The Roles of Leadership and Management
The study discusses that leadership and management are considered important elements of an organization. It has a large impact to improves organizational efficiency and productivity. Each organization must take every possible step to develop its management and leadership skills. Each of these elements is different and separate from each other but both have a long-term impact on the growth of the company. Leadership deals with the process by which the company can be in a position to motivate and guide its employees or workers working under him. On the other hand, the management process deals with the technique that is used to administer the entire work. In this assessment, a brief discussion on both this topic will be given. Along With it is also to be provided with the benefit and importance of organizational leadership and management.
As in this assessment, the impact and comparison of leadership and management are to be explained. The chosen organization for this assessment is Rio Tinto it is known for activities like a mining group that is focusing on the mining resources. It is also known for its global operation in the sector of production of raw materials and industrial raw materials and so on the concern appropriately applied the concept. Leadership and management system in their system so that they can earn more profit for the future. It targets international reach if the company that has helped them to achieve more reputation globally so they currently operating in more than 35 countries in the world. In the future, the company wants to expand its performing sector and wants to operate in more countries in the world. Rio Tinto in the future wants to grow its area of services with the help of the leadership and management skills of its workers. Thus, it will be a major theory to improve the business performance of the company.
It is that process involved in the business practice that is known for using the best method to use the resources of the organization and helps the concern target its long-term goals and practice. The leadership process is to be Cindy cried by the leaders of the concern. They are responsible for assure and improving the critical thinking capabilities of a concern (Newman, 2020).
Figure: Situational Leadership Theory
Source: (Newman, 2020)
According to the “Situational Leadership Theory”, the tools of leadership are known for showing the correct path and step to the people working in the concern. The leaders involved in these proceeds will also make sure if there are any conflicts and doubts, they can be easily resolved by the leaders. It is also seen in many enterprises that there are no coordination and communication are there between the employees and the workers of the Rio Tinto. So in this case the leadership is a very big role to play they will guide the employees and coordinate with them. At the time of using leadership theories and models, it must be kept in mind that the leaders must have some good qualities to guide and motivate other workers.
The Importance and Benefits of Leadership and Management
The management consists of many tasks and processes that are to be done by the managers of the company as per the guidance of the board of directors of the company. In any business of any company, the managers have a very big role to play as the management plays a crucial role in achieving the group goals. The task of management theories and practice are to be conducted by the individual people working at the workplace. It is the effect of the management process of the business that helps the company to minimize its output costs in a manner that the business will be able to earn revenue within a given time limit. Management system uses a variety of resources like financial human resources to complete their tasks and activities (Hallinger Hammad, 2019). The business is mainly dependent on many types of resources to carry on their task and operations. Management systems at their initial stage develop planning systems to make proper planning to use the resources most appropriately.
Figure: Scientific Management Theory
Source: (Hallinger Hammad, 2019)
From the above discussion, it is clear that both the theories of leadership and management are important for evaluating and improving the position of the concern.
The concept of the Scientific Management Theory says that the management is cosmos as the initial stage of carrying out the operational work of the company. The management is cosmos as the initial stage of carrying out the operational work of the company. The best field analysis of the leadership approach on the other hand considered an element of management theory. At the time of managing the data and resources of a concern, it is also needed that the concern will be in a position to guide its superior workers as well. Management is mainly focused on managing and improving the ability of the company leadership, on the other hand, is a guiding process more than motivating people. Management processes are more administrative and are to be performed by the top managers of the company (Gümü? et al., 2020).
Leadership is to be completed by the subordinate to the managers and may also be conducted by an experienced employee. Management is most focused on the daily business activities and policies of the company so they review whether daily work has been done or not. On the other hand, leadership follows a long-time approach. They review that the concern will be eligible to complete this future task and operations. At the time of comparison of both this model, there have been many types of similarities is also found regarding connection. The job operations done by the leaders and the managers may be different but connected equally. As the leaders inspire and motivate the workers and managers supervise plans and organize the job operations. The management concept has a very small chance of conflicts as it is done by the experienced managers but in the leadership model, the chances of mistakes and conflict are more in nature.
Therefore, after the above discussion on the leadership and management model and comparing both models many results are also found. It can be said that management and leadership are two contemporary qualities that are connected. It is also can be said that leadership is and process of the management systems (Ding et al., 2019). The Ilm model also reflects the changes in the management practices and leadership models. This is also found that as the leadership is done by the individual or a sole leader so there are few chances of mistakes and in the management, there are no chances. Leaders and managers involved in different types of work in business practices leaders are known for retaining visions and managers create goals. However, each of their jobs is somehow connected. So in improving any business model of any company the leadership and management quality must be there.
Case Study: Rio Tinto
The key performance metrics for this bring generally forward metrics of fleet improvement and support to determine important sections of high improvement and performance. Monitoring particularly selected fleet KPIs support Rio Tinto managers to identify the both efficiency and effectiveness of regular fleet operations. This metric is a performance measurement that describes the efficiency of the Fleet management tactics. This metric is perceived as a compass assisting and guiding managers towards effective, relevant, and successful decision-making to advance the fleet. The benchmark of this sector is "enhancing productivity and boosting efficiency. This key performance metric of the mining and metal sector is essentially an indicator to measure mainly the company's fleet performance. It also directs fleet managers and leaders to mainly improve or upgrade the efficiency of the company's fleet as well as control costs.
