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Volkswagen of America’s new system for funding

Discuss about the Project Management Volkswagen of America.

The chief information officer (CIO) of the Volkswagen of America (VMoA) did a phone call and was relaxed after the initiative. The call was directed towards the one of the peers of the Executive leadership team (ELT). The outcome of the process from the call was that there was a generation of a process, which was new. It formed an IT Project list, which was founded in 2004. Few days later the project was revealed. In accordance to the process, a new storm was created within the internal working of the organization. The main point of focus was in the discussion of the concern relating to the working in the organization, and the projects, which were not funded. The different members in the team had their own point of view, which are very much repetitive relating to the prioritization relating to the process by which the people within the organization about the mistake categorization. The mistakes, which are performed within the organization, result in penalty of the unit of the business. In most of the calls, the main point of emphasis was the funding of the information technology project, which were not funded so that the projects would be again in the working form.  In the Volkswagen of America (VMoA) there are 10 unit which are operational with proposed project of more than 40 relating to a funding requirement of around $210 million (US). The budget, which was ranged by the VGAG, which is the parent company of the Volkswagen of America (VMoA), was around $60. The pushback, which are done in the process, was very much surprising. The new process would be beneficial in a way of making the tradeoff very much explicit and the link of the project and the processes, which are, core relating to the business, which would be affecting the overall goal of the organization (González-Ruiz, Duque and Botero 2017).

A new architecture of the business was formed by the member of the organization taking the help of the strategy corporation group of the Volkswagen of America (VMoA) in direct collaboration with the gedesUSA. The framework, which was created, was very much a high-level concept. The architecture, which was involved into the concept explicitly despite the resources which are very much key for the overall working of the organization and answering the questions such as how, when, why, where and when. The architecture helps the strategy to be clearly understood which can be applied to the different elements of the organization. In order to rebuild the business strategy keeping in mind the new system, the Volkswagen of America (VMoA) builders constructed a new blue print of the system. The architecture of the business mainly included the following points.

  • A hierarchical and prioritized view of the goal of the organization relating to the internal working.
  • A functional model, which is hierarchical, that mainly display all the activities, which can be considered as major activities, which are involved in the corporation.
  • A model relating to the enterprise, which can be mapped to the function.
  • An information inventory system.
  • A state current inventory system that are directly linked and mapped to the enterprise related functions.

Creating a new business architecture

There are several type of entities, which are involved into the working of the organization, and these entities play a very vital role in the concept of creating and managing the new process for the priorities of the Volkswagen of America (VMoA). The ELT can be considered very much responsible for the responsibility which are considered as primary for the execution of the NRG program which are related to the new IT process of the government. To approve and guide the process, which are related to the prioritization of the IT and the project selection there, was a committee formed which is known as the ITSC. The PMO directly involved the overall working with the team members who was involved into the building up of the strategy. This process was beneficial in a way that it helped the group to arrive at an explanation, which is detailed in order to move through the aspect of selection and prioritization. The digital business council (DBC) which consist of the members of the representative of the team which are related to the e business unit was in charge of the overall working and in this context it can be stated that the work which is done by them is very much complex. The task which were termed as complex mainly included the aspect of project categorization, business impact, taking the decision of the trade of and the discriminating their direct alignment with the goals of the organization. For the funding of the project an appropriate stage was reached very all the detail necessary was included into the concept. The main conclusion, which was reached, was that the overall working of the project would be broken down into parts, which was majorly three parts, and the tenure, which was involved into the aspect, was three month which would be taking place in the month of July to September (Pommier et al. 2018).

In order to start with the project the PMO of the project had put a formal call for the projects with the due date in order to get the approval of the deadline. In the month of July before the actual implementation of the project was done by the PMO, the corporate strategy team with the gedas strategy consultant facilitated a workshop with the members of the DBC. The main aim of the meeting was to give the members of the DBC a clear idea about the funding of the project and the take into consideration about the funding, which would be required for the project. Each of the technology would be directly connected with the architecture of the business, which would be explicitly in the form of functions related to the working. This concept would be directly affecting the overall internal working of the organization this would be involved in the direct initiative of the organization. The main agenda, which would be discussed in the meeting, would be the basic requirement of the project and the funding requirement of the project in order to make the project functional. This concept would be deployed so that the standard of working of the overall organization would be made better. Some of the units in the organization were very much comfortable with the overall working and with the goal, which was set by the organization. The business unit consist of a leader who are termed as an ELT member. Taking into consideration a project which are enterprise goal oriented the main point of focus would be the strengthening and weakening of the case study related to the enterprise case related projects. There always exist a temptation which is related to finding out more ways by which is different sectors in the business could be enhanced. One of the factors, which can be involved into the concept, is judging the sectors from where the funding of the project can be achieved. At the end of the process, which is related to thinking, the group speculated about the amount, which was related to the budgeting of the IT project. There was a rough estimate made which was around $60 million, which was valuable altogether, $16 million fund were eventually kept aside in order to maintain the concept of the stay in the business. Relating to most of the projects which were related to the infrastructure which were under the guide of the CIO matulovic another $30 million would be directly funding the project relating to the enterprise this directly left about $14 million for the projects which were high priority relating to the business projects. The calculation, which can be considered as back end envelope, can be considered to be stating the organization that the requirement, which was relating to funding related to the entire top-level project exceeded the budget and the requirement of the funding. There was no idea into the gap, which was set between the funding requirement and the budget how it was created and what should be done in order to minimize the gap. In order to provide the necessary recommendation the following points were pointed out to Matulovic and the ITSC

  • The goals of the organization, which are low, ranked should they drop them.
  • Should the factor of funding be equally distributed relating to each of the goals of the portfolio?
  • Should the organization recommend that the unit of importance that are related to the business be revised which can be related to the enterprise priority from the NRG.
  • Should the organization take the action of breaking each of the portfolio and release fund for the projects, which are, associated with the most critical which are associated with the projects, which are less important (Ikpa 2016).

