Discuss the ways or strategies to improve the quality of life and services on a ‘problem estate’?
In this paper, as a housing management consultant recommends the ways or strategies to improve the quality of life and services on a ‘problem estate’ managed by Mountclaim Housing Association. The association has called you in to provide a strategy to improve this estate. Mountclaim Housing Association are faced the key issues these are the level of income collection is low, the quality of repairs and maintenance is low, and tenant representatives say that tenants are scared to go out at night because there are kids hanging around all the time. This paper address these key issues through recommend a strategy to improve the quality of services to the estate, including improvements in collection of rent, reduction in anti-social behaviour and improved repairs and maintenance services. The allocation of properties should also be included.
Mountclaim Housing Association perceives that powerful occupancy and bequest administration is an essential piece of the landowner administrations procurement we convey to inhabitants and occupants of the Borough. Mountclaim Housing Association ought to be updated Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy 2015-2018 to face the key tested. Occupancy and domain administration is not just about caring for structures and the physical environment; it is likewise about guaranteeing our tenures are successfully overseen and about giving and masterminding counsel, backing and support to those occupants and inhabitants who need it (Wood, 2003). The key point of this system is to convey magnificence in tenure and bequest administration including hostile to social conduct through enhancing existing administrations and the nature of our lodging homes. This method diagrams the developing vision of our tenure and home administration benefit through the following three years. The archive is liable to change as it is impacted by inhabitants, accomplices, partners and business issues.
This procedure will address the key occupancy and home administration issues that have been recognized as needs by our inhabitants, leaseholders and different occupants. It will add to our point of making practical groups and will add to the Council's Strategic Improvement Plan. Basildon Borough Council perceives that powerful administration of our occupancies and neighborhoods will guarantee the long haul supportability of homes and groups (Jowsey, 2014).
In the Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy, Mountclaim Housing Association should be used the software to improve rent collection. For example, it should use Buildium’s software that is all-in-one property management software. In recent times, more than 10,000 customers use Buildium to manage over three-quarters-of-a-million units. Buildium’s software helps Mountclaim Housing Association to properly manage streamline daily tasks in the rent, vacancy, and maintenance cycles (Virginia & Richard, 2001).
In recent times, Mountclaim Housing Association performance has decline from 55% to 43%, so this Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy through use the property management software would be beneficial of it to enhance revenue. The property management software can improve the financial capability of the organization through able it to collect revenue securely from all customers at less time. According to Audit Commision (2002) report, a small reduction on the percentage of rent collection will have a great impact on the service provision. So, that the use of property management software can help Mountclaim Housing Association to collect rent more fast and accurately, which help it to maintain their services. It can also save the money and time of Mountclaim Housing Association, so it able to provide best services of the more than 5,700 homes per year.
Tenancy and Estate Management Plan
Mountclaim Housing Association ought to be focused on building up our Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy and going with administrations through colossal interview with administration clients and key partners. This dedication is reflected inside of our marketable strategy and occupant investment minimal. We utilize a scope of systems to get input, including bequest reviews, natural champions, group boards, occupant monitors, secret shopping, review reactions and administration change bunches (Williamson, Fearon & Kelly, 2014). This empowers us to tailor administration conveyance and upgrades to mirror the needs of individual neighborhoods, homes or roads, whilst keeping up spotlight on manageability of groups and tenures.
The route in which Mountclaim Housing Association ought to oversee Council tenures and lodging domains has a critical effect on every nearby occupant and this method sets out how we mean to accomplish a serene, sheltered and great quality living environment for all inhabitants (McCulloch, 2012). Huge advancement has been made in enhancing the nature of our administrations and client concentrate around occupancy and home administration administrations. Mountclaim Housing Association ought to have built up our staff to guarantee that they are prepared to convey fantastic administrations, and building up two expert groups that arrangement with all matters identifying with Tenancy and Estate Management and Anti-social Behavior.
Tenancy and Estate Management Plan: Tenancy and Estate Management is a term used to portray an extensive variety of administrations identifying with the administration of Council tenures and the encompassing neighborhoods. It covers a different scope of issues that are described in this paragraph. It providing counsel and help to each of the inhabitants with respect to the rights and obligations contained inside of their tenure assertion. It ensuring that inhabitants conform to their occupancy assentions and where they are not, making proper move to guarantee that they do, including making authorization move. It dealing with against social conduct, despise wrongdoing and residential misuse on our lodging domains, where important, in association with different organizations and in accordance with the needs of the Basildon Community Safety Partnership. Moreover, it providing backing and guidance to each of the inhabitants however especially new and defenseless occupants and guaranteeing fitting tenure sustainment backing is set up for those that oblige it. (Ihuah & Eaton, 2013).
