Telstra Corporation Ltd.
Discuss abou the Multicriteria Decision Support System For Bank Rate.
This report will include the consequences which company face while shifting towards the digital based platforms. The first part of the report will focus on ethical implications of digital disruption to businesses and over the positive and negative implications of the decision made by the management to shift organizational operating system. Further, report will focus on framework analysis and under this analysis; an adequate framework in relevance with the organization will be discussed so as to attain expected goals and objectives with the new operating system. Apart from these concerns, another major concern of the report will be on the IT governance issues which will affect organizational performance. Apart from this, the report will also focus over adaptation of the technologies through which expected targets and competitive advantage could be attained. The last part of the report will include recommendations in order to improve organizational performance in the target market along with attaining desired goals and the objectives.
Telstra Corporation Ltd. is an Australian telecommunications company. It was founded in 1975 with the motive of rendering enhanced quality telecommunication, internet and media related services to Australians. Company always believed in expansion and diversification and this is the reason why company is engaged in sundry industries. In the era of David Thodey, CEO of Telstra in period of 2010-2015, company becomes the sales and customer oriented company. In this period, organization attained customer centric approach to be fundamental to everything we do. Further, organization announced digital expansion in August 2011 with the objectives of customer services into social media along with high coverage. Within a year of digital expansion, organization acclaimed growth rate of 600% p.a. in relation to this service. Workforce of the organization increased to 600 and 30 for Live Chat and social media departments respectively. In the expansion and shifting of operating system from conservative engineering platform to a fast-paced digital platform, organization has faced various situations which will be discovered and discussed under this report for attaining competitive advantage in the market (Telstra Corporation Limited, 2018).
While determining the best measure for Telstra Corporation Ltd. in order to move towards digital based platform with the motive of increase customer service, it was observed that a relevant and effective framework is necessary. With the help of this framework, organization could be able to match its strengths, weaknesses with the available opportunities and threats of the target market or area. The process of identifying the most appropriate framework for the organization in relation to accomplishing the set targets, decision support system, business analytics tool and certain other tools will be implemented (Thomas, et. al., 2016).
- What is going on
The company faced many changes after the introduction of digital technology in the business. The employees at Telstra follows high standard of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties. The company implements ethical behaviour risk assessment program with two additional business units. The goal of this program is to improve ethical behaviour risk profile. It also enables toolkit for the risk leaders to conduct ethical behaviour training.
Framework Analysis
II.What are the facts
Telstra’s approach to ethical behaviour is guided by the membership of external organisations. There are some facts which contribute in the ethics of organisation:
- The company does not make political donations; it pays fees to the political parties for discussion on major issues.
- The mandatory refresher training is conducted annually.
- The company focuses on growth by using change program to become more customer focused.
III. What are the issues?
The company faces issue of reducing number of customers while shifting towards digital based platform. The digital implications caused ethical disruption to businesses. The positive and negative implications of the decision made by the management brings shift in the organizational operating system. The customers as well as staff do not easily accept digital technology.
- Who is affected?
The idea of Telstra’s digital transformation enables customers to implement changes to improve experience of customers. Almost 16000 earlier customers were affected by the company’s decision of converting into digital technology. The employees as well as shareholders were also affected by the company’s decision. The customers suffered as they were not able to access in the stipulated period.
- What can be done?
Telstra can enable program for the education of customers so that they can access to the functions desired by them. The employees can be guided by a training program. Such employees can better communicate with customers. Seminars and workshops can also be helpful in removing the gap between company and customers.
- Which option is best?
Mobility: The Company creates service as per the updated technologies used in the smart phones. The market adopts the latest technology to enable great experience on mobile. The customers are also friendlier in using mobile applications than other options.
Broadband and voice: The Company creates the broadband solution which is appropriate for customers. This choice can be made by nbn or copper network. Telstra is prospective in developing technologies and innovations to meet demand of customers. This option can be availed by ordering online.
Decision support system is a technique generally used by businesses in order to perform decision making activities effectively and efficiently. This technique has the capability to guide all departments of the organization in relation to choosing the most appropriate decision amongst all available. With regards to resolving all issues which will be faced during the process of shifting towards digital based platform. Decision support systems are designed as per organizational requirements and it could be fully computerised, powered by human or it can also be combination of both. Businesses can also design DSSs (decision support systems) in accordance with organizational requirements (Shields & Harvey, 2010). This technique will help Telstra Corporation in identifying all its aspects issues irrespective of their nature which could affect business’ performance (Doumpos & Zopounidis, 2010). Along with the identification of issues, this technique could also be used for making the most appropriate and effective resolution with regards to the severity of the issues. Through this, organization could easily attain its desired goals and the objectives along with acquiring adequate competitive advantage. With the help of this technique, organization will be able to make apposite decisions in relation with moving towards fast-paced digital platform from conservative engineering system for attaining sustainable growth and development (Power, Sharda & Burstein, 2015).