There is a powerful drive in the United Kingdom to mainly adopt a "Zero harm" system" T This objective reflects an ultimate target that the sector has set as well as taking a step-by-step approach to obtain and accomplish it. This is specifically reflected in the present targets which, rather than the implied goal of "Zero", is not Zero. The key performance metric is health and safety, the company’s “all-frequency rate was 0.40 in 2021 compared to 2020 data is 0.37. This company focuses on this particular metric; this is an indicator mainly of the safety and health of an organization. It gives a concept to secure and protect the employees from the workplace and work-related risks and hazards. Improving the all-injury frequency rate of this company will enhance the productivity level and development.
At present, growing competitive market and business it is crucial to make sure that the product quality aligns with the client's needs. As per previous data of this company, many clients express dissatisfaction regarding product quality, this issue affects the organization's growth level and business. The key performance metric is product quality, the company become more conscious and focused on the product quality as per the last feedback and reviews of the product. This metric is used to retain existing customers and attract new customers and increase the client satisfaction rate compared to previous data.
Every organization must improve its organizational leadership and management model as it can to improve its overall performance. As it is also proven that there are very big impacts are there of both this term to increasing efficiency of the concern (Gümü? et al., 2020). The concern Rio Tinto as a global business organization has implemented both this system in their operational and strategic business which has given them many benefits :
Engaging people: The efficient management system of the company gives them the benefit that they will be able to engage more in their tasks and operations. They also acknowledged the fact that their equal knowledge and experience of more people will help Rio Tinto in achieving long-term success and growth. Leaders also guided people in what manner people should provide the best quality of work.
Comparison of Leadership and Management
Diverse workplace: Leaders are also concerned with the motive of developing coordination of the workers so they have given preference to a diverse workplace. It is the capacity of the leadership in the concern that it helps to coordinate and communicate between different types of employees in a diverse workplace. The main aim of the leaders of the business is to create gender diversity and try to improve the number of women in the concern at all levels.
Improve teamwork: This is effective and impacts both the leadership and management or this conceit of work in a team. Management theory uses a variety of aspects to improve the entire teamwork and develops collaboration in the business. The team at the time of working may also face variously simulated but in this case, the leadership model provided them with the needed guidance they require. It is the effect of efficient management and leadership systems so for this Rio Tinto has successfully received attention and involvement from all the workers.
Setting clear goals and objectives: At the time when any business enterprise is ready to start any type of business activity it must set its goals and objectives (Hallinger and Hammad, 2019). It is almost impossible to achieve the future targets without ascertaining the future Goes Rio Tinto has hired a team of managers that handles these entire job operations without any error. The members start their process with planning and stoop at the controlling stage. It is by which the managers make the workers aware of the long-term purpose of the concern.
Resolving conflicts: As like every other concern Rio Tinto also faces many conflicts and difficulties due to poor workplace conflicts among the employees. Employees may have some internal conflicts between them so for this, the motivation tool used in the management systems is used to resolve these conflicts at the workplace. The leader has a big role in this purpose as the leader can communicate with them and try to remove the problems of workers. It's quite natural as in the workplace a list of diverse people come together so they may have differences in their opinion that will have a negative impact. So the leadership model provided advantages in this regard.
Developing moral and confidence: It is the primary task of the leaders involved in the leadership process to appreciate the efforts and job done by the co-workers(Newman, 2020). Rio Tinto provides their employees with these facilities to increase their morale to continue their work. It also provides them to overcome barriers At the time of communicating with the top authorities all the overcomes and issues will also get resolved. It is also reflected in the ILM model that a leader must use effective communication skills at the time of providing leadership to juniors.
Improving productivity: This is on to the managers that the productivity if the concerns are maintained and also they have assured their team have adequate productivity in the concern. The managers of RIO Tinto are also able to develop in this field area as their managers make the best use of resources so they can achieve productivity. At the time of handling job operations activities, they must be sure that there are not any unnecessary costs involved.
Time management: These are three other areas that must not be overlooked in any manner. Most business enterprises overlook this matter and for this, they may lead to future challenges and barriers. Rio Tinto also suffered in this area for a long time before but since they have been able to hire a leader having good skills and qualifications they somehow saved from this danger (Ding et al., 2019). This is the effect of the time management that they have handled market barriers and delivered their service to the users within a given time limit.
It can be concluded that the model discussed in this assessment is about leadership and management. Each of these theories is very much significant to improve the business growth of the company. It is stated that the leadership methods are to be considered by the leaders of the businesses. In this assessment detailed analysis of the concept of leadership is needed at the middle storage and the management process is needed at the initial stage. This is also stated that at the time of conducting a leadership model it must be kept in mind that the leaders are having needed quality and ability.
The manager's role and duties in terms of improving the business performance of a company are also provided in this assessment. It is also stated in this assessment about the company Rio Tinto and its ways of implementing its leadership models and a comparison and analysis also have been given. This is also stated above that both these theories are needed in the case to improve business performance. This is also given that the concern will lead to difficulties if they are not able to handle any of the business functions in their system as per the ILM Model. Consequently, this theory is both important for students and Rio Tinto is mainly a company known for mining activities and the scope of its business performance is also given in the above statement. At the end of this assessment, a detailed analysis and effect of using leadership and management systems are provided and how the operating performance may get improved is also given. Moreover, the main findings of this study are that KPIs of this sector help quickly comprehend complex statuses, this performance metric gives a sound-biases for decision-making. KPIs are uncomplicated and easy to devise and formulate and this can be utilized to formulate organizational goals as well as to measure the implementation.
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