Answers: Primary Target Advertisements have become part of our life in informing the masses about products. They are found almost everywhere, on our phones when using applications, on televisions, billboards as we walk or drive, in our mails and on the jazzy of athletes. Such adverts are designed to lure the customers to consume the products (Eyada, 2020). Nike has not been left behind in utilizing such avenues to ensure that informatio...
Answer: 1. You work on an older person’s rehabilitation ward; your colleague is unwell but has come into work. She makes herself a cup of tea in the staff room coughing and sneezing without covering her mouth or nose. Name and discuss the mode of transmission that is passed by sneezing and coughing. Transmission is the process of the pathogenic transfer from the infected host to another person. Transmission of the flu occurs coughi...
Answer: STAKEHOLDERS (10 Marks) 2.1 Stakeholder ListKey Stakeholder List (6 MARKS) 2.2 Stakeholders Engagement Assessment Matrix (3 marks) Stakeholders Engagement Assessment Matrix 2.2 Obtaining expert judgement (1 mark) QUESTION: Briefly explain at least two different methods or techniques to obtain this expert judgement from groups and/or individuals? The two different m...
Answer: Introduction As stated by the Cancer Council of Western Australia, ‘cancer’ is characterized by occurrences of debilitating conditions due to abnormalities in cell growth and division in the human body (Carter et al., 2015). While traditional procedures of cell multiplication are imperative for the growth, development and recuperation of essential tissues, cancer is defined by a morbid distortion in these processes (Lebel ...
Answer: Introduction Additive manufacturing, also known as rapid prototyping process is a great technology that applies the principles of form fabrication. The additive manufacturing technology applied utilizes the computer-aided design model in the net processing. This model is of great benefit since it helps in repairing parts which are complex and that cannot be repaired by any other conventional models of a manufacturing process. There are ...
Questions: What Are The Issues That Are Being Faced By Bike Riding Clubs Like Ulysses Club In Australia? How Can The Issues Faced By Ulysses Club Be Minimized For It To Stay Ahead Of The Competition? What Are The Possible Recommendations Through Which New Members Can Be Attracted By Bike Riding Clubs Like Ulysses In Australia? Answers: Introduction Branding is one of the most fruitful strategies for spreading the product or se...
Question: Describe about the Case Study for Financial Planning for the Client. Answer: Executive summary This report is related with the financial planning of the client- Mr Mitch and his wife Jill. Initially client profile will be stated which will include client details, goals and objectives and current financial situation. It will include comprehensive cash flow statement, detailed tax calculations, and a balance sheet based on t...
Question: Describe about the Report for Business Plan for UK Based Restaurant Burger and Shake. Answer: The business name and the description of the undertaking: This report is dedicated to the business plan of a UK based restaurant Burger and Shake (B&S). It is a restaurant, which will be established in Liverpool. The USP of this particular restaurant will be identified as the halal grilled burgers and shakes of different popul...
Answer: Introduction Health care systems are elaborate system of organisational process and resources which makes them complicated whose core objective is to provide good health care facilities besides defined resources. Further there are numerous systems in health care depending on distinct demographic regions. As such realisation of an elementary system along with comprehensive and practical ways can help in filling the gap that is existent...
Answer: Introduction FIFA World Cup 2018 has been organized by FIFA. The place of the event is in Russia. There are 18 teams going to participate in the FIFA World Cup. The main objective of this paper is to prepare a project plan that will help the organizer to maintain a schedule and proper management plan for handling this event. There are different types of events going to happen in the world cup. The world cup authority is needed to deve...
Question: Discuss about the Compensation Data Analysis Strategies and Limitations. Answer: Introduction The discussion in this paper uses numerous management law ideas to examine the case of fire outbreak that occurred because of negligence. The chief matter addressed in this paper regards the application of class action lawsuit into the scenario. It is apparent from the case that negligence caused the outbreak of fire. The ...
Question: Why Front Office Nerve Center of Hotel Industry? Answer: A hotel`s front office department is situated at the front of the hotel and is responsible for bookings and sales of hotel rooms through the systematic methods of reservation, registration, and assigning of rooms. The front office department can also be described as a hotel`s showcase window as it reflects a hotel`s image (Ahmad & Scott, 2014). A hote...
