Being able to present your research to an audience is a key skill for researchers to develop. There are a variety of different settings where you may be asked to do this, from the school or faculty research seminar to the international conference. Presentations sometimes take the form of posters as well as talks.It is important that every presentation take account of whom the audience is. A seminar delivered to an nterdisciplinary audience which may have no specialist knowledge of your field will be very different to a conference presentation in front of learned specialists – even if you are presenting essentially the same research at both venues.For assistance in giving oral presentations,
Each student is required to present an oral presentation or seminar of his/her research project. This presentation is expected to take approximately 10-12 minutes, with an additional 2 minutes for questions and comments from the audience. You are required to use presentation software (PowerPoint or so) for the purpose of this presentation.
This assessment gives the student an opportunity to demonstrate the key aspects of their research work to an audience and also to receive feedback on their research and the study conducted towards achieving the outcomes. The student will present a detailed overview of the study. The student should be prepared to answer questions about any aspect of the study. The following is a sample structure of a research presentation [Note: This is a guide ONLY structure, you are required to make your own structure covering all the key aspects of your own research]-
The aim of the report is to analyse the importance of cybersecurity in preventing crime. Cybercrime is increasing day-by-day with the rapid technological development. Hence, it has become critical to making the cybersecurity even stronger for reducing crime and encouraging safety culture in the world of internet. Hence, the study focuses on the way cybersecurity helps to prevent crime in Australia.
Problem statement
Australia is an interesting target for organised and serious crime associates because of the country’s comparative wealth and higher use of technology like online banking, social media and government services. Due to potential profitable financial advantages for serious and planned crime organization, the threat of cybercrime is tenacious. The ACIC (Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission) is worried about cybercriminals, who are making a profit from Australian every day.
The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet carried out a cyber-security assessment and found that cybercrime costs up to $1 billion to Australian economy every year. It is diverting capitals from valid Australian economy to the unlawful economy. Not only financial cost, but cybercrime also creates other significant damages as well such as damage to personal reputation and identity, loss of employment or business opportunities and impact on psychological and emotional wellbeing (Acic, 2018). Hence, the topic is selected for gaining insight into the issue by developing recommendations for mitigation.
Research question
The research questions are developed based on the research aim. The major research questions include:
- What is cybercrime?
- What is the impact of cybercrime in Australia?
- What is the significance of cyber security in crime prevention?
- What are the challenges of implementing cybersecurity?
- What is the recommendation for overcoming the issues?
- Research hypotheses
H0- Cyber security can prevent cybercrime
H1-Cyber security cannot prevent cybercrime
Structure of the paper
In the first part, then a thorough an introduction to the research topic is provided including the problem statement and key research questions that are to find out by completing the research. In the next section, a critical review of the existing literature on cybercrime and cybersecurity is carried out. Further, research methodologies needed for conducting and completing the research effectively. Lastly, the conclusion of the entire report is provided.
Literature review
The concept of cybercrime-
Cybercrime can be defined as a computer-based crime in which, the computer is used for hacking, spamming and phishing. The computer is used as an object or tool for omitting an offence like hate crimes and child pornography. Criminals, who carry out the illegitimate activities, are often stated to as hackers. Cybercrime is also known as computer crime (Leukfeldt & Yar (2016). In the words of Moore (2014) & Hui, Kim & Wang (2017), cybercrime has two types.
Crimes, where information and communication technologies such as a computer are an essential part of crime like online fraud and offence focused on computers or other technologies. Some of the examples of cybercrime include ransomware and credential harvesting malware. Ransomware is a sort of malware, which helps coercion. Normally, it infects the computer of a victim opens a malevolent email attachment. Following contagion, ransomware locks the contents of a computer and shows a message, needingthe victim to pay money for a decryption key, which will allegedly enable them to regain access. The emails providing ransomware to the victims of Australasia use branding of well-known and trusted Australian companies as part of their social engineering methods.
