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Discuss about the Project Management Plan for Music Festival.

For events like, music festivals  that are going to be held in Victoria country , it is important to manage them efficiently with the use of proper planning, and management approaches. These festivals can provide multiple benefits to desirable and healthy society by mitigating the different negative impacts of other issues and problems (Jones 2014). In order to achieve the incredible potential of the music festivals, sustainable festival management of music celebrations must turn out to be generally adopted and extended as basic practice (Rivera 2014).   

 This report provides a brief discussion about the different approaches that can be used for better management of the music festival (like using fast tracking, Gantt chart for resource allocation). The approaches related to the resource planning, risk assessment (risk register, response to risk etc), mitigation and leadership are discussed in this report. In addition to this, justification for the selected approach is also provided in the following sections of this report.   

The size and nature of the occasion will have an immediate bearing on the level of required hardware, administrations, facilities, staff and time required to get it going. According to Hull (2015), there are several approaches available to a project managers like crashing, resource allocation using Gantt chart and anticipating and resolving the resource overload issues.


Describe the resource for example: “network engineer.”

Skill Level or Material Quality

Associated Task(s)

Duration Required



Unit of Cost

(Hour, Day, Week, Month Fixed)

Project Team

Project manager

Highly qualified and experienced 

 Managing the whole team.

Until the completion of the event.





 Tracking the expanses done for setting up the stage and equipments. 

 From the staring of the plan to the budgeting process






Acquiring and maintaining the different equipments. 

Completion of the setup  of the stage for the performance



Hospitality  coordinator


Managing the entrance and exit of the audience 

At the time of entry and exit of the visitors from the venue.



 Visitor service event manager


  Taking care of the different services provided to the visitors of the festival.

At the time of the performances in the festival.




Catering facilities


 To provide food and beverages to the visitors

From the start to the end of the show.



Lost & Found


Collect and return the lost goods.

From the start to the end of the show.



 First aid and emergency services


For any health emergency of visitors. 

From the start to the end of the show.



 Drinking water


To provide drinking water to the visitors. 

From the start to the end of the show.




Site decoration equipments 


To decorate the stage and the site for the festival. 

Before the start of the festival



 Transport & vehicles


 To provide transport facility to the visitors as the venue is in hilly area.

During the show



 Power generation and wires for distribution.


For managing all the power requirements of the festival 

From the start to end of the festival.



Onsite logistics


To manage all the waste after the show.

After the show.



Table 1: Resource allocation table

(Source: created by author)

Resource overloading approach: This approach is helpful in assigning tasks to the team members in such a way that, no one of them gets burdened by the task. It also helps in the efficient and optimal use of the human resources (Georges, Semaan and Rizk 2014).

Fast tracking or Crashing: The fast tracking is about ding the tasks in a parallel manner that is originally scheduled for done in a sequential manner. Therefore, the resources are not wasted as there is no waiting for a task to be completed. In addition to that, it can be said that, the fast tracking does not involve any cost or increase any cost related to the tasks and the whole project.   

As it is estimated that, there will be almost 8000-12000 people will attend the festival, therefore, it is possible that due to the negligence of any employee or visitor the event gets badly. This are considered as the risks to the whole event (Tomai et al 2013). Following table presents the different risks related to the festival.

Resource planning

Risk ID


Risk Owner

Risk Trigger

Risk Category

Probability (1-3)

Impact (1-3)


There is a chance that the project cost will exceed the amount that the company has budged for the work.


If the expected work remaining will cost more than $5000 over budget the team will need to seek additional funding from sponsors.





It may happen that due to the narrow roadways the vehicle gets inside to the ground.

Visitor service event manager

If any car comes inside the venue of the festival, then the volunteers will try to send it back to the road.





Due to the excessive pressure of the workload, it may happen that the employees get stressed out.

Project manager

The shift timing for the employees must be rotated so that, a particular employee does have to complete a lot of task.




Table 2: Risk register for the festival

(Source: created by author)

For managing the music festival, forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning steps are used for managing the project team.




In this stage the project, team member meets with each other and determines the goal for the project at the same time they talk about the challenges and opportunities of this undertaken project.


