The current study helps in undertaking out a critical evaluation of significant components mandatory for development of conducive culture for dynamic change and development within reference to the corporation Hawking Group. In addition to this, the current study also intends to analyse different opportunities for continuous improvement by an organizational scanning mechanism and evaluation of change counting linear, non-linear, incremental as well as breakthrough improvement processes. Moving further, the intention and purpose of the present study is to analyse and develop organizational communication processes, reward and recognition and resourcing models for promotion of contribution towards advantageous and positive transformation in the organization. Furthermore, the current study also critically examines the stakeholder management that is obligatory for generation of positive climate for acceptance and support for alteration as well as improvement initiatives.
Besides this, the study also aims to identify and critically analyse the resource allocation process for particularly different stages of innovation and change. The different stages that are involved in the process includes generation of idea, viability study, and evaluation of technology, analysis of markets and formulation of project. Subsequently, the study involves analysis of the roles of the leadership in the process of management of change as well as improvement of process within a specific business corporation. Thereafter, the present section also deals with detailed elucidation of strategies for management for promotion as well as development of change, enhancement of change, improvement of projects and ascertainment of processes of resisting transformations.
Hawkins Group is owned by different investment holding corporation MCCONNEL Group that is entirely owned by the MCCONNEL Group. Particularly, Hawkins has three different business segments that comprises of Hawkins Construction, Hawkins Infrastructure as well as project management wing that is the Canterbury Recovery Project. Management of the business corporation has promoted forward thinking behaviour and attitude that can help in attracting the talented people at Hawkins Group. In itself, the company Hawkins Group has a team of specialists who are dedicated to offer superior quality projects that comprises of refurbishment, establishment of ground breaking innovation and change management projects, commercial projects, advanced health facilities in addition to different infrastructure projects. The business concern ensures deliverance of superior quality products to different clients by means of dedicated and committed team (, 2017).
As rightly indicated by Cameron & Green (2015), organizational structure can be considered to be one of the most important factors of organizational culture that can essentially guarded by different factors. The structure of the corporation Hawkins can be considered to be an important factor and no structure can be perceived as the greatest category of organizational culture. Organizational structure that can be classified to be an appropriate one depends on the objectives of the corporation, business environment of the firm and the work undertaken by the corporation. As rightly indicated by Hayes (2014), there are essentially two types of organizational structure, one is the formal structure that elucidates ranks of individuals, different channel authorities, divisions as well as grouping of components. However, the second one is the informal framework that is necessarily undocumented and expounds in detail the way participants interact with one another. Management of Hawkins follows a formal organization structure for productive management of changes in the firm (Frankland et al., 2013).
As rightly indicated by Goetsch & Davis (2014), comprehensive understanding regarding the organizational culture can be considered to be significant that in turn make certain the success of the organization in a swiftly transforming environment. Thus, management of the corporation Hawkins Group develops effective strategies that are mainly subject to diverse dictates of the specific environment in which the corporation subsists (Hechanova & Cementina-Olpoc, 2013). Management of Hawkins might consider designing important enabling strategies that can help in implementation of change. For instance, it is necessary for senior managers of the organization to appropriately communicate the reasons for the changes along with the procedures required to undertake the alteration. Effective corporate strategy also need to include effective training as well as education program that is important to comprehend and adapt to different alterations in the labour force. In addition to this, the corporate strategy also need to incorporate strategies such as personal counselling and observing business practices and their implementation.
Organizational skills can be considered to be one of the most significant skills that an employee of an organization might have. This can help the workers to stay very much organized and help them concentrate on particular projects at hand. Organizational skills can help the workers at the organization to determine different things such as management of files, management of supplies and many others. Essentially, organizational skills in the workplace comprises of skills of organizing, management of time, planning, scheduling, meeting deadlines as well as coordinating diverse resources. Thus, this Organizational skill can help in developing a productive work environment for the organization. The corporation Hawkins Group developed the strategies for development of organizational skills of the workers that can drive the overall culture. This includes the underlying norms, as well as belief systems that can dictate effectively the manner in which people operate (Imran et al., 2017).
Implementation of innovative business processes as well as procedures in Hawkins Group can help people running the organization to follow the rules as well as regulations. Particularly, the rules as well as regulations are necessarily created at a greater level that leads to improved organizational culture ( Liozu, 2015). The management of Hawkins Group might possibly consider implementation of correctional administration and management of change. This can help in carrying out examination of style of leadership, management as well as culture of organization and the way it can be applied to diverse correctional agencies, permitting administrators to detect different changes that can be efficaciously executed with the context of the organization. Correctional administration essentially examines different budgetary constraints that increasingly have the need for correctional agencies.
