Sungate Foods and its Manufacturing Process
Discuss about the Measuring Business Process Learning.
The case study is about the manufacturing process where the company was chosen Sungate Foods that is a rice producing company which can provide the best quality of the rice for the clients and the organization. Here, the best channel of distribution is set to handle the categories that are related to the processes, warehousing and the locations that are set in Western Victoria. The organization has the highest of the marketing office that has been set in Melbourne, where Victoria also can easily store the data with the rice tons of about 30,000 metrics with the rice amount set in the warehouses. (Bishop, 2017). Sungate has been considered to be the biggest milling facility, where there are 125,000 square feet that work on the organization development with the production of the higher quality of rice. The organization also focus on buying the rice from the farmers and then pack them to sell them mainly at the global and the national levels. This includes the generation of the more revenue with the organizations that are involved in facing the problem of the recording and the transactions which lead to the waste of time of the organization. The organization buys the products from 300 farms that add to selling them at the globalized platforms. The decisions are for the organization with an improved recording of the transaction or the manual re-entries. The stock is set to make sure to complete orders. The organization tends to face the problems of recording of the transactions, where Sungate needs to focus on the information with the needs to improve the organization efficiency. The management focuses on adopting the new technology that eradicates the problems of recording, where the organization focuses on finding the suitable software with keeping the transactions in an effective manner.(Blount et al., 2016).
Oracle works on the best software patterns with the focus on solving the issues of the organization and management of the operations in the business management in an effective manner. The software tends to improve the business operations and improve the relation of the customer where the sales improvement is the organization with the software that can fulfill the demands of the business like the recording of the sellers than the other customer relations, where the final reputation of the transactions are done. The software improves the efficiency of the system in the organization with delivering the quality services with management. The threats of security are also removed by the software in the organization management which can easily be improved through the efficiency and management of the transactions. It includes the needs of the transaction where Oracle software can keep the data confidential and safe. The business is based on working with the support for the multiple tax rates and the currencies to evaluate the design which is simple and could be allowed to work in the cloud based on the single unified ledger. (Chongsombut et al., 2016). This will also allow the user to check on the progress of the location and the operation of the system in an effective manner. The API works on enabling the standards with the integration of the applications set with Xero.
Oracle Software to Improve Operations and Management
The implementation of the ERP software is mainly on the market that offers the advancement in the budget functions as per the organization needs. The analysis is based on Sungate Management which is for looking for the ERP standards of the software system with advanced functions for managing the information that will help in planning the human resources. The fact is considered about the Microsoft ERP which includes the management of the system with the organization to offer the kinds of functions and tools. The collection, management, and communication are to analyze the information based on the internal and external aspects. The implementation of the Microsoft ERP is set with the arranging forms of the fund with a skilled human resource for operating the software. (Elliott, 2016). The standards are set with the ERP to handle the operations for the Sungate that is employed with the base of 100 staff in the processing and the warehouse locations in Western Victoria. Here, the marketing standards are mainly to meet the milling facility which encloses the 125,000 square and also requires the proper development of infrastructure, hardware, and the technical resources. This is mainly for the integration of the ERP in the organization, where organization also need to work on the skilled human resources with the knowledge about the functions and the ERP implementations as per the needs of Sungate. (Greasley et al., 2017). The additional management is also needed for the funds to offer the training with proper utilization of the software with the implementation.
Sungate Foods include the ERP software in the organization with improved efficiency of the organization, with saving the management from the day loss. The ERP software eliminates the repetitive process where the organization tends to reduce the waste of time, mainly from the business. The software makes the collection of the data easy with the helping of the organization to remove any form of the unnecessary data that comes from the organization. The management needs to allocate the data with identifying the information from the generated data. The data distribution is set with the collection of data or collection by the different departments. The software data can be maintained with top management that can easily set to take the decisions for recording the data. The software helps in the management of the financial department to report the data and customize it. (Jferry et al., 2017). The assistance of the management is to provide the quality services to the customers to keep records for the transactions. The recording of the sales and the customer services business that can easily help n interacting with the customers and providing the reliable services. The software will help in improving the relationship between the customer and organization. ERP software provides a better security to the collected data to ensure that any other source will not copy collected data. The restrictions in data can also be increased with improved operations of the organization. The ERP software is used for the management than the organization that can collect the data from 350 farms with data time and set of the payable format. (Hong et al., 2016).
Particulars |
Cost |
Software Cost |
$85000 |
Hardware |
$35000 |
Hiring of experts |
$25,000 |
Training of employees |
$5000 |
Total |
$1,50,000 |
Implementation of Microsoft ERP Software at Sungate Foods
According to the breakdown, there has been a list of the costs for the purchasing and implementation of the software would be for the integration. The budget of the organization is mainly to plan and invest with good information software with overcoming the challenges of the manual handling.
There are forms with the Microsoft Dynamics which includes the enterprise resource planning solutions with the applications, data, documents and devices that will enable the organization to control the finances with the management of the resources. The business will help in gaining a greater control to take hold of the increased productivity, reduced expenses and improved form of the cash flow.
Microsoft ERP is for the planning and for handling the business in an effective manner. For this, there is a need to work on designing and helping the organization to work on the business in the different locations along with simplifying the resources. The companies work on adapting the new opportunities and the growth that is set by the management of the changing markets, with enabling the unique business requirements and connecting the different process of business.(Laosethhakul et al., 2016).
