Discuss about the Risk Assessment and Management The main focus point of the report is to take into consideration detail retrospective plan of risk management for previous events.
The concept which is related to the risk management can be considered as an attribute which is very much essential. The main reason for the statement is due to the factor that project management can be directly be associated with the different factor of risk. The risk factor if not managed properly can directly lead the project to the factor of failure that can involve losses and accidents. Taking into focus the different constraint it can be stated that the role of the manager in the context is very much crucial to evaluate the risk factor which can be associated with the project and he is entitled to take necessary steps so that mitigation of the risk factor can be done. The plan which is related to the objective of risk management can be directly be achieved through a planning which indulge how the risk factor can be mitigated.
The main focus point of the report is to take into consideration detail retrospective plan of risk management for previous events which have occurred at the university of the technology Sydney (UTS). The main sector which the risk management plan would be emphasizing would be the contractors, engineers, manager of risk and other parties which are directly related to the different operation of handling the cranes. In this sector it can be stated that the UTS crane fire acts of incidence as a case study in the context of the limitations, context, objective and scope of the plan relating to the risk management.
The case study which is related to the UTS crane fire is one of the events were risk management was not taken into focus. This is mainly taken into consideration focusing the review of one of the structural engineers which was very much sentimental. The engineer in the context had got a directly opportunity which is related to the evaluation of the projects just two weeks prior to the accident took place and he stated that a disaster would be going to happen. The engineer in the context of the event had put forward an idea of shutting down the site for maintenance work. Relating to the idea land lease construction which was attached to the project refused to abide by the cautioning. The workers of the construction site had forewarned the construction company about a leak in the fuel from the crane cabin. The union in the context had directly put an order relating to the site closure.
Risk Management Process
The accident had directly taken place two weeks after the inspection process took place. The date which was related to the event was on 2012 of 27th November. The Favelle Favco relating to the serial number S920 burst into flames which directly lead to failure of the jib. The main impact of the jib fell into the site of the faculty of the information and engineering while the extended tower directly ran across the street of Broadway. Thus this directly posed hazard to the labors who worked in the projects or passerby. Relating to the event it can be stated that there was no casualty in the UTS incident of Crane fire.
In the context of the event it can be stated that an investigation was done in the scenario by the Coroner as specified under the section 81(2) relating to the Construction laws of the Australia that smoked from the power pack in the cabin of the carne around 9:30am. Reacting to the vent the driver of the crane opted to the turn off the engine and tried the fire extinguishing method but it did not work and the fire directly came out. The motorist of the crane came out of the tower and was directed towards safety with the help of the Rescue officers who were working at the site. At the event the fire continued and it directly affected the luffing ropes to be stabilized the jib of the crane.
The UTS directly aimed to build an ecofriendly building which directly followed a 5 start green standard which is certified by the green building council of Australia. The following are the list of requirement which is related to the construction.
- Area of gross building: 44,000m².
- 12 levels and four basement level and one plan at level one.
- Total usable area of floor: 23,500m².
- Maximum accommodation population: approx. 5030
- Parking of 160 cars or 288 bicycle.
- The budget of the project is $240 million
UTS can be stated to be having different objective relating to the project. There are different sectors of objective which are stated before the start of the project. Some of the objective in the context are stated below:
- Relating to the finding job it should be supporting local and national concern.
- Environment assists by means of designing sustainable process environmentally.
- Enhancing the outcome of the university by means of improving performance and strategy principle.
- Creating an environment which is competitive with the universities which are local with a motive to improve the academic research and experiment.
- Improvement relating to the sector of the establishing modelling of and life cycle valuation to performance settle.
- Revising the economy of the domestic through the supporting of the government and the direct stakeholders to invest in the education industry.
The use of the crane according to the standard of the Australian standard is an extension of the international industrial code elaborated in AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009. It can be stated here that according to the standard the concept of the risk management process includes involvement of communication and the factor of consultant which is frequent in the manner of review and monitoring and reviewing. In addition to this it can be stated that the sector of the risk assessment, risk analysis, risk identification, risk analysis and risk action are very much important. The whole process which is related to the concept is put into a diagram and is stated below:
Communication and Consultant Plan
In the concept it can be stated that the risk manager with the help of the project manager have the role to directly ensure that the plan which is related to the concept of multi directional and consultant. The main focus of the plan is related to the different stakeholders who are involved in the management of the risk thus increasing the concept of reliability. This would be also increasing the reliability which is related to the plan.
The primary objective which is related to the concept is the consultant plan and the communication which mainly focus on the factor of the strategies of the effective communication for the consultant and communication. Other objective which can be stated here are explained below:
- The plan which is related to the concept should be very much reliable and effective
- It should be directly incorporating knowledge gain from the different stakeholders abd the different parties which are involved in the sector of the operation.