Research question
According to Holt & Bossler (2014) &Keyser (2017), credential harvesting malware is designed for harvesting identifications of a user when he/she is logging onto a website. It is done entirely secretly and hence, the victim remains unaware that their IDs are being whipped. The malware that helps this reaping is normally sent via mail to the victim’s computer by a malicious attachment. Cybercriminals, who are affecting Australian victims work in collaboration although, they live in different nations or even different continents. It makes cybercrime acts integrally flexible and fluid.
The conceptof cybersecurity-
Cybersecurity that is also called information technology security are the methods of protecting networks, computers, data and programs from illegal access or attacks that are dine for exploiting network security containing activities to safeguard the reliability, usability, safety and integrity of the network (Buczak& Guven, 2016 & Gordon, Loeb, Lucyshyn & Zhou, 2015). As stated by Fielder, Panaousis, Malacaria, Hankin & Smeraldi (2016) & Ben-Asher& Gonzalez (2015),
the key areas under cybersecurity include application security, disaster recovery, information security and network security. Application security includes measures, which are considered at the time of life-cycle development for protecting application for threats, which can occur from flaws in the design, deployment, development, maintenance or upgrade of the application. User/role authentication 7 authorisation, input parameter validation, session management is some basic methods of application security.
According to Bates, Tian, Butler & Moyer (2015) & Conteh & Schmick (2016), disaster recovery refers to the process of conducting a risk assessment, setting priorities, developing recovery strategies at the time of disaster. Any business must have a solid plan for recovering disaster. Information security involves protecting information form unlawful access to protect privacy and evade identity theft. Major techniques applied to cover this field are cryptography and identification, authentication & authorization of the user. Network security focuses on protecting the network from multiple threats and averts them from spreading or entering the network. The elements of network security include anti-virus, firewall, anti-spyware, intrusion prevention systems and virtual private networks.
Game theory for cybersecurity-
A game is an explanation of the strategic communication between co-operating or opposing interests, where the payoff and constraints for action are considered. The theory has been a crucial concept in different security circumstances and has found high application in cybersecurity. Game theory can be applied to web security, network security and many more (Kamat & Gautam, 2018& Hussein, 2018).
As stated by Chang, Zhong & Grabosky (2018) & Cherdantseva et al. (2016), while there is notable development in information-technology and infrastructure that offers new prospects. Cyberspace is still away from complete security. In several cases, the installed security solutions are unplanned and deficiency a measurable decision structure. While they are competent in resolving specific issues they are meant to be designed, they fail to react appropriately to rapidly changing the environment.
As commented by Gordon, Loeb, Lucyshyn & Zhou (2015) & Elmaghraby & Losavio (2014), game theory offers a huge opportunity to place such a strategy on a concrete analytical setting. It considers the link between the defence techniques and the attacks as a game played between the defender and the attacker. Games can be developed and analysed, best moves of players are used for deciding the way best approach to security in the cyber world largely.
Structure of the paper
However, Chukwudi & Udoka (2017) argues that game theory is unable to provide possible numerical solutions to the problem of the game. Linear programming is an approach is a more systematic solution to the issues related to cybersecurity using game theory. Linear programming offers realistic accurate solutions. The area of integer programming can be reconnoitred too in delivering a more genuine solution to the cyber-attacks.
The threat of cybercrime to Australian people
Cybercriminals are targeting Australia increasingly as an unveiling pad for cybercrime. The cyber threats in the nation include suspicious URLs, malicious IP address and phishing sites- over doubled in 2015. In this year, 2000 new dangerous IP addresses were developed every day. Although Australia only holds 2% of global cyber-attacks, it falls under the top 10 international hosts for cybercrime (Abc, 2018).
According to Keogh, Gordon & Marinovic (2018) & Shafqat & Masood (2016), the amount of phishing attacks is rising at a stiff rate that causes problems for both the businesses as well as consumers. Cybercriminals are mainly targeting all types of business-related, financial and personal information. Hence, if they can get into anyone’s system and understand his/her banking password, they can penetrate the data back to their command and control centre faster than a blink and empty the bank accounts.
Australia is a well-performing economy including a highly internet-connected society that provides significant opportunities to the cybercriminals.
