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What Is Materials and Equipment Handling, and Their Effect on Productivity in Construction?

One of the key aspects of the construction industry is the productivity measure. The different players in the industry aim to generate profit while maintaining the required quality of work. The efficiency of the machines and the materials is able to enhance the productivity in the construction industry. Moreover, materials and equipment are key elements which are able to enhance the workmanship in this industry. In order to ensure productivity, efficient methods of handling the materials on site need to be improvised by the relevant parties. In addition, the equipment also plays a key role in ensuring that the relevant construction duties are carried to the later (Papinchak, 2013).

Whether small or bigger, companies must ensure that, they monitor the usage and handling of both the equipment and materials on construction sites. This enhances the attaining of the different goals of the company in terms of their production. In other words, the usage of the materials and equipment on site is able to move the company forward the target goal of production. From the planning stage to the execution of the construction works, materials and equipment are used to enhance the real goal of the industry (Gobetto, 2014). This creates the demand for the equipment and material management to enhance their efficient use. This will help the organizations to be able to achieve their target in production. In general, this paper will look at the different ways which can be in cooperated in the material and equipment handling through efficient ways to enhance the production rate off companies in this sector.

Moreover, one of the key factor, which is able to affect the performance of the construction industry, is the material handling and management when they are on site and before they reach the site. For the fast tracking projects, the materials management and handling is a key problem since there is low human resource who are monitoring their handling. In most cases on these projects, the procurement and designs stages are concurrent meaning that the construction activities are able to hinder the monitoring of the handling activities. Most of the construct ion activities are entering in this fast tracking categories. The demands from the clients to have their projects on time are able to offer this greater challenge for the construction companies to enhance the productivity (Papinchak, 2013). The handling problems are key challenge to the companies which they need to handle. Proper material and equipment handling is therefore a key element which the companies need to invest on. This is able to enhance their efficiency and lead to the productivity.

Material handling

Moreover, in order to enhance the productivity, material management through the proper handling is key in the construction industry. The usage of the materials is able to dictate the material handling which is key to ensure that the companies are able to achieve their productivity ideas. The handling is able to get affected from when the materials are delivered on the site to the end when the project is completed. Proper management of the handling process is key to ensuring that the different project and companies goals are achieved in the construction. The procurement is a key element which can be in cooperated in this stage to ensure that over-ordering of materials (wastage problems), over-payments for materials (inadequate administration procedures), Loss of benefits (lack of skilled negotiating procedures), lack of knowledge (when and where the best service/source might be available at any particular time) are minimized during the construction stage. This will ensure that the companies are able to achieve their required productivity during the construction.

Moreover, although the human resources are important, the equipment and materials are the real factors which are able to affect the production in a construction industry. Over the past 40 years, the productivity in the construction industry has been declining. This has been highly associated with the lack of efficient handling of materials and equipment on site. This has been able to affect the performance of the construction companies and leading to their inability to achieve their targeted goals. For the fast tracking projects, the material handling is a key factor which is present to ensure that the companies attained their targets in terms of production within the stipulated timeline (Gobetto, 2014). Productivity is a key factor in the construction industry. The main aim which is enhanced on the productivity is the reduction of the construction costs and maintaining the required quality. In many cases, material and equipment handling are able to result to an increase on the project execution and therefore lowering the production rate. Proper material and equipment handling may be summed up in the management sector of each sector. Material management will therefore ensure that proper handling is attained and efficiency is key to enhance the productivity (Papinchak, 2013). On the same note, equipment management can therefore be a key factor which has proven that equipment handling is a key factor to enhance efficiency and promotion of production in construction.

Effect of improper material handling

Moreover, materials are able to account to a high percentage of the construction component. This attributes to the fact that critical analysis for efficient handling is key. According to surveys, proper management of the materials from the initial stages is able to attribute to more that 6 percent on savings. In each occasions materials are used and this helps to create the need to have the material management on site (Stephens & Meyers, 2013). From the procurement, the management of the handling of the materials is able to increase the effectiveness and productivity achievement. All the analysis of the management section is to enhance proper and efficient handling to achieve productivity. In addition, more percentage of the costs which are experienced on the construction sites are able to originate from the materials (Gobetto, 2014). This means that there is an increase need to enhance the handling in order to achieve productivity in the construction site. Generally, material handling and management is able to start from the time the materials need is raised and procured. The right materials with the eight quality are needed to ensure that they are able to achieve the required purpose. In case of poor material handling and management, high costs which reduce the productivity for the construction site is achieved.

