Background of Codfishes Issue in Canada
1.Relate what happened in Canada when the government limited fishing years ago and what happened in the exercise by relating it to the factors in Airely book the honest truth about dishonesty.
2.Write your professional ethical opinion maybe consider yourself as the Government Stakeholders
3.Come up with a theory that give decision making power to fishermen's and think about why penalizing families who inherited big boats and what is the best way to deal with this situation and make sure you follow these rules.
1.The issue regarding the codfishes are one of the burning topics in the history of Canada. The fishery department is governed by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and implemented necessary policies regarding the same. It has been observed that the major economic as well as the financial growth of Canada is depending on the exportation of the codfishes and the department is engaging itself to reserve the sustainability of the aquatic ecology (Hutchings & Post, 2013). The main duty of the government is to implement all the necessary steps and the policies so that the process of sustainable development can be facilitated. Duties have been imposed on the federal government to mandate policies for the protection of the fishery resources and salt water harvesting for the rapid growth of the fishes on the coastal areas of Canada. Prof. Airely has mentioned certain factors in his book Honest Truth about Dishonesty (Ariely, Dan). However, certain rights have also given to the anglers against their rights over the sea property and decision-making powers are being confirmed in favour of them. The department is also liable to look into the matters of overfishing. It has been understand from the above paragraph that the department of fisheries and the Federal government are imposed with certain duties regarding the marine ecology and can implement policies for overfishing to regulate the sustainable development (Bailey et al., 2016). It has been observed that the Canadian Government had adopted many policies to regulate the overfishing and the outcomes of the policies are being discussed in the parliament. The main occupation of the Anglers lived in the East Coastal of Canada depend on the codfishes. For over five hundred years, they are depending on this and it has been observed that the marine ecology is vehemently affected by this. Therefore, in the year 1992, the Canadian Government had implemented certain policies for the protection of the sustainable development (de Kerckhove, Minns & Shuter, 2013). The biologists have accepted the limitation prescribed by the Federal government, but certain dilemmas have been cropped up and that has been mentioned below: After the decision of the government, the use of the technologies has been incremented and it creates an adverse effect on the fishes. The radiations emitted from those equipments are harmful for the survival of fishes and a reduction in the cod stock has been observed (McDevitt-Irwin et al., 2015). The second dilemma regarding the decision is the assessment of the codfishes become more difficult and it has been observed that the Canadian fisheries have to face ecological problems. The Codfishes were regarded as the cultural identity for the eastern zone and due to the decision of the government; interference has been made into this. The limitations made by the government have driven the companies towards loss and the economy of that portion was collapsed. Problems have also generated due to the mismanagement of the governments and the consequences were imposed on the anglers and the related companies (Chopin, 2015).
Role of Canadian Government in Regulating Sustainable Development
2.The issue of codfishes is a sensitive matter in Canada and the government is required to take certain ethical steps to deal with the matter. Professional ethics are playing an important role in case of the policy implementation (Dawe & Schneider, 2014). The outcome of the policies should be moral and effective for the citizen. The business regarding the codfishes is treated as one of the main industries and the livelihood of the coastal regions are depended on it. If the government has adopted a policy, it should not affect the profession and the emotion of the anglers. The term professional ethics is based on four main pillars such as the honesty, integrity, transparency and obedience to the law (Williams et al., 2014). It is the duty of the government to look into the matters that whether all anglers are abiding by the rules or not. Maintaining the rules could lead towards the integrity of the profession and the standard can possibly be maintained. There is a code relates the ethical approaches and conduct namely Fisheries and Oceans Canada Values and Ethics Code and the rules of the said code are mandatory for all the professionals and management. The main intention of the government is to look after the matters and set out plans for the beneficiary use of the rules by the professionals (Hessing, & Summerville, 2014). It can be stated that the application of the code includes every categories of persons related to the fisheries. The employees of the fisheries and oceans should adhere to the values and standard of behaviours mentioned under the code.
The rules should be treated as a condition for the employment. As the nature of the rules are mandatory, breach of the same should consider as the violation to law and disciplinary action could be taken against them that can lead to the termination of the employment. It is the responsibility of the government to aware the employees regarding the matter. There are certain departmental values based on the professional ethics such as respect for democracy, respect for people, integrity, stewardship and excellence. Maintaining these values will help to take decisions and actions regarding the fishery business. The professionals are required to abide by the rule of law and should be loyal regarding the decisions of the government. The government should respect the anglers and their families and should ensure the dignity of the humankind (Knowles, 2016). The government has mentioned certain rules and the public officers are imposed with certain duties regarding the benefit of the anglers and their families. An integrity regarding the profession should be maintained. The public servants are not required to misuse their job and the stakeholders and the officials require commitments (Dawe & Schneider, 2014). The government should have to maintain a transparency and fairness regarding the policies and it is the utmost duty of them to look into the matter whether the professionals are maintaining the provisions of the Code or not. It has been mentioned under the Canadian ethics for the fishery profession that the mistakes made by the professionals or the officials should not be cover up in any way. Mistreating others or being aggressive will be treated as the avoidable behaviour. It is important to retain an ethical value within the profession. The governments regarding the expected conduct of the professionals mention certain guidelines. It has been mentioned that all the vehicles or the equipments owned by the government should be used for the official purpose only and should not use for personal gain. All the necessary directives should have to maintain by the professionals and it is their duty to retain the confidentiality of the profession. The employees of the Fishery department should be loyal and should respect the clients while serving them the products. These are the professional and ethical duties of the government regarding the fishery related persons and the stakeholders (Favaro & Olszynski, 2017).
