Your report should include sections identified by headings and subheadings, including: Meaningful title this should engage the reader and convey what the report will be about Introduction to the report as with other academic writing the introduction needs to state the topic and summarise the content of the report for the reader Description of the issue provide an overview of the issue which could include why it is a problem, who does it affect, how big is the problem.
Key factors/influences - briefly describe three (3) key factors or influences for the issue and then explain how they impact the issue. This can presented in a table format if preferred. Must include references.
ONE Approach or ONE solution or ONE appropriate program (this can be a policy – at either hospital/organisation/government level; a process – e.g. a checklist; or a specific program such as an awareness campaign or training course). This needs to be an existing approach. You do not invent or devise a solution, the solution needs to come from the literature. o Detailed description of the approach/solution/program (include appropriate citations) o Summary of strengths and weaknesses of the approach/solution/program
Recommendations - Two strategies to improve the approach/solution/program identified above o Brief description of each recommendation o Identify how each recommendation will strengthen the program/approach.
In this report, the main aim is evaluate the contemporary nursing issues and to present some of the issues to the CEO Pathways Hospital organization in order to highlight the basic concerns and provide some of the recommendations to it. In this report, would be identifying some of the key factors or influences that may be a considerable impact and may relate to the existing issue (Chang, 2014). This may be evaluated with the respect of the patients, nurses, hospitals and/or the community that may be considered with the one existing approach to deal with such an issue. At the end of the report, would be providing concrete resolutions and the improvements to the approach.
Our main objective would be to evaluate the demand & the supply related to the nurse's shortages and how to deal with such contemporary issues. Through this essay, the contemporary issue to determine the shortages of the registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical/vocational nurses (LPNs) is so far estimated to be a greater and high risky problem. It has been discussed at a Australian national level and a collaborative approach has been done to deal with such problems(Black, 2016).
It is important emphasizes on the improving recruitment along with the retention and return- getting, and also ensuring an improvement as per the scarce nurses. It would adequately help to deal with the decision making, which would also be fairly rewarded. Such factors are evidently be following an evidence which can match as per the decentralized style of management and an approach as per the flexible employment opportunities, along with the key continuous professional development that can help in the retention of nursing staff along with the patient care
The contemporary issues within the nursing profession have been viewed to be a greatest problems such as the challenge to meet the shortages within the nursing profession. It needs to be viewed from the national levels and so far the Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA) along with the Health Workforce Simulation Model (HWSM) have been working for it. It is believed that the HWSM is one of the integrated micro simulation models which can also analyze the current and future supply with respect to the demand for health workers in terms of the multiple professions along with the care settings. It is also viewed as one of the nuances of modeling supply with respect to the demand which can deal with the individual health professions, within the same basic framework (McAllister, 2015).
Key Factors/Influences
The supply model also needs to be watchful for the new entrants to the workforce (such as the need of the trained workers); along with the challenges of the workforce participation decisions such as the required retirement along with the hours worked patterns) (Kelly, 2014). In reviewing form the angle of the demand modeling it is also contributed to being the components such which can equate with respect to the demand for healthcare services (that is been estimated as per the full-time equivalents (FTEs). for example, the Registered Nurses (RNs), which would be exceeding the given supply—locally (such as the health care facility), or the need of the nationally or globally.
As per the reports published by the PagePress Publications has shown that by 2030, there would be significant nurse's shortages and the various clinicians, hospitals have to deal with such an environment. It has been also reviewed that while the demand would remain in a higher trend to match with the supply it has to ensure that there are an increased participation with the result and the input of the graduation rates and workforce participation pattern.
As a background in the Healthcare, there has been a high amount of spending which is tremendously growing at an 18 percent of the Australia economy (GDP) towards the nursing and the healthcare (Goldsworthy, 2016). Nursing profession is viewed as a second in demand within the Australian workforce and includes the RNs and LPNs which is so far estimated to be one of the two largest occupations in the nursing areas of the profession.
It is a known fact that the RNs and LPNs has to cater and attribute to the variety of patient care duties along with the criticality of the delivery of health care services which can result in serving the wide variety of settings, such as the ambulatory care clinics or the need to serve within the hospitals, nursing homes along with the public health facilities and also into the hospice programs, and home health agencies.
For this, the RN's and the LPN's are recruited as per the degree distinction. This allows them to work as per the different types of nurses and would need to attain their professional levels as per the education, role, along with it bringing the level of autonomy within its practice. The framework of the LPNs needs to also include the collaborative approach as per the training in a specified period and it is important to also clear the national NCLEX-PN exam, on account of which the nurses can gain a license to work with respect to the patient care. Even the LPNs would be also involved in the direct care services such as the administration of medication along with dealing in terms of the taking medical histories and working as recording symptoms and keep a tab on the vital signs, along with the cooperating and coordinating with the delegated as per the RNs, physicians, and other healthcare providers.
