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Write a eassy coursework about strengths/advantages and limitations/shortcomings of a person-centric perspective in work psychology as well as about the academic and practical implications of this approach.

  • In the introduction you should introduce person-centric work psychology in a concise manner.
  • In the first main section of the coursework, students need to review strengths/advantages as well as limitations/shortcomings of a person-centric perspective in work psychology.
  • In the second main section of the coursework, students should address the academic as well as practical implications of a person-centric perspective in work psychology.
  • you need to round-off their coursework with a personal statement, outlining and explaining their view on person-centric work psychology. 


A person centric, commonly known as people centric in plural form, is discussed in the present essay and how their work psychology is proceeded with. This refers to the personal importance to increase work growth. Work can become highly interesting to the people because it revolves the cycle of human life (Cloninger & Cloninger, 2011). While working, the people centric can experience various emotions of joy, tension, anxiety, sadness, energetic, determined etc. Yet, the dominating paradigm of the I-O psychology does not do right to all aspects of the people centric. Under the work psychology paradigm initiated by H.M. Weiss and D. E. Rupp, there has been three major ingredients which act as a challenge (Weiss & Rupp, 2011). It includes the accumulation and the analysis of data and information, the definite quality of the sources of the work and the utilization of personal introspection to construct a psychological science. There lies the importance of a person centric work psychology. The arena under this sphere is huge. It lays its focus beginning from the primitive times to the present era (Cooper, O’Hara, Schmid & Bohart, 2013).

The person centric work psychology includes both the objective and subjective patterns. It incorporates within itself the transient forms of emotions during work as well as the emotions which can be extended over a lengthy period of time. The details of the I-O treats with regard to the workers and the owners hold a key place under this essay. Along with that, the merits, demerits and the implications of the person centric work psychology in the contemporary era.

The advantages of a person centric work psychology implies that the recommending is a self interaction between the client and the psychologist. It can be highly helpful for the client by expanding his welfare and happiness. The person centric approach aids in the examination and the investigation of the clients of themselves and it enhances the power to resolve their personal challenges, disputes and issues. It helps in providing the client to show the path of truth, happiness and success (Forest & Wood, 2012). They learn to possess belief, faith and control in themselves.

From the perspective of the psychologist, they get the opportunity to show their true colors. They extend their caring and helpful attitudes towards the clients. The clients can build up trust within themselves and with the psychologist. The psychologists show an impartial, approving and emphatic approach towards the clients. The clients become more confident and better in every way. The weaknesses of the clients could be dissolved. The provision of self importance is laid emphasis because it improves the morale of the clients (Yardley, Morrison, Bradbury & Muller, 2015).

The most effective merit of the work psychology is that the psychologists accept the clients in their original forms. There is absence of hypocrisy and deception among both the parties. The psychologists provide the clients with a stage for self exploration the development of self confidence. The true temperament can be expressed and the weaknesses can be worked upon efficiently. Thus, these were the key advantages of the person centric work psychology in the modern day world (Funham, 2012).

Advantages and Limitations

Everything in the world possesses advantages as well as well limitations. The person centric work psychology too contains certain limitations. Every human possess both negative and positive sides. It is important that the negative sides are curbed easily. But this work psychology does not create an opportunity for curbing the negative aspects from the people. The interaction between the psychologist and the client often remains incomplete. Thus, the required prescriptions and suggestions are often missed out. The work psychology is a failure in the provision of the appropriate framework, even though the psychologists provide a subscription to the ethics, ideologies of their jobs within the borders. Also there is absence of the efficient techniques which promote the smooth functioning of the person centric work psychology (Linton & Shaw, 2011).

The other limitations include that there is absence of interference of an authority which would exercise continuous supervision upon the efficient working the work psychology. Sometimes, it is seen that the psychologists do not possess the required qualifications to deal with the complicated cases of the clients. They often lack the ability to provide necessary suggestions to the client as per their needs. These demerits can have a great impact upon the behavioral patterns of the clients. The above factors were the disadvantages or the limitations that crop in the person centric work psychology process (Wong, 2011). These demerits needs to be checked so that the process of work psychology in person centric can efficiently function and give the desired results. Cutting these demerits would make the system more efficient.

Discussing about the academic and the practical implications of the person centric work psychology, it can be well stated that all the advantages and the disadvantages of the person centric psychology is incorporated from its implications that arise during the functioning of the human experience. The experience used here is a relative term. These implications can be outgoing as well as incoming. These academic or the practical implications are upon the basis of the integral happenings of an individual’s life (Mearns, Thorne & McLeod, 2013).

