About IGA Supermarket
Discuss about the Fostering Employee Service Creativity.
The report helps in understanding the internship program that is performed by me at IGA store that is one of the supermarkets in Australia. I am performing my internship presently in IGA store in the management department of the respective store. The main aim and purpose of the report is to identify the different kind of core activities of the organization named IGA based in Australia.
IGA is one of the largest U.S brand grocery stores that is operating in more than 30 countries (Iga.com, 2018). It is seen that Independent Grocers of Australia is operating as the franchise through different kind of stores that are separately owned in an effectual manner. The headquarters of IGA is located at Chicago, Illinois, U.S. It is seen that IGA started in the year 1926 in the month of May with the group of more than 150 retailers. The Chief Executive Officer of IGA supermarket Mr. Mark Batenic has tried to increase their revenues and profit in the market by managing the different departments successfully (Bratton and Gold 2017)
The core activities and business of IGA have been categorized as follows:
- IGA supermarket has offered the customers proper self-service facility that has helped the customers in bringing different kind of goods and services in an effectual manner (Bondi et al. 2016)
- Proper customer service counter is essential in nature wherein this helps in attending the different requirements of the customers appropriately (Armstrong and Taylor 2014)
- The respective supermarket has helped in creating a better experience to the different customers in an effectual manner (Cook 2017)
Independent Grocers of Australia has been headquartered in Chicago, United States and the business of the company is spreading in different kind of other countries as well. It was founded in the year 1988 wherein they have firstly started the business in Chicago and later on the company officials has started to spread their business by creating franchise of the business in different other parts of the world as well. The company helps in offering different offers and discounts to the customers wherein this has helped them in increasing their presence in the entire world effectively (Chowhan, Pries and Mann 2017).
With the help of the flowchart, it can be seen that the management of the IGA supermarket comprised of the manager wherein he is the head of the entire management department. It is seen that the manager will be controlling the different duties such as stock, cleaning along with checkout of the different activities and services of the company. There are different supervisors for each department wherein all of them handle the different operations in a separate manner (Cascio 2018).
The supervisor of the management department of IGA Supermarket helps in engaging in dealing with different kind of grievances of the customers along with employees of the organization (Brewster, Chung and Sparrow 2016). The management team needs to work on the weekends as well as there is huge pressure on them due to handling the different kind of activities of HR, marketing, inventory and service management along with customer service management as well (Brewster et al. 2016).
Core Activities of IGA Supermarket
Presently, I am working as an intern in the IGA supermarket wherein I am handling the different kind of operations of the management department in the respective supermarket. I tried to gain different knowledge on the entire management functions of the respective supermarket. I was working as the trainee in the management department wherein I tried in handling different kind of marketing, financing along with human resource activities. I am reporting to assistant manager wherein he tried to handle the different kind of activities performed by me and guided me to analyse the different management models along with theories to perform my different activities effectually.
Proper orientation program was provided by the management to me wherein I was made introduced to the different team members and the assistant manager as well. I tried to understand my job role wherein this is helping me in understanding my job responsibilities in an effectual manner. I tried to keep notes of the different activities that is performed by other fellow colleagues as this helped me in gaining knowledge on different activities and tasks as well.
Mr. Roger is the immediate manager who helped in handling the different kind of issues and the colleagues such as Mr. Federer, Mr. Lockhart, Mr. Williams along with Mr. Petrakis who were senior to me and they were performing effectively in the organization as well. With the help of the diagram, it helped me in analysing the tasks in an effectual manner and got introduced with the whole team as well. During the training phase, I came across different kind of activities regarding the different training of the employees, along with learning about the inventory management in an effectual manner.
In the IGA Supermarket, the culture of the organization contributed towards the different kind of environment at the workplace. In IGA Supermarket, I have seen that the company has helped in providing different kind of services to the customers along with they provide respect to the individuals, strive for excellence along with action with integrity. The supermarket has tried to create a friendly environment wherein it is made customer centric in nature as they feel customers the assets of their company and they needs to be valued as well.
The ideology of the company is employee friendly wherein it created a strong culture for attracting the customers by offering them different kind of discounts. In terms of providing satisfactory services to the customers, it is seen that the company has prioritize the different kind of operations and it has recognized the different operations along with analysing the achievement of the employees in an effectual manner. The organizational structure is flexible in nature wherein the firm is striving for excellence in the entire economy in an effectual manner.