First, materials need to be procured at the right time when the need of the material is there. When materials are procured so much early, construction capital is tied and therefore inhibiting the functioning of other activities. The capital in the construction industry is a key element which is highly controlled when production is needed. The means that right decisions concerning what is needed on site must be considered. Procuring the material at the wrong time therefore is not a wise idea which may be in one way or another be included on material handling and management. In relation to this, the productivity in the site is lowered due o improper timing for the arrival of the materials (Mallick & El-Korchi, 2013). Additionally, some of the materials in the construction site may deteriorate with time meaning that at the time of needed their handling will be difficult. Materials need to be fresh and of the right quality when they are being used for the particular reason. Materials quality is key when it comes to their handling and therefore keeping them for long will interfere with this factor. Moreover, it will mean that their output at the time will be low and therefore be able to lead to repurchase leading to additional costs. This will reduce the productivity in the site due to the increased costs.

Need for early procurement and handling

In addition, material handling is not only related to the monitoring of materials during construction stages (Gobetto, 2014). The decision about procurement is a key factor which is able to relate to the material handling even before they are able to reach on site. This process ensures that material is able to reach on site when they are needed and at the right quality. This is a key decision which is able to affect the efficient production of any company in the construction industry. Enhancing the efficiency of acquisition of the materials is the initial stages of ensuring proper handling (International Asia Conference On Industrial Engineering And Management, Qi, Shen, & Dou, 2013). When decisions on when and what to procure is made, proper quality is key to ensure that, they will reach their destination at the right state. In addition, this stage is able to enhance the packaging and handling conditions of the different materials.

The material delivery is a key stage which must ensure that materials are delivered in the correct state. This ensures that the materials are as they were ordered and that they can be used for their intended purpose. The delivery is connected with the procurement to ensure that the handling od the materials is done well (Stephens & Meyers, 2013). This ensures that the materials are able to obtain the required quality and ensure that they will be able to carry their construction activity as needed. Moreover, it is estimated that wrong handling of the materials is able to happen at this stage (Papinchak, 2013). The material delivery handling is able to contribute to high waste in the construction site. Since the delivery companies are able to deliver in the right state, they are able to absorb themselves out is any blame and costs of the wrong handled materials at the site. This means that the construction companies are able to bear this cost. As noted earlier, any increase in the costs is able to lead to a reduction on the productivity in a company. This is able to lead to the further procurement of the same materials leading to an increase in the costs which are spend on the same items.

Moreover, the material delivery is divided into different categories. These include, the bulk materials, standard off the shelf materials and the fabricated members. All these different materials are able to be affected by their handling which is able to contribute the efficiency of the construction through the handling (Mallick & El-Korchi, 2013). The process of delivery is therefore key to offer the specification to ensure that the materials are able to achieve their required utilization. Their transportation, field storage and installation are key process which must be monitored to ensure that the companies are able to enhance and achieve their productivity targets. Some of the materials require proper handling and transportation which is key to reaching their state at the right state and time.

The handling method is key and ensures that the right procedure of handling materials is achieved. The time, place, sequence, position, conditions and costs of the materials are some of the key elements which need to be looked at during the handling process. All these factors need to be considered to enhance proper management of the materials and achieve the required quality of work executed. The major elements, which are composed on the material handling, revolve around three major villas which include the physical handling, storing and controlling the usage of the materials. According to Chan (2002), the construction materials are able to take large portion of the construction industry and they are key in ensuring the project productivity. Proper handling of the materials ensures that the projects do have the materials which are needed in the construction to enhance the production. The material handling is able to ensure that the proper movement of the materials is enhanced and this ensures that efficiency is achieved in the project execution. In addition, the major advantage, which is achieved through the proper handling of the materials, is found in the fact that the critical decisions of further construction is achieved. When the materials are available and in their right order, construction decisions will be made at each stage and this will be able to promote the construction activities. This ensures that the production process continues in the site and enhances the productivity.

