Prepare a report investigating various factors determining and associated with the safety management practices in ship management companies.
Include the discussion on the factors critical to maintain the optimal balance while making safety decisions in business sense.
Factors determining and associating with safety management system practices in ship management companies
Safety management systems in most companies such as ship companies provide the systematic approach to recognize dangers while focusing on keeping pledge that these dangers organizations are effective. Safety management systems remain to be the businesslike approach to safety. It is the explicit, systematic, and comprehensive process essential in managing safety risks (‘Safety Leadership’ 2011, p. 43). As with every management systems, system of safety management provides for setting, planning of goals, together with measuring performance of a company. The safety management systems are thus woven into the fabric of the company. The major purpose of safety management systems is to decrease risk to intensity that is as squat as is sensibly feasible in operations of companies. However, there are several factors that determine as well as associated with the safety management systems practices in management of ship companies (Kim, Choe, and Kim 2017, p. 649). These factors range from ethical, financial, and legal aspects among other elements. Therefore, primary objective of this report is to determine various factors that determine and associates with the safety management systems practices in sip management companies.
In the framework of the provision of safety management systems practices, ship companies are the fundamental factor in the development of the national economy of any maritime nation. The strengthening of safety culture in ship organization has become the increasing essential concern for all operations that are risky in the company (Wang and Notteboom 2014, p. 752). The high level of safety performance and management is useful in ship companies for success of business in intensely competitive global marketplace. The most important factors focus on improving the protection of individuals, society, together with the environment where ship companies operate by establishing and maintaining effective protection against the respective hazards. Safety management systems practices in ship companies are attained through the use of reliable structures, components, and systems together with adequate clear procedures and acting individuals committed to the firm safety culture. Furthermore, factors that affect safety management system practices in ship companies can consist of the guiding principles of respecting together with valuing all individuals working in the contracting chain. The other factors include the approach that is collaborative, interventionist and takes extended perspective and presence of the supportive regulatory and inspection network (Cusumano and Ruzza 2015, p. 115). Besides, another factor that affect safety management system practices include process of implementing several enabling processes for setting clear agreements of contracts, adopting mutual c0odes of conduct, planning and coordinating operations, sharing and giving of information, creating the capability of every individual working in the ship contracting chain, reviewing and evaluation of health with safety practices, together with recognizing safe work and possessing sanctions in place for unsafe work (Blundell 2017, p. 60). The success of ship companies depends entirely on the constant reinforcement and review of safety management systems practices.
Safety culture
Safety management systems stay to be valuable approach, but their effectiveness in ship companies is influenced by the range of both internal and external factors. These factors are critical to the functioning as well as usefulness of safety management system practices in ship management companies. Some of these factors include safety culture, financial performance, and size of company. Other factors consist of safety incentives, management support, suitable supervision, and personal competency, detailed safety plan of management, and accident reports and investigation among other elements. Ship companies are just like any other organization that can be at risk (Dvarioniene, Zobe, Kruopiene, and Stasis?kiene 2013, p. 1087). Therefore, every industry in risk, the human together with organizational factors constitutes the major stakes for safety management systems practices. Moreover, several events at sea have been utilized to develop appropriate mode of risk to help in improving the safety management systems. Operations of most ship companies are full of different regulations, guidelines, and instructions that address human factors and safety culture that aim at enhancing safety management practices. Nevertheless, management of ship companies ashore and onboard need not just to ensure that the form skills are in pace but also ensure, encourage, as well as inspire the necessary attitudes to attain the safety objectives towards management of ship companies (Thompson 2013, p. 1646). Other factors associated with safety management practices of ship management practices consist of quick ratio, return of assets, work environment priority, perceived profitability that come into two categories such as creditworthiness and being section of the corporate group.