Management of IGA Supermarket
For example- When I was working as the intern in the IGA Supermarket, I came across different kind of incidents in the management department. I have seen that the employees who were working under the assistant manager of the management department, there were different kind of scenarios in the management department. Firstly, I have seen that one specific colleague of mine was not being able to take the responsibility of handling the inventory of the products that were being delivered from the go down. However, our assistant manager helped the employee in understanding the issue and solved the issue instantly by making him understand the different techniques of remembering the purchases in an effectual manner.
From such incident, I was being able to understand the kind of environment wherein I am performing my internship as the management trainee. I was involved with handling the HR and customer service department individually as I have gained knowledge during my higher studies in both the domains. The functional environment of IGA has helped me in understanding that the employees are being valued in the organization and they are provided with different monetary and non-monetary benefits that will benefit them effectually.
However, there were different circumstances when I faced different issues related to inter cultural gap with my colleagues along with the customers who visited the store. When a customer entered our store, he was looking for something, however I was unable to understand his requirements. Furthermore, as I could not understand I showed him different products and there was a chaos in the store, at that moment my supervisor handled the situation and I learnt that all the things have to be handled patiently and this will be gained by me through proper experience as well.
After such kind of occurrences, I tried to handle the situations in more effectual manner wherein I tried to analyse the different requirements of the customers along with employees and handled them patiently. Proper training and development program was organised by the store on the first ten days of my internship wherein I learnt different techniques in dealing with customers on a daily basis. It helped me in improving my communication skills that provided me with courage to handle difficult situations with calm and composure.
During the internship period, I tried to undertake different kind of customer service along with different kind of Hr related activities as well. I tried to handle the customer service department efficiently and gained knowledge on the different laws and legislations that is required in handling the human resource activities of the organization.
- I tried to handle different activities of HR and customer service department at the same time wherein I am taking care of the salaries that has to be gained by the employees and understanding the norms and procedures of providing salary to employees as well
- Secondly, I tried to undertake different feedback and review activities that helped me in providing the customers satisfactory kind of services in an effective manner. I tried to focus more on providing the customers best services in comparison to the other competitors in the market
My Internship Experience at IGA Supermarket
However, from the internship program conducted by IGA store, I tried to understand that proper and accurate skills have to be attained by me in understanding and dealing with the tasks effectually. I tried to put more focus on the regulations and norms that will help me in understanding the issues of the customers along with gaining knowledge on the different kind of laws and legislations effectually and succeed in the future as well.
As an intern, the first ten days training provided by IGA supermarket helped me in gaining different knowledge on technical along with discipline skills. The formal training received by me helped me in in understanding the different aspects of customer service and HR norms and legislations effectually. Furthermore, I received informal training wherein I gained knowledge on FIFO and LIFO method and understood the entire concept of the inventory management in an effectual manner.
For instance- During my internship program, I tried to handle the stocks of the company wherein I kept a record of the goods that were kept in the go down and I successfully completed the entire task as well. However, the other instance that included the distribution of the payslips to the employees, I tried to work on it by gaining knowledge on the days the individuals worked, however I committed mistakes in performing it. However, the supervisor has made me understand the issues and I tried to solve it effectually as well.
When I was completing my graduation in University, I tried to link with different kind of customer service concepts along with FIFO and LIFO method of the inventory management. I tried to gain knowledge on different concepts and gained similarities in both of them as well. During my university days, I tried to find similarity between the training and development techniques and learnt practical usage of the same as well. In the IGA store, I tried to handle the different tasks related to customer service, proper HR and inventory management with the help of the different models and approaches.
During the internship phase, I tried to learn the different kind of activities of the management department as this helped me in analysing the training, development, inventory and the compensation programs as well. I tried in receiving the knowledge on gaining feedback from the customers regarding their service effectively as well.
As per the technique of STAR, the main situation was to handle the different kind of challenges faced by me and handled them effectually. The performance of the tasks has to be done effectually with different kind of communication techniques and different actions has helped me in conducting specialised tasks effectually. Lastly, the results achieved by me has helped me in providing knowledge and I was appreciated by the higher officials as well.