Moreover, the construction materials are able to experience frequent handling which is key to enhance the production. The handling process is key to ensure that their quality is kept and that their state is not interfered with. Some of the key construction materials are affected by some of the site conditions and this means that their state need to be maintained (Gobetto, 2014). In this view, their condition and storage must be maintained even with the increased handling and movements. This will ensure that the construction proves is maintained and the production is able to continues. The proper handling of these critical materials is able to enhance the increase in the production rate for the companies (Stephens & Meyers, 2013). Moreover, the wrong handling will mean that the materials are able to lose their quality and therefore will not be used for any construction site (International Asia Conference On Industrial Engineering And Management, Qi, Shen, & Dou, 2013). This means that a new order must be placed in order to ensure that the construction activities will meet their required standards. In addition, the materials are able to enhance the construction activities within the construction site only when they are able to meet their different standards and specification. Therefore, material handling equipment selection is an important function as it can enhance the production process, provide effective utilization of work force, increase production and improve system flexibility (Chan 2002).

Material storage is another key factor which is involved in the material handling. The storage is able to be considered from the initial stages when the offloading of the materials is able to happening during the delivery. The proper handling during the offloading is required to ensure that the state of the materials is maintained. The attention during this stage must be maintained to ensure that the materials arte delivered at their right state and the supplier did not interfere with them and place the blame on the companies (Gobetto, 2014). The handling during the offloading and storage has to be maintained to avoid any further wastages if it has to happen. The loss and damage are other key factors which must be prevented during the off loading and storage stages of the construction materials. The operation of the construction industry is able to depend on the state at which the construct ion materials are able to be stored after the delivery on site. When they are affected, it means that the materials cannot be used and this will be able to affect the construction productivity of the companies involved.

Moreover, many problems are able to arise during the materials supply and the improper storage which is able to affect the construction stage of the companies. Many of the studies have identified that large spaces are required for the construction materials to ensure that they are able to maintained the construction quality (Mallick & El-Korchi, 2013). After the offloading, these materials must be kept on proper storage space which is able to ensure that the construction activities are maintained in the proper state. The storage is able to enhance the materials are kept and attained at the same state which they were order on. This will ensure that the construction activities can continues and the production is achieved (Snow, 2001). When the materials expire, will under storage, the construction activities are able to be stalled and this affect the production activity of the companies. Therefore, the handling during storage is a key element which will be able to ensure that the production on the site is maintained and able to attain the different goals which the management has during the construction.

In addition, wrong material handling on site is able to lead to damage and wastage. The wrong material handling on site is able to lead to their breakage and damage. This is able to mean that the materials cannot be used for their intended purpose (Stephens & Meyers, 2013). When the procuring of the material happen, the construction industry has the main purpose of any material is ordered. This means that any change, which is able to happen on the state of the material, either their size, quality or quantity, is able to affect the construction phase. This means that the construction activities will not be able to continue and therefore interfering with the construction production (King, Phillips & Ramming, 2012). The damages which are able to happen will lead to wastage and therefore lead to the additional costs during the further ordering for the same materials. Efficient handling is the materials are able to ensure that the materials damage and wastage is cut. The construction industry and especially at the fast tracking projects, the projects are meant to meet different targets at a shorter time. This means that the materials are moved at a high speed, which is able to lead to the damages, and key wastages which contribute to high costs.

The construction industry therefore need efficient handling of the construction materials. The materials when damages happen with need to decisions to be made. Some of the materials can need repair for them to be used in the industry. This means that an additional cost will be expected to cover the repairs of these materials for them to be used. This is able to affect the production since the time will be allocated on the repair. This time was meant for further construction and this will be able to affect the level of productivity for the company. In addition, when the damages do happen, some of the materials will need new ones since the repairs cannot be done on them. This means an additional cost will be required to cover the new materials which will be needed. In addition, in the construction industry, the purchases do not happen as easily as it is thought (Huth, 2012). The procurement rules must be maintained and this means getting the new materials will take time. This time is key to ensure that the materials are able to get as quick as possible which is not easy in most cases. This time is meant for the construction of other activities and this means that the stages, which need these materials, will be stalled until the new orders are able to arrive (Snow, 2001). Moreover, the efficiency of the handling of the onsite construction materials is able to ensure that the damages and wastages are limited. This ensures that the construction activities, which depend on these materials, are not altered and the construction activities are maintained. This will be able to ensure that the companies are able to attain their productivity through the construction phases of the firms.