This is the strategy which is implemented to enhance organizational performance. In this strategy, various tools are being used through which comparison is made on the basis of expectations of the management with the objectives attained in past. With this analysis, organization realises the gap between the actual performance and the expected performance through which appropriate strategies and tools could be adopted in order to fill those gaps as well as to uplift the performance of the organization as per the new standards and expectations (Chen, Chiang & Storey, 2012). Business analytics provides an understanding and fact based results so as to take apposite decision in relation with achievement of desired goals of moving towards digital platform. As Telstra Corporation is engaged in the various businesses of media, entertainment and much more thus, it is required analyse all circumstances through which appropriate decisions could be taken with regards to satisfy its target audience's needs as well as to gain adequate competitive advantage (Dreischmeier, Close & Trichet, 2015).
Ethical Implications of Digital Disruption
This tool will help the organization to understand its basic needs and requirements in relation to shifting towards digital based platform. Apart from this, business analytics tool will also help the organization in relation with attainment of its objectives with regards to the target area’s circumstances. Business analytics tool and its related techniques will help Telstra in relation to querying, online analytical processing (OLAP), reporting and for alerts. This will ensure organization to achieve an important place in digital medium based companies along with attainment of high customer satisfaction objectives (Kinkel, Rahn & Rieder, 2017).
Along with these tools and techniques, most appropriate framework for analysis in relation to operations of Telstra will be digitization strategy framework. This framework is also known as BCG’s Digitization Strategy Framework. This is implemented by companies in order to capture new opportunities with regards to digitization opportunities. Most of the industries are moving towards digitization and its trend of digitization is leading to reshaping the whole industrial sector across the globe. It also brings certain risk factors along with certain significant opportunities. In order to uplift organizational share in the target market, it is necessary to implement this framework in an appropriate manner so that organization could be able to grab those opportunities and could be able to attain its expected targets. This framework consists various tools which are mainly responsible for determining opportunities available in the global market related to the trends. Along with this, Telstra will also face phases such as losing customers while shifting towards digital medium in order to improve the services. To grab lost customers as well as to attract number of customers, it is required for analysing target audience’s requirements and fulfils them in an effective manner. Along with this, spreading awareness amongst the target market is another crucial objective in relation with increasing its customer base as well as for attaining sufficient growth related objectives for fast-paced digital medium (Lindgren, 2012).
This framework includes determination phase through which organizations could develop most effective set of strategies with regards to global trends, customer satisfaction, and their requirements. Along with this, it also helps the organization to analyse competitors’ strategies, current market share of competitors and gap analysed between actual performance and between the performances attained. With the help of these attributes, Telstra could easily develop an effective set of digitization strategies in order to attain success and sustainable growth in the target market (Martin, 2015). Following are crucial components of this framework which will be implemented with the objective of attainment of growth and competitive advantage:
- Define aspirations.
- Adaptation of improvised technologies through which digital products and services of organization could be promoted to target audience.
- Management and support functions need to be improved for making processes of company streamline.
- Enhanced business models need to be adopted in order to improve data-driven services, for data products as well as for enabling equipment for organization through which desired outcomes could be attained successfully.
- In order to shift towards digital medium platform, it is necessary for to develop enhanced digital technology platform. This should include certain elements such as analytics, big data and secure cloud storage platform (Tassabehji & Isherwood, 2014).
- The last component of BCG’s digitization strategy framework leads organization to build digital ready organization for improving customer satisfaction. This also leads the organization to develop appropriate and effective strategy in relation to improving capabilities which also includes governance, processes, and culture (Shmueli, et. al., 2017).
These components of this framework will organization to attain its desired goals and objectives along with the attainment of the primary objective of shifting from conservative engineering platform towards fast-paced digital engineering system.
While moving towards a digital paced firm, Telstra must consider certain ethical implications and the issues which may affect their business. Thus, it is required to adopt effective strategies and other measures through which the negative impact of ethical implications and other IT governance issues could be minimised. Following are certain IT governance issues which will be ascertained by Telstra Company in order to enhance its performance along with attainment of desired goals and objectives:
- IT risk management
- Establishment and consideration of governance framework
- Awareness of team work amongst the employees
- Delivery of value through IT measures
- Information security department should be enhanced
- Cloud computing and
- Regular auditing and assurances
IT Governance Issues
Risk assessment is a crucial aspect through which organization could be able to analyse its strengths and weaknesses in comparison to the target area. In the concern of IT risk management, organization needs to consider all issues mentioned above in order to detect the risk and other factors through which expected outcomes could be originated. In order to avoid above mentioned issues, it is required to mark as priorities in the processes of organization so as to match up with government’s standards and their requirements (De Oliveira, McCormack & Trkman, 2012).
- It is required to include IT related activities in order to uplift organizational performance along with providing training to support staff.
- In order to enable new corporate strategies, it is must to consider leadership as technology. As Telstra Corporation is moving towards digital paced, thus, it is essential for them to adopt this strategy in order to match up with the new criteria.