Existing Approach/Solution/Program
It is also previewed that the RNs needs to have a mandatory bachelor's degree in nursing, along with the two-year associate's degree within the nursing, after which they are required to have a diploma under an approved nursing program. It is important to clear the national exam, the NCLEX-RN, and then gain a licensed to practice. It is also seen that the large part of the RN responsibilities would be greatly involved with the main aim of serving the direct care services, which includes the administering treatments along with the care coordination and the proper disease prevention and the need of the patient education, and health promotion with respect to the individuals, families, and communities (Roberts, 2017).
RNs need to adhere to the advanced clinical education and training in order to gain an Advanced Practice Nurses (along with attaining a master's degree, by acquiring the doctoral-level training. There has also been a key historical relationship which can bridge in between the nurse supply and demand that can be considered to be a cyclical, and also deal with the shortages of nurses in respect to the demand with respect to the available supply, which can also make a fathom of the overproduction resulting in the nursing surpluses.
The e nursing shortage may be attributed to the workforce distribution which would work as per the states and result in the working a low national level. No doubt the focus is also on the inequitable distribution related to the nursing workforce across which are working at a rural level in comparison to the urban areas at national-level projections.
A nursing shortage can result in unprecedented impacts on healthcare delivery. It is a known fact that the shortages of the nurses can hamper the Hospitals and healthcare facilities who are required to step in and care the need of the patients in order to generate more revenues for the hospitals or the care units (Chang, 2014), it is impossible to turn away the patients on account of the lack of steps to take care of the growing demand and eventually it would lead to a loss in business.
The patients would be suffering and they would be turned away if there are large shortages of the nursing, Patients cannot be admitted during the crises time of the nursing situation when already the nurses are overworking and over scheduling. The Nurses needs to step in and also work to ensure they are not tired, stressed out or even prone to making mistakes.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Approach/Solution/Program
As the Hospitals and healthcare facilities are required to step in and also take care of the patients in order to generate money and stay in business Flinkman, 2014). Turning away patients as they are inadequate to meet the growing demand would lead to a loss in business. They have to step in and also work for the understaffing issues, else it would lead to ineffective results.
They would have a high demand a high cost. But It would result in a lack of management and a high rate of errors, as they would be overburdened and challenged to perform more tasks as they would be paid more.
So far it has been previewed that there are at the national level and so far it is projected to have an estimated growth of the RN supply (39 percent growth) along with the exceed growth with respect to the demand (28 percent growth) which can result in the 293,800 RN FTEs in 2030. It is also previewed that the RN supply would also progressively deliver an approximately 2,806,100 RN FTEs which would be active as per the U.S. workforce during the year 2014 (Rosemberg, 2016). There have also been a number of graduates which are also dealing with the U.S. nursing programs which are previewed that it would be increasing from approximately 68,800 individuals during the year of 2001 to nearly 158,000 by the year of 2015. It is also believed that from the 2014 and 2030, there would be an addition of the 2,282,500 new RN FTEs who would be entering within the workforce (as per the current trend). There would also be an estimated 1,043,500 RN FTEs who would be consequently also be leaving the workforce, along with a major time fall as per the decline as estimated in the 149,500 RN FTEs on account of the reduced work hours which would be working as per the nurse workforce ages.
There has been a resultant net growth of estimated 1,089,500 RN FTEs that can consequently deal with the national RN workforce at a rate of the 3,895,600 FTEs during 2030. Even the demand projected as per RNs is previewed to be 2,806,100 in 2014 along with a rational increase as per the 3,601,800 in 2030 (which is a gradual increase to the 795,700 FTEs between the year of the 2014 and 2030) (DeVon, 2016). This has been also being previewed as a current health care utilization and also an issue related with the staffing patterns that would also be working as per the national RN demand which would be matching with the supply in 2014. There has also been a growth-related with the disease burden that has been an important highlight and is attributed to the changing patient demographics resulting in a significant increase of the demand as determined by the 776,400 RNs (Solman, 2017). There is also a necessary step to deal with the increased insurance coverage associated with Medicaid insurances or the issues. Below is the table which reflects the shortages per state. Consequently this trend I also previewed in the other regions as below-:
The key findings have been related with the RN shortages along with the surpluses by the state which shows that there has been a negative or the lower growth as per the estimation (Hoeve, 2014).
It is an evidently a case of the negative and the low ratios which has resulted in the shortages as projected in 2030 (Brooking, 2014).
Three key factors which are contributing to the nursing shortages are the-:
Lack of investment and government participation to make a considerable approach related to nursing professionals. Incentives to get an adequate training and also provide a considerable approach to enroll the students into the nursing, the salaries are low and after a brief investment into a career for the considerable 10 years, the nurses attain a professional degree and the license to practice.
