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Discuss About The Professional Practice Ethics Case Study Of Telstra?

Telstra is the largest telecommunication company based in Australia. Telstra is known to provide telecommunications and information services to the communities, business, governments and individuals all over Australia (Torchia and Calabro 2016). The company provides numerous telecommunication services, products and the solutions across Internet protocol television, mobile broadband and telephony. They develop CrowdSupport website and 24x7 app.

The report explains ethical implications of digital disruption occurred in the business and how Telstra can be aware of that. The report illustrates the positive negative implications of digital support system. Green Computing has been chosen for the ethical analysis. Hadoop, one of the business analysis tools give opportunities on how they can enhance customer experience. The report elaborates about the IT governance and IT standards.

Telstra Corporation Ltd. is one of the telecommunication media company that manufactures and operates telecommunications networks. They provide telecommunication products and services. Telstra is the largest telecommunications company based in Australia. Telstra initially originates together with the Australia Post as Government department. However, Telstra is now a full private company. They provide more customer oriented services. They provide digital services (Borzel 2015). The digital service helps them to keep digital record of the customers. Telstra with the help of the data analysis tools can know the customers’ demands. The company on the basis of customers’ demands offers customer centric products and services. Telstra develops CrowdSupport website and 24x7 app. The customers will provide feedback and those feedbacks will be help Telstra to carry out their business activities.

Telstra develops Crowd Support Website and 24x7 app to enhance customer service. This approach can help them to gain more and more customers. Telstra decides to connect with the customers digitally. This approach can help them to stay connected with the customers all the time 24x7, however, the digital disruptions can create havoc. The customers are not well acquainted with the digital technology so they can face several issues and may refuse to use the app and the website (Michael and Goo 2017). Moreover, there are security issues associated with the website and the app. The confidential data of the customers can get breached. The customers may refuse to use the app and the website. Both CrowdSupport website and app of Telstra are highly secured and there is no chance of security breaches (Fox 2016). Telstra’s customers understand they can give long term benefits and they will get used to the technology with time.

Demonstrating an awareness of the ethical implications of digital disruption to businesses

There are several advantages of the DSS and BA. It reduces decision cycle time. The employee productivity gets increased due to the decision support system. The business analysis helps the management system of the enterprise so that the top level management can take better decisions (Drobetz and Momtaz 2016). The decision support system also aids interpersonal communication. It also gives competitive advantage to the organisations. Telstra with the help of this technology can gain the competitive advantage and can stay ahead of other companies. Telstra can manage the digital services of their company with the help of the decision support system and business analysis.

The usage of decision support system and business analysis is somewhat costly. The managers must be knowledgeable and must be aware when and to what extent they must use the decision making system and business analysis, otherwise the project can fail (Chintrakarn et al. 2015). Computerised decision support system can result in information overload and because of that data analysis can give faulty predictions. There are all the cons of decision making system that Telstra can face. Again, Telstra managers can heavily rely on the computerised decision making system, the decision making system and data analysis is not mandatory all the time.

The manufacturing industry generally creates a lot of wastes. The green computing can act as effective mean for reducing the waste. It can eliminate the waste which is good for the environment (Aladwani 2016). Telstra decides to go digital. The adaptation of green computing reduces the paper work. This approach can save lot of paper work and cut down of trees.

The paper work involves lot of errors and the employees may enter wrong data by mistake. The paper work is time consuming as well. It brings adverse effects to the business. The digital service is fast and effective. It provides error-free solutions. Telstra with aid of digital record can keep record of each and every transaction (Harrison 2015). Telstra can keep record of the customer details. The CrowdSupport website and the 24x7 Telstra app helps Telstra employees to stay connected with Telstra all day and night 24x7.

The green computing also aids business outsourcing. The data entry, data management, payment processing, quality assurance and surveys are quite hectic to do manually, however, green computing or digital services simplifies the data entry and data management (Kowalewski 2016). Telstra with the assistance of green computing can process payment pretty fast and effectively. The computer gives error-free output.

Identification of the positive and negative implications for the use of DSS and BA

Data analysis tools must be used ethically and it must be used in such a way that it must not affect the customers’ confidentiality. Telstra through CrowdSupport and 24x7 app provides customer services and keep digital record of the customers’ data. The can use the data analysis tools to analyse the customers’ queries. Also they can learn the customers’ behaviour patterns. Telstra can know the customers’ wishes and customers’ demands in details (Winickoff and Mondou 2017). They can use the data analysis for their own needs, however, they must be aware, they should not disclose any of those confidential data without customers’ permission.