 In this stage, the team members of project team raise their opinions against the actions of the leader (Lundgren and McMakin 2013 ). This stage helps the team to be more versatile, thus can complete the project effectively.


 This stage unites the whole team that shares a common goal and greater intimacy between the different members.


At this stage the team members and the team leaders becomes autonomous and are able to make decisions for the better completion of the project.


In this stage the project gets completed and


Resource overloading approach: The best way is to determine the overload of the specific resources. Like, it may be determined that, which are the team members having two or more tasks in their hand to complete, then a new schedule for a project must be developed so that, the skillful employees does not have a hectic workload (Rokooei, Goedert and Fickle 2015).  This rescheduling includes, hiring of new personnel if the resource overload is for long-term. The project manager must ask for overtime to meet the deadline of the project.

After taking over the project, it is important for the project manager to determine the availability of the resources whenever they are required. The estimation of the resources is not done according to the actual workload on a specific resource (Inoue, Mori and Komiya 2012).

On the contrary, the fast tracking approach is helpful in completing the project in the estimated budget by executing the tasks in a parallel way.

For risk management, the risk register approach is used for this project. This approach is selected as it asks for input from the project team members as well as from other stakeholders. This document contains the probability occurrence of the risk, its severity, and the mitigation plans as proposed by the different stakeholders (Ballantyne, Ballantyne and Packer 2014).

On the other hand, another risk management approach is to respond to risk.  This approach states the steps like avoid, transfer, accept and mitigate risks. This approach is used by the teams whenever the project impacted by any risk (Kendrick 2015).

For managing the event, the selected approach includes the following steps, forming, norming, storming, performing and adjourning. This approach is selected as it clearly defines the roll and responsibility for each of the team member. Therefore, each team member will have proper list of tasks that are going to be completed by them.


From the above discussion it is clear that, there are several approaches for resource planning, risk management and leading an event management team for the music festival like the music festival of the Victoria country. In order to manage the resources optimally, to accommodate the large number of the visitors, performances of individuals and bands it is important to choose the appropriate approaches.

In addition to that, it is suggested to partner with the local organizations so that before and after the festival the wastes from the venue can be easily removed. Moreover, to maintain the cleanliness at the venue during the show, it is important to have clearly market waste bins so that, visitors can easily notice them and use them for waste disposal. 


Ballantyne, J., Ballantyne, R. and Packer, J., 2014. Designing and managing music festival experiences to enhance attendees’ psychological and social benefits. Musicae Scientiae, 18(1), pp.65-83.

Georges, N., Semaan, N. and Rizk, J., 2014. Crash: An Automated Tool for Schedule Crashing. International Journal Of Science, Environment, and Technology, 3(2), pp.374-394.

Hull, J., 2012. Risk Management and Financial Institutions,+ Web Site (Vol. 733). John Wiley & Sons.

Inoue, Y., Mori, K. and Komiya, S., 2012, April. Automatic creation of countermeasure plan against process delay: creation of countermeasures based on crashing and fast-tracking valve. In Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS international conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science (pp. 243-251). World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS).

Jones, M., 2014. Sustainable event management: A practical guide. Routledge.

Kendrick, T., 2015. Identifying and managing project risk: essential tools for failure-proofing your project. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.

Lundgren, R.E. and McMakin, A.H., 2013. Risk communication: A handbook for communicating environmental, safety, and health risks. John Wiley & Sons.

Newton, P., 2015. Managing the Project Schedule.

Parent, M.M. and Smith-Swan, S., 2013. Managing major sports events: Theory and practice. Routledge.


Rokooei, S., Goedert, J. and Fickle, K., 2015. Using a Simulation Model for Project Management Education. In 7th Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.

Scherrer, J.L., Olco?, K., Butterfield, A.K. and Kebede, W., 2015. Bringing experiential educational groups to the United States: an analysis of group development in an international travel and study program. Social Work Education, pp.1-13.

Tomai, M., Mebane, M.E., Rosa, V., Ingravalle, V. and Benedetti, M., 2013. Do virtual groups experience less conflict than traditional teams?. Global Journal on Technology, 4(2).

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