Your task is to (i) identify an appropriate set of business and HR strategies that will better achieve the organisation's goals, given the external context;
(ii) identify appropriate HR practices that will enable the business to fully implement its business and HR strategies.
HR issues in Apple Inc.
Human resource plays an imperative role in strategic management. This report discusses the many human resources issues named like Long hours, hectic, and inflexible schedules. It presents a STEEPLED model that is used to understand the situationof the country. It also demonstrates OT for Apple Inc. It also explains the proposed business strategy and HR Strength and weakness with proposed HR strategy. In last, it recommends many human resources policies for Apple Inc.
HR issues in Apple Inc.
Human resources issues could affect the performance of Apple Inc. There are certain factors that could negatively influence the outcome of the organization. These are long hours, hectic and inflexible schedules, employees’ morals, and poor promotional measures (Armstrongand Taylor, 2014). It is also analyzed thatlong working hours could create stress among employees that could decline the overall outcome of the organization. Hectic and inflexible schedulesmake the uncomfortable atmosphere at the working place. It could also declinepossibilities to make the positive relationship between top management and subordinates. It is also analyzed that inflexible schedules could decline the interest of employee to do their allocated job systematically that would influence their overall result. Moreover, employees’ morals could be important for getting higher competitive benefits in the least time and cost.Thus, it is analyzed that once morale of employees could decline then it could influence the overall performance of the firm (Jackson, Schuler, and Jiang, 2014). In last, it is evaluated that poor promotional measures could make a negative image of the firm among consumers that affect the demand for goods and services. It would also influence the employee as well as organization productivity. It is also addressed that Apple Inc. gives less value to their employee’s that creates major issues for the firm. It could decline possibilities to meet the aim and objectives of the organization in limited time and cost.
STEEPLED analysis
The organization could be influenced by certain social components like market presence, purchasing power, enhancement in the number of smartphones, application of digital tools, and Apple products ownership (Hollenbeckand Jamieson, 2015). In the current era, it is analyzed thatdemand of mobile has been increased in the market that generates opportunities for Apple to launch their mobile and get higher competitive benefits.
In the current era, Apple Inc. could be affected by many tools and technologies like R &D (research and development department), MacOS Sierra outlay, quality of the camera, and cloud computing trend. Cloud computing becomes popular among companies. Hence, it is examined that Apple could grab this opportunity by providing cloud-friendly apps (Kramar, 2014).
STEEPLED analysis
Economic components could influence Apple Inc. like quickly expansion of developing countries, foreign currencies, and possible expansion in the marketplace. In addition, it is also evaluated that the economy is stable that offer opportunity for Apple Inc. to expand their business in a systematic manner and obtained reliable outcome (Brattonand Gold, 2017).
Environmental factors could also influence the overall situation of Apple Inc. due to certain reasons like reuse approaches using robots and moving to greener materials. This organization can use this innovative strategy for getting higher competitive benefits from the launching of its products and services in the marketplace (Collings, Wood, and Szamosi, 2018).
Political components could directly impact on the performance of the organization. There are two important political components that may affect Apple Inc. like bad political relations and exporting goods in America. But, at the same time, free trade schemes create opportunities for the organization to effectively lunch products and services in specified countries (Brewster, Chung, and Sparrow, 2016).
Form the analysis of STEEPLED; it is analyzed that laws and regulation could directly impact on the performance of the business. It is also addressed the application of digital technology could create privacy problem in the organization. Consequently, more privacy rules and regulation could be levied on the business performance of the firm (Gannon, Roper, and Doherty, 2015). This component could become a threat for the firm to launch their new products and services and entails the private information transmission.
Apple Inc. can be influenced by many ethical components like Apple & Donate Life America develops state organ donor for iPhone registration, International Apps, and globe campaign with WWF. These ethical factors create the opportunity for the company to sustain in the market at long-term.
