Problem Statement
Discuss about the Impacts of violence on the aboriginal women.
The aboriginal women suffer a lot in the society these women are victims of domestic violence, racism, and sexism. This woman suffers a lot than the native men. They undergo a lot of problems that the legislation should change it and assist them for justices. Several ways of violence are spousal abuse which should be acted upon since it is a crime that is causing so much pain in the society. Violence in women can either be physical or emotional. The disorder affects them in their workplace, homes, school and this brings the loss of communication in the society.
Women in Africa and the rest of the world suffers from violence. This is up to twenty percent of women suffer from abuse from their partners and their parents but can’t stand to report this issue to the public, legislation covering this issues have been brought about, but no serious action is being taken upon which is my primary concern
To find out the impacts of violence on the aboriginal women
To find out the consequence of an abuse in the Aboriginal women
To find out the advantages of legislation of the rights of the Aboriginal women
To find out the limitations of the bill in supporting the women rights
To find out the applications of the bill
To protect the rights of women are falling victims in the increase of violence in families. There are rights to protect all the aboriginal women and legislation. There is need to curb the violence in the society. Every woman is equally important members of the community and has the right to vote, decision making (Wendt, 2009).
Violence can lead to short-term effects or the long-term effects this can either be physically or mentally this will depend on the treatment they will undergo the following results. The women may cry a lot due to the violence, feel sad and lonely most of the times. This is because they have no one to trust so that they may talk to them their problems since they filled betrayed by their loved once, they feel embarrassed this is because they can face the world maybe because of the bruises or think that everyone is charging them to accept the act and living with the violent man and this makes them dissociate from other people on the community the women lack to participate on the activities they previously enjoyed (Chamberlain & Mackenzie, 2008).
These women are emotionally affected in the following ways that are they feel confused, upset and frustrated due to the problems they are undergoing that is hey can’t explain why they are depressed and leaving in shock due to the issues they are experiencing.
The short-term physical effects on women can be either minor injuries or severe conditions which include bruises, cuts or broken bones while the short term physic effects on sexual violence may consist of bleeding the vaginal or pelvic pain due to the force, unwanted pregnancies and insomnia
The long-term in physical and sexual violence effects on women may include digestive problems such as ulcers due to a lot of stress and poor eating habits that bring about such issues, migraines headaches due to a lot of pressure and they feel frustrated, sexual problems such as pain during sex, nightmares and sleeping problems
The victims undergo these consequences: psychology consequences including fear, guilt, lack of trust, try to take their life depressions. It also leads to higher chances of miscarriages when people are pregnant
In socially and economics factors violence leads to the inability of a woman to take care of themselves and maybe their children, failure to work and sustain wages on their daily activities due to limited concentration on work and due to isolation from people due to embarrassment they do not participate in the day to day activities. Girls who were undergoing violence may lead to school dropout due to lack concentration in their studies.
This violence also has consequences on people with family can lead to unintentionally injuring the child this is maybe when she is fighting with the mother, and she is holding a baby she may get hurt r when the fight is on a kid might come in the match when trying to stop the fight. They are also intentionally injuring the child to control the situation or threaten the woman or forcing the woman into doing something. This continuous violence may suffer from behavioral and emotional disturbances which may lead them to violence in future
Abuse can lead to increased misuse of alcohol and drugs as well as smoking to avoid stress and to overthink and to control weight due to the continuous fights. May lead them to be perpetrators of violence due to being victims (Cooper & Morris, 2005).
The children in the aboriginal women have snatched their kids, and the kids were told that their parents did not know how to parent their kids. Also, the women decided to migrate in urban centers so that they can get on ways to survive to avoid physical and sexual violence that may lead to them to start prostitution and crimes such as stealing to find a way of survival (Chung, Kennedy, O'Brien, & Wendt, 2000).
Formation of the human rights and equal opportunity that works together in ending the violence and ensures all women in aboriginal women are treated fairly, and all their rights are adhered to.
There is also the aboriginal customary law that seeks on protecting the aboriginal people
The formation of an international convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women that noted how women are taken to be subordinate of men and try to train people that all of them are equal and help them to participate in all activities (Gronda, 2009).
Introduction of the international women’s day on 8th of March that helps to teach women that they are powerful and can achieve a lot in the society
This legislation can create programmers that give counseling advice to the victims and the perpetrators of violence since they offer post-violence counseling. This programs also provide treatment to treat the victim psychology treatment, physical and even spiritual cure in the society (Whitaker et al., 2007).
The legislation enables justice process this is the victims can report issues and the lawyers take to act on whatever they communicate and how they can help them (Flatau, Coleman, Memmott, Baulderstone & Slatter, 2009).
The restorative justice restores social relationship due to the establishment of equality in relationships that is they all have equal rights to dignity and respect
They create awareness through educating people to stop violence and view all of them as problems and how they cause impact in the nation
These laws have given hotline numbers where incidences of violence can be reported immediately so that action can be taken
Legislation has come up with legal frameworks and institutions to guide and check on the progress of the victims
The law is an essential tool in achieving the objectives and goals for sensitizing the communities
Legislation has encouraged members of the society and victims of violence to report on incidences linked to abuse of rights (Correia & Melbin, 2005)
Research on the rate of violence as a requirement by the legislation to be carried out enables implementations of the laws that is increasing punishment to the perpetrators to reduce the crime (Braun & Clark, 2006).