Cybersecurity in reducing cybercrime
To overcome the situation, the following responses are necessary for making the cybersecurity stronger (The Conversation, 2018):
- The Australian Commonwealth and the states should focus on a very forward process for setting up a unit for fighting national cybercrime in order to arrest and imprison more cybercriminals. It must incorporate research staff, subsidised to a minimum $20 million every year for 10 years.
- Australia requires considering developing a National Cyber Security College to obtain focus and distillate proficiency. Such an institution could facilitate generating actions like setting up nationally agreed undergraduate prospectuses around a range of self-control in cyber security using plunders for ensuring that teaching is conducted to some nationally recognised standard(Blakemore, 2016 & Luna, Rhine, Myhra, Sullivan & Kruse 2016).
- Parkinson, Ward, Wilson & Miller (2017) commented that deciding ona transition plan so experts from a range of particular disciplines can be upskilled and transformed into cybersecurity
Challenges of implementing cyber security
Researches have made it evident that 95% of the organizations encounter issues related to the implementation of the cyber security. The first and the foremost challenge is absence of the proper tools for automating the controls. Elmaghraby & Losavio (2014) mentioned that the lack of appropriate tools for auditing the effectiveness has hampered the performance. Poor integration of the tools and the absence of reporting turned out to be a major technological issue in the implementation of the frameworks. The lack of trained staffs and conflicts between them are some other important issues.
Methods Research Design
The research design refers to the set of methods and process that are used in the process of the collection and the analysis for the measurement of the variables which are specified in the research process. Yin (2009) commented that research design helps in the arrangement of conditions for the research. In this case, the two variable of the research are the cyber security and the crime prevention law. The research aims to evaluate the ways in which crime prevention law helps to increase cyber security.
The researcher has opted for the positivism philosophy as the researcher needs correct and realistic data to assess the issue of cybercrime in Australia. Interpretivism has not been selected as mere perception of the people would not be effective in this case. Three research designs which are available in this case are exploratory, explanatory and descriptive design. Neuman (2013) commented that exploratory research is carried out to analyze an issue that has not been studied deeply.
Literature review
Explanatory research design helps in connecting ideas for understanding the causes and the effects of the research issue. The descriptive research design helps in the detailed evaluation and the analysis of the data (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill, 2009). For the assessment effect of the crime laws on increasing cyber security, descriptive research design is selected as it help in the detailed analysis of the data ad help in addressing the research issue.
Data Collection
Saunders (2011) commented that data collection is the process of the obtaining and assessment of the information on the variables of interest for answering the research questions. Quantitative data refers to the information which can be measured and written down with numbers. Quantitative data is clear and specific. They are accurate and reliable and communicated through the charts and graphs (Saunders & Lewis, 2012). Qualitative data refers to the information about the qualities that cannot be measured. Qualitative data help in detail analysis of the research issue (Lyon, Mšllering& Saunders, 2015). For the present research, the researcher has selected quantitative data since it is crucial to evaluate the factors of cyber security and how the criminal laws are preventing it.
The other two types of data are primary and secondary data. Primary data is the first hand data collected by the researcher from the field (Bailey & Burch, 2017). Secondary data is gathered from already published sources. In this research, both primary and secondary data has been gathered.
Data Collection Tools
The assessment of the cybercrime in Australia and the role of criminal laws require the collection of primary and quantitative data. The quantitative and primary data is gathered with the help of survey. Maxfield& Babbie (2014) commented that survey is a useful but cheap tool that aids in the process of research for gathering realistic and updated data. The secondary data on the cybercrime in Australia has been gathered from books, journals and websites. The data collection tools are selected in such a way so that it would help in the addressing of research objectives.
Saunders, Kitzinger& Kitzinger (2015) mentioned that selection of the research population is a critical task. Sampling is the process of selecting the research sample from a wide range of population through the use of different strategies. Probability sampling offers fair chance to every individual in the population for getting selected in the research process. For the current research, the researcher has opted for probability sampling to select the participants of the survey. Simple random sampling technique has been selected and the sample frame for the survey is 45 people. The inclusion criteria for the sample population are that the participant should be 18 years and they should be the regular users of the internet.
