Assessing the Learning Needs of Nurses
Topic - Educate your peers on how to teach a student on placement to complete an ISBAR communication tool.
The purpose of this written assessment is to create an efficient plan for teaching nurses to achieve the best quality of patient outcomes and care. Nurses need to have knowledge regarding various clinical procedures and activities and simultaneously induce methods for gaining positive health outcomes. It is imperative for nurses to work in cohesion with the standard and etiquette of a registered nurse, prevent calamities, and fulfil treatment-based endeavours. This teaching plan would highlight the renowned ISBAR communication tool for nurses to utilize and preach about it to other peers or nurses whenever required. I would ensure the efficient use of this plan is conducted for improving the chances of a colleague or patient learning. The audience for this plan is a group of 3rd year nursing students who can utilize the session in their careers in productive ways. The learning needs of the desired batch of learners would be considered for developing vital objectives. Various strategies can be discussed for appropriate assessment of the teaching/learning situation. The objective of the teaching plan would be to convey an understanding of the ISBAR communication tool, which organizes conversations into essential elements in information transfer from one source to another in various clinical settings.
Well-designed methods of assessment help in providing valuable information regarding student learning. It is important to assess the inherent traits and needs of the learners to induce efficient methodologies in imparting the right content. It can include grading, assessments, learning and motivation for the chosen learners.
The session highlights the importance of the ISBAR as a pneumonic of ("Identification, Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendations", particularly created to execute patient safety while transferring critical information (Shahid & Thomas, 2018). The tool covers all the necessary stages of information required in the safe formulation of treatment standards for concerned patients.
The integration of learner needs assessments, quality assurance and imparting education can be explicitly noted in clinical audits, which identify improvement practices and assurance of educational interventions to address needs (Subia, 2018). Needs assessment in medical scenarios should manage learning contracts and personal development plans for all healthcare practitioners.
I can use several methods for assessing the needs of the learners. It can be assumed that informal situations generate the potential to freely deliver information instead of the environment of work and chaos. In formal settings, I would integrate critical incident techniques to draw examples from relevant crucial scenarios. I would analyze gaps and conduct skills tests and observations for safer assessment. Peer reviews and revalidation techniques can also helpfully assess needs. The patterns of morbidity of patients along with other adverse events can be traced. Learners, including patients or other healthcare professionals, can integrate their opinions using 'satisfaction-based surveys' for giving a chance to identify teaching flaws. Obtaining computerized data is desirable for a range of wide populations, but these should not probe into the personal opinions or agendas of individuals. I also plan to attain weekly reflections and maintain diaries, journals, weekly reviews or log books for convenience to have an account of related experiences.
Importance of the ISBAR Communication Tool
Learning is a process defined by bringing together environmental and personal experiences for enriching, acquiring and modifying one's skills, knowledge, values, behaviour or attitudes. It is used to develop hypotheses for the description of processes.
As per the Behaviourist Learning theory, learning is observed as a result of connections formed between stimulating conditions of the environment and the particular individual responses that ensue (Masethe et al., 2017). Behaviourists tend to notice a concerned individual's response to the environment and then manipulate changes in the environment for bringing about intended learning alterations. It is similar to assessing the needs of people in heightened clinical settings and bringing about viable modifications to suit the intentions and needs of people. This theory is extremely useful in various nursing practices and delivering efficient healthcare. Respondent conditioning stresses on the importance of different stimulus conditions and associations developed in the process of learning (Munoz Blanco, 2017). For instance, it can so happen that often without reflection or thinking, visitors or patients can make justified associations that are induced by their hospital experiences, providing a basis for long-lasting attitudes towards healthcare facilities, medicine, and professionals. Therefore, principles of respondent conditioning in this learning theory can eliminate previously acquired responses, which can be utilized to teach people to reduce anxiety or break the barrier of inhibitions or uncertainties.
In the context of this theory, the learner's drives and factors of the external environment are focused on which properly influences a learner's reinforcements or associations. The task for the teacher would be to assess environmental conditions leading to responses.
The Cognitive Learning Theory focuses on what goes around in the minds of learners. It also finds a wide application in clinical education and counselling therapies. The perspective highlights how if individuals want to learn, they should modify their thoughts and perceptions forming new insights and understanding. The learning process is directed through organization of information based on what is known, consequently re-organizing information into newer formats of understanding.
