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About the Australian Tennis Tournament

Discuss about the Case Study Report on Event: Australian Tennis.

The Australian tennis is a tournament that is organized yearly within the city of Sydney with the aim of raising funds and capital for people with disabilities. Specifically, the funds aim at providing financial assistance to handicapped and paralyzed individuals to help make their life better.  The event is held every year over the fortnight of the Month of April and May. The first event of this kind was held in 2010. Today, this is the largest tournament and tennis event held in the country (Osipov and Vonog, 2016). The highlight features of the day are the matches for men and women’s singles, junior championships and mixed doubles. The other special event is the one of the paralyzed and handicapped men and women who play the match on their wheelchairs. It is worth noting that this event is one of the topmost ranked events in the country and the most liked in the region (Jordan, 2016). The main objective of the event is to raise funds for the handicapped and paralyzed individuals within the Australian community (Rogers and Davidson, 2017). In addition, the event aims at creating awareness among Australians about the importance of being healthy and fit. In addition, the event organizers aim at improving the economic conditions of the local people by seeking their services in the preparation of foods and beverages during the tournament. As a result, they are able to earn money from the tournament.  This year, the event was widely promoted by event organizers on social media sites in order to reach a large audience from people in the country as well as across the world. In addition, the marketing was done through mainstream media advertisement on newspapers and television (Shankard and Lyberger, 2014). Furthermore, the organizers printed banners and placed them at strategic positions all over Sydney. In turn, this increased the awareness of the event among people.

According to the triple bottom line approach, a business should seek to go beyond the traditional financial needs of the business by recognizing the profits that the business makes socially, economically and environmentally (Chamberlain, n.d.). Thus, in this approach, a business in only successful after it has been able to achieve all these three aspects of the triple bottom line approach. Therefore, this section will analyze the success of the event with reference to the three aspects.

Triple Bottom Line Approach and Event Success

It is imperative to note that the event was successful in attaining its economic objectives. Specifically, the event aimed at raising funds for the people living with disabilities through the event. By the end of the tournament, a significant amount of funds had been raised and hey would be directed to improving the lives of paralyzed and handicapped people within the region. Furthermore, the event organizers aimed at enhancing the economic position of the local businessmen and women by sourcing for their catering services during the event. In turn, the local business people were able to earn some income from the event. Therefore, the organizers were successful in achieving their objectives.

In addition to the financial objectives of the event, the organizers aimed at improving the welfare of the handicapped and paralyzed people living in the region. By and large, the funds raised through the event would go a long way in improving their status. In addition, the event was successful in creating awareness about the importance of being healthy and fit through partaking in activities such as tennis matches.

Although the triple down approach necessitates that the event results in some form of environmental benefits, the event did not bring about any environmental success. Therefore, the organizers failed in achieving this component of sustainability.

By and large, the event had significant impacts to the community of Sydney. Mainly, these impacts can be classified in terms of economic and social impacts. It is noteworthy that the event did not bring about any environmental impacts to the city of Sydney.

It is praiseworthy that the event brought about multiple economic impacts to the city of Sydney.  First and foremost, the event was able to raise a significantly high amount of money that would go into improving the economic conditions if the people within Sydney living with  physical disabilities such as the handicapped and paralyzed.  As such the money raised would go a long way in improving their economic welfare and status within the community.

 Secondly, the event brought about an influx of people into the city of Sydney thereby leading to the promotion of local businesses (Arranz, et al., 2017). Businesses that were able to benefit from the event include hotels and restaurants, catering services, transportation such as Uber and taxi companies . As such, people who came to the city to take part in the Australian tournament used their services, thereby allowing them to earn a decent income from the activity. In turn, this brought about an improvement in the economic conditions of the local business men and women.

Economic Impacts of the Event

What is more, the event was marketed and covered in various media platforms, among them television, newspapers, and radio. In addition, the event was strongly promoted on social media avenues such as Facebook and YouTube. In turn, this created awareness about the event while highlighting the various features and attractions that are available in the city of Sidney. Therefore, the event brought about an increase in awareness about the city, which in the long run period may bring about an increase in the level of local and international tourism in the region of Sydney.

Aside from the economic impacts, the event also had significant social impacts on the local community within the city of Sydney. To begin with, the event brought about an improvement in the conditions and welfare of the handicapped and paralyzed people in the community. Specifically, the funds collected from the tournament will go towards enhancing the lives of these people for the better. In turn, there social conditions would also improve. What is more, the event created social awareness to the plight of people living with disabilities within the society and their needs, and therefore created a spirit of willingness to help them out.

