Discuss about the Information Technology and Enterprise Resources Planning Systems.
Reasons for Hiring Information Technology Employees in a Company
A company hires new processes to increase its productivity. There are many processes to employ a single employee in a company. The companies where there is a need for employees who are related to an information technology, experts of IT are hired in such companies. The process of hiring staring from the advertisement of the job to hire employee includes many methods (Kavanagh & Johnson 2017). From the time a candidate applies for the job that he is suitable for to the time until when the candidate signs the company’s offer letter all are included in the process of hiring. A company has to go through many processes before and after hiring an employee, which may serve as staffs or maybe for a managerial post.
Firstly the company needs to know the laws and standards that are followed for hiring a person and to make him work for the company. After knowing about the laws, the company needs to get all the post for which there is a need for a new employee. The posts are made clear and similar advertisements are done to attract the people to apply for the posts they are suitable for. Then after the interview is held to chose the person who is eligible for given post. The interview process for employing a candidate in Information Technology department varies in different companies. After the person is chosen, the offer letter is offered to the employee that includes all the rules and regulations of the company (Frey and Osborne 2017). The employee is expected to work smoothly in the environment and increase the productivity of the company. The processes those are included in the process of hiring employees in an Information Technology sector are firstly job applications are given online or offline and then followed by tracking system of applicant, interview process, follow up the interviews, talent assessments are done for applicants, check the background of the student, check the credit, reference check, offers the job and finally the paperwork is done by the company for hiring the candidate.
This paper includes the reasons behind hiring Information Technology employees by a company. The processes that are involved in hiring an employee from the process of job recruitment to offer letter that is given to the candidates are also discussed. The system for hiring employees for the Staff position and managerial position are also discussed. The policies and laws that are related to appointing an employee are also elaborately discussed.
The Processes of Hiring an Information Technology Employee
For increasing the profit in the companies, information technology is needed to be applied to all the companies. To automatize the main functions in business processes, technology is the main area where the companies depend on. Information technology is very much value when all the processes work properly, but when it does not work properly, it creates a blunder. The aspects of technology in business are dealt first by the owners of the business which distracts them from the main business strategy (Chesley 2014). Companies hire service provider of technology that is local to turn their business into a technology-based system. The service providers who provide technology locally are mainly known as Managed Service Providers who helps the business to manage the functions that are related to Information Technology. The main reasons behind hiring an expert in Information Technology are:
Available for 24x7
The server of the company can get crashed irrespective of time and place. To maintain the server Managed Service Providers have experts all the time to make the server correct. The Managed Service Providers have highly qualified professionals to correct the server (Kavanagh and Johnson 2017). In holidays or vacations, the owners of the business do not have to think about the coverage of Information Technology. Experts are always available for the problem that arises in accessing server in the phone or systems.
The knowledge that is related to Information Technology is mostly required by the companies. The technologies that are related to Information Technologies keeps on changing with the new updated technologies that are needed. To keep an update of the technologies those are used by the companies, an expert in Information Technology is needed in an organization (Vivarelli 2014). Such Managed Service Providers have learned staffs who keep them updated from time to time when the changing in technologies. These results in much more benefit of the business and make high productivity. All the organizations should have Information Technology staffs to carry out the process of the business that is related to IT.
Business Consulting
Employees are employed by the employers also for the purpose of consulting the business they are involved in. Business consultancy is needed to plan the strategies of the business, goals that are long-term, goals related to short-term, increase the productivity of the organization and the guide all the employees of the company to achieve their targets. Consulting is needed for improvement of the technologies that are related to IT because the technologies in IT changes very fast due to a fast-changing world (Roth et al. 2016). Employees who are expert in giving suggestions are also experts in doings of technologies that are related to Information Technology. So employing a business consultant gives double benefit to the business. To an employee, a business consultant helps to increase the productivity of the company and leads a successful path for the company.
Reduces Risks
Employing more than one IT technologist in a company reduces the risk of the company. If more than one is employed for the job or the area of the job, then if one employee resigns the job, the company will not face any problem in handling the sector as because it has one more expert to handle that job. Not usually the employees are given the same post, but the juniors are given the post who are one level low than the expert as because when the expert leaves the post, the associated junior may take their place and the work is done efficiently without the loss of productivity or the data of the company.
The hiring process of employees in the Information Technology Department goes through several numbers of processes. All candidates who come for the interview has to face such processes of the system. The processes that are involved in the process are:
The first method that is involved in hiring an employee is the job applications that are given by the company. The company firstly gives the job posts that are available for the company so that the candidates may apply for the posts. The application of the job may be online or offline. If offline, the applications are done by hand to hand, and advertisement is done. For online, the job applications are given send through email or some consultancy who forwards the empty posts of the company.