- The information should be given to each of the stakeholders and the risk which are associated to each of the domain should be known.
- Raise different form of awareness which is related to the responsibility of the project stakeholders.
- Understand and cater the stakeholders interest.
This section directly involves a section of interest which is related to the group of stakeholders and their own power which is related to the working of the project. In the section of the achievement of the power interest grid model it can be used as noted in the figure 2 which is given below. The model which is related to the concept directly allows the organization to classify the stakeholders with the attention which are very much high and the power which is related to the communication which has to be very much frequent. Relating to the lower interest it can be stated that the communication is seminal update.
In the grid it can be stated that the there are four stakeholder group which are key player/manage those who would be keep satisfied and those who would be informed and those who would be monitored. The model of communication in this context to reach each of the groups are elaborated below:
In the sector of the region of the manage and key players the risk manager can use a method of formal method of communication for example letters, email and telephones or different meeting which would be very much regular. This sector would be directly ensuring the domain of the reliability and accuracy of the information and the data.
The main sector which is related to the keeping of the satisfaction would be involved in the face to face meeting which would be maintain a favorable relation. The information should also be informed to the third section even. The sector of the involvement would be the environmental protection and the international media. The information should be including the sector of communication which would be helping in the domain of the interaction which is seen in the cases. This majorly include the sector of the largest group of public and general public. They mainly require a sector of minor communication which has to be maintained through the sector of announcement on the website of the university. The main impact which is related to the announcement can be related to the creation of the announcement on the factor of the risk which is caused in the sector of the rigs onto how the accident which took place in the site if the crane.
Establishing Context
AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 directly stipulates when the context of the establishing is related to the crane of the project, the manager has to include the external and the internal context. There should be some sector which should be followed in the domain which is related to the indulgence of the sector of working of the project. In the context it can be stated that the risk policy can also be stated to be playing a significant role in the context of the proper working of the project.
The University of Technology Sydney (UTS) is stated as one of the institute which focus on the sector of higher education. It was formed in the year 1988 and it is directly registered under Australian Technology Network of Universities (THE 2017). The main goal of the university was aimed at providing quality of education to the student so that they can directly enhance the functionality which is related to the project. In the sector of working it can be stated that the university is taking into consideration few steps which would be directly enhancing the working which is related to the concept. Some of the sector of the operation and construction is related to the building of information technology and faculty of engineering along the tenure of a time period of 2009 and 2013. The project can be stated to be becoming very much synonymous with the UTS of the fire carne. The project in the context of the working includes the construction of nine story building, new building of the student and extension of the current tower podium and the refurbishment of the old building. Another sector which is taken into consideration is the campus pedestrian network. it can be stated here that the project directly requires the use of the carne. This present risk which is related to the fire can be stated to be very much crucial in the sector of the working of the concept and the linking of the sector of the employed which is related to the achieving the standard of employed.
In the sector of the construction it can be stated that it can be directly be linked to the modern society. In this context it can be stated that the project would be directly beneficial in the sector of the employment of the people and the stakeholders group due to the factor that it directly includes the sector of working. In the case which is related to the UTS, it can be stated that the domain would be creating a new engineering area which is related to the innovation project and deployment of skills into the concept. The main working of the project would be directly helping the growth which is related to the sector of development would be affecting the growth of the society. Additionally, it can be stated that the movement which is related to the application of the cranes it can be stated that the ports, fabrication and mining and energy well as the concern which is related to the logistics. The most important sector which can be stated here is related to the project justifies which would be done with the help of cranes which would be allowing a greater movement of load. On the other hand, it can be stated that the risk which is related to the cranes can directly put the life of the workers at risk and it can also include the sector of property and vicinity.
In the sector which is related to the risk management plan it can be stated that it directly aims at the minimization of the risk factor. It directly includes a framework which is related to the risk management aspect. The risk which is linked to the sector of working it can be stated that the term of safety is one of the main consideration of risk evaluation.
The project which is related to the crane can be stated to be involving domain which is related to the internal and external stakeholders. In the sector of working of the project it can be stated that the UTS board of directors, land lease Project Management and Construction Pty Ltd, and partners.
The main sector of the external stakeholders mainly includes the pedestrian, onlooker, Marr Contracting Pty Limited along with Wattle street, NSW fire and rescue, student, supplier, agencies working in the domain of environmental and funding of the resources.
Position |
Roles and Responsibility |
Risk manager |
The risk manager is directly responsible for the identification of the risk factor |
Board |
Review the risk management plan and approve the project. |
Staff |
Implementation of the objective of the project |
Financial manager |
Monitoring of the report and aspect of the project progress in relation to the budget. |
Internal Auditors |
Audit project periodically. |
The policy which is related to the risk management have to take into consideration which is related to the threat and the risk which is likely to affect the security which is related to the people. The risk management aspect which is related to the concept has directly used in the sector of the project which is detailed in the IEC/ISO 31010:2009 standard which is under the risk assessment technique and AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 under title ‘Principles and Guidelines”.
