Answer: Introduction: Auditing firm Miller Yates and Howarth is engaged in the preparation of audit plan. One of the most outstanding and significant clients of MYH is GPSA for which accounting records are audited. Internal control of organizations are placed great reliance by the auditing firm derived from extensive test control. There are several area of concerns related to some accounts of organization in preparation of au...
Answer: Introduction: Qantas Airways is considered for its pioneering services in Australia. It is considered as one of the largest for international destinations based on size of the fleet and flight destination. Some of the most noted features of the airline company have been recognised with Qantas being the third oldest airline carrier preceding Avianca and KLM. The airline company’s operations started from 1920 and first passenger f...
Answer: Introduction Nokia-Connecting people, a tagline which resonated with people across the globe, a brand which ensured quality, strength and superior products, a name synonymous to trust and loyalty. Nokia was a worldwide technology leader providing communication services to service providers, enterprises, government and consumers. The company developed some cutting edge products which still are remembered by its audience. Nokia 3310, 11...
Answer: Introduction: Modeling cognition and human reasoning remains a contentious topic in the field of psychology with different proponents coming with their model or base of reasoning. While some argue based on the theoretical perception, others focus more on the evidential form which draws much reasoning. A comparison on the two article shall be done while trying to compare the several approach to reasoning and providing a reaction to eac...
Answer: One Central Park in Sydney. It is termed a two-billion-dollar development on the southern edge of the Central Business District in Sydney. The development targets the residential market and the site location is Chippendale where the Carlton and United Breweries was formerly located. This is the best-case study for architectural sustainability as there are social and environmental initiatives that underlie its uniqueness and creative d...
Answer: Introduction According to the great Brazilian business magnate Marcel Telles, “A Company can seize extra ordinary opportunities only if it is very good at ordinary operations." Any organization or industry needs a set of tools that when implemented, increase the improvement in the productivity and services offered to its customers. Lean Manufacturing is as a process of identifying and eliminating waste through making the continu...
Answer: Task 1 Haiku Project BeOS is an operating system which was created in the year 1991 besides latest version available is launched in 2001, subsequently the OS concluded to exist. Haiku a public motivated venture, is inclined through the BeOS besides have been developing ever since BeOS ended. This venture purpose is to have the OS to be well-suited with BeOS binaries. As this BeOS was enormously reactive as well as the correct q...
Answers: Newcrest Mining Ltd Newcrest Mining Limited is considered as the largest gold producer that is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) and is the one of the leading gold producer in the world. The roots of the multinational company can be traced back to 1966 when Newmont Mining Limited established a subsidiary in Australia as Newmont Holdings Limited that changed its name into Newmont Australia Limited with ...
Answer: Media violence and its effect on viewer’s aggression The project will be seeking to prove the following hypothesis. The hypotheses will be proven null or alternative after the research project is carried out. They include; Viewers aggression and influence on media content depends on the age factor Media content and viewers’ aggression may play a primary role in increasing crime in the society There are other factors t...
Answers: Introduction The Cairn Energy PLC is an independent company that is responsible for oil and gas exploration and development. It is Europe’s one of the most leading organization and is also listed on the London Stock Exchange. This organization is continuously working to discover and develop oil and gas reserves in several locations around the world. This company was established in the year of 1981 by Sir Bill Gammell who was a ...
Answer: Papa, W.H. and Papa, M.J., 1992. Communication network patterns and the re-invention of new technology. The Journal of Business Communication (1973), 29(1), pp.41-61. The paper focus on the innovation diffusion and how the employees are integrated into the interpersonal communication networks which has a major effect on the performance as well. As per the research, the article defines about the integrated network which h...
Answer: Part 1: WIG (Wagga Independent Groceries) is in process of developing better network between the departments and plants within the operating boundaries. For developing the network, project “Wide Area Network” is conceptualized. As a first step, business case is developed (PM-Foundations, 2011). While preparing business case, the high level stakeholder register is prepared with their requirements, roles and responsibilities (...
