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Discuss about a Report for Samsung Corporations Operations Strategy.

The Samsung Company has been existence since 1970, and their operations have been successful with amendments on its management and ownerships. This change has not changed its mission of creating the futures and in every world’s technological development that has been experienced in the network sector, the Samsung gadgets have been among the first to deliver. To create a persistent chain for such a long time means that there is a need for strong operations strategy to support the businesses and conquer the market by delivering better products to the customers. The company’s vision is to inspire the world through creating network devices for the future. This is a possible dream that is being worked on by providing the best gadgets and exploiting the market capabilities to reach all the customers. Their products include computers, feature phones and smartphones.  

The market is invaded by a much technological organisation that are also focusing on producing the best technology ever developed. Mainly on the network sector, companies such as Apple and Nokia has also proved the market that they can provide best network gadget, thus creating tough competition for the Samsung Corporation. Some of the markets in the world have been not easy for the Samsung products to be accepted such as the American market where Apple has been operating as a super company mostly in the American market. It took a lot of business strategizing for Samsung’s products like Galaxy S6 to win the purchase decision of some individuals in the American states. After the achievement of developing the 4G network gadgets, the corporation is focused on soon creating network gadgets that could provide speedy (5G) networks for the customers. This will meet the needs of many individuals who wish to have faster network than the existing to perform their tasks efficiently and effectively (Samsung Business Strategy, 2007).

Four processes are used in the generation of strategies in an organisation. These steps should always be followed for an effective operations strategy developments. The process includes formulation, implementation, monitoring and control of the developed operations strategy. Therefore, these stages will be discussed about Samsung Corporation and their products.

Formulation of the operations strategy requires the developers of the strategic approaches to identify the missions and objectives of the company. It will be important to use the objectives of the organisation to ensure that the developed strategies help in the development of the company. For instance, Samsung’s mission is to create the future by providing gadgets that serve the community on a technological basis. Therefore, this will be the main drive for the operations strategy (Kruger & Noxolo Mama, 2012). Also, the objectives of the company should be considered so that effective strategies that no contradict the missions and visions of the organisation can be formulated. The strength and weaknesses of the Samsung company are also supposed to be critically analysed. It will be better for a company to understand points of weaknesses so that more effort can be applied to avoid business losses. Strengths will also be used to the advantage of the company and its products (Fleisher & Bensoussan, 2007).

Processes of Operations Strategy

The worthiness of products and services are determined when they exposed in a competitive environment. In this case, the customers will have to determine the best product or service to purchase. For instance, Apple products compete with Samsung products in the American market, which means the perception of the customers with determining the purchasing decision. When one product of chosen over the other by the customers with dictate the likes and preferences of the target market. The objectives of Apple Company seem to concur with Samsung’s thus making them observe the strengths and weaknesses of their competitors ensure that they develop exemplary devices.

The implementation stage for the developed strategies is focused on ensuring that every idea that has been proposed in perfectly administered. This means that process will tackle the strategies in different methodologies. The customers are important and their views are critical to the development of a company. After the strategies have been created, the management can implement from their levels towards the lowers levels. For example, a strategy in the Samsung firm will have to be administered from the headquarters towards the regional sections and last to national levels. This is because it is an international company that has customers in every part of the globe and every customer is supposed to experience the best services.

The resources are mobilised and allocated effectively based on the authority structuring. Every individual within the company is allocated several responsibilities so that the strategy can be made successful. It will be a collective obligation to undertake the tasks as required so that the company can meet its objectives within the specified period. Finally, the information about the strategy follows to enable tackling the responsibilities and policies are formulated to govern the entire strategic process. Several operational and administrative decision are required to help in implementing a particular strategy (Lubowe, Cipollari, & Antoine, 2009). For instance, Samsung Corporation is to decide the prices of its products based on regions, considering the specific economic level.

