Brief information about CSL
Discuss About The Marketing Environment Strategy Csl Company?
Marketing environment refers to those factors that enable a business or a company maintain its clients through creating a good relationship between itself and the clients through coming up with ways that help in efficient delivery and selling of its products and services to those customers. The marketing environment is very wide considering the performance of a certain company or business. It pertains two major areas, that is, microenvironment (internal factors) and macro environment (external environment). The microenvironment consists of the internal business structure. That is, the management department, the human resource department, the finance department, accounting department, purchasing and sales department, customers, and suppliers among others. The internal environment is mainly affected by the performance of the personnel entrusted in these departments. For instance, a well-organized business is more successful regarding its output compared to a poorly organized company.
The external environment, on the other hand, refers to those factors outside the business rheum that affect the performance of a particular company. These factors include the political status of a country, demographic factors, culture, economic status of a place, the sociological orientation among other factors. The external environment, however, affects the internal environment. In Australia for example, the political, economic and social stability helps the CSL Company to market its products and services in the country freely. Maintaining a good position and being much competitive, a country, therefore, needs to consider the application of some methods that will help in balancing both external and internal environment to have a successful marketing process. The factors to be considered and applied are therefore the ones referred to as the strategy. The objective of this assignment is to conduct a marketing analysis on Commonwealth Serum Limited Company.
Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL) was established in 1916 in Australia. Its purpose was to serve the health needs of the nations that were affected and isolated by First World War. Since then the performance for this company has improved and in 1991 Commonwealth Serum Laboratories was incorporated to CSL limited and it managed to be listed on ASX in the year 1994. The company has now expanded its territories and has acquired a good number of companies such as the Novartis influenza vaccine business and CSL Behring. CSL Company is an actually based on delivering advanced biotherapies that help in saving lives. These biotherapies involve helping people with intimidating medical conditions and help them to live a full life (Moynihan, 2010).
Marketing background of CLS Company
Since the establishment of the CSL Company in the year 1916, the company has improved in terms of its performance by actually joining hand with other organizations. The following is a trend for the performance of the CSL company from its establishment the-the current date (Liu, 2013).
In the year 2013, the company went through a reform where it announced that the operating partitions would include CSL plasma, CSL Behring, and immunohematology.
In the year 2008, the company took a step to buy ‘Talecris Bio therapeutics Holdings Corp’. This is a United States-based supplier of plasma protein treatments which was from reserved equity firm (Cerberus Partners) which amounted to 3.48 billion dollars. This treaty was later canceled in the following year (Moynihan, 2010).
In the year 2007, the CSL’s influenza virus vaccine company was approved by ‘Food and Drug Administration of the US which allowed to be traded (Szekely, 2013).
In the year 2006, various operating names and visual characteristics were on CSL were allied so as to strengthen global network connections of the company. Some changes were made which included ‘CSL pharmaceuticals’ to ‘CSL biotherapies.’
In the year 2004, the company helped in the acquisition of ‘Aventis Behring’ which became a worldwide frontrunner in plasma therapeutics.
In the year 2003, there was free fluvial influenza serum which got launched together with United States Papillomavirus.
In the year 2002, there was an opening of an office in Hong Kong. There was also an outline of the conjugate into Australian bazaar.
In the year 2001, there was a formation of ‘ZLB Plasma Services.’ There was also an establishment of ‘NASDAQ’ which catered for some laboratory facilities (Guan, 2010).
In the year 1999, there was an agreement of manufacturing and development of a product with ‘American Record Cross’. This was done through the signing of contract and development of new drugs (Ueyama, 2013).
In the year 1998, the subsidiary for ‘Bayer’s Animal Health Biologicals, a manufacturing company in Nebraska acquired ‘Biocor Animal Health Inc.’
In the year 1995, there was the signing of an agreement with Merck and Co. The signing involved marketing and development of Human papillomavirus vaccine globally. There was another licensing the same year which allowed the marketing of Avonex treatment in New Zealand and Australia.
In the year 1994, the company appeared on the Australian Securities Exchange list.
In the year 1992, there was the signing of an agreement of Dohme and Merc Sharp which was meant to develop combination serums for teenagers in Australia (Zhang, 2011).
Analysis of CSL products
In the year 1991, there was an incorporation of the company as ‘Commonwealth Serum laboratories Limited.’
In the year 1961, the company was made a commission under the CSL Act.
The main products produced by this company are plasma proteins biotherapies and vaccines. Due to the wideness and diversity of products being produced, the company structures itself in two major business units. These are;
CSL Behring- this is a well-developed unit which involved in the production, research, distribution, and development of accounting and plasma-derived products that are used in manufacturing coagulation therapies involved in the treatment of hemophilia, products for treating trauma, immunoglobulins for infection treatment and autoimmune diseases (Katz, 2010).
The drugs produced in this unit generally help in treating of infections, bleeding disorders, and autoimmune diseases. These products are also used t treat patients in serious care settings
Vaccines- the function of the vaccines is to speed up protection to patients and persons in contradiction of various viral deases.
Ant ivenoms- Helps in treating individuals affected by spider bites and venomous snake.
Diagnostics product- help in determining the matching of the giver to receiver in plasma transfusion.
Medicines- these are quite many and they help in treating several humanoid medicinal situations. Various numbers of these medicines get distributed and marketed by the CSL.
Seqirus, on the other hand, is a unit that creates and disperses natural substances such as the prescriptions of drugs, vaccines, anti-venoms and immunohaematology stuffs. It also includes the protein resultant drugs to cure solemn humanoid medicinal situations.