Learner expectations and goals create tension, thereby motivating their actions (Gopalan et al., 2017). Teachers who try to influence the overall learning process should recognize how learning situations are influenced by the past experiences, perspectives, expectations, ways of reacting to information associated with goals, and social influences of the learners. The gestalt perspective levies importance on the configuration of patterned arrangement of various cognitive elements. Patients would also strive toward equilibrium, simplicity and regularity. They will be bewildered o having to listen to complex explanations of, say, a specific disease. It is estimated that they would prefer clarified explanations to settle their anxiety and uncertainty and related them to different familiar experiences.
Therefore, these learning theories lay the basic foundation of providing a framework for structure and principles of paying attention to explanation and description of people's learning (Stoeckel, 2017).
The objective of the teaching plan is to inculcate an understanding of the ISBAR communication tool in the peers in a nursing batch and help them figure out appropriate methods to teach the subject to students.
Assessment Methods for Nurses' Learning Needs
Intended Learning Outcomes
-To create effective strategies and procedures for efficient demonstration of the desired subject to learners.
-To formulate innovative ways to grasp learner interest and concentration by utilizing learning/teaching theories.
-To design an educational framework to completion for easy understanding of learners within six months.
Health professions display regular utilization of theories with clarified reasoning in various educational activities in a clinical environment (Medina et al., 2017). This encompasses interactions with clients and patients, management of employee training, health promotion programs, and the continuation of informative education, especially in the current structure of healthcare. Nurses are essentially responsible for designing and implementing procedures to assist health training (Gottlieb & Gottlieb, 2017). The acquired knowledge can also be used in daily activities at a personal or community level to enhance problem-solving and critical thinking abilities.
I would be developing the content based on introducing the ISBAR tool in a clinical setting. The structured clinical handover should be prioritized to reduce communication errors within various health service organizations and improve patient welfare as critical information is accurately conveyed.
The audience would have to utilize this session to teach real patients or clients while being true to health disciplines. It would act as a clinical tutorial for orienting learners to prepare for implementing those practices. The ISBAR tool would produce viable recommendations for the status of patients by sharing their critical information correctly. This can be taught to students using the descriptive learner-centred approach. The topics can be unfolded in detail to first evaluate the learner's capability and speed of assimilation (Oyelana et al., 2018). Once their dedication and interest in the topic develop, the discussion can proceed with mutually acceptable plans of care. Decision-making capability should be enhanced while enhancement of the clinical knowledge and judgement of practitioners. If technical terms become extremely difficult to grasp, fun activities can be conducted to create role-plays between two or more people. They can enact the roles of health professionals and patients to mediate information correctly, which would also involve the rest of the class. Student perceptions and opinions should be considered from time to time by conducting small surveys on their level of understanding concerning the subject. It would also regularly evaluate the impact of teaching on student learning. Nurses can also draw evidence from various sources to relate them to findings from contemporary research. The integration of evidence and knowledge acquired from current situations can be amalgamated to create productive and informative content for students (Kromydas, 2017). Future actions would be necessitated based on this acquired information, so one needs to be incessantly careful while mentioning past records and data. It is imperative to cater to student characteristics and their prior experiences for making instantaneous decisions on how to govern their commitment to practice. The teach-back method can be implemented to check the understanding of learners or patients in various scenarios by asking them to explain their health or expectations in their own words (Fienberg et al., 2019). It will productively create strategies, give additional key factors, and induce transparency and clarity for the patients or students to not feel quizzed. Finally, professional conversations need to be executed between mentors and novices that involve questioning content requiring explicit reasoning. Learners should understand the importance of inclining their interest toward solving issues rather than merely learning facts.
Behaviorist and Cognitive Learning Theories
I have utilized a contrastive approach strategy to target the comparison of similarities and differences in competing diagnoses at similar times. For instance, I will try to draw multiple examples of real-life based scenarios to deeply resonate the information in my audience's minds. The ratios of key features, and common derivatives can be assessed (Wang & Qi, 2021). I would create a conducive environment during the session and encourage curiosity.