Entities involved in the project

Through the concept of new process and business architecture, it can be stated that there are several projects which are favored by the concept of the unit of the business which was to cut down the overall cost of the project. This directly provides provision for the outcome, which is related to, the present unit executives to present mainly two options. The first option would be to organization to acknowledge that a project from other sector than the usual working area might be more important in order to achieve the goals of the enterprise. On the other hand, the second option would be that the organization could challenge the merit of the technology which can be new for the concept of the selection of the process and prioritizing the project. In most of the cases, it can be stated that option two would be selected nd the consideration would be taken into account and second option would be neglected most of the time. The main concept, which can be taken into considered in this case, is that if the project does not get the appropriate funding was the concept prioritization. Most the value in this case was not included in the Volkswagen of America (VMoA) level of importers. The local USA base business valued the aspect if project which was based on the warehouse performance, which could not be directly related to the concept of the topmost, ranked NRG, related goals (Gwynne 2017).

According to Matulovic the project was very much poorly served. The option, which was related to the concept, was very much less. He could easily indulge in the concept of funding from other projects and involve more of the dedication in the concept of project supply flow. The solution in this aspect could have been done in the concept of finding alternative option of funding which would be directly beneficial for the organization. He could have on the other hand used the project as a wedge to directly drive into the prioritization of the process directly to reopen the concept.

There are three types of investment, which can be involved into a project, which may be:

  • Return on investment (ROI): this type of action is related to the prediction of the concept, which is related to the aspect of cost, saving. This result needs to be sufficiently exceeding the part of the investment, which may include the initial step up investment and the ongoing maintenance and operation. For example the user may install a system which is new due to the aspect of the maintenance which is applied to the system which is done manually and the cost would be around 50% lowered as compared to other system which are preexisting.
  • Stay in business (SIB): This concept can be related to the aspect if legislative directly to maintain the continuity of the business or can be overly mandated relating to the parent organization. It can be stated that few of the example in this aspect may include customer privacy effort which is legislated or the concept which is related to the disaster recovery which is business continuity (Cuenca and Boza 2015).
  • Option creating environment (OCI): Similar to the concept of the Return to interest but it can be comparing it with the concept if revenue generation and cost saving. The concept can be considered to be very much risky due to the factor that the anticipation of the concept if the new execution process or the methods clear to competitive advantage for the business. It can be stated that the overall concept is the prototype which when implemented would result in implementation, which result in greater implementation, which can be directly be justified (Mansouri 2016).

On the other hand, it can be stated that there are three technology types of application, which are stated below:

  • Enterprise Application: the system of the company, which are specific, that directly provide broad functionally or the operation, which is used throughout the infrastructure of the organization.
  • Base enterprise IT Platform: Infrastructure service and tools or the common external application, which are directly developed, and utilities that are used throughout the different companies (data warehousing, internet based communication and desktop application tools) (Cuenca and Boza 2015).
  • Customized point solution: The system and relating to it the solution, which are directly targeted to the application, not recognized directly as very useful across the enterprise.

The application and the type of investment would be directly related to the influence how particular investment would be treated. The main concept, which should be taken into consideration I the aspect of prioritization and selection of the process. The manager of the business unit assumed that in the near future business bodies would be getting the approval of the project, which are considered very much crucial and stated as important project. Some of the members of the project are not so much comfortable with the concept due to the factor that the organization focus more on the goals, which are related to the enterprise. In this concept the goal which is related to the concept of the was based on the leadership of the ELT members and thus it can be realized that the assigning of the project which are related to the NRG goals were ranked implicit in their importance towards the VMoA. The organization and the people who are involved into the concept remained in the unit of the business individual portfolios with the note of dictating removal from the unit of the business if the enterprise project was approved.

Formal call for project funding

The concept of the moving to the IT infrastructure can be considered as a strategy, which would be involved in the overall working of the organization. The focus point in this concept would be the project, which did not have the proper funding for the execution. It can be stated that in the near future the projects would be gaining the importance so that it would be yet again operational. There are a basic need of the IT aspect, which has to be involved into the overall working of the projects, and it should be taken into consideration by the project manager to get the appropriate funding and making the infrastructure more improved. The situation, which was faced by Matulovic, was very much crucial as the project, which were not funded had to make operational in order to enhance the functionality of the organization. The aspect of funding would be directly beneficial from the point of view of the workers as well. There are different factors, which would be playing a role in this context such as the concept of flexibility, which can be achieved from the functionality of the projects, which would be funded in the near future. The main factor, which can be taken into consideration, is the aspect. The aspect of the funding of the project can be considered very much important due to the factor that it would be making the project functional. In most of the cases it is seen that a project fails due to the lack in the finance sector which would be needed to keep the project moving. The main factor, which play a vital role other than the factor of budget, is the sector of labor, which would be needed to keep the project moving towards the point of success. There can be different types of changes in the overall working of the project and the project manager and make the project a success should talk these changes. When a project is funded equal right should be given to all the people so that they can involve into the aspect of decision making and provide a framework of work which would increasing the success rate of the project. The sector of the project, which are not functioning, should be taken care of so that it would not affect the overall working of the project. All the factors, which would be hampering the overall operation of the project, should be noticed at the start of the project due to the factor that during the implementation of the project it would not be a problem


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