Using Theory and Empirical Evidence for Effective Recruitment
1. Explain why line managers adopt the rational approach to recruitment?
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.
The secret to effective recruiting is to use a methodical/rational strategy that ensures the appropriate individual is chosen for the right role. Discrimination in the recruiting process is reduced through systematic recruitment and a sensible approach. When hiring an employee, two factors are crucial: time and money. If the wrong candidate is hired, the company's productivity may suffer, and if discrimination is practised, the company's image may suffer (Suzumura, Amato, and Cavalcanti, 2016). As a result, line managers like to apply a reasonable/rational approach when hiring. People have talents, and those skills may be helpful if used in the proper area, according to the human capital theory.
2. Describe the differences between a job description and person specification?
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.
The main objective of a role and the work that has to be done by workers is known as job description, however particular talents that vary from individuals to individuals are necessary to execute the job, which is known as person specification. When the job description is well worded, it will undoubtedly attract candidates with the necessary abilities. Fredrick Herzberg's idea of work enrichment is similar in that it states that if the correct sort of job is offered to individuals, it will attract them and drive them to perform better (Kyselova, 2021).
3. List three examples of how Diversity could encourage diversity when recruiting candidates in organizations?
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.
To begin, it is critical to make adjustments to the previous job description, which means that a larger range of applicants rather than a specific set of candidates must be addressed.
Second, while recruiting, a range of social media platforms should be employed. This means that the recruiter should determine which platform is most commonly used by women and which platform is most commonly used by men, and then use that platform to target workers from both genders (Pulvermacher, 2021).
Finally, diverse workers might be requested to suggest additional prospects to the organisation for the recruiting process, which will boost diversity in the hiring process.
While recruiting, it's important to keep the cognitive diversity idea in mind.
1. What are the problems with using selection interviews to identify the best candidate in relation to reliability and validity as a selection tool?
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.
The issue with selection interviews includes quick decisions, an emphasis on negative information, personal prejudices or discrimination, hiring quotas, and a lack of familiarity with the position. Despite the issues, some firms still prefer to employ this strategy, if reliability and validity is used as a selection tool it will ensure that the correct individual is chosen for the correct work, and the interview process will be evaluated to ensure that mistakes are minimised.
Job Description vs. Person Specification
The cognitive diversity theory should be kept in mind when selecting employees since it aids in the reduction of prejudices and the promotion of inclusivity (Wang, Kim, and Lee, 2016).
2. What are the advantages of using a competency framework to design selection interview questions?
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.
Competency-based interviewing aids recruiters in extensively analysing prospects, in addition to discussing and asking questions, on the basis of the candidates' profiles to determine which skills they possess or lack. It aids in the selection of the best applicant for the position. It also aids in the measurement of an individual's progress and performance, as well as the establishment of effective and attainable goals based on the candidate's skill set and the job description (Palmer et al., 2015). It aids in the improvement of both the organization's and the employee's performance and productivity.
1. A friend suggests that George should implement mandatory diversity training. Based on your reading of the Dobbin and Kalev (2016) article, do you agree with George’s friend?
Provide specific examples from the article to back up your point why you agree/why you do not.
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing
Mandatory diversity training is certainly necessary, but training on diversity and inclusivity does not provide beneficial results, such as reducing workplace harassment. Instead, George should focus on operational adjustments within the firm to buffer change. For example, the organisational culture should be changed, and it should be assured that valuing diversity is creates the new culture, so that when workers practise it (Tamunomiebi, and John-Eke, 2020), it will immediately become ingrained in them.
2. Please recommend to George two alternative diversity management interventions, that academic research has proven to be effective.
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.
George should focus on operational adjustments within the firm to buffer change. For example, the organisational culture should be changed, and it should be assured that valuing diversity is creates the new culture, so that when workers practise it (Tamunomiebi, and John-Eke, 2020), it will immediately become ingrained in them.
Second, promoting diversity on the firm's job page may be added, for example, a diversity statement can be added to the corporate website, and it must be assured that the statement is given high priority.
1. What are the challenges which Covid 19, has created for adult learners’ employability in the labour market?
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.
The first and most significant issue experienced by adult learners during Covid is the inability to complete their degree. Prior to Covid, adult learners with lower degrees and skills enrolled in various educational institutes to complete their degrees in order to improve their marketability. Unfortunately, Covid affected this process, due to which adult learners were unable to receive face-to-face education, in traditional classroom (James, and Thériault, 2020), and instead had to rely on online classes, which many learners did not have the necessary resources (computer) to complete.
