You are required in your new role as an Enterprise Architect (EA) to do a SWOT Analysis of a current ICT service in an organization. The default organization is, but you can substitute another known entity such as your current workplace.
SWOT is an acronym for questioning the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat and helps with the analysis needed to identify the internal (S, W) and external (O, T) positives and negatives as indicated in Fig.1. Such a process can be informative and help the Enterprise Architect (you) to identify the issues and problems, set goals develop an action plan and help strategic IT Infrastructure planning and decision-making.
Write a paper, in length, on a topic covered in our textbook. For this assignment, you need to plan, research, and, use your initiative to express the knowledge you learnt in this subject as well as your own independent thinking and reasoning.
Generate a Turnitin originality report and submit this report via Turnitin;
Submit an early draft to Turnitin for self-checking, then look carefully at all the matches marked in bold font and various colours in the self-check/originality report.
a) Are any of the bold, coloured text matches in my self-check report missing in-text references? (We need to avoid plagiarism of ideas.)
b) Do any of the bold, coloured text matches in my self-check report include more than three words in a row copied from the original source without quotation marks? (We need to avoid plagiarism of language.)
c) Do direct quotations take up more than 10% of the essay? (We need to change some of the direct quotations to summaries and paraphrases so that at least 90% of every essay is written in our own words.)
d) Are any of the bold, coloured text matches in my originality report purely coincidental? (Sometimes our words coincidentally match with words in other online sources that we have never seen before and that are completely irrelevant to our research topic. If so, we do not need to change anything at all.)
e) Do any of the short strings of matching text indicate that my attempts at paraphrasing were not completely successful? (We need to avoid sham paraphrasing, one type of plagiarism, by using synonyms and changing the sentence structures completely. Remember that we should not copy more than three words in a row from the original without quotation marks.)
f) Have I synthesised all of the sources’ ideas into my essay by introducing each piece of source information with a signal phrase and by adding my own comments or interpretation to it in the following sentence? (We need to avoid dropped-in quotations and simply reporting facts or other people’s ideas because that approach means that instead of building our own arguments and writing our own essays, we are merely stringing together other people’s words and ideas.)
SWOT Analysis of
This paper is about cyber security and business continuity. Cybersecurity is the sum total of the processes, activities, and techniques put in place to ensure IT assets and information are kept safe from unauthorized access or modification by unauthorized users. Cybersecurity provides both logical and physical security of computer systems, networks and data. Business continuity is putting in place mechanisms to ensure continued operation of the firm in case there is a breach of the system. Business continuity may provide partial continuity of the critical systems in the event of an attack or even provide full functionality from the backup system put in place.
SWOT Analysis Organisation: Date:28/09/2017 |
Description of ICT service: is a real estate company found in Australia. is a real estate company founded in 1995 and is owned and operated by REA Group with its headquarter in Melbourne, Australia. With an average three million visitors to their website, it is imperative for them to provide up to date ICT services to its customers to provide quality service and maintain a competitive edge over their competitors in the market (Sarsby, 2016). |
STRENGTHS · Strong global presence · Strong asset base · Prime location |
WEAKNESSES · Need for market transparency · Non-compliance with international standards |
OPPORTUNITIES · Geographic expansion · Strong high end apartment sales |
THREATS · Changes in real estate prices · Fluctuating interest rates · Project completion delays | has various strengths that need maintaining to keep an edge over their competitors. They also have some weaknesses that need to be addressed so that they can improve their venture. Short Term (Now) Engage in more advertisements to market their company. Mid Term (next 12 months) Put in place expansion plans for their current location. Long Term (next 3 to 5 years) need to invest in a new IT infrastructure that meets the global standards to map them on the world stage. |
IT administration is the supervision, observing, and control of the association's IT resources (Pompon, 2016). The IT Governance Institute distributes Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT), which many organizations use as their IT administration manage. The Sarbanes– Oxley Act requires that organizations give evidence that their budgetary applications and frameworks are controlled (secured) to confirm that fiscal reports can be trusted. This requires that IT security supervisors work with business chiefs to do a hazard appraisal to distinguish which frameworks rely upon specialized controls instead of on business process controls. To meet COBIT, IT frameworks ought to be founded on the accompanying three standards:
Rule of financial use of assets: This guideline recognizes that the cost of infosec should be adjusted with its benefits. It's the fundamental cost/advantage rule that you're commonplace with. For instance, you wouldn't spend more to secure your auto, home, or another resource than they are worth. Because it's conceivable, for example, for organizations to set a little incentive on the secret information of clients and businesses and in this manner maintain a strategic distance from essential infosec safeguards, the following two standards endeavor to ensure that doesn't occur.