Professional Ethics and Conduct for Fishery Industry
3.In the continents of Canada, certain powers are also conferred in the hands of the anglers. They can make decision regarding that property. However, in this case, property means the fishery harvesting property and it does not belong to any particular person. In certain circumstances, it has been observed that the water bodies like the rivers are considered to be a private property and it has been observed that particular persons are given the bright to harvest fish in that places. There are two main reasons behind the same. the first one is based on the over population of the fishes and the second one depends on the fencing or protection of the fishes. In the coastal areas of Canada, beach fisheries are regarded as the private property and the respective anglers are confined with certain rights over the property. The idea of the water property has been originated from the conception of Hugo Grotius. His doctrine is popularly known as the freedom of the seas (Favaro, 2016). The rights of the anglers can be divided into three parts regarding the land or the water. The powers are – power to manage, power to sell or grant and power to take its royalty. For instance, it can be said that the owner of a boat can run the same, use for catching fish and sell it to make profit. However, it should be kept in mind that if the angler will engage him in certain illegal things, his power will not be regarded and he will lose the powers or the rights. The nature of the property can be of different types. If a person holds a lease, he will be treated as freehold owner.
A fishing licence is required for the fish harvesting. It has been mentioned that the person may take necessary decisions regarding the business as required over their own property and he will have every right to implement the same for the interest of profit. However, it should be kept in mind that the decisions should be taken for the benefits and not for any illegal gain (Minns, 2015). It has been reported that the government of Canada is imposing penalties on the anglers and their families who inherited big boat. The measurements of boat are governed by certain regulations like the Small Vessel Regulation and the Collision regulation. Boats can be used for many purposes. In case of fisheries, small boats are required and it has been encoded under the code. It has been mentioned that the length of the boat shall not exceed 24.4 m in length and weight up to 150 gross tonnages. Therefore, if someone will buy the big boat, it will be treated as the violation of the norms and as per the law, he and his families will get certain punishments. In the conclusion part, it can be stated that the rules regarding fishery in Canada is strict in nature and the government has implemented certain policies to promote the standard of sustainable development. However, certain negative impacts have been created due to the policies and it has been observed that the government had failed to save the ecological system rather the anglers and the fishery corporation has to face a number of problems. The Codfishes are considered as the cultural symbol for the East coastal of Canada. However, the government policies are imposing certain restrictions on the fishing and therefore, the livelihood of that coastal zones are suffered for the same. There are certain positive sides also. The government has applied professional ethics and enacted rules for the betterment of the ecological problems and to certain extent; this step has achieved certain success.
Ariely, Dan. The Honest Truth About Dishonesty. [Place Of Publication Not Identified], Harper, 2014.
Bailey, M., Favaro, B., Otto, S. P., Charles, A., Devillers, R., Metaxas, A., ... & Duck, T. J. (2016). Canada at a crossroad: The imperative for realigning ocean policy with ocean science. Marine Policy, 63, 53-60.
Chopin, T. (2015). Marine aquaculture in Canada: well-established monocultures of finfish and shellfish and an emerging Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) approach including seaweeds, other invertebrates, and microbial communities. Fisheries, 40(1), 28-31.
Dawe, J., & Schneider, D. (2014). Consilient knowledge in fisheries: a case study of three species of wolffish (Anarhichadidae) listed under the Canadian Species at Risk Act. Ecology and Society, 19(3).
de Kerckhove, D. T., Minns, C. K., & Shuter, B. J. (2013). The length of environmental review in Canada under the Fisheries Act. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 70(4), 517-521.
Favaro, B., & Olszynski, M. (2017). Authorized net losses of fish habitat demonstrate need for improved habitat protection in Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 74(3), 285-291.
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Hessing, M., & Summerville, T. (2014). Canadian natural resource and environmental policy: political economy and public policy. UBC Press.
Hutchings, J. A., & Post, J. R. (2013). Gutting Canada's Fisheries Act: no fishery, no fish habitat protection. Fisheries, 38(11), 497-501.
Knowles, V. (2016). Strangers at Our Gates: Canadian Immigration and Immigration Policy, 1540–2015. Dundurn.
McDevitt-Irwin, J. M., Fuller, S. D., Grant, C., & Baum, J. K. (2015). Missing the safety net: evidence for inconsistent and insufficient management of at-risk marine fishes in Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 72(10), 1596-1608.
Williams, R., Ashe, E., Blight, L., Jasny, M., & Nowlan, L. (2014). Marine mammals and ocean noise: Future directions and information needs with respect to science, policy and law in Canada. Marine pollution bulletin, 86(1), 29-38.
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