This plan should be conducting tenure surveys to guarantee there are no abnormalities in our occupancies and where there are, working with Housing Fraud and different organizations to make fitting move. It should be dealing with deserted properties and unlawful subletting. It providing exhortation and support on tenure matters, e.g. progressions, assignments, shared trades and name changes. It should be undertaking standard domain investigations with inhabitants, accomplices and builders to distinguish and cure any imperfections on our lodging domains, for example, vandalism, shared repairs, litter, junk and congested trees. It should be working nearly with Operational Services to arrangement successfully with issues, for example, fly tipping, graffiti, litter and relinquished vehicles.
In addition, this plan should be ensuring mutual zones are kept clean, clean and safe. It should be delivering an exhaustive cleaning administration in association with Pinnacle and checking execution of the agreement. It should be developing and actualizing home activity arranges and recognizing hotspot ranges for development. It should be delivering natural plans and Neighborhood Pride activities including a system of renovating drying and deny ranges all through the Borough and creating reusing activities on our bequests.
Key Objective
Key Objective: It is imperative that Mountclaim Housing Association keep on building and enhance the magnificent administrations that we effectively convey (Williamson, Fearon & Kelly, 2014). This methodology and going hand in hand with activity arrangement empowers us to give a reasonable concentrate on zones of further change that have been recognized as key issues by our occupants and different partners. These are the main 15 key objectives of this strategy:
1. To bolster conveyance of our Business Plan 2015-17 and to be an Excellent Housing Service for nearby individuals.
2. To guarantee we meet our statutory commitments in connection to tenure and home administration including the way we oversee against social conduct.
3. To enhance the security of our groups and diminish occurrences of hostile to social conduct.
4. To enhance backing to casualties and witnesses of hostile to social conduct.
5. To reduce incidents of occupancy extortion and to act quickly where this is distinguished.
6. To enhance consumer loyalty with the tenure and home administration administrations we give. (Bright & Dixie, 2014)
7. To give high caliber, steady and open tenure and home administration benefits that are proactive, delicate, proficient, responsive, adaptable, responsible and reasonable.
8. To give advanced offices on our domains and guarantee bequests and squares are clean and clean.
9. To guarantee we consistently look for and use subsidizing sources and organization attempting to accomplish results that advantages the more extensive group.
10. To guarantee that the assets that are accessible are centered on the needs recognized by key partners.
11. To guarantee the administrations we convey give worth to cash.
12. To enhance execution administration over the administration and the utilization of administration level understandings.
13.To guarantee compelling instruments are set up for inhabitants to be counseled on changes that influence them and that they have the chance to give criticism that will be contemplated.
14. To build inhabitant contribution and strengthening to empower inhabitants to settle on choices about their group especially in connection to use of the Environmental Champions Budget. (Ihuah & Eaton, 2013)
15. To enhance the techniques and the assortment of ways that inhabitants can draw in with Landlord Services in connection to tenure and home administration, for example, consistent domain walkabouts
Mountclaim Housing Association ought to be perceived that the effective execution of this technique won't be accomplished in segregation and is subordinate upon fruitful working with nearby inhabitants, other Council divisions and our accomplices. We will work with accomplices to secure an all encompassing way to deal with tenure and bequest administration and wherever conceivable we will share assets to decrease our expenses. It ought to be re-organized our specialty to make authority groups, devoted to giving top notch occupancy and bequest administration administrations including the powerful administration of against social conduct (Byrne, Jackson & Lee, 2013). It will guarantee that all our staff gets the fundamental bolster and preparing to empower them to completely meet the prerequisites of their part. These pro groups will be instrumental in guaranteeing the effective usage of this system.
Mount claim Housing Association has an obligation to protect youngsters and defenseless grown-ups and we will follow our concurred approaches and strategies in doing as such. It will likewise routinely report any protecting concerns to the pertinent offices as suitable including Adult Social Care, Children's Services and the Child Protection Unit. It will add to an activity arrangement which will be evaluated yearly and observed quarterly to guarantee it meet the wanted results of this system (Hawkey, Webb & Winskel, 2013).