Standard of lawfulness: This rule requires that organizations contribute in infosec to meet least lawful necessities. This is a fundamental security standard, much the same as having hand railings on stairways, fire quenchers, and caution frameworks.
Bookkeeping standards: These standards require that the uprightness, accessibility, and dependability of information and data frameworks be kept up.
COBIT framework is a top to bottom multi-layered way to deal with infosec. The fundamental rule is that when one resistance layer comes up short, another layer gives assurance. For instance, if a remote system's security were traded off, at that point having encrypted information would, in any case, secure the information gave that the criminals couldn't decode it. The achievement of an IT threat relies upon the dedication and association of official administration and control strategies.
The same is valid for IT security. When senior administration demonstrates its sense of duty regarding IT security, it moves toward becoming essential to others too. This infosec tone makes users mindful that shaky practices and oversights won't go on without serious consequences. Hence, an IT security and interior control display starts with senior administration responsibility and support (Pompon, 2016).
Stage 1: Senior administration duty and support. Senior supervisors are expected to effect and look after security. This can be effected by implementing internal and external controls. Inward control is a procedure intended at giving sensible confirmation of robust internal operations whereas external controls protect the organization from external threats.
Stage 2: Acceptable use approaches and IT security preparing. Building a feasible IT security program is a preparation to guaranteeing that all players know about and comprehend them. The more noteworthy the comprehension of how security influences generation levels, client and provider connections, income streams, and administration's risk, the greater security will be fused into business ventures and proposition. Most basic is an acceptable use policy (AUP) that advises users of their obligations. An AUP is required for two reasons: (1) to counteract misuse of data and hardware assets; and (2) to lessen introduction to fines, sanctions, and legitimate risks. To be powerful, the AUP needs to characterize users' duties, acceptable and unacceptable activities, and outcomes of rebelliousness.
Email, Internet, and hardware AUPs ought to be thought of as an augmentation of other corporate arrangements, for example, those that address physical wellbeing, approach opportunity, badgering, and segregation.
Stage 3: IT Security Procedures and Enforcement. If users' exercises are not observed for consistence, the AUP is useless. Therefore, the following stage is meant to check whether AUP techniques are prepared and implemented. Poor implementation of security can expose a business to huge financial loses in case their defenses are breached. Security depends on the advanced resources' hazard introduction. The hazard introduction demonstrate for advanced resources is contained the five components.
Another hazard evaluation technique is the business impact examination (BIA). BIA is an activity that decides the impact of losing the help or accessibility of an asset. For instance, for the vast majority, the passing of a cell phone would have a more prominent impact than the loss of an advanced camera. BIA distinguishes the primary assets projected to recover, and organizes the recovery of procedures and auxiliary structures.
A BIA should be refreshed as new dangers to IT rise. After the hazard presentation of computerized resources has been assessed, at that point educated choices about interests in infosec can be made.
Stage 4: Hardware and Software. Usage of programming and hardware equipment is expected to help and authorize the AUP and secure practices. Remember that security is a continous process and not a one-time affair that can be settled with hardware or software. Equipment and programming security guards cannot however protect against human errors. One of the greatest oversights chiefs make is thinking little of IT vulnerabilities also, dangers. Most specialists use their portable PCs and mobiles for both work and relaxation, and in a period of multitasking, they regularly do both at the same time. Off time or, then again the off-site use of gadgets stays hazardous because, in spite of arrangements, workers proceed to participate in perilous on the web and correspondence propensities. Those propensities make them a powerless connection in an association's strong security efforts. These dangers can be named inadvertent or deliberate.