In addition, proper handling is able to enhance the right quality for the construction materials. The materials storage and handling onsite is affected when they are wrongly handled. The use of the wrong quality of the construction sites is a crime since the construction structures are meant to meet key specific quality measures. The monitoring of the quality of the materials is key to ensure that they are able to attain the final product which is specified. The construction industry is able to contain many parties who are able to ensure that the right thing is done on sites. The improper handling is at many times able to interfere with the quality and therefore hinder the continued construction phase (Huth, 2012). The quality control must be maintained to ensure that the key elements and quality of the construction industry is attained. The key element, which is in this stage, is to ensure that the conditions at the storage and handling are maintained to ensure the quality. Quality assurance is a key factor, which is able to affect the productivity of the companies and the construction industry. Moreover, the wrong handling of the materials is able to lead to defective materials being used when they are exposed on wrong conditions and states. Therefore proper handling is key to ensure that the materials states is maintained and that they can be used on site at their required states (Stephens & Meyers, 2013). This is a key point which must be maintained by different parties to ensure that the construction industry meets the required quality. Moreover, when the structures are finished and unable to meet the required quality, demolitions do happen. This can be as a result of poor handling of materials which could have led to their defective nature. The demolition will be able to increase the costs to the construction companies and therefore lower their level of production.  The company will be required to redo the same activity at its own cost and therefore affecting the construction productivity.

The construction industry is one of the ancient industries which was able to improvise the use of equipment on site. With the developments on the industry, equipment keeps on flowing with technological advancement. Some of the key equipment, which is used on this industry, includes dumpers, excavators, cranes, Ready-Mix-Concrete (RMC) trucks, tippers, among others (Huth, 2012). It is estimated that the value of the construction equipment on site will be able to hit $166 billion by the year 2020.  Moreover, it is estimated that the equipment do affect the profit generation and the efficiency of the companies in this industry. With the increased rate of working, the equipment are key elements which enhance the completion of works on the stipulated timeline. Equipment usages are key elements which are able to define the rate of the construction activities when used on site. Equipment is key element which is able to contribute to the efficiency in the construction activities on the industry.

From the initial stages, the construction industry is able to depend on the equipment in order to enhance the achievement of the productivity. In addition, the equipment are able to enhance the carrying out of the different activities which are directly tied with the production rate (Snow, 2001). Moreover, the state of the equipment on site is able to dictate that their delivery state to the required states. The wrong handling of the different equipment is therefore able to interfere with the schedules and the tasks which need to be carried out (Stephens & Meyers, 2013). Due to the fact that material are required, their handling is therefore a key element which should be enhanced to ensure that they are able to perform their individual tasks (Huth, 2012). Moreover, analysis show that in every 10 equipment onsite, three of them are able to have problems which are able to result from improper handling. In many cases, the functions in the construction sites are able to stalled when the machines are able to break down. Equipment is able to operate at certain capacity and their production is key in ensuring that the companies are able to attain their production.

Unauthorized parties who are able to lead to their breakdown handle most of the equipment on the construction sites (Bower, 2000). In many cases, the construction employees are able to try many things and many of them include trying to operate the equipment which need skilled labor to be operated. In many cases, these employees end up operating the equipment wrongly and leading to their breakdown. This can be included in the wrong handling of the equipment since the operations of the equipment is interfered with (Stephens & Meyers, 2013). Each equipment has an estimated capacity of output which it must be able to deliver on each day. This means after the breakdown, the output from the equipment will not be attained until repair is carried out. Moreover, the construction industry is abler to identify the cost and output which these equipment has to deliver. In this case, the companies will be able to minimize the output of the equipment when it is not operating.

Another key element, which is connected with the handling of equipment, is the equipment abuse. The abuse of the equipment is likely to lead to their damages and breakdown. Some of the key reasons, which are able to lead to the equipment abuse, include the operator’s inefficiency. This is where the operator is not well qualified to operate the equipment (Bower, 2000). In this case, the operator will be unable to understand the elements of working of the equipment and therefore leading to the breakdown.  This is a key element which will be able to breakdown of the equipment and therefore lead to the reduction on the production which the equipment was delivering. Therefore, the operator will be a key reason for the improper handling and therefore affecting the productivity (King, Phillips & Ramming, 2012). In addition, the abuse of the equipment may be because of the lack of training for the operator of the equipment. The training of the operators can be another key way to enhance the operation of the machine through the operator, this will ensure that the operator is able to understand the elements of the equipment and be able to deliver to their requirement (Grondzik & Kwok, 2015). In addition with the increase in the training, the operator will be able to take shorter time when working with the equipment and therefore able to enhance the productivity.