Tracking Systems of the applicant
All the candidates that have applied for the job are tracked by the systems that are used to track candidates who apply for the job. Many candidates that fulfill the requirement of the job applied for the job, but the company calls only those candidates whom it thinks are suitable for the job. The tracking systems that are available in the market are all automated tracking systems which tack the candidates automatically.
Interview Process
Interview process varies from time to time in different companies. The interview process starts from the screening of interviews which are followed by interviews that are held in persons. This is considered as the first round of interview process. There may exist many rounds of interviews in selecting a candidate. This depends totally on the company the number of interviews they want to take. The candidates have to clear all the rounds to face the HR of the company which is a face to face interview and is held one to one.
Follow Up the interview
Many candidates come for the interview. To follow up the, all the candidates that come for the interview is needed. Companies also interviewed for many posts of the company that are vacant. To sort those candidates accordingly follow up should be done after the interview process. Follow up gives a sorting for the candidates that come for the interview.
Talent Assessments for the applicants
Some companies also hold talent assessment for the applicants. Talent assessments are held to know the talent of the candidate and whether the job suits the particular person. The talent assessments are done so that the candidates are matches the criteria that re needed to hire the employee in the company.
Background Checks
The company checks the background of the candidates before getting a job or maybe after the job post is allocated to the candidate (Schwalbe 2015). If the company thinks after seeing the background of the candidate that the background is not good, then the candidate may lose the job even after clearing all the rounds of the interview.
The credit checks of a candidate are done to get the information of the candidate which includes the name, present address, permanent address, SSN (Social Security Number) and the phone number of the candidate (Laudon and Laudon 2016). Credit checks are done to verify the information that is related to the candidate. The credit also helps to check the details of the candidate if that person is having any debt remaining from the bank.After all the processes are done, then the job is offered to the candidate seeking the post he applies for. At the time of giving the job offer to the candidate, the company clears the packages regarding the salary that will be given to the employee (Webster 2014). Other benefits that they are going to receive from the company also made clear and finally the job is given to the company.
Hiring Paperwork
The last and final step of the hiring process is the process where the paperwork is done that is given by the company (Peppard and Ward 2016). All the details regarding salary packages, limitations of the company, policies that are followed by the company are all mentioned in detail in the contract paper that is given to get approved by the employee. If the company give some contract period to the candidate, that is also mentioned in the paperwork that the candidate puts signature into.
The hiring process of the system for the staffs is different from that of other positions hiring procedures such as managerial posts or some other higher posts.
The procedures that are carried out to hire staffs in a company are:
- All the requests that are needed for the vacancy of the job are needed to be reviewed and approved by the company before starting all the process of interview.
- There is a system for giving advertisement of online employment (Brown, Setren and Topa 2016). The positions that are vacant are all should be posted on that system and remain on that site for at least of five consecutive business days.
- The posts that are posted internally are only authorized to all the HRs that is there in the company.
- The waiver request that comes for posting process is together approved by the Director of Staff Diversity and Director of HR Services.
The situations that are included are:
The specific amount of skills are needed for the position. Finding a higher qualified employee is not much possible, and hiring is needed to exist
The positions for these kinds of job are short, and the duration is low, but the hiring is immediately needed.
The position that is provided is an internship that is provided for a short duration of time and needs reappointment when the duration gets over.
Employees that are highly skilled are required for the position, and some experience is needed for the work he is assigned to.
All the women along with men are given same priority for the task. There is no such dissimilarity for assigning the job to the women instead of men.
If the company faces reorganization, then the open position of the job is applied to the candidate who was working as part-time.
The promotion of the employee depends on how the person works for the company and how much dedicated he is to the company.
For some special position, the Finance and Administration, the officers from sponsored projects and the Information and Computing Services should be present at the time of interview.
The preparations that are made before an appointment is done for the managerial posts are: new hire requirement for the post of manager is announced by the colleagues as well outside so that applicants apply for the post. A plan that is regarded with the job training should be organized or scheduled with the colleagues. Meetings should be held with the employees for the new post that has been announced. The interview process starts from the screening of interviews which are followed by interviews that are held in persons (Sekaran and Bougie 2016). This is considered as the first round of interview process. There may exist many rounds of interviews in selecting a candidate. This depends totally on the company the number of interviews they want to take. The candidates have to clear all the rounds to face the HR of the company which is a face to face interview and is held one to one.
Many candidates that fulfill the requirement of the job application for the job, but the company calls only those candidates whom it thinks are suitable for the job. The tracking systems that are available in the market are all automated tracking systems which tack the candidates automatically.
The interview process starts from the screening of interviews which are followed by interviews that are held in persons. This is considered as the first round of interview process. There may exist many rounds of interviews in selecting a candidate (Wilder, Collier and Barnes 2014). This depends totally on the company the number of interviews they want to take. The candidates have to clear all the rounds to face the HR of the company which is a face to face interview and is held one to one.