The designing is based on helping the organization with the streamlined approach to help the business dynamics to work on the different locations. The ERP applications will help in the management of the supply chain with handling the current financial data that reports for the accessibility of the different business functions. The forms are set to evaluate the automation process with the routine functions that have been set to elaborate on how the employees need to focus on the critical task.
Here, the approach is for providing the greater complexity visibility with the key performance factors that are for the profitability and the potential issues. (Jinno et al., 2017). The dynamics are set engaging the customers and building the personalized experience which comes mainly through the touchpoints of the customer from the consideration to the purchase. The empowering of the employees is for the tools and the actionable insights so that the work can be done in an effective manner, with optimized operations to anticipate the management and business needs with intelligence processing. The transformation of the products is mainly to innovate the new business models and work on automating the processes with shifting from being reactive to being proactive. (Hong et al., 2016).
The technology that could be used is the cloud computing ERP by the Xero accounting software, which is best for handling the inventory standards and the order for handling the software. There are standards for working over the sales orders and the other quotes which are depending upon how the purchases are made. (Leu et al., 2016). Here, there is a need to evaluate the multi-currency system stock management with the sales order that includes the purchasing and handling the system for the multi-currency formats for the customers and the suppliers. There are pricing rules which are more powerful than Xero, and so there is a need to check on handling the functionality with the costing that has been mainly offered with the change in the system functioning. There is a single bill to the multi-ship to where the Xero accounting system can work on the larger business with the SAP or NetSuite systems. the forms of the data are mainly for the integration process where there is a financial reliability when there is a failure of the integration. (Mathi et al., 2016). The integration needs to check on how there is a possibility to work on the information process with the different forms of the customer groups who tend to report for the balance in the sheets. The adoption of the SaaS in the accounting software will help in improving the free API for the third-party vendors as well, where the customers try to integrate the applications for the unified ledgers along with working on providing the users to check the applications which are being operated on the cloud applications. The operation is set to check on cloud infrastructure where the operations are mainly through the thin interface of the user like the simple standards of the accounting software. (Monk et al., 2016).
Benefits of Implementing ERP Software in Sungate Foods
Sungate needs to focus on handling the problems with properly recording the transactions in a way that leads to the decrease in the efficiency of the organization. The lack of the software adaptability in the organization is not able to adapt the records of the organization as well as the manual recording. This includes the waste of time of the organization, where the staff members do not have to work on the redundant, repetitive task. For the bringing of the enhanced effectiveness of cost, there is a need to check on handling the lack of security with the major concern on how the users can work on the cloud computing software. There are security measures like the firewalls and the system standards to work on handling the non-authorized access mainly set by the foreign parties. (Scarborogh et al., 2016). The major concern is about handling the lack of the data standards with the check on how the cloud providers can make use of the proprietary standards with the technology development. The forms are also for handling the risks of the cyber crime which is related to the information assets along with handling the cloud computing technology. The forms of the challenges are to check the Identify Management of the system with the need to carry out the measures with the authentication process and the services. One need to carry out the characteristics with the credentials that approach to the extended data format with the controlled security forms that leads to the process of self-defense along with the work on the computing environment. The standards are set with predicting about the encryption which needs to be checked for the computing of the systems and allowing the software to properly run and work over the competitive advantage with the efficiency that is based on determining the cost effectiveness. The analytical skills of the employees are set to the decreased form where the organization tries to work on the miscalculations in the bookkeeping. The absence of the accounting software organization is set with the wasting of the time in correcting the entries. The management is not able to calculate the sales of the organization where the outlets are set to record the transactions. Sungate needs 2 to 3 days where the issues are related to the records of the transactions. The manual calculations are related to the error probability and human minds that skip the entry. The biggest problems are for the organization to record the transaction where the manual entries of the orders are set with the financial transactions set up to 10 times. (Shen et al., 2016). The issues are faced by the management which is mainly due to the lack of software. The organization tends to face the problems with lack of the technological advancement that is not able to record the transactions. The manual recording of the organization is set with the high costs that increase that increase the expense of the organization. The Sungate Foods purchase the rice from 350 farms is not easily set to record the transactions with management that face the problems to record the transactions. The organization tends to face the issues that relate to the record of the turnover of employees and attendance of the employees that is mainly for the organization over the salary to the employees.
Cost Breakdown of Implementing ERP Software in Sungate Foods
It is important to check on the information system or the software which is important for the organization to have a close look at the financial and operational services. It is important to meet the objectives and the goals depending upon the effective manner. The forms are also set to meet the information system with the utilization to maintain the information flow along with monitoring the services. The accounting software has been able to work on the different investigations in the computer language, where there is a need to check on the encryption formats and the setup of the firewall. This will include the ever increasing requirement of the market with the standardized formats that are based on the dominated versions of the Accounting Australian software. This is mainly by working over the security threats which includes the methods of authentication and the prediction of the cryptography. The manufacturing in Sungate also needs to check on how there is a proper use of the technology so that the ERP AIS can implement in an effective manner. (Ueno et al., 2016). Hence, the company should mainly deal with the best enterprise resource planning technology that will help in setting the standards of the system and work towards dealing with all the other forms of the security standards. The competition is increasing in the Australian accounting software which is mainly set to handle the system standard along with how the companies can enhance every growing factor of the adoption.
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