Projects need to be monitored for maximum output and ensuring that the set policies are followed. There is a great need for a monitoring approach for every strategy implemented in a company to avoid being the chances of failure that can cause great losses to the company. Therefore, some funding should be set aside to help manage the monitoring team perform their tasks effectively, thus generating a report on the progress. Much will be understood about what is required for the strategic processes when there are individual analysing the project. The monitoring process highly focusses of the profitability of the strategies, thus advising the company on whether to invest in the strategy or use an alternative. There is set reviews that are conducted depending on the size covered by the strategy, and the officials should provide the results systematically. For example, if a company implements an international strategy, monitoring will be performed either on a regional basis and the effectiveness will be viewed by the rate of sales observed. (Khanna, 2015)


Control is the last stage of the strategic management process where the effectiveness of the strategy has been obtained, and the management has confirmed acceptance in the business operations. There are corrective measures that should be undertaken if the strategy deviates from the objectives and goals of the corporation. In Samsung Company, a business strategy can be implemented to boost the sales. Therefore, production of less competitive devices can be produced as a result of wishing to make more sales, which would be the focus of the firm. Therefore, this strategy will have to be corrected to fit the aims of the company, which is to provide solutions to technological network devices and create the future (Palepu & Healy, 2013).

Four business strategies are used by an organisation to fit in a market perfectly. These strategies differ from the costs of production, features of the products and their prices.

Firstly, the organisation can focus on the Low-Cost provider strategy that believes in striving to lower the costs of production so that there can be massive customers on a particular product. For instance, Samsung can decide to create a fantastic smartphone that costs less to be able to achieve more sales, more preferably in the developing countries where every person wants to own an internet-enabled device (Valdani & Arbore, 2012). This means that the device might not be having a lot of features, but it will-will satisfy the customers effectively.

The second competitive strategy is broad differentiation, where the products are made to be much different from the competitors’. These differences are viewed from the design and the software. The prices can also be different to make the customers believe in the products and makes purchases. The different attributes should appear interesting to the customers to give them reasons for choosing this particular product over the others. Focused Low-Cost is another approach that keeps the organisation mind about the low-priced products that are purchased, price-sensitive buyers. These buyers will seem to be crowding the market, and their contribution is enormous.

The Focused Differentiation is another business technique that can be used to make a product manoeuvre through a tough competitive market. It focuses on the tastes and preferences of the niche members, thus concentrating on the narrow buyer (Tan & Matthews, 2009). This means that the low-earners will be considered in developing products that fit their requirements. Samsung Company has used this technique by developing products that are lowly-priced for most people in the target market to afford.


Best-Cost Provider is a strategy that will always focus on delivering more value products with a higher level pricing. This is made for the few who can afford and want to have devices with great features. For instance, Samsung’s Galaxy S6 has been developed within the Best-Cost business strategy. Samsung Company has been providing high-value products to the target market, which meets the preferences of the customers (Williamson, 2004). This strategy helps a business in quality products that are highly priced.

The operation management has several responsibilities in a company as far as strategic management is concerned. These responsibilities revolve around designing, planning, managing and coordinating the general strategic processes. Therefore, if there any requirements for improving the strategies, it will always be the responsibility of the operations management to design it again to fit the required standards (Haberberg & Rieple, 2008). The limited resources are to be allocated perfectly to cover all the need for the strategies. For example, changes in demand for a certain Samsung smartphone model will require an increase of decrease of the resources used. Teamwork is also very important in improving the functionality of the strategic management and ensuring that the strategies are effective. The coordination of the strategies requires the operations develop a way of interrelating activities to fit the objectives of the company (Kruger & Noxolo Mama, 2012). Without proper coordination, the chances of the strategies failing will be high.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The Samsung Corporation need to work towards the generating strategies that fit their target markets. The products are of different qualities of the network handsets that differ with prices and considering that people have different purchasing capabilities. The effectiveness of the strategies will depend on the specific target market selected. For instance, selling devices that are of high prices to areas where the poverty level is high will not be effective as dealing with low-priced handsets.

The operations management should ensure that the strategies are objective-oriented to avoid working against the aims of the company, thus leading to mistrust from the targeted market. In conclusion, consultation should be encouraged to avoid making the wrong decision for the business. Business experts should be the consultants of the company to provide the best advice for profitable decisions.


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