Many candidates come for the interview. To follow up the all the candidates that comes for the interview is needed. Companies also held interview for many posts of the company that are vacant (Klingner, Nalbandian and Llorens 2015). To sort those candidates accordingly follow up should be done after the interview process. Follow up gives a sorting for the candidates that comes for the interview.
The company checks the background of the candidates before getting a job or maybe after the job post is allocated to the candidate (Hunter et al. 2013). If the company thinks after seeing the background of the candidate that the background is not good, then the candidate may lose the job even after clearing all the rounds of the interview.
After all the processes are done, then the job is offered to the candidate seeking the post he applies for. At the time of giving the job offer to the candidate, the company clears the packages regarding the salary that will be given to the employee. Other benefits that they are going to receive from the company are also made clear, and finally, the job is given to the company.
The last and final step of the hiring process is the process where the paperwork is done that is given by the company. All the details regarding salary packages, limitations of the company, policies that are followed by the company are all mentioned in detail in the contract paper that is given to get approved by the employee. If the company give some contract period to the candidate, that is also mentioned in the paperwork that the candidate puts signature into.
After all the processes are done, business cards having the name of the manager should be ordered so that manager may distribute them among the employees about his coming and any other those who need the cards. The selected manager’s nameplate should be kept ready in advance so that it may be placed when the person joins the office. Lastly, furniture that is present in the cabin of the manager is to be kept clean and is to be kept in a good condition.
Some standards are needed for hiring an employee in a company. The standards are as follows:
Working hours- The hours of work that an employee works for should be mentioned in the agreement papers that are signed during the paperwork of the employees. The company should follow the standard time of working hours for part-time and full-time employees separately that are mentioned by Standards of National Employment. An employee works for the definite amount of hours per week for the company. The working hours should be followed as per rule in every organization.
Working arrangements should be done flexible- An employee who is working in the company for more than a year and have a family or a child to look after, the employee may request for changing the working arrangements so that he may take care of his child(Alberts et al. 2014). Every organization does not provide this flexibility of arrangements in working. But an employee may request the employer for the change he wants.
Annual Leave- A Company should have fixed annual leave that an employee can avail. The annual leave should be of as per the government policies of the state. The company offers annual paid leaves for four weeks in a year that he is providing service. The annual leave should be taken by the employee as per decided as the time of paperwork between the employer and the employee.
Leave for an emergency- All employees excluding the part-time employees and the non-permanent employees are given ten more days of leave that is taken at the time of emergency (Ward 2016). An emergency may arise because of the sickness of the employee or any other family members of the employee for which he cannot come to the office. This leave is a non paid leave. This policy should be made clear at the time of joining.
Compassionate leave- If some relative or family member of the employee dies or he or family members are seriously ill then compassionate leave is given to the employees by the employer. The compassionate leaves are paid. Only two days of compassionate leave are given to the employees.
Leave for community service- Employees who are engaged with some community may not come to the office to attend those services of the community. Community service includes the activity of voluntary emergency management or jury services. Leave should be sanctioned by the employer for these causes.
Public Holidays- Public holidays are holidays that are announced by the state or the central government. The employer may ask the employee to work on a public holiday, but they may compensate the working regarding money or leaves that are given as extra to the employee.
Parental leave that is unpaid- Parental leave that is included are the issues that related to the birth or adoption of a child. These leaves are unpaid, but leaves should be sanctioned to the employees for such kind of issues (Schmidt and Block 2017). Six months of parental leaves are possible for all the permanent employees of the company. It is the duty of the parent to take care of the child. A couple can avail a leave of total 12 months taking six months for each of them. Some organizations give these leaves as paid ones, and some consider these as unpaid leaves. The policy that the organization follows must be mentioned in the agreement paper.
The companies where there is the need for employees who are related to an information technology, experts of IT are hired in such companies. The process of hiring staring from an advertisement of a job to hire employee includes many methods.
This paper gave us an elaborate study of the reasons behind hiring Information Technology employees by a company. The processes that are involved in hiring an employee from the process of job recruitment to offer letter that is given to the candidates have also been discussed. The system for hiring employees for the Staff position and managerial position are also discussed. The policies and laws that are related to appointing an employee that a company follows are written in details which the employer must follow while hiring for Information Technology Department.
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Schmidt, C. and Block, L.A., 2017. Without and within: The implications of employment and ethnocultural equity policies for internationally educated teachers. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, (100).
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Wilder, K. M., Collier, J. E. and Barnes, D. C., 2014. Tailoring to customers’ needs: Understanding how to promote an adaptive service experience with frontline employees. Journal of Service Research, 17(4), 446-459.
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