Operational Plan
Discuss about the Hospitality Management for Operational Plan.
Hotel industry is one of the most service-oriented industries. The success of this industry depends on the quality of services provided by the hotels to their guests. It is utmost important for the hotels to continuously upgrade themselves by providing the customers with excellent quality of services. The main objective of this report is to analyse and evaluate the various components of ABC Hotel. After that, the managers of the organization need to develop an effective plan for the hotel to increase the profitability of the hotel.
Operational plan is a detailed plan that provides a clear picture about how to achieve the organizational goals (Altinay, Paraskevas and Jang 2015). There are four major areas of an operational plan. The first section is to ensure the requirement of necessary resources. It has been seen that there are two types of resources that are required for the smooth running of ABC Hotel. They are equipment for video conference and service buses. It is needed to introduce new video conferencing system in order to establish effective communication among the different department of the hotel. For this purpose, it is needed to install multi channel video conferencing system. The implementation cost of the video conferencing system will be $5000 for each department. The next resource is to buy more service buses for the hotel. The buses need to be purchased in order to make delivery service more effective. There is a need for five buses and the amount will be $1250000.
Key Performance indicator, commonly known as KPI, is some specific values that show the extent of progress of the key organizational goals of any organization. The KPIs are chose based on the types of the businesses (Zwetsloot 2014). In case of ABC Hotel, there are specific KPIs that will assist the managers to measure the performance of the hotel. For the purpose of ABC Hotel, KPI software will be installed for the purpose of performance measurement. This software will record all necessary data and information regarding the performance of the hotel and will present them by graphs (Parmenter 2015). The organizational managers can judge the performance of the hotel by observing those presented data and information. Business metrics will be also be implemented for the purpose of performance measurement. Every business and operational area of ABC Hotel will have Business Metrics that will help in measuring the performance of every business process of the hotel (Sharda, Delen and Turban 2013).
Implementation Strategies for Staff Members
There will be a separate monitoring process of the hotel. It is utmost important to have an effective business monitoring process in the organization. In case of ABC Hotel, there will be a separate team for monitoring process. The monitoring team will be consisted of five managers from different department of the hotel. The monitoring team will report to the retail store manager of the hotel (Stavrou et al. 2014).
There are various factors in the hotel that can affect the financial health of ABC Hotel. Hence, there is a strong need for an effective contingency plan for the hotel. In case of ABC Hotel, the financial contingency plan will be consisted of four steps. In the first step, the risks in the financial process of the hotel will be analysed along with the factors that have an adverse effect on the financial position of the hotel. After that, the impact of those factors on ABC Hotel will be analysed. The next step is to develop the financial contingency plan based on the above analysis. Lastly, the alternative approaches for mitigating the financial risks will be analysed. This is the process of making the financial contingency plan (Anwar 2015).
It is one of the objectives of ABC Hotel to maintain the full staffing capacity with the help of rapid recruitment. It has been observed that there is a need for 13 staffs in the hotel. The main strategy regarding this matter is to develop a plan to for induction and training for those 13 new joiners within a time span of two months. For this purpose, the recruitment procedure of the organization will be followed. The HR manager recruitment agency will be responsible for the total procedure (Humburg and Van der Velden 2015). The total cost of this recruitment and training process will be $26,000.
As per one of the major initiatives of ABC Hotel, the hotel is going to organize an annual professional development program. For this purpose, there is a need for physical resources and services. The physical resources are venue for the training, proper equipment for the program, sitting arrangements, beverages and many others.
It has been decided that that there will be colourful decals containing the logo of the hotel in the on the sides and back of the buses. For this purpose, a graphic artist will be hired to make the colourful decals. There will be name of hotel along with the tagline. In the background, the logo and picture of the hotel will be in the decals. One of the most important aspects is the use of the logo of ABC Hotel. There will be a written legal document about the use of the logo of the hotel. It will be written in the legal document that the graphic artist will not have any legal right to use the logo of ABC Hotel apart from the decal in the buses. After the successful completion of this agreement, the purchase agreement will be done with the graphic artist.
Effective Communication with the Stakeholders
The KPI Software will be used for monitoring the operational plan. The KPI software will be designed in such a way that it can record all the details of the operational plan. The KPI software will analyse the collected data and information and will present them to the monitoring team as the form of graphical representation. Based on the provided graphs and information from the KPI software, the monitoring team will be able to measure the performance of the organization. The KPI software will assist the monitoring team by providing the relevant data and information from all the different departments of ABC Hotel (Keck and Ross 2014).
It is utmost important for any organization to communicate the necessary plans of the organization with the stakeholders of the company (Pang et al. 2016). There is not any exception of this fact in case of ABC Hotel. There are various stakeholders in ABC Hotel. They are senior management of the hotel, managers, sales staffs, online and phone sales staffs, major customers of the hotel, customers and the recruitment agency (Bakker, Maat and van Wee 2014). A meeting has been organized make the shareholders of ABC Hotel aware about the operational plan of the hotel. In this process, agenda is an important aspect for this meeting. Agenda refers to the list of topics that will be discussed in the meeting. For this meeting, the agenda of the meeting is to discuss the operational plan with the relevant stakeholder of the hotel to seek approval from them (Rochefort 2016).
Three parts of the meeting need to be taken care. The first part is to identify the participants of the meeting. The major participants of the meeting are the above-mentioned stakeholders of ABC Hotel. The second part is to check the availability of the participants of the meeting. For this purpose, a formal letter along with an e-mail will be send to each relevant stakeholders of the meeting informing them about all the details of the meeting along with date and venue. The invitation of the meeting will be sent to all the participants of the meeting both online and physically. The notification will be sent to them in their phones before one two days of the meeting.