Data Analysis
The primary and the quantitative data collected in the survey will be analyzed with the help of graphs and charts. The statistical representation of the data would help in better understanding of the collected data and the research issue
Gantt chart
Activities |
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Week 5 |
Week 6 |
Week 7 |
Week 8 |
Week 9 |
Week 10 |
Topic Selection and identification of research issue |
Selection of Research Paradigm |
Selection of types of data to be collected and data collection tools |
Data collection through quantitative tools |
Developing the Literature Review |
Developing the Ethical Framework |
Developing the research ethics |
Data analysis |
Preparing the final report |
The aim of the journals is recording own progress and developments. Here, I am going to provide an account of my developments in different areas related to the research carried out on cybersecurity in crime prevention.
The concept of cybercrime
Reflection on week 1
Research topic selection
On the first week, I selected the research topic. Cybercrime is at a higher rate in Australia that is threatening the business and common people of the country. I think more effective steps need to be taken for fighting with the problem. It is related to the mental health of the victims, as cybercriminal steal their personal and financial information to run down the bank accounts and make people frustrated.
Initially, I used to select a research topic randomly without researching much. However, after selecting this topic under the supervision of my tutor, I have gained new insight on the steps of carrying out a successful research. It has helped to conduct a research and developing a research writing in an organised manner.
Reflection on week 2
Paradigm selection
In the second week, I selected the research paradigm. After going through different paradigms, I selected the appropriate one for the current research. The positivism is chosen that is related to the collection of quantitative data, as this paradigm supports quantitative data over qualitative data. Hence, I think the application of this paradigm will be helpful in analysing the quantitative data effectively. Usually, I did not have any proper idea regarding the different uses of different paradigms. However, my thinking is changed after having significant knowledge into the matter and it helped me conducting the research more efficiently.
Reflection on week 3
Understanding statistics and graphs
In this week, I acquired knowledge about using statistics and graphs in my everyday life and in my research. I did not have knowledge pertain to the difference between population and sample. However, now I know the difference and it is related to the selection of respondents for the research. I have understood that a population is a group of a large number of people and sample is a selected number of people from that population that represent the entire population. It changed my view related to the process of respondents selection and helped me do this in a more systematic way.
Reflection on week 4
Developing problem statement
During the 4th week, I have learned about the way a problem statement can be developed. For making a research work focused, there must be a specific problem statement based on which, the entire research work is designed and carried out. Now, I think developing a problem statement is necessary to develop research questions and structuring the literature review part, as this part is related to the problem statement. Now, my view is changed pertain to the development of a research problem that facilitates me in writing the problem statement more efficiently.
Reflection on week 5
Framing the searches
In this week, I have gained knowledge on the way of refining my searches. For obtaining the best outcome, it is critical to focus on techniques that help to frame the searches. Now, I have understood the process and while searching for conducting the literature review, I applied my learning to structure the searches. This is related to the research problem and gaining insight into the entire research topic. It has facilitated me to develop a more comprehensive an effective literature review by framing the searches and structuring it in an efficient manner.
The concept of cybersecurity
Reflection on week 6
Understanding ethics
I have learned about utilitarian and deontological approaches of ethics. Ethics are important for carrying out a research smoothly. Therefore, during the sixth week, the workshop on ethics changed my thinking about the importance of ethics. I used to consider ethics very lightly and not give much importance to it. However, the workshop changed my view and taught me its value in a research. It is directly related to the quality and effectiveness of a research. If a research is conducted maintaining all the ethical standards, it is likely to produce a more valuable outcome. Knowledge in this area also helped me in developing my writing on ethics and structuring the research properly.
Reflection on week 7
The language of ethics application
During the seventh week, I have gained information and skill on writing an ethics application. Here, I have understood the importance of using plain language while writing an ethics application. It is connected to convincing participants to take part in the research. When an ethics form is written in a plain language, the readers can understand it easily and it helpsincrease reliability and trust between the surveyor and the respondents. I have gained insight into how the language of the ethic form helps to make respondents comfortable in responding to the survey questions. It helped me indevelop an ethics application effectively.