 In addition, the event had a social impact in that it brought people from all walks of life, from within the country and outside the country to take part in the tournament for a noble course. Consequently, this had a social impact of bringing people together to interact and share ideas, thereby promoting social interaction and togetherness. During the event, people from different cultures were able to mingle, create contacts and share ideas. Furthermore, the event was able to create awareness among the people who attended of the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and keeping fit through sporting activities such as tennis. Therefore, all factors taken into consideration, the event brought about significant and positive social effects to the community of Sydney.

According to the triple bottom line approach, for an event to be sustainable, it must have a positive environmental impact on the local community which the event is held. In this case, there are no apparent environmental impacts arising from the Australian tournament fundraising event. Therefore, the organizers should reconsider their objectives to include an activity that would give rise to environmental awareness or any form of environmental impact to achieve sustainability as recommended by the triple down approach. 

Social Impacts of the Event

Recommendations on achieving objectives

It is very impressive that the organization was able to achieve its main objective of raising funds and money for people that are handicapped and paralyzed within the region of Sydney.  It is also commendable that the tournament was successful in creating social awareness about the importance of keeping fit and healthy. However, there are various recommendations that the event organizers may apply to make future events even more successful.

First, the organizer of the even could print mugs, tennis balls and caps to be sold as souvenirs during the event. By selling these items to the participants and attendees of the match, the even t will be able to raise more funds by the end of the fundraising activity. Consequently, more funds will be made available to help the people who are paralyzed and handicapped within the city of Sydney.

Secondly, the event organizers could organize other fun activities during the event such as entertainment and extravaganzas to keep those who are not playing in the matches active and allow them to enjoy themselves as well. Such activities would then increase social interactions among people who attend the event, thereby creating a sense of community among the participants and attendees. Further, the event organizers could bring in health and fitness experts to educate the audience on the importance of exercising and living a healthy life. Indeed, this would increase the success rate of achieving the social objectives set by the event organizer. 

While referring to the triple bottom line approach, it is recommended that the organizer includes a series of environmental objectives among the main aims and objectives of the event. For instance, the organizer can set the objective as to improve social awareness about the importance of protecting the environment and keeping clean through the use of biodegradable products, proper disposal of waste and environmental conservation (Hade, 2007). In turn, such an objective will go a long way in ensuring that the firm attains an all round success as regards to the conditions for sustainability laid down by the triple bottom line approach.

It is also praiseworthy that the event was able to bring about significant impacts to the local community, both in terms of social and economic impacts. However, it was unable to cause a positive environmental impact to the community where the event was held. In this regard, this report recommends that the organizer take into consideration the environmental impacts of the event to the community in which the event is help. As such, the triple bottle approach necessitate that for an event to be successful, it must be able to bring about both social, economic and environmental impacts (Slaper, 2017). In this case, the organizers can ensure that this condition is fulfilled by creating an awareness among its participants on the importance of keeping the environment clean through proper disposal of garbage, the use of biodegradable products and environmental conservation. In doing so, the firm will be able to create a positive environmental impact.

In addition, the environmental impact, this report recommends that the organizer should provide more opportunities for learning during the tournament. Specifically, health professionals and fitness experts should be invited during the day of the match to educate people on the importance of healthy living and how they can achieve to live a healthy life. In turn, they would increase the overall impact of the tournament to the people who attend the event as they would now be able to structure their eating and exercise in a manner that promotes a healthy lifestyle among the participants and the local community as well.


All in all, all factors taken into consideration, the Australian tennis was a success.  Mainly, this is because it was able to attain its social and economic objectives. Specifically, it was able to raise funds for handicapped and paralyzed individuals living within Australia. these funds will go a long way in improving the economic and social conditions of these individuals. Furthermore, the event was successful in raising awareness about the importance of living a healthy and fit lifestyle. The only thing that the organizers failed to achieve was to set environmental objectives that would bring about positive environmental impacts to the city of Sydney just as recommended by sustainability and the triple bottom line approach. Even so, the event was for a noble course and brought about a huge impact to the city of Sydney.

Reference List

Chamberlain, A. (n.d.). Sustainability management system: The Triple Bottom Line. [Online] ERA Environmental Management Solutions.  Available at: [Accessed 25 May. 2018].

Hede, A. (2007). Managing special events in the new era of the triple bottom line. Event Management, 11(1), pp.13-20

Jordan, L.A. (2016) Staging Sports events: Challenges and opportunities. In  Sports Event Management (pp. 21-42). Routledge.

Osipov, A. and Vonog, V. (2016) Ensuring a possibility of high quality training of students as sports volunteers for competitions in terms of organizing and running Universiade-2019. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 16(2), p.361.

Rogers, T. and Davidson, R.(2015)Marketing destinations and venues for conferences, conventions and business events (Vol. 14). New York: Routledge.

Slaper, T. F. (2017). The Triple Bottom Line: What Is It and How Does It Work?. [Online] Indiana Business Review.  Available at: [Accessed 25 May. 2018].

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