Answer: Introduction In this report, the main aim is evaluate the contemporary nursing issues and to present some of the issues to the CEO Pathways Hospital organization in order to highlight the basic concerns and provide some of the recommendations to it. In this report, would be identifying some of the key factors or influences that may be a considerable impact and may relate to the existing issue (Chang, 2014). This may be evaluated with ...
Answer: Each assessment component is recorded as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under procedures and specifications of the assessment section are Satisfactory. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYS is eligible for re-assessment. Should the student fail to submit the assessme...
Question: Discuss about the Requirement and various categories of conference proceedings. Answer: Introduction This assignment attempts to describe the spatial and other requirements of the three various categories of conference proceedings. In the first three segments of the first part of this essay, the requirements of the small, medium and international level conferences have been highlighted. In the second part, actual venues wi...
Question: Discuss About The Biographical Encyclopedia Of Astronomers. Answer: Introduction The event that has been selected is the Bondi Winter Magic event. This is one of the most mesmerizing events that open a huge plethora of interesting activities for visitors of all age group and preference pattern. This event will take place under the collaborative effort of the Bondi Chamber of commerce. It is a nonprofit seeking event th...
Question: Discuss about the Challenges faced by Morgan Car Company. Answer: Introduction Many types of challenges are faced by various companies all around the world (Hayes, 2014). In the late 90’s when the age of computers and automatic machines have revolutionised the world, there were some companies like Morgan car which still preferred to make cars by hands (Booth, 2015). These handicraft cars were in high demands....
Answer: Introduction A sovereign state principally denotes to a state, which has full sovereignty over its state of matters, survival and territory. A sovereign state is identified as serving as legitimate country by other significant states across the domain. The history of sovereignty can be assumed through two extensive movements that have been established in practical institutions as well as political thought. As per studies of Nunes ...
Answers: Introduction Business ethics can be described as the business practices and the business policy with respect to a potentially controversial issue like the fiduciary responsibility, corporate social responsibility, discrimination, bribery, insider trading, corporate governance. Law has often used a guiding principle for the business ethics, while in other circumstances the basic framework that the business entities use to gain the acc...
Answer: Task 1: Retail Industry analysis PESTLE The Dollar Tree Company is in the retail industry and has concentrated on a low pricing strategy to attract customers to purchase the company’s products. The company has mainly concentrated on selling their products within the USA borders, but recently they launched new stores in Canada. The retail industry in the USA is very competitive with stores like Wal-Mart, Target and E-Mart domina...
Question: Write an essay on Online marketing. Answer: Online marketing policies help increase the visibility of a brand. It helps to raise consumer awareness about a particular brand. In this regard it can be said that online expansion help assist the brand to have a wider reach, thereby, touching every segment of the society. Therefore, accessibility as an issue is addressed through online portals. This assists a b...
Question: Write an essay on critical analysis of the managing and leading of teams. Answer: The purpose of this report is to do a critical analysis of the managing and leading of teams. The various type of the findings of the report states the conceptualization and role of leader. The report also gives an augmented effort in the process of the managing and formation of the teams. It is equally important to learn the various concep...
Question: Critically examine the argument that children who commit homicide should not be prosecuted? Answer: Violent Sexual Offenses Sexual offending is a case of sexually abusing or victimizing another person. For the last twenty years, sexual offending has gradually increased among the western countries. The sexual offender may belong to same sex group or other sex group. The age difference may occur or the offender may belon...
Question: Format of the website design document Each student is required to prepare a design document, in the format of a report. A report generally consists of a number of pages with section headings and sub-headings. Page numbers are required on every page except the cover page. For ease of reading and marking it is suggested you also provide a Table of Contents with working links to the individual sections of the report. Use the following...
Question: Write an essay on Kenco’s market environment and marketing strategy? Answer: Background of company Kenco that is subsidiary of Kraft is a brand logo of instant coffee brand. In 1922, Kenco began doing commercial enterprise when a co-operative of Kenyan coffee growers opened a coffee store in Sloane square (The marketing Society, 2015). The Kenyan coffee firms shortened call to Kenco in 1962 .Besides, by 1988,...