Introduction to Toshiba Corporation
Discuss about the Integrated Model of Managerial Integrity and Compliance.
Toshiba Corporation started in Japan in 1875. It faced high growth in late 1950s with the help of its innovative and unique products. Toshiba was introduced in the foreign markets during this time and it continued to bush out its business crosswise the globe. Toshiba reported its worldwide sales as more than 63 billion dollars till the end of March, 2015. It has more than 2000,000 employees worldwide.
The major issues of the Toshiba accompany seems to be in the terms of the Organizational Culture, Goal displacement, Older managers and Accounting Scandal.
Organizational Culture includes the methodology that ensures the factor that deals with the factors namely the Quality of the product and the Employee motive. In the recent years the quality of the products that are manufactured by Toshiba has been acting as a major reason for the processing of the system. The employee motive has been acting as another major reason behind the degrading of the stature of the company.
Goal Displacement includes the terminology of Active Decision making and the Lack of setting of goal. This fact ensures that the data that are stored in the database are a major reason behind the first letter. Lack of setting of goal acts as another reason for the degradation of Toshiba.
Older managers include the disturbance of not being able to improve in a fast rate as they have already have vast experience. Another issue is that the lack of idea regarding the technological proceedings.
Accounting scandal has been acting to be one of the most profound reason behind the downfall of the Toshiba as the financial section is already usurped by the employees of the company without taking into consideration. The profit made with the help of this technology is very high, this system will stay biased and the processing will be continued despite the fact of the unofficial racking.
Organizational goals can be defined as objectives that are set by the management of the company. These objectives are supposed to follow specific strategies. Expected outcomes are been acting as the major threat to the justify an organization’s existence and activities. They also set performance standards. There are various categories of organizational goals, they include profitability goals, productivity goals, market share goals and goals on social responsibilities of the organization. The three types of goals are long term goals, short term goals and lifetime goals. Long term goals are the plans that are made for the future. They can be planned for a period of an year. These kind of plans are generally made for lifestyle, family, retirement goals and carrier. They are achieved as a person crosses a particular stage of their life. Long term goals are set by people by visioning what they want themselves to be doing after five or ten years, and where they want to see themselves at that time. After setting long term goals short term goals are set in order to achieve the long term goals. Long term goals include buying a house, becoming a Mechanical Engineer, own a company and many more similar to these. Short term goals are planned for near future, this time span is even less than a year. Short term goals are set in order to fulfill the long term goals. Short term goals are also known as enabling goals because achieving them enables us to achieve the greater goals. These goals usually has topics such as projects, education, short term jobs and many more. Sometimes short term goals directly contribute to the long term goals. Short term goals normally consist of building a deck, get temporary job for summer, get good grade in a subject and some more. Lifetime goals are major goals that are to be achieved over the lifetime. They may fall under several categories regarding carrier, family, pleasure or finance. These goals are usually general at first and then as time passes by they become specific. They are often the most important and meaningful goals. It is tough to stay focused in order to achieve these goals because they are achieved after a long period of time.
Major Issues at Toshiba Corporation
Toshiba had various goals that were worked on by its employees. goal displacement is a situation when new goals are introduced. The strategy followed by the organization is not regarded at that moment. This goals displacement affects the company a lot. These type of displacement in goals diverts the resources away from organizational goals. Toshiba faced goals displacement because the organizational goals conflicted with individual goals of customers. Toshiba had a very good end goal but they did not have proper means to accomplish these goals. This led to reducing customers of Toshiba. The goals were abstract, they were unclear and uncertain, this caused in the goal displacement. The employees of Toshiba had unproductive attitudes towards the organizational goals this led to goal displacement.