Accidental dangers fall into three noteworthy classifications: human blunders, ecological hazards, and computer system failures.
Human errors can arise from the use of assets. They can also occur amid programming, testing, or information section. Failure to change default passwords on a firewalls or neglecting to patch software create loopholes. Human mistakes are usually as a result of poor training or unconscious users reacting to phishing or overlooking security strategies. Human mistakes constitute the largest part of an inner control and infosec issues.
Part (a): Acceptable IT use and governance
Ecological dangers incorporate volcanoes, tremors, snow squalls, surges, control disappointments or, then again solid changes, fires (the most well-known peril), damaged aerating and cooling, blasts, radioactive aftermath, and water-cooling-framework disappointments. Notwithstanding the essential harm, PC assets can be harmed by reactions, for example, smoke and water. Such risks may disturb typical PC operations and result in long holding up periods and over the top expenses while PC projects and information records are reproduced.
Computer system failures can happen as the aftereffect of poor assembling, flawed materials, and obsolete or ineffectively looked after systems (Pompon, 2016). Unexpected glitches can likewise occur for other reasons, running from the absence of experience to lacking testing. Cases of purposeful dangers incorporate burglary of information; wrong use of information (e.g., controlling data sources); breach of centralized server PC time; robbery of gear or potentially programs; consider control in taking care of, entering, preparing, exchanging, or programming information; work strikes, mobs, or harm; pernicious harm to PC assets; demolition from viruses and comparable assaults; and different PC abuses and Internet misrepresentation.
Its target security administration rehearses to guard the greater part of the segments of a data framework, particularly information, programming applications, equipment, and systems. Before they settle on any choices concerning barriers, individuals in charge of security must comprehend the necessities and operations of the business, which frame the reason for a tweaked protection procedure. In the following segment, we portray the real resistance methodologies. The guard technique and controls that ought to be utilized rely upon what should be secured and the money-saving advantage analysis. That is, organizations should neither under-contribute nor over-contribute when implementing security techniques.
Avoidance and discouragement. Legitimately composed controls may keep blunders from happening, stop offenders from assaulting the framework, and, even better, deny access to unapproved people. These are the most alluring controls.
Identification. Like a fire, the prior an assault is distinguished, the less demanding it is to battle, what's more, the less harm is finished. Discovery can be performed much of the time by utilizing exceptional analytic programming, at a negligible cost.
Contain the harm. This goal is to limit the impact of misfortunes once a breakdown has happened. This procedure is likewise called mitigation. This can be proficient, for instance, by including a fault tolerant system that grants operation in a corrupted mode until the point that full recovery is made. In the event a fault tolerant system does not exist, a fast and perhaps expensive recovery process must occur. Clients need their systems back in operation as quickly as possible.
Recuperation. A recuperation design discloses how to settle a breached information system as rapidly as could reasonably be expected. Supplanting as opposed to restoring segments is one course to swift restoration.
Revision. Adjusting the reasons for harmed frameworks can keep the issue from happening once more.
Mindfulness and consistence. All players must be instructed about the risks to information systems assets and should follow the security tenets and controls.
A safeguard methodology is likewise going to require a few controls. General controls are built up to ensure the framework paying little heed to the particular application. For instance, securing equipment and controlling access to the server farm are autonomous of the particular application. Application controls are shields that are proposed to secure particular applications. General controls are physical controls, access controls, information security controls, correspondence arrange controls and administrative controls.
COBIT and IT Governance Best Practices
Physical controls. Physical security alludes to the protection of hardware resources. This incorporates ensuring physical property, for example, PCs, server farms, programming, manuals, and systems. It gives assurance against most regular perils and additionally against some human dangers. Proper physical security may incorporate a few controls, for example, the accompanying:
- Appropriate outline of the server farm. For instance, the server farm ought to be noncombustible also, waterproof.