The factor of the risk assessment process can be stated to be guided by the AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 while the model and the technique under the concept of standardization using the IEC/ISO 31010:2009.
The most important criteria which is related to the working of the UTS is the detection of the risk factors which is included into the sector. It can be directly assumed that the lend lease who can be related as a contractor of the project must be having past experience which is related to the detection of the risk association with the project. The concept can be stated to be making the brainstorm which si directly based on the factor of the past experience which is related to the concept. There can be list which is related to the checklist which can be stated to be playing a very significant role in the sector of the identification of the risk factor. The checklist is provided in the appendix A
The scope which is related to the identification of the risk can be stated to be very much limited due to the factor of the public safety and safety which is related to the employee who are indulged into the working.
The risk register directly takes into consideration the different risk factor which are being identified and it can be stated that the risk is plotted down. The main risk factor which can be included into the sector are stated in the appendix B.
The analysis which is related to the concept of the risk should be done so that the risk factor is not included into the sector of the working of the project.
The most important sector which is related to the risk criteria is related to the simple quantities risk assessment matrix which is proposed by the NSW. The potential risk factor and the working which is related to the concept are explained with the help of the table.
As per the UTS Board of Directors consensus it can be stated that the risk factor can be directly summarized in the following factor.
It can be stated here that relating to the risk management which is related to the cranes it can be stated that the organization has to directly put the place of the control such as training of the workers which would be involving personal safety and the work place safety of the workers. These control aspects are indicated in the appendix C which is under the Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA).
The main principle which is related to the acceptance of the risk can be stated to be in the sector of the Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) principle. This principle directly states the acceptance criteria which is related to the risk factor.
In the context it can be stated that the evaluation of the risk can be done during the phase of the identification and the analysis of the risk. The evaluation of the risk can be done using the principle of the ALARP as it is in according to the law.
The ALARP principle is stated in the figure 5 which is stated below. The evaluation method directly determines how the risk can be done and the sector of the involvement of the factor can be taken into consideration.
The primary factor which is related to the identification of the project which is related to the UTS project as guided into the ALARP principle are stated below:
- Falling of the operator from the cabin
- Risk which is related to the falling of the objects which is related ot the material components which is being lifted with the help of the crane
- Collapse of the rig due to the fire
- Collapse of the plat rollover due to the structural failure.
This section directly takes into consideration the aspect of the risk which is being identified and how the risk factor would be mitigated. It can be stated that it is very much crucial to remove the risk factor due to the factor that it can directly involve the sector of working of the project.
The main risk treatment sectors and options are stated below:
- Insurance
- Contingency preparation
- Worker training
- Creation of mass awareness
The effective involvement of the risk factor can be done according to different factors such as the cost, feasibility and time. On the other hand, it can be stated that there is another factor which is related to the concept is related to the factor that the risk factor would not be getting indulged into the working. On the other hand, it can be stated that there are different forms of laws which are related to the concept which can be stated to be very much crucial in the sector of working of the project.
The concept of the risk monitoring can be stated to be very much relating to the standard which is ISO standard and the detaling of the sector of working of the carnes and the hoisting of the equipment. It can be stated that the periodic monitoring of the schedule are identified below:
Activity to Monitor and Review |
Frequency |
Checklist |
Daily |
Routine Maintenance |
Weekly |
Third party Inspection |
Weekly |
Updating Risk Register |
Weekly |
Board Meetings |
Weekly |
Maintaining extinguishing equipment |
Weekly |
Board Meetings |
Fortnightly |
Briefing other stakeholders |
Fortnightly |
Internal Audit |
Monthly |
Major Inspection |
Monthly |
Checking fluid leakage |
Quarter Yearly |
Insurance |
Annual |
The risk manager in the context of the working should be getting involved in the sector of the closure of the risk factor. He has the overall role which is related to the exchange of the information which would be directly helping the working of the risk factor. In most of the cases it can be stated that sector of risk is one of the concern area which is related to the working of the concept.
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Gardiner, S. (2012). UTS crane collapse was 'an accident waiting to happen. viewed 30 August 2017 <https://www.smh.com.au/nsw/uts-crane-collapse-was-an-accident-waiting-to-happen-20121127-2a4tl.html>
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Queensland Government. (2017). Cranes. viewed 30 August 2017 <https://www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/injury-prevention-safety/workplace-hazards/dangers-in-your-workplace/cranes>
Standards Australia (2009). Risk Management – Principles and guidelines, AS/NZS ISO 31000-2009. Sydney: Standards Australia.
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