Reflection on week 8
Structuring literature review
During the eights week, I have learned to organise the literature review section. It is related to the knowledge that is to be gained from a literature review. The insights that I have gained is about the synthesis matrix. While developing a literature review, it is important to synthesise different topics for having a greater understanding of the research topic and issue. This has definitely helped me organised my writing in the literature review section.
Reflection on week 9
Preparation of brief report
Here, in this week, I have summarised the whole thing, my progress in the last 8 weeks and developed a report to be submitted. I have gained significant understanding on the way a research topic is selected, problem statement s develop, the suitable paradigm is elected, framing the searches, importance of research ethics and the use of pain languages while making an ethics application and structuring the literature review. It is related to developing the research project. All these have developed my knowledge in conducting a research and completing it successfully.
Reflection on week 10
In this week, I have learned how to develop an effective oral research presentation. Before developing the presentation, it is important in preparing an outline, so that it can be done systematically. The workshop on the 10th week developed my knowledge on preparing an oral presentation efficiently.
I have gained significant insight into different aspects of developing a research proposal that has made more efficient making an appropriate research proposal as well as a research presentation. It is important to select proper research methods and collect necessary materials by searching from different sources and making the research work effective.
Game theory for cybersecurity
Individual reflection 2:
Reflective journal is a personal record of the learning of the students. The reflective journal offers a platform in which the learner can reflect on the observation and add responses to the situation and explore different ways of thinking. I will reflect upon my development of the research skill for the past 10 weeks to explain my perspectives and the learning experiences.
Week 1-Selection of problem and problem solving skill
In the first week, the workshop was about the analysis of the problem solving skill. The workshop provided us with some work that helped to analyse our problem solving skill. Based on the activities that we performed, we were able to offer score on our personal problem solving skill and the self-confidence.
The first workshop was important for me as it help to assess my skill that are effective for carrying out the research. Problem solving skill is important in the personal as well as the professional career. The workshop helped me to gain new insight about my personal attitude and understanding on the problem solving skill.
Week 2: Research Philosophies and Paradigm
In the second week, we were given internet connections and audio-visual support to understand about the research paradigms and philosophies that are crucial part of every research. After watching a video, I mentioned about the research paradigms and discussed the aspects that I understood.
This week helped us to gather knowledge on to different research philosophies that can be used by the research. I gained insight about the ways in which research philosophies can be selected. After the assessment of the problem statement of the given research topic, I made underlying philosophical assumptions and selected the positivism philosophy for the research.
Week 3: Understanding qualitative and quantitative approach
In the third week, we were shown a video about the quantitative and the qualitative approach that forms the vital part of the research. Furthermore, we were given a task on healthcare in which we learnt about the development qualitative and the quantitative research question.
This week has helped me gain insight about the ways in which the research topic can be narrowed down. I developed the problem statement for the research. This part is crucial as based on the statement, I had to carry out the research. This workshop has changed about my perspective on analysing problem and developing problem statement.
Week 4: Knowledge on statistical analysis
The fourth week was important as the workshop was on the ways of using statistics and analysing the variables. We were given an exercise in which we had to identify the variables, measure the ratio scale, understand graphs and did some statistical calculations.
This knowledge helped me to make use of statistics not only for education and professional purpose but also for the daily purpose. My perspective for the data analysis and better representation of data changed. Consequently, I gained insight about the ways in which I can collect and analyse data for the research and address the research questions and the objectives.
Week 5: Preparing Endnotes
The fifth week was on preparation of the endnotes for the research papers. () commented that endnotes are important for easy maintenance of references. We were given an application in the computer called EndNoteX7. We were also given knowledge about the ways in which we learned about the different techniques of defining the research.
This week was an important learning experience for me as refining the researches was effective for the acquiring the most important information based on the research issue. After I understood the ways in which different important sources can be cited, I was able to understand the situation and increased my confidence on data collection.
Week 6: Understanding ethical theories
This week helped us to develop idea about the utilitarian and deontological theory of ethics. A case study was provided and we had to solve questions based on the utilitarianism and deontology.