Safety culture in ship companies remains to be a vital factor in determining and associating with safety management practices. Safety culture may be termed to consist of various other concepts that refer to cultural aspects of occupational safety in ship companies. These occupational safeties include safety attitudes and behaviors, together with safety climate of workplace that is more commonly referred to and are fairly well documented (Wang, Wang, Su, and Ge 2016, p. 291). Safety cultures have a huge impact on safety management systems of ship companies as attitudes of and behaviors of managers or workers can improve or reduce safety practices during operations. Managers with low self-esteemed can reduce the safety management practices of a company when they fail to perform their duties perfectly as required by set regulations. Safety culture of organization affects safety management practices as it comprises of morals, beliefs, with standards that work as the basis for system of administration. It also comprises of sets of different preparations along with behaviors that illustrate as well as reinforcing different principles that are basic (Ying-Liang, Chien-Chung and Ching-Tsung 2014, p. 191). Such practices and beliefs form the senses formed by associates of organization in their look for tactics that address concerns that include professional hazards, safety, with accidents at job. The principles together with exercises are not common to the particular degree by associates of the place of work, but take actions as the principal basis of coordinated as well as motivated operations concerning the inquiry of wellbeing at work place. Therefore, it can be inferred that customs should always be distinguished from both real structure of work wellbeing and existent occupational safety programs (Vanem 2014, p. 248). Safety culture within ship companies is cared for as the make that assists to demonstrate that there exist community processes in businesses that assists or hamper outcomes or behaviors concerning safety and health of occupation in ship management companies.
Safety culture results to safety production system of liability. Such systems remain to be compulsory system in the ship companies that are used to stipulate different responsibilities of management, leadership, and labor layers that ensure the management of company attain safety management system practices in markets. Responsibilities trough safety culture enables all involved parties in ship companies to perform particular specific tasks to meet safety requirements for management practices (Lixin, Defeng, and Jiyin 2016, p. 427). Therefore, it stays a task to uphold a secure and well place of work to attain wellbeing system practices of execution for ship companies’ management. The safety culture along with health management system or safety plan is essential in aiding an individual to focus on efforts at improving their work environment. According to survey by Kaila (2017, p. 398), whatever a plan an individual might have, their plan describes what the people within the organization perform to prevent instances of injuries together with injuries at the workplace. There is a need to support the culture of safety in order to attain safety management system practices in ship management companies. It is clear that safety culture associates with the results of operations of ship companies (Choi, O’conner, and Winkler, M 2017, p. 13). For instance, ship organizations with more positive security culture have essentially best wellbeing rehearses around worldwide markets. The more positive wellbeing society, the better the security hones.
There exist incredible possibly a huge number of components in ship organizations that result from financial performance that associates with functioning of safety management system practices. Monetary execution of each association is regularly thought to be associated with alterations of safety management system practices within workplace of ship companies in general and sometimes on organizational health safety management practices in particular (Kandukuri, Robbersmyr, and Karimi 2016, p. 1561). The major supposition is dependably that if people work in best workplace that is solid, sheltered, imaginative, and ergonomically stable, these gainful variables have a tendency to be reflected in the execution of the ship companies (He et al., 2015, p. 487). It is not simple and easy to illustrate such relationships and direction of different casualties could be discussed. Better financial performance, as well as better safety strategy management practices, may be essential in reinforcing each other in the positive alongside repetitive winding that makes the ship companies focus on attaining good practices of safety management. Financial performance as a factor that affects safety management strategy practices associated with the outcome of different operations of ship companies (Chen, C, Chiang, Liu, and Zeng 2018, p. 849). A generally safe in financial soundness partners with better wellbeing administration vital practices. Be that as it may, a high hazard in financial soundness is altogether connected with more awful practices of security administration methodologies. Accordingly, execution of ship organizations must be related with wellbeing hones
The company size of every ship organization is an essential factor in determining and associating safety management system practices for management of operations. The bigger the size of organization, the much effort needed to form safety management practices essential in improving operations of ship companies. In most cases, big companies struggle in attaining functioning systems for practices of safety management system practices (Cooper 2014, p. 31). These struggles ensure that the company varies in how fruitful they are in achieving the working precise security administration techniques. Size of company affects safety management strategies of ship management companies by involving risks that should be methodically surveyed, redressed, or examined. On the off chance that the peril can't be all around rectified immediately, the activity plan must be set up and later followed up upon to ensure that ship companies achieve safety management strategies practices in their operations (Blundell 2017, p. 61). Moreover, size of organization is frequently used to look at that there are social procedures in an organization that help or thwart particular practices or results with respect to organizational health safety management strategy practices.