Time factor when working with equipment is key to ensure that the production for ach equipment is achieved. In each day, the equipment has a certain capacity which they have to attain at their maximum point. The training will be able to enhance the handling of the equipment by the operator and therefore increase the production. The equipment must be able to meet the operational hours which are key on the production (Bower, 2000). The equipment operation depend on the qualification of the operators and this is the element which must be controlled to ensure that the equipment are at their best state. Training the operators will be able to ensure that the operator understanding the working with the machines and prevent any breakdown which is likely to interfere with the production (Grondzik & Kwok, 2015). Therefore, the training will ensure that the operators are able to understand the machines when operating and handle them in the perfect way. This will prevent the breakdowns and increase the operational hours for the machines and therefore attaining high production.

Moreover, employing the qualified operators will ensure that the equipment have the best operators and their handling is safe. This is a key element which many of the firms must be able to ensure so that they are able to attain the required output. The equipment has the designed output which they have to deliver when they are operating (King, Phillips & Ramming, 2012). The qualification of the operator is a key element which is able to define the output and the way the equipment is prone to breaking done. The operators are able to ensure that the equipment and ensure that the daily output is achieved. This means that the key element is the construction site is to ensure that the operators are qualified and therefore the safety machine handling is achieved (Grondzik & Kwok, 2015). In each aspect, the operators are the key individuals who are able to ensure that the equipment are able to deliver their output. The right handling of the equipment is key to ensure that the daily output is achieved and therefore the companies are able to achieve their productivity. Moreover, the operators experience with certain machines is able to ensure that the equipment is able to achieve their best output. This will ensure that the machines are able to attain their target and the companies are able to attain the required output (Usg Corporation, 2014). In each case, the handling by the operator will help to achieve what is required in the days output and ensure that the machine is efficient in operating the equipment.

Keeping the equipment in their original state after using them is another key element which is likely to ensure that the productivity of the companies in maintained. Many of the machines are able to gain defects which they are able to lead to their breakdown because they are not taken are of after completion of specific duties (American Society Of Civil Engineers, 2015). For instance, if the equipment is not wiped, this can be able to lead to their rusting when it combined with moisture. This is a key element which is located on wrong handling of the machine and therefore leading to their failure. This means that the care on the equipment is needed to ensure that the machines are able to deliver their daily output. The initial proper conditions are key for the operators to understand so that they will be able to maintain the equipment at them. This will ensure that the output of the machine is ma maintained and the breakdown of the equipment is not achieved easily. The equipment is usually having a key state which it must be maintained and this will usually depend on the handling state which the operators are able to maintain them. The maintaining of the state of the equipment is therefore able to increase the efficiency of operation and therefore increasing the output. Moreover, in each case, the status of the care of the machine will be able to breakdown and therefore enhancing their state of productivity (Usg Corporation, 2014). The equipment production is able to translate to the level of productivity for the construction industry. Key handling is therefore able to contribute to an increase of the production rate since the equipment is able to increase their operations.

Moreover, in the handling of equipment, ignorance to failure to follow the instruction is key element, which is found on the wrong handling of the machines. The operators and other people on site are found to be less in following the instruction on the machines. These are able to lead to their wrong use and therefore leading to their inability to deliver their output at the right time. The ignorance is able to lead to the high risk in the output delivery of the machines when the operators are able to ignore instructions (Usg Corporation, 2014). The failure to follow the instruction is key elements, which are considered in the wrong handling, and is likely to affect the service delivery of the equipment. Moreover, the design of the equipment is meant to follow certain rules, which can be able to enhance the correct service delivery. It is clear that the instruction need to be followed to attain the proper output of every equipment. This will be able to enhance the machine output and therefore enhancing the service delivery (American Society Of Civil Engineers, 2015). The construction productivity can therefore be enhanced through following of the proper instruction which will ensure that the equipment deliver their required output. The ignorance is therefore able to affect the equipment handling, which will affect the service delivery for the equipment, and therefore reducing the construction productivity.