This week has helped me to gather learning and learning about the ways ethics should be maintained and the basic principles on it. In this case, I understood the importance of maintaining ethics in the entire research as it help ensure the research validity and reliability.
Week 7: Understanding ethics application form
After developing idea about the importance of ethics, the seventh week was all about understanding the different contents of the standard ethical form.
This week helped us to gather insight about the ways in which the ethics form on the research would be fulfilled. When, I will be preparing the research report based on the proposal I need to prepare a standard ethical form so that the participants can participate without any hesitation and the validity of the research are maintained.
Week 8: Literature Review structuring
The eighth week workshop was about the literature review. I have figured out how to sort out the writing survey area. It is identified with the information that will be picked up from a writing survey. The bits of knowledge that I have picked up is about the amalgamation network. While building up a writing survey, it is critical to blend diverse themes for having a more noteworthy comprehension of the examination point and issue.
Week 9: Report preparation
This week began with the preparation of a presentation on a short video. Then we were given the stricture to prepare the proposal of the research issue. The report consisted of the different section that we learned in the previous week.
This week helped to gain insight about the way of preparing research proposal report. I also understand the facts that I should include as contents in the report. This would help me even in my future to prepare the reports.
Week 10: Research presentation
This week helped me to learn about the research presentation. The research presentation would be prepared based on the research proposal which was completed in Week 9. I gather insight about the correct ways of preparing the presentation so that it can be attractive.
The workshops for the ten consecutive weeks guided me in the preparation of the research. The workshops in the different weeks also gave us idea about the techniques of writing research problem statement. This week helped us to analyse the importance of the underlying philosophical assumptions.
Individual reflection 3:
The reflection is aimedat recording the progress and development that I have gained in the 10 weeks. Here, I have reflected on my learning in this section.
Reflection on week 1- Developing problem-solving skill and selection of topic
During the first week, I attended the workshop on developing problem-solving skill and it helped me become an effective problem-solver. It provided mewith the skill of solving the problem and thus, selecting an appropriate research topic. After searching for different IT topic, I found the topic of cybercrime significant and hence, selected it. The increasing rate of cybercrime is threatening the country and hence, cybersecurity needs being even stronger. Thus, using my problem-solving skill is related to the other areas of the research as well such as selection of research methods. Thus, it improved my ability to write a research more efficiently.
Reflection on week 2- Selection of research paradigm
In the second week, important insight on various types of research paradigms was gained. For conducting a research efficiently, it is important having necessary knowledge on the significance of using suitable research paradigms, as this is related with other research methods, which are needed to be applied for making the research work effective. Thus, I have gained notable insight on the paradigms and selected the positivismparadigm that helped me making the research work smooth. I have lack of knowledge in this area and the workshop facilitated me developing my learning in this area and applying them practically.
Reflection on week 3- Gaining knowledge on the use of statistics
During the third week, I have learned the importance of statistical data and graphs in a research. Population and sampling are the two important parts of data collection that I have understood from the 3rd-week workshop. I gained insight on how to select a sample size from a large population. Now, I am able to use mathematical data in a research and represent the information through graphs. It is related to the understanding of the research outcome clearly. Now, I can collect information and better use the data in my research.
Reflection on week 4- problem statement development
In this week, I have gained insight on how to develop a problem statement. It is important to make the research work focused and conducting it in a systematic way. Problems statement is also connected to developing research objectives and structuring the literature review. I did not have any idea about the importance of developing an appropriate problems statement. However, the workshop on this week facilitated me organising my writing on problem statement regarding cybersecurity in cybercrime prevention.
Reflection on week 5- Learning citations
In this week, I have learned about different types of citations that are required for outlining the searches. It has provided me understanding on how to make endnote references, snowballing, citation peal, successive fractions and building blocks. I have gained knowledge in the use of various types of citations. It is related to validating the sources of information used in the literature review and other sections of the research. Using the knowledge, I made the literature review and problem statement and framed the searches effectively. Thus, my entire writing was improved.