Encouraging Diversity in Recruitment
2. Why is coaching by line managers important for the performance of their teams?
What benefits does conducting induction for new joiners have for organizations?
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing
Line managers' coaching is vital for team success because it improves the link between the team members and the manager. It aids in better comprehension, and continual coaching aids in motivating people to perform well and enhance their talents, so improving the performance of not just the team, but the entire firm (DiGirolamo, 2015).
The purpose of induction is to familiarise new employees with the organization's structure, processes, culture, and values. It also aids them in acclimating to the new working environment inside the firm.
1. Please copy and paste a fully completed table assessing the performance review practices that you have experienced in your current job role.
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing
Possess excellent leadership qualities.
Possess excellent communication skills.
Have a risk-taking mindset.
Possess innovative problem-solving abilities.
Problem with emotional stability
Time management is a problem.
There is no labour segmentation based on priority.
Believe in the power of collaboration.
Transparency is something one should believe in.
Supports ethical principles and does not discriminate.
To be an effective leader and project manager in a variety of organisations.
Create a level playing field for everyone.
Emotional stability, time management, and task division based on importance are all areas where there is room for development.
2. Identify one area of performance review in your current job role that is weak and explain why this is a problem.
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.
Instability in emotion is a huge issue, and quick reactions to little events must be rectified. It has become a vital issue because of working pressure, and if not handled, it can become a serious issue in the future.
1. What have you learnt about academic writing that will do differently because of your learning from today’s lecture/seminar?
The following are some of the things that have been learned about academic writing:
- Academic writing is formal, with facts, examples, and assumptions used to support the correctness of the argument. It is also necessary to utilise a reference.
- Academic writing is written in a formal structure that excludes emotions and personal details.
- In academic writing, evidence must be offered (Day, 2018).
- Academic writing must be straightforward, easy to comprehend, accurate, and error-free.
- Essays, research papers, reviews, publications, novels, dissertations, and many other types of academic writing are examples.
2. What have you learnt about plagiarism OR referencing that will do differently because of your learning from today’s lecture/seminar?
Plagiarism renders a piece of writing ineffective since it destroys the objective of writing. When someone replaces someone else's writing with their own, it limits the person's capacity to express themselves. Plagiarism has an impact on university teaching aims because universities think that writing in one's own words is crucial for expressing feelings. Plagiarism is deception because the words used are those of someone else (Gasparyan et al., 2017). Plagiarism has a negative impact on the relationship between the instructor and the student.
1. Identify the main pros and cons of “Payment by Results” (PBR).
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.
Problems with Selection Interviews as a Selection Tool
The following are some of the benefits of PBR:
- It offers a lot of flexibility and adaptability.
- Better outcomes will result from proper monitoring and assessment.
- Accountability and transparency are both present.
- Attention is paid to sustainability (Albertson and O'Leary, 2020).
The following are some of the disadvantages of PBR:
- There is a lack of clarity regarding the consequences.
- It might have a detrimental impact on providers who share information or learning.
- There may be several unanticipated costs (Albertson and O'Leary, 2020).
- The timeframe is quite constrained.
2. Identify at least three of the more significant components of financial reward other than salary. Argue the benefits and drawbacks of each of them.
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.
Other than a wage, there are three types of financial rewards:
- Recognizing achievement
- Advancing your career
- Maintaining a healthy work-life balance
The benefit of acknowledging performance is that it motivates employees and makes them feel that their efforts are important to the company. If acknowledgment is provided based on sales success and targets, it may have a detrimental impact on other employees who have been working hard, lowering their performance and causing disagreement.
Career development is accomplished by the provision of training; training is something that everyone requires; but, if selected people receive training, it may demotivate others.
Work-life balance is needed by all employees, and if only a small number of individuals are given this opportunity and others are not, it may lead to conflict and demoralisation, (Phillips et al., 2017).
1. Present a reliable definition of Employee Engagement.
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.
Employee engagement is a workplace strategy that stems from the correct sort of circumstances being offered to all members of the company, allowing them to contribute their best in the business while also increasing their commitment to the firm's aims and values. It aids in inspiring workers to improve the organization's achievement by providing them with information on their well-being (Chandani et al., 2016).
2. Identify at least three of the benefits of Employee Engagement to organisations.
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.
The following are some of the advantages and benefits of employee engagement:
- It improves the organization's overall productivity and performance while also increasing its competitive edge.
- Employee engagement increases employees' commitment to the company's aims and values.
- It aids in inspiring workers to contribute to corporate achievement by providing them with information on their own well-being (Chandani et al., 2016).