The bill requires fully funding implement to prevent violence in all ways
Legislations is very clear on non-compliant law enforcing officials as lawyers and judges who administer justice to the victims and also to ensure that these victims undergo correct treatment
Impact of Violence on Women
Creation of campaigns against women violence where the themes are set and citizens educated in workshops, forums for the youth and women
The nature of women’s day enables all women to learn and celebrate women’s achievements and a day to remember the rights of all women
Cultural practices among the aboriginal women where they believe in men have power than women. This encourages violence, and the belief that beating a woman is to discipline her makes it difficult to stop the force on the aboriginal women
Women victims often suffer unsympathetic treatment from those who should help them this is where the policemen do not take serious action on these issues
Most women who undergo spousal violence do not seek help and follow this legislation since they think no support will be done to them
These legislations don’t undergo thoughtful investigations and prosecutions procedures leaving victims without being served
The bill wants full evidence for the victims to in the case. In most violence, it is difficult to have solid indications where these incidences mostly happen. This violence occurs in less developed areas hence there is minimal evidence, so justice is delayed in this cases (Lumby & Farrelly (2009).
These legislations does not go into detail of the personal effects if the perpetrator is released and how will this affect the victims making them run away and can lead to more abuse of the women
The officials such as the police take the lengthy response to such issues and failure to take the spousal abuse as a severe crime encourages the increase of the crime
This legislation does not support witnesses and protect them which they may fear to testify on such issues since they are threatened to lead the victims to suffer more
This legislation lacks family support to women who are undergoing these problems, they require areas where they can live and after they escape hence desires to endure the pain since they do not have a place to go
Most of the chiefs and the councils in the aboriginal societies are men thus they favor the men in domestics fights (Lee, 2007).
The officials are unwilling to talk about the plight of women suffering the abuse at the hands of their husband and fathers causing them more pain
The legislation does not have community support systems that may guard the people
Bill may tend to be biased depending on who committed the crime especially if it is a political leader among other people of the higher social class are many times favored by the legislation
Consequences of Violence
There is no equal division of proper according to marriage breakdown recognized in the Indian act these acts fail to deal equally and fairly with aboriginal women which encourages administrative discriminations
Protection and Prevention of Abuse
The legislation laws and rules against convicting and sentencing the perpetrators have enabled to reduce violence cases. Legislations have created campaigns and institutions to talk about the effects and consequences of violence this creates awareness amongst people and people reporting such sues to seek help. Forums are designed to train people that both men and women are equal under the law and all the rights are followed upon (Tually, Faulkner, Cutler & Slatter, 2008).
Achieving Objectives
To achieve the goals and get right conditions on the suffering of women the judicial system and the acts that support women should meet and discuss on how they are going to sensitize the community to reduce the abuse
Change of Legislation
The legislation should be changed. First, this is the Indian act when the couple decides to separate the wealth should be divided equally, and the members should ensure protection from the man coming to see him and harass them. All the women in the Aboriginal societies should be taught that they have equal rights and can also participate in decision making and allowed to vote (Hulse & Kolar, 2009).
Legislations should be used as a tool in the formations of campaigns, create forums and teams to sensitize and advertise on awareness of violence and tell people that they have rights to report from these crimes and say to the community that this is a serious crime and should be acted upon (Lyon, Lane & Menard, 2008).
Set Up Of Counsel Centers and Facilities for the Victims
Legislation can create shelter homes for the victims where they can go to when they have problems with their families and when the investigation is still going on in such areas (Gander, 2009). These facilities should also guide the victims and counsel them and check their progress emotionally, mentally and physically. These centers should also ensure that the issue is being addressed and the officials are doing their duties in considering actions on such matters. These shelters should not blame them but give them full support (Melton & Sillito, 2012).
Review and Amendment of the Legislation
This is the acts should be changed this is the Indian act here it should be, and the wealth should be equally distributed and not be one-sided. The women should be allowed to take part in the legal systems and also be given a chance to be officials such as the chiefs and the councils. The legislation says that the woman has to leave the place and seek shelter should be looked upon and the man is the one should move out when the investigation is ongoing in this matter (Banga & Gill, 2008).
Legislation of Violence
The rights of the women have to be protected and be checked upon. This is where we have to treat all people as equal in all the discipline. They should be respected for all their rights to be considered and done to similar justices. The aboriginal women suffer discriminations, and we try to bring about equality in this society by enabling the women in the leader's group and be involved in the recommendation of the changing on the amendment act and be part of the administrative bodies. The legal system should be created in the aboriginal communities, and they should be seen as equal people. Our work is to ensure that the Aboriginal people heal from the disintegration and view themselves as equal people in the society (Marshall, Ziersch & Hudson, 2008).
- The Indian act should be amended to provide for the equal divisions of all the wealth upon separation or divorce
- The aboriginal’s leaders and officials should establish a local government portfolio for women with the responsibility to educate and support programs in the area of spousal abuse
- The police forces to develop teams and social workers who deal with a domestic dispute and the team to conduct record keeping in the community area
- Shelters and safe homes should be established in the aboriginal dwellings that can protect the victims and counsel them
- Another option to incarcerate appropriate to Aboriginal cultures to be developed for the native women
- The native women leaving in isolated areas can be permitted to visit their families or their families or their families to be allowed to attend them
- The aboriginal women should be appointed to be officials in the council and also chiefs also they can tell more of the problems they undergo
- Funding should be given to the aboriginal women so that they can build shelters for those who seek them
- Legislation ought to do campaigns on the protection of woman rights and also create forums to create awareness on how to handle such issues
- The law should set priorities on human rights and see how quite enough they are protected
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