Company Culture and Organizational Structure of IGA Supermarket
During the training program of internship, the excellent part was the culture along with my colleagues who has helped me in undertaking different kind of activities in the organization. The ambience and the environment of IGA supermarket was soothing and it provided me with positive vibes to perform the tasks in an effective manner. The orientation and training program during the first ten days of internship has helped me in creating handbook wherein I gathered knowledge on different aspects of the organizational structure and culture effectually.
My assistant manager was helpful in nature to help me in performing better and making me performing tasks effectually as well. I enjoyed the entire training that was provided to me to a great extent as this provided me with understanding the different practical approaches of customer service, HR and inventory management as well. I enjoyed working at IGA supermarket as the training has helped me in reaching to greater heights and develop skills that helped me in gaining and gathering new experiences.
During the entire internship program, I had projected the different kind of aspects related to HR, training and development along with inventory management. I congregated knowledge on the recruitment and selection policies of the company as well as sharpening my knowledge on different practical and technical fields that will help me in future to perform such tasks effectually as well.
The internship at IGA store was quite stimulating and it sharpened my knowledge in the professional field. I tried in developing different kind of aspects such as time management, handling stocks at the store, recruitment and selection skills and techniques to perform in the future as well. The different concepts of inventory management along with recruitment and selection techniques gathered by me helped me in implementing the same in the respective field in the future as well.
During the entire internship program that has been performed by me at IGA store, I performed the different tasks in an effectual manner. The assistant supervisor has complimented me in different aspects as I handled the grievances of a customer in a trained manner and it helped the company in gaining positive feedback in the future as well. This was one of the tasks that was applauded for and I was sure that I will be performing well in handling the different grievances of the customers in an appropriate manner.
However, there was an instance wherein I handled the situation of the inventory management, however I committed a small mistake and I could not list down the items clearly as I was confused and this affected the number of items in the stock in the organization. My supervisor helped me in understanding the same and I jotted down the points for performing the same in a better manner in the future as well. This was not a complementary performance; however, my immediate boss did not criticize me as well.
Challenges and Learnings
When I was being applauded for the receiving proper feedback for the grievances of customers, I took it as my motivation and performed well similarly in the future as well. I tried to focus more on the different areas wherein I required to have more knowledge and it helped me more suggestions for performing better in an effectual manner.
Furthermore, I did not undertake ay such kind of challenges in the supermarket, however I was not comfortable and was tensed during few days of internship. I did not possess any kind of practical knowledge before the internship and this was the main concern that was affecting my confidence. However, as the days passed on, I was prominent in performing team work effectively and there were different issues that occurred during the internship phase and I tried to gather knowledge on such aspects as well at IGA store and solved the grievances of customers and handled the management of the company effectually.
As per me, I feel I have tried to bring in a huge change in the supermarket as I tried to provide my best and helped them in gaining huge outcomes. I have tried to found similarities in the different customer service and customer satisfaction activities as I learnt the same during the graduation phase. There were times wherein I failed in performing activities, however I handled the same with the assistance of the supervisor. I tried to gained cross cultural communication importance and handled the situations as it demanded.
I feel I did not manipulate or discriminate the views of colleagues and I was applauded by my assistant manager as well. I tried to analyse the viewpoints of colleagues and helped them in achieving success in the organization. I tried to contribute towards the success of the organization and I suggested a technique to the supermarket higher officials wherein the feedback forms and reviews was made compulsory and it was agreed by them as well.
There were different kind of challenging and interesting aspects of placement at IGA Supermarket. I feel if I will be placed at IGA Supermarket, I will be gaining knowledge on the same aspects and it will be advantage for me. I have entire knowledge on the atmosphere of the store and it will be easier for me to perform such tasks effectually.
However, there were different kind of challenges wherein it will be creating pressure on me as the expectations will be high from me by the different higher officials. The timing is not flexible in the Supermarket and this can be a challenge for me as well in the future as well.
There are different kind of highlights in the work experience wherein I learnt different kind of procedures to handle the grievances of customers in the company. The main highlights that I have learnt is to prepare a list of the goods that has been kept in the go down and their values as well. After the entire completion of the internship program, I learnt different kind of interesting techniques with solutions to solve the issues effectually. It helped me in changing the career direction as I was keen to involve myself in the customer service department in the management team. I tried to solve the different issues of the customers with innovative techniques and smart attitude as well. I learnt to handle the situations in the market with more effectual manner and helped me in gaining competitive advantage.
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