- Shielding against electromagnetic fields
- Good fire avoidance, location, and smothering frameworks, including sprinkler frameworks, water pumps, and satisfactory waste offices
- Emergency control shutoff and reinforcement batteries, which must be kept up in operational condition
- Properly composed and kept up aerating and cooling frameworks
- Motion-locator alerts that distinguish physical interruption
Access Control is the administration of who is and is not approved to utilize an organization's equipment and software. Access control techniques, for example, firewalls also, get to control records, limit access to a system, database, document, or information. It is the real barrier line against unapproved insiders and additionally outsiders. Access control includes approval (having the privilege to access) and verification, which is additionally called client distinguishing proof (demonstrating that the client is who he claims to be).
Verification strategies include:
- Something just the client knows, for example, a secret word
- Something just the client has, for instance, a brilliant card or a token
- Something just the client is, for example, a mark, voice, unique finger impression, or retinal (eye) examine; actualized employing biometric controls, which can be physical or behavioral
Biometric Control is a digital strategy for confirming the personality of a man, in light of physical or behavioral attributes. For instance, different mark scanners are utilized for ID. Most biometric frameworks are checked against a stored profile. The most regular biometrics are:
- Thumbprint or unique mark.
- Retinal output.
Authoritative Controls. While the beforehand examined general controls are specialized in nature, administrative controls manage to issue rules and observing consistence with the rules.
Endpoint Security and Control. Numerous chiefs think little of business hazard postured by decoded versatile capacity gadgets—which are cases of endpoints.
Business information is frequently carried on thumb drives, cell phones, and removable media without consent, oversight, or adequate assurance against misfortune or burglary. Handhelds and convenient stockpiling gadgets put touchy information in danger. According to the statistical surveying firm Applied Research-West, three out of four specialists’ spare corporate information on thumb drives. As per their examination, 25 percent spare client records, 17 percent store money related information, and 15 percent store strategies for success on thumb drives, however under 50 percent of organizations routinely scramble those drives and even less reliably secure information replicated onto cell phones.
Convenient gadgets that store secret client or money related information must be ensured regardless of who possesses them- workers or the organization. If there are no security measures to secure handhelds or other versatile/convenient capacity, information must not be put away on them since it opens the organization to obligation, claims, and fines. For little organizations, a solitary information rupture could bankrupt the organization.
Disaster recuperation is the chain of occasions connecting the business coherence want to assurance what's more, to recovery. The following are some critical contemplation about the procedure:
- The reason for business progression design is to keep the company continuity incase a breach happens. Each capacity in the business ought to have a legitimate recovery plan layout.
- Recovery process is an insurance that is meant to ensure that resources inside organizations circles of useful control.
- Planning should concentrate first on recovery from an aggregate loss of all capacities.
- Proof of ability more often than not includes considering that the examination demonstrates that the recovery design is present.
- All basic applications must be distinguished, and their recuperation methodology tended to in the arrangement.
- The arrangement ought to be composed with the goal that it will be viable if there should be an occurrence of calamity, not only keeping in mind the end goal to fulfill the evaluators.
- The arrangement ought to be kept in a sheltered place; duplicates ought to be given to every key chief, or, then again it ought to be accessible on the intranet. The plan ought to be reviewed intermittently.
Fiasco recuperation arranging can be extremely intricate, and it might take a while to finish. Utilizing unique programming, the arranging employment can be sped up. Calamity evasion is an approach arranged toward anticipation. The thought is to limit the possibility of avoidable catastrophes, (for example, fire or other human-caused dangers). For instance, many organizations utilize a gadget called continuous power supply (UPS), which gives control if there should be an occurrence of a power blackout.
Cybersecurity is a core component of organizations today. Cybersecurity is a way of protecting the business processes from being interrupted by unauthorized users and third party entities. A business continuity plan is also important for a business for continued operations of some or all of its critical components in case of an attack. Therefore, cybersecurity in conjunction with a business continuity plan ensures that a company operating is protected from the hostilities of the environment they operate in.
Information Systems Audit and Control Association. (2013). COBIT 5: Enabling information. Rolling Meadows, Ill: ISACA.
Pompon, R. (2016). IT security risk control management: An audit preparation plan.
Sarsby, A. (2016). SWOT analysis.
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