The project administrator team will give a call to every participants of the meeting before the day of the meeting to confirm their availability in the meeting. It is needed to record all relevant data and information that will be provided during the meeting. The whole meeting will be documented in written form. In addition, there will be video recording system to record the whole video. Every relevant data, information and document will be presented in the meeting along with proper proof.
The meeting has taken place in the proper time. The responsibility for the smooth conduct of the meeting was on the chair of the meeting. During the meeting, the operational plan was presented to the stakeholders of ABC Hotel. The meeting was focused on the core topic that is to present the operational plan to the participants. Everything was as per the time schedule. All the necessary facts were presented in a big screen with the help of effective presentation. In addition, the overall budget of the plan was also presented in a convincing way. Some of the audiences did raise some good questions about the effectiveness of the operational plan. At the end of the meeting, the result was satisfactory. After the successful and effective presentation of the operational plan, the majority of the stakeholders approved the plan for implementation. The main two features of the meeting was that it was effectively constructed and within the budget.
From the above analysis, it can be understood that there is a fare scope of the project. The main scope of the project is to implement the operational plan for smooth running of the business of ABC Hotel. During the implementation of the plan, the members of the project team will get fair scope to work on different aspects of the operational plan. This process will increase the knowledge base of the team members.
There are various stakeholders of ABC Hotel. They are senior management team, recruitment agency, major and ordinary customers, managers, sales staffs and online sales staffs. It is the responsibility of the stakeholders of ABC Hotel to coordinate the project management team in the implementation of the operational project (Verbeke and Tung 2013).
It can be observed that there is a strong relation between the project and organizational objective of ABC Hotel. The main aim of the operational plan is to bring effectiveness in the various operations of ABC Hotel. The operational plan will provide financial stability to the hotel by increasing the revenue by 15%. The successful implementation of the plan will help the hotel in delivering better quality of products and services along with the introduction of new products. More importantly, this plan will assist ABC Hotel in gaining the number one position in the hotel industry (Heagney 2016).
For the success of this operational plan, it is needed to have proper resources (Chevalier 2016). First, there should be sufficient money allocated for the implementation of the plan. The next resource is labour. There should be sufficient men in the project team. As an example, to meet the objective of the plan, it is needed to by five buses for delivery and advertisement. The total budget for five buses is $1250000. The head office-marketing manager will be responsible for the purchase of these buses.
There are always risks involved in the implementation process of any kind of plan. There is not any exception of this fact in case of ABC Hotel. It has been observed that the project management team could not acquire the required additional vehicles. This is one of example of the project risk. In order to minimize these risks the risks need to be analysed. In order to treat that particular risk, there should be a proper risk management strategy. In case of the acquirement of the buses, there needs to be a separate team consists of three members. This team will track the process of vehicle acquirement from the order placement to the delivery of the vehicles. In this way, the risk in the acquirement process of the vehicles can be mitigated (Reason 2016).
Apart from the above case, there are other areas where risks are involved. There are fare risks involved in the process of seeking approval from the stakeholders. It can be happened that they do not like the plan at all. In addition, six factors have an effect on the risk factor of ABC Hotel. They are political, legal, social, technological, economical and environmental factors. The unstable political condition of the country can affect the business of ABC Hotel. Economical condition can affect the businesses more than anything can. Now-a-days, businesses all over the world are making strategies to encounter the environmental risks. These risks can affect the businesses of ABC Hotel. All these risks can affect the process of achieving the objectives of ABC Hotel. Hence, there is a strong need for making effective strategies in order to achieve the objectives of ABC Hotel. In addition, these strategies will help the organization to encounter the business risks (Sadgrove 2016).
It is important to implement proper training and development program to make the employee more skilled. One of the important training and development programs of ABC Hotel is to train the sales staffs in order to provide effective sales support. This process will allow the employees become more skilled in the sales process. This training and development program will be done in all the departments of the hotel. The service department managers will be responsible for this training program.
For the success of the operational plan, it is needed to have an effective action plan. It can be observed that the implementation of the operational plan is a tough and long process. Hence, the total plan will be divided into small plan for the purpose of easy implementation. There will be small groups that will be responsible for each part of the task. For example, one team will, be responsible for the acquirement of vehicles; another team will be responsible for the smooth conduct of the meeting and others. In addition, there will be specific time for each task. Each task needs to be completed in that specific time.
As discussed earlier, there will be a separate team for monitoring and they will measure the performance of the operational plan. In case of reviews, feedbacks will be taken from all the organizational people regarding the progress of the plan. Meetings will be organized in regular basis to discuss the progress of the plan. The plan will be reviewed based on the result. The senior management will review the progress of the plan.
There should be a complaint resolution process in ABC Hotel. Problem regarding customer service can be raised from different issues like poor customers service, problem in the system and many others. When these types of complaints arrive, they must be resolved in an effective manner. For this purpose, there should be a problem resolution team. The aim of the team will be to investigate into the complaints and provide quick solution.
Conclusion and Recommendation
From the above discussion, the successful implementation of any plan depends of some crucial factor. These factors start from seeking approval from the stakeholders and ends at the successful implementation of the plan. In this total process, it is needed to divide the whole task into various subtasks. This process diminishes the extra pressure from the project team members.
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