The data analysis tools can bring benefits to the company. Telstra with the assistance of data analysis tools like Hadoop can conduct business activities smoothly and effectively. The cloud analyst tool can bring cost advantages. Hadoop also helps in relatively fast data analysis. The data analysis tools help to know the customers’ demands. Telstra based on the customers’ demands and queries must develop products (Schouten and Bitzer 2015). The data analysis tools can help to know the latest market trends. Thus Telstra with the help of data analysis tools can develop products by which they can stay ahead of other companies. Besides competitive advantage they can gain huge profit.

The security breaches can affect Telstra adversely. They provide customer service over 24x7 app and CrowdSupport service the hackers can acquire confidential data of the customers. Telstra can face heavy loss. They can lose the customer base as well. For this reason, IT Governance launches security awareness program (Ngoc 2015). The security awareness program can be helping Telstra to conduct business activities securely and safely. The IT governance standards like ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 can help Telstra to carry out the business objectives.

Telstra provides a platform where their employees provide assistance to the customers. The customers purchase Telstra products and use Telstra services. Therefore, they have many queries regarding the Telstra products and services. Telstra develops a website and an app where the customers can solve all their queries (Castka and Corbett 2015). Telstra offers customer service via Telstra CrowdSupport website and 24x7 Telstra mobile app. The Telstra offers 24x7 customer service; the customers can solve their queries any time anywhere with ease.

Telstra offers varied digital services that can simplify one’s life. Telstra develops CrowdSupport website and 24x7 Telstra mobile app for the customers. The employees provide 24x7 assistance to the customers. The customers have several queries associated with Telstra services as well as Telstra products (Hege, Hutson and Laing 2018). Telstra must follow the IT governance principles so that they can provide customer service efficiently. The IT governance can help them to conduct the business activities ethically and efficiently. Also they can conduct the business operations safely and securely.

Analysis of the case using Green computing for ethical analysis

There are several IT governance risks and issues that affect Telstra. The customers are facing several issues while using the Telstra products. The customers have several complains about Telstra services. The issues generally faced by the customers are delivery of faulty Telstra products and incorrect descriptions of the products. Poor customer service, product delivery delay are reasons for the customers’ dissatisfaction (Lee 2016). Lack of communication is another issue that needs to be considered. The customers of Telstra are not aware of latest technology and IT services and that is why they are not able to use Telstra products and services. Telstra employees thus feel difficulties to help them in such scenario. The customers get misguided and they blame the customer service team of Telstra. Some employees of Telstra are not well acquainted with CrowdSupport, email service and 24x7 Telstra mobile app service. Lack of adequate training is leading to several issues (Derkx and Glasbergen 2014). The employees also provide poor response to the queries made by the customers and behave rudely with the customers.  The employees sometimes do not understand the issues well and for this reason they do not provide necessary assistance to the customers.

Telstra Digital contains safety and security risks as well. The security threat is another severe issue for Telstra. The employees do not get adequate training, they do not have the required desired IT skills, and they are not well versed with Telstra IT services and technology (Lee 2016). The employees are not aware of the security aspects of the Telstra products and services as well. For this reason, they do not able to communicate well with the customers. Some employees lack sales skills and this adversely affect Telstra’s productivity as well. Telstra fails to keep promises and get repeated complains about the IT products they use. CrowdSupport and 24x7 app needs further improvement and better synchronization.

The customers are mainly affected. Telstra CrowdSupport and 24x7 app have many flaws. The employees fail to provide assistance to the customers. The customers are struggling while using the Telstra CrowdSupport and the mobile app. However, they are not getting help from Telstra’s ends. Again they are struggling while using the Telstra’s products and services. Telstra employees are not well versed with the latest IT technologies (Asongu and Nwachukwu 2016). They are not able to communicate with the customers over CrowdSupport. The customers are not knowledgeable about IT technologies and IT risks. Telstra employees face immense difficulties in helping them in such difficult scenario to understand the employees about the products. Telstra has the fear of losing customer base. Telstra can lose the competitive edge and in mere future can face heavy loss. Thus the employees and the customers are getting affected. They must follow IT Governance rules and policies as that can help Telstra to conduct business ethically and efficiently. The IT Governance can eliminate the risks and thereby can provide safety and security to the employees.