Answers: Introduction A business incorporates each form of trade, craftsmanship, commerce, profession, calling or other operations used for the purpose of making profit but not employment, office, charitable undertaking, any specific occupation provided through the schedule of Registration of Businesses Act 1956 (ROBA 1956). There are many structures which can be used for the purpose of carrying out business activities. These stru...
Answers a) Five components of internal control strength in Big’s Payroll System: Internal control procedures can be said as practices which are followed for protecting business resources mainly relating to recording, distribution and preparing of payroll (Shah & Nair, 2013). In case the appropriate procedure is placed to ensure that assets of the company are protected from the risk of fraud and eliminating err...
Answers: 1.Analytical method has utmost significance for the analysis and evaluation of the financial information of the companions from the financial reports. At the time of developing the audit, plan for the Double Pink Printers Limited (DIPL), the analytical method of financial information is considered as most valuable aspect. It needs to be mentioned that the audit plan of the companies provides necessary direction or path to the auditors...
Answer: Vision and mission Coca Cola is the company that serves the whole world with its products that is soft drinks. It is the very popular brand of soft drinks. The company has started its operation in Australia in the year of 1938. The Australian population is becoming addicted to this drink and the consumption in of the same in increasing day by day in this area (Mahesa and DJASTUTI, 2010). In present times, Coca Cola along with it...
Answer: Lloyds Bank plc is a UK based retail and commercial bank with a vast network of branches and ATMs across England and Wales. It offers a wide range of services to its customers including a 24 hour telephone and internet banking services, business banking, wealth management, cash machines and stockbroking. Founded in Birmingham in 1765 by John Taylor and Sampson Lloyd II, the London headquartered bank has seen a steady growth in assets o...
Answer: Overview/Scope Cricket Australia is one of the oldest and the finest national governing body for the cricketing game in Australia. Australian cricket is under the administration of one national body, two territory association and six state bodies. The rationale of having so many administering bodies is to ensure country wide participation and to connect the sport to local and state levels. The vision for Cricket Australia is to make c...
Answer Business Model and Strategic Planning Introduction Mad Paws is a Sydney based pet boarding service company that provides the pet owners a reliable and guaranteed place for accommodation of their pets. The company was established in the year 2014 and since then it has expanded and developed to be a successful pet care service company in Sydney Australia ( 2018). The company offers services for pets such as cats, dog...
Answer: Introduction According to Collings, Wood and Szamosi (2018), it is important for every organisation to understand the resources it contains and the manner in which these resources are effective in providing an advantage to the organisation. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the factors that may affect the steady growth of business and at the same time take into consideration internal capabilities of an organis...
Answer: Introduction Foundation t design comprises of two discrete parts: a definitive bearing capacity of the soil under the foundation, and the middle of the road settlement that the balance can experience without influencing the superstructure. A definitive bearing capacity goes for deciding the load that the soil under the foundation can deal with before shear disappointment; while, the count of the settlement caused by the superstructure...
Answer: Part A:Analysis – Business Process Models and strategy analysis Chris and Clive are in the music business under CC music group. They need new strategic business model to be able to operate more efficiently and effectively. Complicated business modelling techniques that cannot be reduced to simple and understandable actions usually do not work in organizations. After all, ultimately, the implementation of these techniques and the...
Answer Case study on Chronic Disorders Social determinants of health can affect the health of different individuals and therefore need to be identified by professionals so that they can develop care plans and advise patients with effective lifestyle management. This assignment will mainly help in pointing two important arenas through the case study of a Samoan patient who had been diagnosed with heart disorders and have diabetes and other dis...
Answer: Introduction Few individuals refute that security is a significant challenge which faces humanity whether, international, national or individual ranks. National security is the most important thing especially for those countries which dominate numerous conditions which determine their coexistence with others. The economic and military actions in different pursuit can lead to war and economic dislocation to the neighboring countries. H...
Answers: 1.Issue Whether Amanda is an employee or an independent contractor of Monks Pty. Ltd? Law When any person (employer) give work to any other person (appointed person), then, the appointed person can either be categorized as an employee or as an independent contractor. The distinction amid the two is of grave importance because an employee works under the contract of employment and an independent contractor works under contract...