Administrative system can be considered to be the backbone of an organization that can help in linking diverse units or else departments of the organization Hawking Group and ensure smooth flow of information from one unit to the other unit of corporation. The administrative skills include development of general notions of administration, augmentation of ability of workers to handle and at the same time organize office effectually as well as professionally, development of office management strategy, administrative procedures, planning and controlling administrative budgets and many others. This, this administrational skills can enhance office administration that in turn can be considered to be a key element related with a superior level of workplace efficiency. Thus, this administrative skill can enhance the overall culture of the organization Hawking Group.
As correctly mentioned by Hollensen (2015), senior management of the corporation Hawkins need to lead the change, implement the innovative business practices and manage the entire process. Management of the changes for supporting the innovative business practices can help in development of the organizational culture. Therefore, the business leaders of the corporation need to effectually respond to different changes that crop up from diverse internal as well as external sources. Particularly, they too need to have style of leadership that are adaptable to changes, express willingness to attempt new things and are exposed to potential risks. Thus, it can be hereby mentioned that the principles of transformational leadership can be better aligned with the needs of organization undergoing changes. The transformational style of leadership in the organization Hawkins can help in attaining organizational success and elimination of different ineffective procedures and systems, focus on risk assumption for implementation of novel changes.
Linear Change: Kotler et al., (2015) suggests that the linear change refer to the alterations that are primarily directly proportional and when plotted on graph reflects a straight line. In itself, organizational change procedures can be modelled on a linear understanding of change in which procedures can contain individual succeeding steps.
The linear changes in organization as illustrated by Lewin is a sequential procedure that has three different phases of change as represented in diverse contemporary change management models. The important stages of linear change in the organization includes unfreezing, movement and refreezing. The phase of unfreezing comprises of detection of initial problem, acquirement of data, and diagnosis of issues. Thereafter, linear change also involves movement that encompasses planning of action, implementation, observing and stabilising. Subsequently, the third stage includes review of different consequences and in a way learning from the process.
Non-Linear Change: As rightly indicated by Marshall (2014), non-linear changes refer to alterations that is not founded on simple proportionate relationship between cause as well as effect. However, non-linear changes can also be modelled on a linear comprehension of different changes in which business procedures are composed of sequential succeeding phases. Essentially, change process can also be viewed from the perspective of non-linearity. In this connection, complexity theory can be utilized as a definite framework of principles and theories as well as perspective that do not accept that social or else natural systems function according to linearity.
Incremental Change: Chernev (2014) suggested that technological advancement can be regarded as the procedures of invention, innovation as well as diffusion of different technological procedures. Incremental change indicates towards the fact that introduction of different small alterations and gradual changes to a project in place of rapid transformations can lead to incremental changes. However, adjustments undertaken towards the end outcomes in a specific business environment can make an incremental change to the manner that things can be carried out. Nevertheless, this does not significantly intimidate existing power framework or else present mechanisms.
The breakthrough change in organization refers to the establishment of a continuous enhancement program that emphasizes on breakthrough. This essentially presents that the mean transformation that can be regarded as an important approach for attainment of organizational success (Baker, 2014).
Management of Hawkins is very strong that can foster a very healthy work environment within the corporation. Subsequently, this necessarily leads to deliver superior quality work to the clientele (Slocum et al., 2016). Hawkins also have skilled and potential workforce such as several technical experts and engineers in the construction wing, infrastructure division of the corporation in New Zealand (, 2017). In addition to this, management of the business concern developed a reputation for completion of complex projects in specifically New Zealand. In addition to this, the management of Hawkins also promoted the development of an innovative organizational culture that can accept transformations at then place of work by means of empowerment of employees. The business concern Hawkins also distributed different wings into different portfolio particularly energy, healthcare, industrial divisions, offices and buildings, open spaces, technologically advanced civic, art as well as culture (Ramaswamy & Namakumari, 2013). In addition to this, the operations include the education, airport, railways, different tourism and hotels, utilities, defense along with accommodation. Consequently, the business has used all the opportunities.
The strength of the Hawkins Group is basically the diversified business operations that includes different business wings such as Hawkins Constructions, Hawkins Infrastructure and the Canterbury Recovery Project. The company also acquires strength by undertaking business operations in different business segments such as accommodations, airports, arts, civic and culture, education, energy, health, industrial, offices, open spaces, police corrections as well as rail.
Analysis of the operations of Hawkins reveals the fact that the company needs to take large amount of loans in a bid to successfully complete the entire project before the scheduled deadline ( 2017). Corporations also become bankrupt owing to unfitting decisions that poses risk factor on the corporation (Cummings & Worley, 2014). Furthermore, the business concerns has not efficiently undertaken research and development activities into the organization that in turn could adversely affect the upcoming growth of the corporation. However, the company suffers from weaknesses such as foreign ownership of different banks as well as other industries, tiny economy and high urbanization.