It is important to also develop the supply and demand which can detail as per the given report depending on the training & development as per the nursing educations. There would also be a considerable approach to deal with the population growth and also deliver as per the effective policy as highlighted by the overage,
As there are contributing high vacancies, the management should create an awareness program and also go into eh incentive planning which can outline the scope of the nursing professions. There needs to be an extended support by the government in the form of aiding the educational courses, having a variety of the educational nursing programs along with attaining the quick certification which can help to deliver as per the expertise (Trybou, 2015). There has also been seen that there are nurses who continuously migrate from one state to another, it is important to focus on the retention policies. There would also need to determine the working pattern of the nurses, it needs to be equally supportive and provide the polices. There would be an adaptive nursing program, which can deliver as per the expectation of the hospitals. For this, it is a resolution to lure the nurses by employing them through the internship in rating by proving the lucrative incentives salary programs. Also it is recommended, the loyalty and the retention policies that can help to deliver as per the expectations.
It is important to also match with the ‘magic bullet' policy which can help to resolve the nursing shortages. For this, it is recommended that there are effects of human resource policy interventions which can deal with such issues. It is important to consider as what is been previewed as a ‘contingency' – that can eventually also result in the HR policies making it an appropriate ‘fit' (as per the characteristics along with the need of the context and priorities related with the organization or system that can be considerably be applied. Also includes the ‘bundles' of linked along with the integration of the coordinated HR policy interventions which would eventually allow achieving sustained improvements with respect to the organizational performance considering as per the single or uncoordinated interventions. It is even determined as a ‘politicized' health sector, which can have a short-term focus related with the policy determination, along with facing a cycle of shortages which may also attribute as per the challenge system stability. The supply model also needs to be watchful for the new entrants to the workforce (such as the need of the trained workers); along with the challenges of the workforce participation decisions such as the required retirement along with the hours worked patterns) (Kelly, 2014). In reviewing form the angle of the demand modeling it is also contributed to being the components such which can equate with respect to the demand for healthcare services (that is been estimated as per the full-time equivalents (FTEs).
As per the reports published by the PagePress Publications has shown that by 2030, there would be significant nurse's shortages and the various clinicians, hospitals have to deal with such an environment. It has been also reviewed that while the demand would remain in a higher trend to match with the supply it has to ensure that there are an increased participation with the result and the input of the graduation rates and workforce participation pattern.
As a background in the Healthcare, there has been a high amount of spending which is tremendously growing at an 18 percent of the Australia economy (GDP) towards the nursing and
this has been described as one of the ‘best practice' evidence base which can also deal with the shortages and help to capture the widespread and sustained application in terms of the appropriate bundle with respect of the introduction in the HR policy interventions. this would potentially also have relative important parameters of the HR good practice: which can be determined as per the research studies and can be considered as per the day-to-day practice in many organizations.
Also, the important highlight is the nursing shortages to be dealt at a country or organization which can incorporate by having an HR policy and practice to deal with the nursing shortages: it needs to be also be incorporated as per such policies.
Another recommendation is important emphasizes on the improving recruitment along with the retention and return- getting, and also ensuring an improvement as per the scarce nurses. It would adequately help to deal with the decision making, which would also be fairly rewarded. Such factors are evidently be following an evidence which can match as per the decentralized style of management and an approach as per the flexible employment opportunities, along with the key continuous professional development that can help in the retention of nursing staff along with the patient care (Brooking, 2016).
The supply model needs to be watchful for the new entrants to the workforce (such as the need of the trained workers); along with the challenges of the workforce participation decisions such as the required retirement along with the hours worked patterns). In reviewing form the angle of the For demand modeling it is also contributed to being the components such as the population demographics along with the basic health care use patterns (which can majorly influence as a result of the increased insurance coverage); and even result in the need of the demand for healthcare services (that is been estimated as per the full-time equivalents (FTEs) (Vryonides, 2015). The contemporary nursing issues and we need to present some of the issues to the CEO organization in order to highlight the basic concerns and provide some of the recommendations to it.
In this report, we would be identifying some of the key factors or influences that may be a considerable impact and may relate to the existing issue (Trybou, 2015). This may be evaluated with the respect of the patients, nurses, hospitals and/or the community that may be considered with the one existing approach to deal with such an issue. It has been also reviewed that while the demand would remain in a higher trend to match with the supply it has to ensure that there are an increased participation with the result and the input of the graduation rates and workforce participation pattern.
Nurse shortage or surplus is as per now been reflective as per the local conditions, which needs to be attained by the new graduates from nursing schools. The Nurses should also adopt a practice as states that require a training. It has been seen that there would be a considerable nursing shortage that may attribute to the workforce distribution which would work as per the states and result in the working a low national level. No doubt the focus is also on the inequitable distribution related to the nursing workforce across which are working at a rural level in comparison to the urban areas at national-level projections. Our main objective would be to evaluate the demand & the supply related to the nurse's shortages and how to deal with such contemporary issues (Brooking, 2018). This has been analyzed and introspected the need to determine the prerequisite conditions which can aim to deliver as per the recommendations to the CEO. By definition the nurses shortages means the situation which can enable the need to have a conducive demand which can relate with the nursing professionals, for example the Registered Nurses (RNs), which would be exceeding the given supply—locally (such as the health care facility), or the need of the nationally or globally.
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