Toshiba maintains a growth management strategy. This strategy helps in achieving the long-term goals. Growth management strategy helps the assistant managers to determine what sort of growth would be best for the company. it examines how quickly the objectives need to be implemented and where does that organization stand comparing to where it needs to stand. A part of growth management evaluates the present business model and determines where changes are to be made. The managers then undergo a panning phase which determines the role of various divisions in the company for its growth. This helps the senior manager to understand how to allocate resources in order to achieve growth. Toshiba also maintains change management. This strategy helps the managers to determine where, how and when certain changes are to be done in the workflow og the company. This ensures that the organization stays in track and increases productivity. This strategy also helps the company to change directions if a particular strategy does not work. Toshiba follows contingency management theory. This theory can be used by the managers in order to oversee the organization. This strategy does not need to look after the long term goal rather they continuously re-evaluate circumstances as well as change the management styles if necessary.
Toshiba maintains employee empowerment in a very sophisticated manner. They value employee decisions, what they feel to be right. Toshiba has control over the work carried out by the employees. Toshiba empowers employees, they give the employees ownership of their jobs. Employees are allowed to set their own goals, take responsibilities and judge their own performances in order to meet the objectives of the company. The empowered employees of Toshiba take pride in what they do. Toshiba allows the employees to use their skills to the maximum to increase their efficiency and productivity. The employees of Toshiba are divided in several teams based on their specialization. These teams work together for a particular purpose. Every team has its leader who directs the team.
Organizational Goals
Organizational culture is a system shared by an organization’s members. Culture holds an organization together. This is done by setting appropriate standards for what should be said or done by the employees. Organizational cultures are formed with the help of a particular design. Elements of organizational culture include values, narratives, heroes and many more. Organizational climate refers to the environment that is reflected in perceptions and attitudes.
Toshiba’s organizational culture had undergone various changes. After 2013 Toshiba’s organizational culture possesses some characteristics such as teamwork, quality, improvement with the help of learning and secrecy. Toshiba uses teams for almost all of its business. Toshiba believes that the use of teamwork in business increases capability and success. In order to ensure the quality of team work all the employees of Toshiba go through a training ion teamwork. Quality is the base of Toshiba’s organizational culture. The company has succeeded because of the high quality electronic devices it provides to the customers. Toshiba facilitates its development in the form of a learning organization. Learning organization uses information received through the work of individual employee. This is done in order to develop programs and policies for best results. The organizational culture of Toshiba has a definite degree of secrecy. The reorganization of the company in 2013 has lead the level of secrecy to decline. Before this the problems encountered by the organization has to go through the headquarter of the firm which is located in Toshiba city of Japan. Nowadays this process is not used. The problems faced in a firm is solved in that particular firm.
The unwritten rule of behaviors lead to the accounting scandal. Unwritten rules are not much different from the written rules. They are not accessible by the employees, this creates barriers among the system. If rules are communicated informally, the ones who did not get to know them would not be able to take advantage of any good offer. Toshiba has lost some skilled professionals due to the unwritten rules. The behaviors are as follows. Employees are aware of company policies but not the company culture. Toshiba has a company policy on a working target but no one was aware of it or took advantage of it. There was an unwritten rule that says it’s been included on the books but it’s not at all the way through which organization can succeed. Body language is one of the unwritten policies. There were no written policies for the body languages that has to be followed by the employees. Certain body languages were misinterpreted. Suppose too much smiling at workplace might not be considered as a good sign. Working slowly is also a body language that can be considered as lack of interest in the work. Many women were held back in Toshiba because they did not have access to certain set of data which were informal though important business networking. Building relationship is another reason for the accounting scandal. Employees of Toshiba were not made clear about what is expected from them. Toshiba had a communication gap between its supervisors and employees. The supervisors did not discuss with the employees regarding what has to be achieved by them and employees were not asked for feedback too. In order to succeed it is important to receive feedback on what is good and what is bad going on in the company. Toshiba did not have visibility of work. The work of the employees were not visible. Women were provided less visibility compared to the amount of work they did. Toshiba did not build skills in order to provide them their desired position.