1. Describe the challenges for line managers of leading in global firms?
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing
The following are the issues that global businesses face:
- The Power Gap
- Cultures that are unknown.
- Getting a Glimpse of Marketing Strategies
- Communication inside the organisation.
- Tariffs and export fees are two of the most important factors to consider.
- Human Resource Management.
- Choosing the Correct Countries
2. List the reasons why expatriates fail in global firms?
You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing
The following are the reasons why expatriates in multinational businesses fail:
- Culture Shock.
- Stress in the family
- The global team's mobility.
- An overabundance of responsibility, which leads to an overabundance of pressure.
- Inadequate candidate selection.
1. Present definitions and give examples of these five concepts:
Transactional Leadership
Transformational Leadership
Contingency Leadership
Situational Leadership
Inclusive Leadership
You should cite relevant leadership theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing
- Transactional Leadership- Also known as management leadership, this type of leadership relies on rewards and penalties to motivate staff to complete tasks. Bill Gates and Howard Schultz are two examples of this type of leadership.
- Transformational Leadership- Transformational leaders are those who influence individuals or organisations to change. These leaders bring about constructive and beneficial changes so that everyone may reach their objectives. Take, for example, Jeff Bezos.
- Contingency Leadership- These kinds of leaders have characteristics that complement the scenario at hand (Yahaya, and Ebrahim, 2016).
- Situational Leadership- Here, leaders adjust their leadership style according to the circumstances. General George Patton, for example.
- Inclusive Leadership- These leaders do not discriminate and prefer that everyone participate in the decision-making process, regardless of their differences. Leaders in athletics, for example.
2. Choose one of the above Leadership approaches and, give example of practice from an organization. (Research your organization)
You should cite relevant leadership theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.
Situation leadership approach is followed in the organization I work for, here the leaders act according to the situation and the need, for instance during Covid where the virus was affecting the people, immediately the leaders had a consultation with the management and granted us work from home. Not only that the leaders had a consultation with the crisis management team and provided us with systems so that we could work remotely without any issue.
Reference list
Albertson, K. and O'Leary, C., 2020. Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds. Policy Press.
Chandani, A., Mehta, M., Mall, A. and Khokhar, V., 2016. Employee engagement: A review paper on factors affecting employee engagement. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(15), pp.1-7.
Day, T., 2018. Success in academic writing. Bloomsbury Academic.
DiGirolamo, J., 2015. Coaching for professional development. SHRM-SIOP science of HR white paper series, available at: https://www. shrm. org/hr-today/trends-and-forecasting/specialreports-and-expert-views/Documents/SHRM-SIOP% 20Coaching% 20for% 20Professional% 20Development. pdf (accessed 14 December 2019).
Gasparyan, A.Y., Nurmashev, B., Seksenbayev, B., Trukhachev, V.I., Kostyukova, E.I. and Kitas, G.D., 2017. Plagiarism in the context of education and evolving detection strategies. Journal of Korean medical science, 32(8), pp.1220-1227.
James, N. and Thériault, V., 2020. Adult education in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: Inequalities, changes, and resilience. Studies in the Education of Adults, 52(2), pp.129-133.
Kyselova, O.I., 2021. Content of the job description: features and areas of concern.
Palmer, M., Hoffmann-Longtin, K., Walvoord, E., Bogdewic, S.P. and Dankoski, M.E., 2015. A competency-based approach to recruiting, developing, and giving feedback to department chairs. Academic Medicine, 90(4), pp.425-430.
Phillips, H., Bogdanich, I., Carter, K., Holler, J., Smith, T., Ticehurst, E.H. and Wascher, M., 2017. Commentary: Exploring novel approaches to staff rewards and recognition. Hospital pharmacy, 52(11), pp.729-731.
Pulvermacher, J.J., 2021. The Case for Affirming Diversity: Reflective Recruitment That Represents the Community Served (Doctoral dissertation, Naval Postgraduate School).
Suzumura, E.A., Amato, M.B.P. and Cavalcanti, A.B., 2016. Understanding recruitment maneuvers. Intensive care medicine, 42(5), pp.908-911.
Tamunomiebi, M.D. and John-Eke, E.C., 2020. Workplace Diversity: Emerging Issues in Contemporary. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(2).
Wang, X.H.F., Kim, T.Y. and Lee, D.R., 2016. Cognitive diversity and team creativity: Effects of team intrinsic motivation and transformational leadership. Journal of business research, 69(9), pp.3231-3239.
Yahaya, R. and Ebrahim, F., 2016. Leadership styles and organizational commitment: literature review. Journal of management development.
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