Business efficiency

Telstra must be aware of the issues and the queries raised by customers. Telstra must adopt the IT governance framework for the betterment of the enterprise. The IT Governance framework will help the employees to conduct the business activities. The framework is helpful to conduct the business activities ethically and efficiently. They can offer customer service to the customers with the help of the IT Governance. The customers with the assistance of the framework can use the Telstra CrowdSupport and Telstra 24x7 app securely and safely (Desouza and Smith 2014). However, the employees may deny to follow the rules and norms of the IT Governance framework. The customers can even oppose certain norms. Telstra can get affected due to the confusion of choosing the appropriate IT governance framework for their business. The IT Governance framework is going to give them the competitive advantage and the desired profit. Therefore, Telstra must use the framework is such a way that will satisfy the customers’ and the employees’ interests. ISO/IEC 38500:2015 is the official IT Governance standard. ITIL, CBIT and ISO 27002 are other IT Governance framework and Telstra can use any one of them.

The IT Governance framework is going to give Telstra opportunity to conduct the digital activities. Telstra can meet the business deliverables and can serve the customers well adopting any one of the IT Governance framework. IT Governance provides the repeatability, consistency, processes and the standards. IT Governance points out all the stakeholder needs, the governance framework to provide services over the CrowdSupport platform and 24x7 Telstra app (Ravaghi et al. 2016). There are several IT Governance framework like ITIL, COBIT, ISO 27002. The official IT Governance standard is ISO/IEC 38500:2015. The IT Governance Framework is going to furnish the Telstra Digital.

ISO 38500 provides norms and the principles for the governing bodies so that they can conduct the business activities with ease with ease. Thus it gives the opportunity to evaluate, direct and the Telstra Digital activities. Telstra management team can have the guidance on how to carry out the business activities ethically and in effective manner (Vigneau, Humphreys and Moon 2015). The IT Governance framework involves the government body or top level management body like executive managers, auditors, technical specialists of Telstra, members of groups who monitor Telstra’s resources.

Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) is a framework developed by ISACA and it assists organisations to manage and control the digital activities of the organisations. COBIT framework provides useful strategies by which they can offer better customer service (Palea 2015). It provides strategies by which the Telstra’s risks can be mitigated. ISO 27002 is the standard which deals with the initiation, implementation, maintaining and improvement of information security management in an enterprise. It consists of the norms and the policies that can enhance the Telstra Digital.


COBIT framework is the best among the three. COBIT 5 framework is based on five principles. The first principle depends on meeting stakeholder requirements. The second principle deals with covering the enterprise’s objectives from end to end. The third principle deals with application of a single integrated framework (Auld, Renckens and Cashore 2015). The fourth principle enables an approach by which the digital activities can be efficiently managed. The principle five separates governance from management.

COBIT 5 framework offers several benefits. It facilitates enterprises of all sizes. Telstra is no exception. The framework is helpful and it supports business decisions. Telstra can even use IT efficiently to achieve business goals (Palea 2015). The framework is also useful to mitigate IT risks. COBIT 5 can make Telstra to understand the value of investment in IT. Telstra with the help of COBIT 5can achieve compliance with laws, the regulations and contractual agreements.

The top level management can be benefitted from COBIT 5. The digital activities can be completed efficiently with the aid of COBIT 5. COBIT 5 also mitigates the risks related to IT management. Therefore, it can bring discipline to entire Telstra (Auld, Renckens and Cashore 2015). The employees can serve the customers well. COBIT 5 offers all these services all together and other framework do not provide all these services as a whole.

  1. COBIT 5 can assist the employees and the management staffs to carry out the business activities safely and securely. COBIT 5 provides management guidelines which Telstra must follow.
  2. Maturity models of COBIT 5 can be helpful to know the gaps. The management team must educate the employees about Telstra products and services. The employees can help the customers in the best possible way if they are knowledgeable of the products.

iii. The management team must teach the employees how to communicate with the customers professionally. The employees must handle the customers professionally and patiently and must treat them well. They must know the happy customers will return back.

  1. Telstra must hire the employees having technical knowledge and skills. They must be capable to use the CrowdSupport Website and the 24x7 app. They must efficiently use the CrowdSupport website and the 24x7 app so that they can communicate with the customers well.


It can be concluded from the above discourse that the IT governance can help Telstra to conduct business activities ethically efficiently. The IT governance framework like COBIT framework can help them to conduct the business activities safely and securely. Telstra has been chosen as the case study of this report. Telstra is the largest telecommunication company located in Australia. They are known to offer several telecommunication services, products and solutions. Recently, they have developed CrowdSupport website and 24x7 setup. The report has illustrated ethical implications of digital implications to the firm. Green Computing is a practice that has been explained in the report. Green Computing has been chosen to conduct the ethical analysis. Hadoop is a data analysis tool that has been described in the report. Hadoop can assist tesla to offer quality customer service.


Demonstrating an awareness of the use of data analysis tools and the competitive advantage that can be achieved through their development and usage

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