Reflection on week 6- gaining knowledge on research ethics
I have considered some important ethics for conducting the research. Before the workshop, I used to give little importance to the ethic section. However, the workshop cleared my views regarding the application of ethics and its significance. For convincing respondents to participate in the research and making the research fruitful, ethics play a major role. It ensures the reliability and validity of the collected data as well as helps to avoid any legal or ethical issues. Thus, I have applied the learning in my work followed ethics for accomplishing the research successfully.
Reflection on week 7- Using proper language in ethics application
I used a simple language while developing ethics application for the current research. I used a little complex language for developing it until I attended the workshop. Here, I understood the value of using plain language in the ethics application, as it helps readers reading and understanding the meaning easily for clearing their doubts. It facilitates the researcher developing trust and a strong relationship with the participants and carrying out the research effortlessly. The workshop gave me insight on making an effective ethics application.
Reflection on week 8- Developing the outline of the literature review
In the eight weeks, I learned about the process of making literature review structure. It is related to the research aim and objectives and it offers significant knowledge regarding the selected research topic. I used to make the structure of the literature haphazardly that is not the way. After attending the workshop, I have become more efficient in developing a structure of the literature review chapter and making it consistent with the objectives of the research. The knowledge that I have gained here; I applied it in my writing that improved the quality of my writing.
Reflection on week 9- Preparation of report
In the 9th week, I have gained understanding on preparing a report. Report preparation needs following a consistent structure. It comprises a title page, abstract, table of contents, introduction, literature review, research methods, conclusion and references, reflective journal and ethics application. I have gone through all these stages for preparing the final report. The workshop has provided me with important knowledge on the way of developing an effective report that has developed my thinking and knowledge.
Reflection on week 10- Developing oral research presentation
After completing the report, now it is time to develop an oral research presentation. The 10h week workshop was all about this topic and I accumulated knowledge on making a research presentation appealing. I think that for giving an attractive look to the presentation, it is important for adding related images on every slide. It can connect the audience with the presentation easily. Thus, the workshop changed my idea pertaining to making a presentation and made me more efficient in this area.
The workshops from 1st to 10 weeks enhanced my learning in different related areas of the research proposal and presentation. The knowledge that I have gained within these 10 weeks have provided me guidance in preparing the report and presentation efficiently through selecting a topic, developing a problem statement, selecting research paradigms, understanding the worth of statistical data and research ethics.
The researches that include the human participants are complex and involve different ethical and legal questions. In the evaluation of the cyber security in Australia and the effect of the criminal laws, the participants are involved in the research process and hence it is crucial to involve ethical standards. The ethical standards should be developed in such a way so that it protect the rights and welfare of participants, assess the accuracy of the data and safeguard the property rights of the individuals. The most important objective of the research ethics is to protect the rights of the individuals and to ensure that all the activities of the researches are done with ethical soundness.
Cybercriminals increasingly targeting Australia. (2018). Retrieved 20th September 2018
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Buczak, A. L., & Guven, E. (2016). A survey of data mining and machine learning methods for cyber security intrusion detection. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 18(2), 1153-1176.
Buczak, A. L., & Guven, E. (2016). A survey of data mining and machine learning methods for cyber security intrusion detection. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 18(2), 1153-1176.
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Chukwudi, A. E., & Udoka, I. E. (2017). Game theory basics and its application in cyber security. Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks, 3(4), 45-49.
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Elmaghraby, A. S., & Losavio, M. M. (2014). Cyber security challenges in Smart Cities: Safety, security and privacy. Journal of advanced research, 5(4), 491-497.
Elmaghraby, A. S., & Losavio, M. M. (2014). Cyber security challenges in Smart Cities: Safety, security and privacy. Journal of advanced research, 5(4), 491-497.
Fielder, A., Panaousis, E., Malacaria, P., Hankin, C., & Smeraldi, F. (2016). Decision support approaches for cyber security investment. Decision Support Systems, 86 (2), 13-23.
Gordon, L. A., Loeb, M. P., Lucyshyn, W., & Zhou, L. (2015). Externalities and the magnitude of cyber security underinvestment by private sector firms: a modification of the Gordon-Loeb model. Journal of Information Security, 6(1), 24.
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