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Social Issues

Discuss the Legal, Social, Ethical and professional issues.

This essay discusses the topic of cyber security within different business organizations. This essay discusses the needs of ethics of different organization in order to deal with the software protection of the computers of the organization. This essay discusses whether every organization has the demand of anti malware protection within the computers and mobile devices those are used by the particular company. There are various threats of affecting the personal data of the computers or mobile within the organizational premises. Therefore, every organization needs to check the security of different products of informational technology as well as information communication and technology. The essay discus whether a law should be imposed by the government o not on the issue of personal security of different IT related products. This essay discusses the possibility of using malware protective software within the purposes of business.

As stated by, Pfleeger & Pfleeger (2002), social issues within the sector of information technology refers to all issues those can have the impact over the all types of societal aspects of information technology. The social issues of computer hacking or information technology can have the impact over the culture; practices, beliefs and values of inter organizational aspect. The process of management over the information resources, information system and information technology have the potential effect or impact over the important aspects of the society. On the other hand, Quinn (2014) argued that, in this case the term ‘society’ has a large meaning. Therefore, the areas of society are nations, culture, people, and tendency of people within the society. If an organization or an individual person of a particular country can be caught, while doing hacking or similar types of action the aspect of the particular country have been decreased among other countries of the world. Many developing countries are witnessing the cyber crime or the mobile hacking process within the fellow citizens of the country.

A series of cultural issues can be included within different types of social issues of informational technology related elements. Cultural issues include political conflict between two or more countries regarding some IT issues, power asymmetry, social environments, cultural customs and social capital etc (Gunn & Taylor, 2014).

On the other hand, Sweeney (2013) stated that, several types of security issues are also there within the societal issues. The social issues include misuse of various types of data, abuse of internet, misinterpretation of digital media, security design and method of management etc. Apart from these issues, creation of viruses, abuse of different social media sites has greatly affected upon the people within the society. Several hackers of different websites are harassing women. Hackers often have harassed the teenagers and women by abusing the information technology. Hackers while using hacking technology have the personal data of different individuals. These have created nuisance among the society (Vlek et al. 2012).

Ethical Issues

On the other hand, Whitman & Mattord (2011) argued that, social security has been affected by the activities of computer hacking, pirated software or else. There are many organized activities behind this type of activities of hackers. Different political conflicts have been increased within two or more countries. Therefore, different political groups, terrorist groups have utilized the activity of hackers in order to attack a country of their conflict.  

As discussed by, Stahl et al. (2014), many practitioner has created the term Ethical Hacking. This means that hackers try to compromise the data and information system of computer in order to inform the owner of the system to solve a problem related to informational system or informational technology. Some professional hackers take this type of action for solving the problems f the system. The particular organization also pays for this work. Freelancing white hat hackers also take action for penetrating software and publish the data within the website.

On the other hand, Bowden et al. (2015) argued that, as the world has been changed from different dimension the definition and purposes if hackers have also changed. The effect of globalization has changed the phenomenon within the society and various regions of different countries. Therefore, the changing scenario of information technology as well as information system has affected upon the societal framework as a whole.

According to Herlihy & Corey (2014), hackers can be categorized into three segments; those are hackivists, hobbyist hackers, and research and security hackers. Hactivists have the political or diplomatic intention while hacking a website. Hobbyist hackers refer to those hackers who hack for learning the thing or only for fun and hobby. Research and security hackers are those who have been concerned with discovering security vulnerabilities and they write the code for fixing the problem. Different government of different regions has imposed different laws and ethical issues. Therefore, an organization who is engaged with the action of hacking they should be breached for disturbing the ethical concerns of the organization.

As stated by, Mullen et al. (2015), professional issues are involved with different types of issues within the professional framework organization. Profession of information technology refers to the workplace of information technology and the workforce diversity of an organization. The professional issues concern diversity within the team of information technology, diversity within the workforce of IT related profession. Different types of professional organization have made different code of ethics for creating effective environment for protecting the security of IT related services within an organization.

Professional Issues

On the other hand, Bush, Heilbronner, & Ruff (2014) stated that, proper education and training is required for the professional of information technology. They should consider the security and ethical concerns of the computer system. Professional of information technology has the knowledge about different critical aspects of Information technology. However, they also should be trained by various concerns about informational technology and the security issues of those IT related issues. They should be able to deal with different types of ethical issues and security issue of the computer system r mobile devices of the organization in order to know the process of saving the organizational resources of information technology from the black hole of the hackers.