Apple Inc. targets 24- 45 age group of people, Newly Married Couples, and Bachelor Stage people, Professionals, managers and executives, and High earners for its devices like iPhone, iPad, Mac, iPod. It has also targeted the 18 – 30 urban, Bachelor Stage and Newly Married Couples, and Students, Professionals, managers for their services such as iTunesand the iTunes Store, Mac App Store, iCloud, and Apple Pay. It also targeted 20-35 age-group of people, high earners, Professionals, managers,and executives, for Operating system & software likeiOS, OSX, iLife, and iWork. It also targeted 20-45 age-group of people, Professionals, managers and Professionals, managers and executives for Accessories such as Apple TV, Apple Watch and related accessories. These demographic segmentation aids to grab the opportunity of creating demand towards their products and services.
OT analysis
Proposed Business Strategy
On the basis of STEEPLED Analysis, it can be stated that Apple Inc can get the opportunity of creating more demand towards their products by using the advance technology. Another opportunity for company is building positive image in the mind of customers due to ethical consideration in the business process. Apple Inc. can also grab the opportunity of increasing the revenue due to appropriate demographic segmentation. It can also get the chances of expanding the business in the market due to free trade schemes (Gannon, Roper, and Doherty, 2015).
On the basis of STEEPLED assessment, it is stated that company can face the threat in terms of expanding their business into technology industry due to bad political relation and exporting goods in America. Company can also face the threat of declining demand due to privacy problem in system (Chelladuraiand Kerwin, 2017).
Business strategies facilitate Apple Inc. to deal with the potential threats effectively and grab the opportunities like work-life harmony strategy; regularly monetary strategy, balanced score card, and decentralization decision making a strategy.These are discussed as below:
A work-life harmony strategy could be imperative for both employees as well as employers for effectively operating the business and get higher competitive benefits.Through this strategy; the human resources manager will be capable to influence the employees towards their work and helps to creating the demand. Moreover, it is analyzed that Apple Inc. should use this strategy for making a diverse image in the marketplace and get higher competitive benefits (Reiche, et al., 2016).
Apple Inc. should use regularly monetary strategy for their employees. This strategy will lead to motivate the employees as motivated employees may generate more revenues. This strategy is also imperative for business at the time of dealing with economic fluctuations. Further, it is also analyzed that this strategy is emphasized on the moneraty rewards as well as open business culture. It could be effective for overcoming the threats of company (Tyson, 2014).
This strategy is practiced by Apple Inc. to make a plan wherein organization determines what will be done in future. In this strategy, Human resource manager will record day to day activity and make the decision to grab the opportunities (Paillé, et al., 2014). Thus, it can be examined that this strategy is imperative for increasing the productivity of organization.
Decentralization decision making strategy enables top management team of Apple Inc. like top, medium, and lower level executive to make a decision for eliminating the threats and grabbing the opportunities. Consequently, Apple Inc. would be capable to increase their revenue and creating more demand towards their products and services.
HR Strategies
Human resources entails manystrengths that could be effective for accomplishing organizational task named strategy and roles, creating top-tier employees, and generate choice for manager.The human resources manager of Apple Inc. makes strategy and determines the roles of the employees to accomplish the organizational task in a systematic way. Further, it is also analyzed that HR of the organization is capable to easily creating top-tier employees in the working place to meet objectivesand goal of the organization (Nankervis, et al., 2016). Moreover, it is also analyzed that manager of Apple Inc. promptly takes appropriate decision that leads them to easily grab the opportunity. It would be imperative for the accomplishment of the organizational task. Apart from this, there are creation weaknesses of Human resources manager that eliminate the possibilities to obtain higher competitive benefits.These are lack of communicationskillsand lack of team management skills. Further, lack of communication skills could decline the possibilities of making suitable behavior with others. Moreover, it is examined that human resources manager has also lack of team management skills that create conflict at the working place and reduce the opportunity to obtain higher profit (Nankervis, et al., 2016).
Proposed HR strategy
Apple Inc. manager willpropose many human resource strategies to operate the business process and meet the aim and objectives of the organization. These are employee’s retention and Motivation and engagement that are discussed as below:
The human resources manager of Apple Inc. should use an employee retention strategy for improving their performance in the least time. In addition, it is also examined that employee retention strategy could support to control on turnover of employees and obtain a reliable outcome.