- Due to new process, lack of knowledge and skills may be felt by the employees and by the management. In order to reduce its impact, organizational management is required to arrange crucial training and development programs so that appropriate knowledge in relevance to the process could be gained. This will help the organization to uplift its performance along with attainment of desired goals and objectives (Kinkel, Rahn & Rieder, 2017).
- Most of the digital based firms are dependent on cloud computing in terms of storing data. It is required to provide adequate training to the employee so as to keep client’s confidential information safe and secure. Apart from this, it has been observed that digital based firms face various challenges like malfunctions in the processes, security issues, and much more. In order to reduce their impact and to fulfil target audience’s expectations in an appropriate manner, organization needs to adopt certain effective measures in relevance with acquiring competitive advantage in the target market.
- Big data, mobile computing, cloud and much more options are available through which organization could be able to attain its desired targets along with fulfilling target audience’s requirements.
- Telstra is engaged in entertainment, media, telecommunication, mobile, internet and much more fields. Adaptation of digital medium will lead the clients to experience enhanced qualitative services. Apart from this, organization should also focus on certain things such as IT infrastructure, avoidance of duplicative applications, etc. For eliminating IT related risk factors and for reducing bugs from the processes, it is necessary to gain appropriate knowledge and information in relevance with these attributes so that adequate outcomes could be acquired. These are important elements through which organization could be able to uplift its performance on digital based platform.
It has been observed from the analysis and assessment of Telstra Corporation in relevance with shifting towards digital medium from core conservative engineering system that digital medium will help the organization to fulfil its target audience’s needs in an effective and efficient manner. They were working on engineering system and from that, they have acquired huge customer base in Australia but with the adaptation of digital mediums, organization will be able to provide enhanced quality services through which customer will be served above from their expectations. It will help organization to attract a large number of customers, as well as organization; will also be able to expand its business in the overseas market.
After shifting towards digital based system, Telstra Corporation Ltd. will get in touch with its suppliers, customers, employees and other relevant parties through digital networks. So, it is required for them to adopt certain strategies and the measures so as to develop and maintain positive image of organization amongst the relevant parties. Technologies which will be adopted by the management of Telstra for attaining and maintaining competitive advantage in relevance with being a full fleshed digital firm will be CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), SCM (Supply Chain Management), KMS (Knowledge Management System), WMS (Warehouse Management House) and ECM (Enterprise Content Management.
These are crucial attributes for an organization in order to improve its performance as well as to maintain its effectiveness in the target market. For the same, it is required for an organization to meet up with the changes accordingly. Changing as per the requirement is important in order to maintain consistency along with acquiring competitive advantage. Following are certain recommendations for Telstra Corporation Ltd. in order to improve its performance along with gaining its desired goals and objectives:
- Technological innovation: With the help of technological innovation, organizations will be able to match up with the current trends, customer requirements and much more attributes will also be attained. Improvements in the technologies will lead the organization to develop an effective image amongst the target audience along with gaining competitive advantage. Innovations made in technology will help the organization to produce unique, productive as well as more effective products from its competitors which will help the organization to attain competitive advantage. It has been recommended to Telstra Corporation Ltd. to adopt this technique as it will help the organization to invent new methods and measures for rendering unique and qualitative services to its consumers. It will help the organization to develop and maintain its effective image in the target market along with gaining competitive advantage.
- Training to employees: Training and development sessions are crucial attributes for an organization in order to improve its employees’ performance and their efficiency. This is necessary for various terms such as it will lead to enhancing customer satisfaction as they will be served in an effective and improvised manner. Apart from this, training to employees is also necessary as Telstra is shifting towards fast-paced digital platform and in order to perform operations related to digital based platform, it is necessary to provide training to employees. This will help the organization to train the employees for new system as well as to attain desired goals in an appropriate manner.
- Rapid improvements: Apart from these recommendations, another crucial element could be adopted by Telstra for being the leader of the target market as well as to maintain its peak position. In order to adopt this in an effective manner, it is necessary for the organization to develop research and development team who can always look forward to accomplishing organizational tasks. This procedure will help the organization to improve its efficiency as well as it will lead the organization to improve customer satisfaction.
From the aforesaid information, it can be concluded that decision taken by Telstra Corporation Ltd. for shifting towards a fast-paced digital platform is effective enough to attain desired goals. Telstra is engaged in several industries in order to provide several services to Australians. Before moving towards digital platform, they were operating on conservative engineering system which also helped them to develop unique image in the target market. To maintain this image, organizational management has decided to adopt digital based platform and in this report, several aspects are discussed which showcase the challenges and issues faced by Telstra Corporation Ltd. Decision support system, business analytics tool and BCG’s digitization strategy helps the organization to successfully implement digital based platform in their workplace. Further, ethical consequences and the IT governance issues were also discussed which were faced by the organization while shifting its operating system.
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