Pricing process is very crucial when it comes to the marketing of a company’s products. Well-conducted pricing plan helps in defining the price-point at which the organization can exploit returns on sales of its products. During setting of the prices of its products, CSL Company considers factors like the production cost, distribution costs, the offering given by the competitor, the positioning strategies, and the targeted customers. The company uses various strategies in pricing its products. These include;
- Pricing at a premium
This strategy involves a company setting prices of its products higher than the prices of its competitors. The CSL uses this strategy to win most of the customers who believe in its products and who associate the higher priced products with a sense of high quality. When comparing SANOFI and GRIFOLS SA which are some of the major competitors of the company, the price for the CSL products are relatively high but this does not seem to reduce the number of sales for the CSL products. However, this type of pricing strategy is mainly used when selling new products (Wang, 2010).
- Pricing for market penetration
This strategy involves reducing the prices for some of the products so as to attract buyers. Most of the profit made by this company is used to expand the production process of new products and improve marketing of the previous ones. Due to reduced cost of production of various drugs such as vaccines and ant venoms, the CSL Company reduces the prices for these drugs so as to attract more buyers to buy these particular products from them as compared to the company’s competitors who sell these products at a relatively high price. After influencing a quite good number of customers, the company can then use the profit gained to produce more of the same and different products based on the needs and demand of the consumers (Wang, 2010).
Promotion is a key consideration when marketing a company’s products. After the company has identified the product to produce, the places to distribute this product and the price to sell this product, it now has to find a proper way to make all of its customers aware of the availability of that specific product in the market. This, therefore, calls for different methods of promotion such as advertisements, road shows, campaigns, sales promotion, direct marketing and public relations. The company uses many forms of advertisements. These include a print advertisement which involves large billboards with the Company logo and some of its popular products, online advertisement which involves a website, Facebook page, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter among other social media where the new brands are outlined immediately after being released to the market (Sun, 2014).
This is a type of promotion strategy that involves holding events that bring both the customers and the employees of the company together with the main aim of appreciating the consumption of the company’s products. The company has been conducting these events occasionally where the customers do not have to pay anything for the provided goods. The forum involves open discussions, explanation, and instructions on how to use various drugs. Several disorders that are being treated using these drugs are mostly discussed and the reflected victims are always given these drugs for free. This strategy is very important since it helps in treating the victims of certain diseases as well as bringing up more customers (Linsey, 2011).
The CSL always performs a follow-up by contacting its customers through email or telephone. These help not only receiving the feedback on the consumption of the products from the company by the consumers but also help in providing further guidelines to the customers who are not very sure on the usage of the of particular drugs. Other sales services used by the CSL Company involve catering for transport cost where a customer buys a bulk or a delicate product. Compared to its competitors, the CSL has recorded the best after-sale services in Australia. This has improved in the marketing success since the process involves winning more customers (Ferguson, 2017).
The location of the company and the distribution of its products is a very important consideration during marketing plan. The company is set in very nice and strategic places in the Australia and other involved countries. The main branches and offices are located in cities, and the distribution channel helps in connecting these premises with the ones in the interior region. The company gets its raw materials and ingredients locally. The location of this company and its branches has covered many communities and cultures resulting to a plenty number of permanent employees. The CSL premises are channeled in a way that the most plants are located in urban areas where plenty of labor and infrastructure is available. The transportation of the products from the company to the pharmaceutical centers is done by various cartels. Means of distribution of these products vary depending on the country. Some use the road; others use railway while few uses air and water as means of transporting the company products. This process may involve the wholesalers getting the products directly from the company or getting the products from the chemists. Among the various countries invested by the CSL, there is at least one wholesaler in the most interior or rural areas. The retailers then get these products from the wholesalers, and the consumers buy the products from the retailers at a moderate price. The successful investment in many countries has resulted since the company employs local employees around its premises who understand different languages based on their country and community. The proper communication enables the employees to even reach the most interior customers (Hu, M, 2015).
Sustainability refers to the ability of a business to maintain itself at a certain level or rate. The company produces a wide range of products such as antibiotics, vaccines anti-venoms among other products. To ensure sustainability in the marketing arena, the CSL Company have research centers and industries that produce these products using various formulas encountered during the research process. The promotion directives taken by the company such as the advertisement and use of free gifts help in sustaining the company position while making it more competitive. The product policy for the company entails that for any new product to be produced, the company must consider the competitor company’s most trending products and the rate of demand for a particular product (Gudridur, 2011)
The products produced by the CSL company are of high quality since the company has well-established production industries and the accessibility of the raw materials is also easy considering that the company was established long time ago (Guan, 2010).
The packaging on the CSL products is done strategically based on the type of the product. For instance, liquid and suspense drugs are packed in small cans and bottles, while capsules are mostly packed in small packets sealed with aluminum foil. The labeling of these products on the other side is based on the name of the drug while brief descriptions on the usage of that particular product are highlighted on the packet or any other packaging material used. Labelling is very important as it help in distinguishing different types of products being
Produced and different uses these products have. The following picture shows some of the company products being packed and labeled (Zhang, 2011).
This is the process that involves the distribution of the company’s from the manufacturer the wholesaler and retailers. The company, therefore, has a policy accredited this process. This policy entails delivery of products in time, having a good distribution channel and maintaining a good relationship with the company’s suppliers of the raw materials. If the proper distribution of these products is sustained, then the company enjoys a successful and smooth market (Platzek, 20212).
The company produces the products based on the different human diseases. The packaging tools used in these drugs are made up of biodegradable materials that when disposed of, they only have less pollution effect to the environment (Kraev, 2017).
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