Each equipment has the rate at which they can deliver in each single hour when working on its normal rate. In fast tracking projects, the overworking of the machines are highly seen in the aim to finish the tasks at the shortest time possible.

The operation rate above the status, which the single equipment is designed to operate, is considered to be wrong handling. The overworking of the equipment has its own replications, which may lead to future slow operation or even breakdown (Huth, 2012). In addition, wear and tear is able to increase when the machines are overworked and lead to easy breakdown. For the short time, the equipment will be able to deliver some key output but on long-run, it will be unable to sustain the output  (Ieee International Conference On Industrial Engineering And Engineering Management, Qi, Shen & Dou, 2013). Moreover, the working of the machines is therefore designed at specific rate which the operators has to maintain to ensure that they keep the output and works on the construction site going on as scheduled. The proper understanding on the working rate will be able to enhance the reduced wear and tear of the machines and therefore enhancing continuous flow of work output (Usg Corporation, 2014). The understanding of the delivery rate is therefore key to ensure that the equipment is able to operate for the long and able to execute the full projects up to the end. The construction productivity will be highly depend on the level at which specific equipment are able to deliver their services for long. Moreover, it is key to ensure that the overworking is not done which may lead to quick failure of the equipment and therefore able to deliver the work output for the specified timeline.

Moreover, failure of the organization to service their equipment is considered to be part of wrong handling of the machines and equipment. After working for a specified timeline, the equipment is allowed to be serviced in order to keep it at the correct state which will ensure that it can be able to deliver the required output (Grondzik & Kwok, 2015). Moreover, failure to service the equipment is able to slow the output of the machine and therefore affecting the construction productivity. In addition, in each case, the production is able to depend on the state of the machines. The key components need to be checked at each stage and therefore able to enhance their correct status when working. The wear and tear need to be checked and the worn out parts to be replaced during the servicing. The servicing of the equipment is able to enhance the state of the equipment and ensuring that they can be able to deliver their daily output without any hitch. Moreover, the construction industry is able to rely on the construction machines and their state is key to ensure that they deliver their require piece work on each occasion  (Ieee International Conference On Industrial Engineering And Engineering Management, Qi, Shen & Dou, 2013). In addition, the servicing of the equipment is able to enhance the correct measures of operations. Moreover, the servicing of the machines is a key handling measure which will be able to ensure that the efficient handling is achieved. This helps to create the best working conditions for the machines and enhance the operations and delivery. During the purchase, the equipment has a specific duration on which specific parts must be able to run before they are able to be checked for their repair and servicing. This helps to create the conditions where the machines will be able to operate efficiently and enhancing the production. The construction productivity is a key element which is able to depend on the quality of the equipment and their working conditions. The servicing is therefore able to create the quality of the material which is needed to enhance the productivity in this industry. The organizations must be able to understand the working of these machines and when they are scheduled for servicing which is part of their proper handling systems. In conclusion, the servicing measure will ensure that the equipment is able to maintain its initial working rate and ensure proper delivery for the services to the company and therefore enhancing the output.


In conclusion, the material and equipment handling are able to consist of a large part of the construction industry. Due to this fact, these elements are able to contribute to high level of the production in this industry. The materials procurement and delivery on the site is the key elements which are able to start the definition of the material handling. Moreover, there are different effects which are able to affect the construction productivity when the materials are not well handled. The time of the construction will be affected especially when the site has to wait for the materials which had been able to break due to the wrong handling for them to be procured again. In addition, wrong handling of the materials is able to lead to an increase in the cost which is experienced when the repair of the materials is required. This helps to reduce the construction profitability and the productivity since much time is dedicated on the repair than the scheduled activities. The material handling is therefore a key factor which must be considered and enhanced in construction sites in order to achieve the productivity on the sites. Since the materials are key for any activity execution, their handling is therefore able to affect the productivity of the whole industry. Proper handling is therefore enhanced each time to ensure that they deliver on quality construction structures. Additionally, the equipment is other key elements which are able to define different aspects of construction such as the implementation time. Different aspects such as the operators training, following of instruction and servicing among others are composed on part of proper handling of the equipment. These elements are able to define the machine work rate delivery, which is key on enhancing the work productivity in the construction.


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