Tenancy and Estate Management Team: The group manages a mixture of tenure administration issues including progressions, assignments, common trades and name changes to the occupancy as per Council approach. It do a post tenure audit four weeks after the occupancy starts to guarantee that are occupants are accepting the proper help and backing in their new homes and they are mindful of their obligations. It has a project of occupancy surveys and embraces 20% of these every annum with the goal that we have surveyed each tenure over a five year period (Pottinger & Tanton, 2014). Notwithstanding this it embraces audits on solicitation or where there are issues recognized that need further examination.
These audits are done by our Tenancy and Estate Management Officers and guarantee enlisted inhabitants are still in occupation. This helps us to rapidly recognize lodging misrepresentation and ensures every one of our occupants and imminent inhabitants by guaranteeing the framework is not mishandled (Lawrence & Dandy, 2014). The occupancy audits likewise empower us to examine and prompt occupants on issues they may have that may influence their occupancies. The group additionally signpost occupants to different associations for bolster if needed. The group likewise bargains a scope of home administration issues including, estate Inspections and walkabouts; reporting environmental defects such as graffiti or repairs; identifying areas for improvement; planning queries; right to buy checks; block inspections for cleaning; monitoring of SLA’s, & Contract Management of the universal cleaning contract (Adams, 2014).
It has a group of three General Assistants who help to battle the issue of refuse dumping on our bequests and they likewise do minor repairs on our protected lodging plans. They find themselves able to give a quick reaction to issues of worry that has been raised by occupants (Virginia & Richard, 2001).
In addition, ABS Partners Real Estate, LLC that is a real estate services company that provides landlord and tenant representation services in New York also developed or maintain tenancy and estate management team to successfully implemented Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy. Tenancy and estate management team is the essential need to successful implement nd achieves the objectives of goals of Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy. Tenancy and estate management team helps real estate firms to generate their revenue and improve services (Jowsey, 2014).
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Team: The Anti-social Behavior Team are perpetrated to making positive move in conjunction with our accomplices, to manage all types of hostile to social conduct including disdain wrongdoing and household ill-use, independent of residency. Our approaches for handling hostile to social conduct completely bolster this technique. The ASB Manager is the vital lead for against social conduct in the Borough and speaks to Landlord Services on the Basildon Community Safety Partnership. We work together at an operational level through multi office boards and tasking gatherings and seat the month to month Problem Solving Group Meetings. The motivation behind these gatherings is to encourage a multi organization reaction to lessening and anticipating hostile to social conduct and enhancing nearby neighborhoods by using a critical thinking methodology (Ming Yip, 2001).
The group comprises of ASB Officers, Neighborhood Nuisance Officers and Community Wardens. Reported cases are ordered by reality and multifaceted nature and managed appropriately. Where ASB does happen, it will deliver issues rapidly to keep the issue from rising. It has a scope of apparatuses accessible to handle an extensive variety of against social conduct. It will guarantee our staff are completely prepared and have the essential information and abilities to utilize these devices adequately to ensure groups (Wood, 2003).
Residents: It has secured various administrations change bunches over a scope of administrations which inhabitants, leaseholders and other intrigued inhabitants go to. Occupants are engaged and urged to get included through a scope of alternatives and our administration gauges were produced in discussion with administration clients. Each of these gatherings has Terms of Reference which are definite in the Tenant Compact (Wysocki, 2004).
Community Safety Team: The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 put an obligation on nearby organizations to cooperate in organization to decrease wrongdoing and issue in their neighborhood. The Community Safety Team is key individuals from the Mountclaim Housing Association Community Safety Partnership and work with different offices to execute methodologies and activity arrangements to keep on lessening wrongdoing, issue and hostile to social conduct (Lester, 2006). It contributes to initiatives such as the Community Safety Action Zone and the annual Together against Crime events.
On the basis of the above discussion, it can be concluded that Mountclaim Housing Association should be updated Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy to face the current challenges and provide the best services of the customers or residential at low price. Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy would be beneficial of Mountclaim Housing Association to improve the quality of life and services. Moreover, through updated Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy, Mountclaim Housing Association would able to improve income collection of rent, reduction in anti-social behavior, improved repairs and maintenance services that enhance quality of services to the estate.
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