Size of any shipping company is term to be a proxy variable for the different factors. These factors comprise of lack of commitment, lack of understanding, lack of formalized routines, together with letting safety and health measures to take a back seat to profitability and productivity of an organization. Companies are obliged to risk and hazard management in the workplace with the motive of protecting safety and human health during management of any shipping company of any size (Choudhry 2012, p. 301). Several studies have reported that prevalence of different safety management strategic practices of ship management companies tends to increase with size of organization. However, there is still need of further surveys to demonstrate the proposed association that connects size of company along with safety strategy management practices. Size of Ship Company significantly associates with the results of operations. The bigger the organization, the better practices of wellbeing administration strategies. The converse is also genuine, that the littler the ship association, the more regrettable the practices of safety management strategies (Akamangwa 2017, p. 162). Company size of ship industry is thought of as the intermediary variable for various components that are accepted to vary contingent upon size.
These are some of the factors that remain essential for attaining the optimal level of safety and quality of Ship Company’s management. However, while the ship company’s safety management is not the factor of economical nature, the category of comfort is needed mostly by targeted customers with the higher standard, in the field of business or tourist travel. Comfort of transport, as one factor of quality of passengers in ship transport, continues to be a collection of impressions and feelings that travelers have and is the outcome of capabilities and effort of the provider towards attaining their needs during travel or transit by sea (Kaila 2017, p. 379). Moreover, quality of services offered by ship or maritime transport in the broad sense is closely related to the safety services that improve management of sip companies. Safety management system practices are in fact the minimization of the risk level for goods and individuals in the course of transportation. Such essential aspect is affected by other three major factors that consist of human factors, the ship as a way of transport, and demand of the waterway (Olkhova, Davidich, Roslavtsev, and Davidich 2017, p. 44). Moreover, human aspects are the most vital factor that affects the safety management systems of travel by sip companies as individuals manage and maintain the ship as a way of transport, use and maintain waterways, together with compressively manage the traffic during the transit in seas. Therefore, one of main task of ship is to offer maximum safety during transit of goods and passengers (Thompson 2013, p. 1647). Safety management system practices of ship companies through can be viewed from three different aspects such as safety of the personnel performing transport as section of their professional duties, safety of passengers and goods under transportation, and safety of environment.
It is believed that the sustainability and development of Ship Company depend largely on the professional staff involved in the implementation of services of maritime services, regardless of whether human resources at sea or on land are concerned. Efficient together with competent workforce demands high standards of professional education with development of profession to meet the needs of clients. In order to attain the needs of safety management system practices for ship companies from the aspect of human resources, close cooperation between the industry of shipping, universities, and shipping companies are simultaneously needed at all levels of education and training. The capital of sipping organization comprise of its professional staff, its leadership, and its market position (Demirel And Bayer 2015, p. 58). Therefore, main task of any well-organized organization management is to be surrounded by the best and the most qualified individuals, so that high-quality service can be provided to the customer. In doing so, it is vital to monitor and investigate the overall quality of individuals in the ship companies (Vanem 2014, p. 239). Their quality needs to conform to international regulations together with public pressures that need high-performance standards during implementation of safety management system practices to ship management companies.
Human resource management remains an integral factor or part of the function of managing the safety system practices of ship organization. It is defined as the process that deals with formation and directing of human knowledge, capability and will as the response to demands that result from the objectives of organization. In modern business of ship companies, quality of human resource remains to be fundamental component of quality in various operations that consist of maritime transport (Yang, Kumaraswamy, Pam, and Mahesh 2011, p 156). According to survey conducted by Zhou, Fang, and Mohamed (2011, p. 89), personnel that is responsible for performing this task in safety management system practices must be capable and competent and poses appropriate training, education, and acquired experience and skills. Therefore, human resource management and investment ensure that ship companies focus on the need of developing the broad together with a comprehensive system that aims at motivating different workers and take into consideration all the different needs and aspirations of people and develop the safety management system practices to fulfill such activities.
From this report, any team that deals with safety management system practices needs to have the pro-active approach in developing and establishing the safety culture within the ship companies. It is worth mentioning that despite comprehensive set rules and regulations, ever-evolving training several accidents still happens. Although in other cases the root cause of unsafe management system practices is failure of equipment through inappropriate design. It is clear that size of Ship Company, safety culture, and financial performance can be named to be intermediary factors for other basic factors that taken together decides and connects with security administration technique hones in ship administration organizations. Size of Ship Company stays to be the intermediary basic angles in organizations while wellbeing society is the intermediary for social science in operations of ship companies. Additionally, creditworthiness stays to be the financial aspect of safety management strategy practices in ship management companies. Therefore, there is a need for every shipping company to depend on directionality as these factors help in illustrating protective aspects and risk factors for better and worse safety management strategy practices in ship management companies.
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