Content in Sequence |
Planned Activity & Teaching Strategies |
Resources for teaching and learning |
Facilitator |
Time |
Encouraging participation through evaluation of feedback and surveys |
· Noting the preferences, interests and expressions of learners. · Consideration of learner opinions and curiosity. |
Computerized feedback using Microsoft. |
Group 1- team evaluating learner experience. |
Five months |
Role-plays |
· Making learners come up and perform in front of the required audience. · Incorporation of fun activities to induce learner interest |
Subject clarity. Induction of performances utilizing props as per need. |
Confident members who are not afraid of public speaking. |
One month |
Teach-back method and collective interactions |
· It would take place by encouraging students to openly talk about their understanding by demonstrating what they have learnt. · Corrective suggestions can be implemented. |
Generating simultaneous conversations of learner-based understanding. Participation and presence of all learners. |
All teachers and students involved in a given session |
Three months |
Utilizing prior research-based evidence to integrate real-life examples |
· Defining various theories and learning models to incorporate a technical understanding of clinical situations. |
Data from primary and secondary sources. |
Research and development team, IT team |
Four months |
Planning a way to assess learning and subject development would essentially integrate gathering all data for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of student learning (Yu et al., 2021). It will be useful in determining how students would approach the utilization of the tool and what suggested behaviours they would implement. I would use the assessment strategies of conducting examinations, utilizing concept maps and tests, assessing group and individual performances, and finally, creating rubrics.
I would design assignments and examinations for making the learners grab challenges and be motivated to fulfil them. It would be interesting yet tricky, and relevance would be drawn to situations in clinical or professional settings. The learning objectives need to be utilized to have an analytical dimension in designing the alignment of various tasks.
I would sequentially schedule timelines of assignments to extract the best of learner abilities as they fulfil their work pro-actively. The use of concept maps can provide me insights of how the learners have organized and represented their acquired knowledge (Buzan, 2018). The presence of a structured format would help students focus on their views better while conceptualizing the required subject matter. It also helps draw multiple connections, cross-links and illustrates the ideas in different domains, where I can derive knowledge-based assumptions. Rubrics are scoring tools explicitly describing the expectations of instructors. To avoid errors or ambiguity, I would do my best to initiate tasks with descriptors and performance levels. I can refer to the grading system to analyze if learners have fulfilled various criteria efficiently.
The learner's perspective needs to be significantly considered for fulfilling the main objective of improving patient outcomes. They should be in coherence with defining patient care goals. I would understand if they correctly utilize their acquired knowledge in real clinical scenarios where their judgement would be deemed as crucial. It is also important to observe students in various learning and simulation laboratories, wherein I can validate the session's productivity. Observing returning demonstrations for noticing whether learners have the necessary psychomotor skills is important (Cantey et al., 2021). The strategies and methods of imparting information during the session would only be fruitful if learners could implement the ISBAR tool to transfer important facts.
Measurement of patient care outcomes can be calculated by attaining ratios between quality of outcomes or the severity of a specific patient's condition and the number of resources or costs used in the process (Salmond & Echevaria, 2017). Evaluating the quality of medical care under the supervision of learners would be based on the structural processes they create to minimize hindrances. After deriving the progress reports of the learners, I would make visits to take follow-up sessions individually to address problems, in case. The learners would benefit from their performance being monitored at regular intervals. Their efficacy in using the ISBAR tool would be enhanced, and they would learn to address direly critical situations without external assistance.
Applications of Learning Theories in Nursing Practice
The teaching plan would have the motive of imparting teaching methods of the ISBAR tool concept to nurses for teaching it to their students. It includes several learning strategies, ways to assess learner needs, and methods of teaching the concerned subject. Learning in a clinical setting can be effectively optimized to ensure learners can acquire clinical expertise properly. Attention, concentration and effort are expected to be induced by learners to enhance their skills in healthcare practices. Professional expertise would be aided through the systematic execution of the teaching plan to assist people in overcoming flaws and accelerate the achievement of objectives in increasing positive outcomes. Effective communication utilizing the ISBAR tool can prevent shortcomings of tragic development.
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Yu, C., Liu, J., Nemati, S., & Yin, G. (2021). Reinforcement learning in healthcare: A survey. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 55(1), 1-36.
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