The business concern Hawkins has varied opportunities that can target different emerging markets of the entire nation (, 2017). This can help in the process of diversification of different products as well as services of the company. Moreover, the company can gather admittance to different markets by means of financial leverage and expand the entire market base of the company (Hayes, 2014). Besides, the corporation also have the opportunity to assimilate the advanced technology into the particular business processes of the organization and thereby gain a competitive edge over other competitors.
Analysis of the operations of the firm Hawkins reflects the fact that the company Hawkins encounters consistent challenges owing to the stringent policies of the nation that restricts the overall growth of the business enterprise (, 2017). Again, there is stiff competition in the both the infrastructure and construction industry in which the company operates. This essentially drives the company to develop different innovative products for preservation of balanced operations (Jeston & Nelis, 2014). Thus, it can be hereby inferred that the over regulation of both regulations as well as directives of the governing bodies on rising crisis can be regarded as a threat to the economy.
Two different opportunities that can be selected for development include re-arrangement of the organization structure as well as management structure. Management of the corporation Hawkins can consider empowerment of the senior officials as the new projects are very challenging owing to intricacies involved in the procedures (Baker, 2014). Mike Wardle, the Chief Executive Officer, Hawkins Group oversees the entire financial section of the company including aspects of financial leverages as well as debts. In addition to this, Gary Walker, executive general manager of the business enterprise of Hawkins Construction Department and holds accountability for the entire construction division. Furthermore, Brian Fitzgerald is essentially the executive general manager of Hawkins Infrastructure as well as Jean Beattie functions as the general manager of Health (, 2017). In addition to this, the other opportunities for both improvement and change through restructuring of the organization structure includes encouragement of employee participation at diverse phases of the organisation. Hawkins can involve different employees in the entire process of planning in order to acquire feedback and suggestions in a bid to resolve different issues related to the organization (, 2017). This in turn can enhance the overall performance of the business concern.
In addition to this, development of the management structure of the firm, the management can consider redesigning the organizational structure that needs to incorporate employee participation (Marshall, 2014). Analysis of the management structure reveals the fact that there is opportunity for development by incorporating the process of empowerment of all the general managers. Essentially, the general managers of the business concern hold the accountability for the relevant divisions. As the new projects are challenging owing to difficulties involved in the entire procedure. Therefore, the general manager need to have the requisite authority and control for expansion of different roles that can help in meeting different needs as well as requirements of the clientele. Again, the limited role of the chief financial officer also needs to be stretched for betterment of the operations of the firm.
Appropriate process for communicating the entire process of planning can efficiently motivate and occupy workforces of a particular business concern. The establishment of open discourse can assist the workforces to suggest innovative thoughts particularly before business decisions are made. However, the procedures of sharing all the plans can assist in motivating the entire process of communication occurring between diverse divisions and inspire alliance between various business segments resulting to different inventive solutions for specific difficulties (Liozu, 2015). Hawkins can primarily follow formal communication structure as per structure of corporation and incorporate downward communication, upward communication and horizontal communication process.
As rightly indicated by Hayes (2014), the reward and recognition appreciation can be effective way of retaining potential employees can be regarded as a challenge. The reward as well as recognition can affect the turnover rates and the morale that can hit the bottom line of the company. Management of Hawkins express appreciation and rewards by means of carrying out innovative as well as creative business procedures such by delivering intrinsic as well as extrinsic rewards (, 2017). This in turn can help the workforce to acquire motivation to persistently pursue innovative procedures (Cameron & Green, 2015). Furthermore, administration also provides tangible rewards to the workforce that can necessarily provide monetary as well as non-monetary rewards founded on performance.
Management of the business concern establishes a resourcing model that can help in installation of a centralised point for establishing contact that is dire for assignment, positioning as well as utilization of resources of the organization across different programs. Management of Hawkins can follow the centralised resourcing model that can help in maintaining regular communication in between resources and the definite clients, establishment of dependable as well as consistent procedures (, 2017). This can help in meeting the need for resources, development of a collaborative environment for achievement of shared objectives delivering quality, establishing sustainable activities, forward thinking and health and safety programs (Hayes, 2014).
Goetsch & Davis (2014) opines that the procedure of resource allocation in different phases of innovation in Hawkins begins with selection of different aspects that have the need for undertaking initiatives for resource investment in a comprehensible manner. Therefore, the resource allocation is necessary for different levels of implementation of creative changes in the organization.