Computer hacking and violating information and other types of internet abuses fall under the legal proceeding. Civil, tort, criminal, private, public laws are there for protecting individual and organization from the process of computer hacking. As the system of internet has developed and the process of communication and business have started to take the advantage of IT and ICT system appropriate law should be imposed by different governments of several countries. In the United States, different laws are there to safeguard the information in system of IT and ICT. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 (CFA Act), National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996, USA Patriot Act of 2001, Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA), Telecommunications Deregulation and Competition Act of 1996 are the potential laws for saving the information of IT related document from hackers or any type of misused categories (Broadhurst et al. 2014).

On the other hand, Summers et al. (2014) discussed that, there are different professional organizations of information technology who has invented different code of ethics for dealing with the hackers. These ethical code of conduct also help to save the IT and ICT elements from any sort of misuse. The security professional should responsible in order to deal with the security issues. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act has focused upon the damage of codes of computer system. Electronic Communication Privacy Act has been signed in 1986 in order to account the data that has been stored and transferred into computer system.

Computer Misuse Act is the law that covers the area of computer hacking within an organization or individual. Computer Hacking has increased in different manner within different regions of the world. Therefore, Computer Misuse Act imposes provides that hacking is a criminal offense that has to be imposed by legal provisions. The Computer Misuse Act of 1990 has been established for providing guidelines in the process of computer hacking and other misuses of computers.  In the year 1990, the government of United Kingdom has amended the computer misuse Act.  

Legal Issues

However, Bartolacci,LeBlanc & Podhradsky (2014)  stated that, the problem of hacking has been increased as the contemporary world has been changed by different sector of economy, politics, social and other aspects. As the political diplomacy has been increased within two or more countries, the hackers have become more active than before. Different countries are utilizing different methods of hacking through effective hackers.

Therefore, Ryder (2014) has analyzed that, a group of hacker has huge sources of knowledge that has been helped them in order to take action of hacking. Several countries have used the most talented engineers for doing effective hacking of different website of different official website of government in order to know the private information. Hacking is illegal action against the privacy of an individual or an organization. Increased effort of hacking has enabled a provision of law within the country. Specific legislation is very much required in order to stop the action of hackers within different regions.

As stated by, Wiederhold (2014), The Computer Misuse Act has recognized some areas of offences; those are as follows:

  • Any type of unauthorized access to any type of material of computer
  • Any unauthorized access that intends to do crime
  • Any type of modification of material of computer that is very much unauthorized
  • Manufacturing any sort of unauthorized data and supplying the data that can be utilized for any type of computer misuse that can be called as the offence

These actions are recognized as offences under the section of Computer Misuse Act of 1990 within Britain

The threat of hacking of different IT (Information Technology) related services have increased a lot within different regions of the world. This is no longer restricted within the fun loving people it has been developed for the people of political diplomacy. Many terrorists have started hacking in order to attack the different regions of the world.

However, Ryder (2014) stated that, the government of United Kingdom has also published ‘Cyber Security Strategy’ in the year of 2009. The government of United Kingdom has recognized the need of an integrated approach in order to tackle the threats from any information technology related element or other materials. As the threats of hacking have been increased, the need of an integrated approach is very much required for developing a crime free atmosphere within the different regions of country.   

As discussed by Broadhurst et al. (2014), there are many organization behind this type of cyber crime. Many organized activities are behind this to take action of hacking. Many organized effort have been taken to destroy the privacy of any type of organization also.

Therefore, the needs of up to date malware protection is very much required for secure every software and information system of the organization. They should protect the system from the hackers.

As stated by, Ryder (2014), cyber security strategy of United Kingdom has evolved that the government should take an integrated approach. Every business organization should also take necessary action for using up to date software. Use of up to date software can be very effective for the companies in order to avoid the pirated copy or virus enabled copy. Hackers are very effective with this type of pirated computer. Therefore, hackers can easily find the sources of information from these computers. Up to date software that is malware protective do not have any problems with viruses or hackers.

There will be different conflicts about the economic benefit that can be attended from any pirated software. The cost of having this type of software is low than real anti malware protective software.


The conclusion can be done by saying that a legal provision can be effective for solving the problem of computer hacking or security issues of information system within different business organizations. Pirated software or illegal documents often can cause problem within the organization. Several hackers can easily attack the systems within the organization.

Reference lists

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Bowden, L., Fearon, C., McLaughlin, H., & Jackson, S. (2015). Aligning computing ethics for strategy making in higher education (HE) A contrarian view–who knows?. The International Journal of Information & Learning Technology, 32(1), 2-16.

Broadhurst, R., Grabosky, P., Alazab, M., Bouhours, B., & Chon, S. (2014). An Analysis of the Nature of Groups Engaged in Cyber Crime. An Analysis of the Nature of Groups engaged in Cyber Crime, International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 8(1), 1-20.

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Wiederhold, B. K. (2014). The role of psychology in enhancing cybersecurity.Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking, 17(3), 131-132.

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