The practical implications of person centric work psychology implies those results which have come at the present conclusion due to realities of  life. They can be both positive and negative and show the latest results of the practicalities of the selected issues. The practical implications can be based upon the pragmatic approach of the working of the person centric between the client and psychologists in the contemporary era. All the practical advantages and the disadvantages in the modern day world faced by these classes of people are under the practical implications of the person centric work psychology. All the important elements of science and technology, advancement of technological aspects, globalization etc affect the pragmatic approach of the person centric work psychology (Meyer, Stanley & Vandenberg, 2013). The sources state that the practical implications include the present situation of what it is like working in the present. The issues, challenges and the problems faced in this era and related to the immediate issues of this era are under the practical implications of person centric work psychology. This is the opposite of the theoretical aspects and go beyond the theories quoted in pen and paper.

Academic and Practical Implications

The academic implications are different from the practical implications under the person centric work psychology. The academic implications are basically based on the theoretical aspects which have been followed from the times immemorial. The academic approach is derived from the theories from books. Upon its application in the contemporary times, there arises a variance in the generations. The academic implications were upon the basis of the ideas which were prevalent before. They imply those times when the world was not as technologically advanced as it is now. However, if the theories are followed then the relationship between the client and the psychologist can be more cordial (Vanhercke, De, Peeters & Whitte, 2014). The client can feel more free and secured while discussing the problems with psychologists. Moreover, the academic approach implies that the work psychology of the person centric would function well at all stages. Thus, it helps in a better learning among the students to learn about the person centric work psychology. The academic implications provide with superior quality result of the researches made upon the work psychology. A better aid of reasoning upon the issues can be learnt and the students can be well versed with their subjects in a better way. Thus, the academic implications find plenty of ways to make the students have a better and sound understanding upon person centric work psychology (Broeck, Lens, Whitte & Collie, 2013). Thus, the above were the practical and academic implications of person centric work psychology.


After a close perusal of the above facts and data given in the current essay about person centric work psychology, it can be concluded that the efficient functioning of the person centric work psychology can improve the situations to a great deal and help the clients achieve the desired success. After an overview of the entire person centric work psychology, the personal statements include the following:

The person centric work psychology has been in action since long times. The contemporary era has successfully and efficiently adopted those ways and their ways of dealing with clients. There has been both advantages and disadvantages of the same. The psychologists being trained to handle the clients with care can usually perform their duties well. Their attitude provides warmth to the clients. But there is prevalence of the weaknesses as well. It is recommended that once these weaknesses are wiped out, then the work psychology procedure could be more efficient. It is recommended the psychologists are provided with proper training and education to curb the above limitations.

Upon the academic and the practical implications over the person centric work psychology, the personal view is that it can be applied in the professional fields to help the clients serve better. Caring for the clients can be very helpful and it would be valued by them. Despite the weaknesses, there are plenty of advantages in the above method. Thus, serving for the benefits of the clients has always been a chief goal of the person centric work psychology and these methods greatly focus on it.


Cloninger, C. R., & Cloninger, K. M. (2011). Person-centered therapeutics. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine, 1(1), 43.

Cooper, M., O'Hara, M., Schmid, P. F., & Bohart, A. (Eds.). (2013). The handbook of person-centred psychotherapy and counselling. London, UK: Macmillan International Higher Education.

Forest, A. L., & Wood, J. V. (2012). When social networking is not working: Individuals with low self-esteem recognize but do not reap the benefits of self-disclosure on Facebook. Psychological science, 23(3), 295-302.

Furnham, A. (2012). The psychology of behaviour at work: The individual in the organization. London, UK: Psychology Press.

Linton, S. J., & Shaw, W. S. (2011). Impact of psychological factors in the experience of pain. Physical therapy, 91(5), 700-711.

Mearns, D., Thorne, B. and McLeod, J., 2013. Person-centred counselling in action. London, UK: Sage.

Meyer, J. P., Stanley, L. J., & Vandenberg, R. J. (2013). A person-centered approach to the study of commitment. Human Resource Management Review, 23(2), 190-202.

Van den Broeck, A., Lens, W., De Witte, H., & Van Coillie, H. (2013). Unraveling the importance of the quantity and the quality of workers’ motivation for well-being: A person-centered perspective. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 82(1), 69-78.

Vanhercke, D., De Cuyper, N., Peeters, E., & De Witte, H. (2014). Defining perceived employability: a psychological approach. Personnel Review, 43(4), 592-605.

Weiss, H. M., & Rupp, D. E. (2011). Experiencing work: An essay on a person-centric work psychology. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 4, 83–97. 

Wong, P. T. (2011). Positive psychology 2.0: Towards a balanced interactive model of the good life. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne, 52(2), 69.

Yardley, L., Morrison, L., Bradbury, K., & Muller, I. (2015). The person-based approach to intervention development: application to digital health-related behavior change interventions. Journal of medical Internet research, 17(1).

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