Retention cultures could be imperative for making a relationship between workers and management.It could facilitate organizationto obtain many benefits as it could be related to the employee recognition and employee assistance culture. Moreover, the organization would be capable to satisfy huge amount of employees for long-term. Moreover, it could also be imperative for improving employee recognition. Moreover, compensation pay, employee recognition cultures could lead the firm to keep the satisfaction level of workforces (Brewster, et al., 2016). Human resource manager could collect feedback of specified employees towards the issues of products and services as it would be imperative for reducing employee retention and employee turnover. In addition, it is also examined employee retention could enable the firm to increase their productivity. In addition, it is evaluated that the recruitment and training method could be imperative for new workforces because they support to complete the allocated task in the least time and cost.
The motivation and engagement strategy is imperativefor accomplishing any task in the least time and cost. Further, it is also examined that the organization should use Maslow need a theory for motivating the employees towards their work. Through this theory, the organization would be capable to determinethe needs of an individual and offer many benefits accordingly as it would be imperative for retaining the consumers in long-term. Apart from this, the human resources manager could conduct many activities at the working place and engage their workforces. It would be effective for gaining the aim and objectives of the research matter (Jabbourand de Sousa Jabbour, 2016).
Training and development strategy could also be imperative for retaining the employees at the working place. This method facilitates human resources manager to improve existing skills of employees that creates interest of employees in their allocated work.It would be imperative for the accomplishment desire goal in the least time. Training and development method enables human resources manager to improve professionals and personal skills of employees to meet allocated work in a systematic manner. In addition, it is also evaluated that the human resources manager of the origination could use unique tools and techniques for obtaining higher competitive benefits (Jamali, El Dirani, and Harwood, 2015).
The human resources policy is effective for operating the business process and getsa reliable result. Furthermore, it is also evaluated that there are creation human resources policies are used by the organization for effectively operating business and obtain result with respect the research result named recruitment policies, recognition and benefits, happiness at work, training/talent management, and 360 degree appraisal (Marchington, et al., 2016).These are discussed as below:
The human resources could make an effective recruitment policy for selecting suitable candidates to fill vacant seats. The primary aim of this research is to assure the transparent and unbiased recruitment of job applicants on behalf of requirement. It would create the reliability and validity in the whole process of recruitment (Marchington, et al., 2016).
The recognition policy could lead employeestoaccomplishtheir allocated task in the least time with quality.From the application of recognition method, it is mandatory for the firm to offer the opportunity to their employees for making their diverse image in the working place. This method could encourage the employee to accomplish their desired goal in a particular time period. This method could also gain the productivity of the organization by motivating each employee in a systematic way (Marchington, et al., 2016).
The organization should also simplymake a positive atmosphere at the working place.In addition, it is also examined that happy atmosphere could be more productive as compared to those organizations that pressurized their employee to accomplish the task of the organization. Happiness at the working place could demonstratea positive relationship among the top and bottom management (Shenand Benson, 2016).
A training method is an effective tool that motivates employees for the accomplishment of the organizational taskin the least time and cost.In addition, it is also examined that training and development is a technique that manages the talent of an employee and support to obtain reliable outcome (Jabbour and de Sousa Jabbour, 2016).
360-degree appraisal method could also be an import method of human resources as it permits the human resources manager to collect feedback of employees from many sources like employees, subordinates, colleagues, and supervisor. It could be effective for making a reliable decision with respect to the actual performance of employees. It could also lead to geta reliable result in the least time and cost (Tyson, 2014).
From the above interpretation, it can be summarized that human resources are an imperative part of the organization as it facilities to effectively operate the business process and get a reliable outcome. It can also be concluded that the organization has used STEEPLED analysis and examine the situation of the country in oppose to the organization. Moreover, there are certain human resources issues that could be faced by the firm like Long hours, hectic, and inflexible schedules as it would negatively impact on the accomplishment of aim and objectives of the firm. Another issue is a poor promotion that could also negatively impact on the overall result of the organization.
It can also be illustrated that there are certainproposed business strategies that are used by the organization to operate the business effectively namedWork-life harmony strategy, regularly monetary strategy, balancedscorecard, and decentralization decision making a strategy.
It can also be concluded that the organization could also use propose strategies of human resources for completing the organizational task likeemployee retention, motivation and engagement, and training as it would facilitate to the reliable outcome.
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