communication and collaboration with medical and allied health professionals.
Client 1:
Name : Ashline Markov |
Medical Details |
BP: 130/90 mmHg Weight: 85 BMI: 32 |
Age: 32 |
Medical history |
Date of appointment: 12 May, 2018 |
· High Blood pressure · Obesity · Endocrine abnormalities · Unhealthy eating practice |
Current issue |
Pregnancy Back neck pain and burning sensation Uncontrollable Palpitation and accelerated heartbeat Agitation during the day time Restlessness as well as sleeplessness while having excessive fatigue |
Recommendation |
Referral |
· Regular Walking · Vitamin E based Diet · Avoid hard work · Have mentally stress-less environment · Avoid any weight lift |
As per the result of basic screening test It has been determined that the patent needs some expert advice and medication. I am referring the patient to Dr. Devid Willium (General Physician) for further treatment process. |
Confidentiality and Privacy Standards: All the collected documents and personal details of the patient will be considered as the subject of chief Confidentiality and Privacy. The documents will be used only for medical and physiotherapeutic purposes. |
Name : Lorain Martin |
Medical Details |
BP: 110/65mmHg Weight: 67 BMI: 25 |
Age: 47 |
Medical history |
Date of appointment: 20 May, 2018 |
· Low weight · Osteoporosis · Chronic Cardiovascular disorder · Unhealthy Diet |
Current issue |
Post menopausal symptoms Mild Breathlessness after any physical activity Accelerated heartbeat Joint pain in pelvic bone, knee and elbow Excessive Fatigue |
Recommendation |
Referral |
· Calcium Diet · Regular jogging · Balanced prescribed diet · Breathing Exercise |
As per the result of basic screening test It has been determined that the patent needs some advance medical diagnosis, physiotherapy and medication. I am referring the patient to Dr. Jack Martin (Endocrinologist) for further treatment process. |
Confidentiality and Privacy Standards: All the collected documents and personal details of the patient will be considered as the subject of chief Confidentiality and Privacy. The documents will be used only for medical and physiotherapeutic purposes. |
Name : Devid Marks |
Medical Details |
BP: 130/90mmHg Weight: 79 BMI: 28 |
Age: 52 |
Medical history |
Date of appointment: 20 May, 2018 |
· Obese · Chronic Bronchitis · Arthritis |
Current issue |
Mild Breathlessness after any physical activity Accelerated heartbeat Knee pain Early Fatigue Needs of Expert Supervision |
Recommendation |
Referral |
· Calcium Diet · Regular Cycling · Avoid Dust allergies · Breathing Exercise |
As per the result of basic screening test It has been determined that the patent needs clearance from registered doctor about his current physiological condition. I am referring the patient to Dr. Devid Willium (General Physician) to ensure that the patient is ready to have next level physical activities in gym. |
Confidentiality and Privacy Standards: All the collected documents and personal details of the patient will be considered as the subject of chief Confidentiality and Privacy. The documents will be used only for medical and physiotherapeutic purposes. |
You are to demonstrate a collection of evidence in a portfolio showing your ability to be part of an entire case management file for two different clients. The goal is to be part of a team that is managing a client for a particular concern, such as recovery after a motor vehicle accident or other injury, Type 2 diabetes management and so on. This should involve liaising with local medical and/or allied health professionals. An example of an appropriate case may include, but are not limited to the following:
- a pregnant client who has been referred to the gym for an exercise program during her pregnancy
- a postmenopausal client who has been referred to the gym for a weight-bearing cardiovascular program and a resistance program to minimise the risk of the onset of osteoporosis
- a client you have referred who has presented to the gym with risk factors warranting guidance and clearance from a doctor. You then continue managing this client under the care and supervision of a doctor or allied health professional.
Check your case management file is appropriate with your trainer before submission. You will need to submit all necessary documentation to support your claims of competency.
Note: One of your cases should include receiving at least one referral, while the other case should involve you making at least one referral. Some cases may involve more than one medical and/or allied health professional. If the client is not officially ‘discharged’ from the medical and/or allied health professional, the case should be managed for at least two months to ensure adequate time to demonstrate competency in this task
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