Growth Management Strategy
Different perspectives on decision making that has affected Toshiba Toshiba undoubtedly creates innovative and unique products but some flaws in the decision making process has affected the company in many ways. The flaws include overconfidence. The overconfidence on the knowledge or skill possessed by the employees is a drawback. In case of Toshiba the employees were not aware that they were unknown to many parts of a particular subject. They are just overconfident on the knowledge that they possess on a topic. Essentially it is not known that how much is unknown to the employees. In some cases the knowledge that the employees had regarding a subject were completely wrong or were received from unreliable sources. This made the employees think that they knew almost everything regarding a topic but the wrong information decreased the productivity of the employees. The decrease in productivity made the higher authorities to question on their ability. Sometimes the sudden replacement of manager lead to a change in the pattern of decision making that has been followed. Everyone has their own way to make decisions and handle the problems faced while doing this. This decreased the productivity of the company. Tandy that was the reason Toshiba has been suffering due to which the data.
Organizational learning is a mechanism of creating, transferring and retaining knowledge in an organization. An organization becomes better as time passes by, with experience. This experience provides knowledge to the organization. This experience includes ways to increase the efficiency of production and develop relation between investors. The knowledge is created in four different units. These units include organizational, individual and inter organizational. Learning curve is the most common way by which organizational learning can be measured. It is a relationship that shows how an organization has produced more from a product or service, which increases in efficiency, productivity, reliability and the quality of production along with least returns. Learning curves vary according to the learning rates of the organizations. These learning rates are affected by improvement in the technology used by the organization, individual proficiency and improvement in the routines, structures and methods used for coordination among employees. Organizational learning helps the organization to remain competitive in any environment irrespective of the changes. An example of organizational learning is how a new store should decrease the cost per product because of the cumulative production of the product increases. As the workers make products, their speed increases as time passes by. The staffs work efficiently in team and the equipment’s are placed in locations where it is easy to reach. This also increases the productivity of the employees. Organization management in Toshiba was performed with a lot of efficiency which leads to the fact that the processing of the organization is performed s that the data stored in the business progression will not stay constant. In this case the conflicts that are raised due to the infinity war this fact ensures that the trash grating case.
Change Management Strategy
Older managers’ attitude and power, can affect Toshiba’s ability to be a learning organization. The organization management also takes into consideration the fact that the data that are private in nature, In case the data if the virtue of the data privacy and security if the product and service the employees are concerned about the activate of the players who an
The older managers did not have the advantage of using advanced technologies which could help in the business. The introduction of new technologies help in organizational learning. This takes place due to the usage of technology saves enough time for the learning. Previously managers believed that the manual work were better and better compared to the use of technologies. Previously the managers did not believe in team work. Employees were not divided into teams based on their specializations. The employees worked individually. This decreased the chance of organizational learning. Use of social media is a major reason which helps in organizational learning. The information received from social media is vast. This increases the scope of organizational learning but this was not used under the elder managers. The managers set a limit for the researches to be done. Communication gap is another reason which affects organizational learning. The older managers did not communicate effectively with the employees. They did not communicate with them regarding their performances nor did they ask for their feedback. This created a communication gap between them. They employees never used to have the induction session taken by the HR or manager of the company. This made the company objectives unclear to the employees and the unwritten rules were not mentioned as well. All the factors that helped in organizational learning were not followed by the managers previously. The major advantage that the data center has hired old people for the processing of the data is that the amount of experience stays and the data used for the efficient functioning if get database. This fact ensures the experienced managers ensures that the decision making of Toshiba has increased. This fact ensures the risks that are mitigated by the experienced employees who are elected by Toshiba managers who are for performing the managerial job with complete efficiency. Despite all the advantages that the experienced managers who have been present in the market of electronic products focus mainly on the productivity of the products to manage the demand of the sales. This fact ensures the fact that the manager is not well efficient against the processing of the data that re to be evaluated by taking proper interviews of people who are responsible for the processing of the data standard. This fact ensures that the decisions that are taken through the internet will not be performed efficiently. This might lead to the conflict of the manuals regarding the processing of the data the different form of energy is due to the factor that of data
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