Resources allocation is obligatory right from the beginning of the stage of ideation of change that leads to the process of mobilisation. Therefore, management of Hawkins also examines the process of considering the decisions of redevelopment of diverse existent properties, establishment of certain structural processes for development of operations of the corporation (Liozu, 2015). Analysis of procedure of resource allocation at the time of ideation comprises of execution of specific dimensions for example return on investment in addition to calculation of necessarily net present value (NPV). However, the procedure of resource allocation after ideation also includes the stage of feasibility analysis. This include analysis of budget for innovation after appropriate arrangement of actions. However, the management can also analyse the return that can be earned on investment along with net present value (NPV). Subsequently, investigative examination of resource distribution also comprises of dimensions for example real option value (Liozu, 2015).
This stage leads to the phase of mobilization where the management requires adequate resources for advocacy and at the same time screening that refers towards evaluation of benefits and advantages of innovative thoughts. Management of Hawkins Group also evaluates the ideas for change, redevelopment of existing properties, establishment of definite structural roof made out of steel and diverse steel work (, 2017).
Analysis of the changed processes helps in understanding the cost as well as benefits of the changes processes and optimum allocation of resources (Hollensen, 2015). Furthermore, the selection of the precedence for proper allocation of resources in the following phase of innovation that is experimentation calls for the need of evaluation of sustainability of ideas of establishing commercial building, installation of innovative machineries such as lift cars, ceiling grids along with panels. However, this also comprises of examination of installation of different changed processes such as technologically advanced façade, brick veneer calls for the necessity of resources allocation. Thus, the business concern needs to scrutinise all the target consumers and evaluate the process of changes that can essentially address the grievances of the consumers (Hayes, 2014). So, it can be said that resource allocation procedures specifically during the stage of commercialization requires evaluation of cost and benefit. Ultimately, it is necessary to appropriately allocate resources during the phase of diffusion and implementation of changes for innovative business functionalities of Hawkins ( 2017).
Leaders within a specific business can help in undergoing change that in turn can help in keeping up the constantly changing needs of the market. The leaders can help in understanding the overall scope of the project, deciding the course for alterations that are taking place and understanding the procedure of mapping that can affect the entire business organization (Cameron & Green, 2015). Again, effective leadership can also help in implementing the process of change in the organization. Besides this, the leadership team can also help in adjusting the entire course wherever necessary.
Analysis of the business operations of Hawkins reveals the fact that the Hawkins has an effective leadership who can help in stimulating the forward thinking attitudes within a particular business enterprise (Hayes, 2014). In addition to this, the roles as well as responsibilities of the leaders of the firm are also well distributed within the business concern. Geoff Hunt acts as the CEO of the firm Hawking Group and is responsible for handling the entire group. Again, Mike Wardle operates as the CFO and is responsible for taking care of the entire financial section including financial leverages as well as debts. In addition to this, Gary Walker also acts as the Executive General Manager of the group Hawkins Constructions department and bears responsibility for the entire construction segment of the firm. The leadership team of the firm also consists of Brian Fitazgerald acts as the Executive General Manager of the business wing, Hawkins Infrastructure and John Beattie as the General Manager of health (, 2017).
The chief innovation officer or else the chief technology officer and the entire team working under the individual is responsible for the management of the entire procedure of innovative changes in the organization. However, the roles and accountabilities of the detected agents for change is mainly to focus on the procedure of delivering important principles that is behind the process of innovative changes and is answerable for management of procedures of change (Liozu, 2015). This also includes managing the entire process of change and involves management of changed strategies, identification of new opportunities as well as implementation of different technologically advanced processes.
The change options as well as procedures founded on feasibility, usefulness as well as congruence include empowerment of the senior managers of the firm. Management of the organization might possibly think about establishment of empowerment of the employees. The participation of employees at diverse levels of corporation needs to be encouraged for involving different employees in the planning procedures. In addition to this, management of the organization can change the system of communicating the entire process of planning (Marshall, 2014). Management of the organization need to communicate all the updates regarding business functionalities by means of email or else through other mediums throughout the corporation.
The current study helps in acquiring profound understanding regarding diverse success facets of changes that are fundamentally aligned to objectives of the business enterprise. In addition to this, the present study also assists in recognition of different possibility along with opportunities for varied change processes and innovation courses. Furthermore, the current study also explicates illustratively organizational along with environmental scanning techniques that can detect different sources for effective innovation. Besides this, the current study also helps in gaining a deep overview regarding innovation framework, procedure of apportionment of resources as well as appropriate evaluation of significant traits of leaders for both leading and managing. Moreover, the study also provides a deep insight regarding the roles as well as responsibilities of individuals allocated for practices of innovation and elucidates comprehensively the importance of change options and processes based on feasibility, usefulness and congruence.
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