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Benefits of POS System Implementation


Discuss About The Security Enhancement Methods For Mobile?

Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery decides to take up point-of-sale system (POS) on their premises to enhance their financial and all sorts of business activities.

The report explains various beneficial aspects of point-of-sale systems in Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery. The organisation can face several threats and risks as they decide to take up the POS system. The report illustrates all the risks and the challenges. Recommendations made in the report will help to know how business activities should be conducted to get the best possible outcome.

Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can get several beneficial aspects while taking up the POS system and they have been defined in the report-

Financial Accuracy- It is quite natural for humans to make mistakes. They can make several mistakes while calculating the financial data for the organisations. The POS system can assist in calculating the data (Cui et al. 2016). The data will be error-free, the organisation can get the data in fast and effective manner. POS work on the specific algorithms and thus tends to give accurate results.

Accountability- Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can keep records of the products manufactured. They can also keep records of the shipment of the products they manufacture. The POS system can assist Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery in addressing the staff’s activity (Yang and Hwang 2015). The company can know the workers who are having the highest sales figures and the employees who are having the lowest sales figures. The company can take strategical steps accordingly.

iii. Speed and efficiency- The POS system can help to accelerate the speed of the transaction of the products (Lee, Lee and Won 2014). Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can serve customers well with the adaptation of POS system.

Stock Management- The company stock can be well managed with the aid of the POS system (Laudon and Laudon 2016). Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can check for the availability of stock by implementing the POS system.

Reporting- The Point-of-sale system can assist Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery in developing the business reports. The business performance reports cater daily analysis and annual profit margin (Zhong et al. 2016). Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can get an overall view of the business operations with the help of the POS system.

The point-of-sale system comes with certain disadvantages, and those disadvantages have been illustrated below-

Disadvantages of POS System Implementation

Costing- The implementation cost of POS system is quite expensive. The small and mid-size companies can struggle to install and implement the POS system on their premises. Thus, Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery, being a mid-size company can face difficulties in installing the POS system in their premises (Yang and Hwang 2015). Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery will have to pay heavy for the POS system on monthly basis and yearly basis.

Maintenance- The POS system needs maintenance on a daily basis. The POS system will take the relatively high amount of time. Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery will have to halt their regular business operations due to the maintenance (Zhong et al. 2016). The business operations of the organisation can get disrupted due to the POS maintenance.

The point-of-sale system can identify the details of the business operations from the sales transactions made. The POS can make things easy for Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery. The workers of the organisation will not have to make so much effort to track the sales all by manually. The POS system aids easy to store, access and process of data.  The inventory can be better maintained with the help of the POS system (Missaoui et al. 2014). The products which can yield maximum revenue and profits for Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can be acknowledged by the POS system. The POS system is efficient and is much better than a cash register. The POS system facilitates tracking, inputting and distribution of data. POS also facilitates decision making. Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can be able to price products profitably. POS system is known to provide cost-effective service to the organisations. The managers of organisations can offer more responsibilities to their subordinates. Thus with the help of the POS system, Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery’ managers and the employees can gain more revenues (Cui et al. 2016). The POS system can give Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery competitive edge so that they can carry out business activities fast and efficiently.

The centralised database has multiple benefits to offer. The small as well as the mid-size benefits can be benefitted with the aid of the centralised database service.

Data preservation contains the functionalities like the fault tolerant setup and the redundant storage. Due to any hardware failure, the data can get lost. However, data preservation techniques can help to store and preserve the important data (Kobersy et al. 2015). The data preservation offers data backup functionalities so that the hardware failure cannot disrupt the business operations.

Risk and Challenges

Data Preservation also offers data security. Data preservation techniques thus mitigate the chances of security breaches.

Centralised database storage provides various functionalities and cost-effective services. The implementation of the centralised database storage is very expensive. The overall maintenance needs relatively less amount (Lee et al. 2014). It has an added advantage; it reduces the required space requirements.

Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can manage inventory data’s accuracy with the help of advanced decision making. Earlier Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery ordered items solely on the basis of assumptions. Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery use to maintain the database the data all by manually. The whole procedure was ineffective and contain full of errors. The adaptation of POS system will change the entire scenario of the inventory data. Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery implementing the POS system can get the fast and effective service. The organization can take critical decisions with the assistance of the POS system (Chavali, Yang and Nehorai 2014). They can take decisions like what to buy, how to buy, what not to buy and what to be sold. Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery with the aid of POS system can get to know about the products which can give them utmost benefits.

Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery should choose the WAN network for the POS system. WAN is known to offer quick file access. The employees of the organisation can get access to the file much faster due to caching. Also, they will not have to reload the document as a whole (Nanda 2016). Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can minimise the distance between the mobile workers, the branch offices and the headquarters with the help of WAN connection. The WAN provides the much more reliable connection. WAN connection reduces the cost of equipment. WAN also reduces the bandwidth expenses. The workers of Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can stay connected with each other all the time (Chavali, Yang and Nehorai 2014). The workers can carry out cost-effective service with the help of WAN. The employees can provide cost-effective service to the customers as well. They can provide services to the customers who stay at distant places. WAN also provides security to the customers as well as the business partners. Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can get the competitive edge due to the WAN connectivity.

Security- The insecure network can prove to be risk and challenge for Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery.  The intruders seek advantage of this insecure network.  The intruders attack the system and the database and make their entire system vulnerable to use (Kobersy et al. 2015). Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can ensure security by simply installing an antivirus program. The antivirus program can save the organization’s system from unauthorized access.


Confidentiality- Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery must take the responsibility to keep the data of the database safe and secure. They will have to notice very carefully that the data must not get breached due to the intruders’ attack (Natek and Zwilling 2014). The organisation must protect the data of their clients and the customers. Otherwise, their confidentiality can get endangered. The antivirus program can mitigate the issues aroused.

Privacy- The privacy of the workers of the organisation can get compromised as a result of the malware attack. The hackers can attack the system and can steal the sensitive information (Missaoui et al. 2014). The antivirus program can protect someone’s privacy. The organisation’s employees and the customers must have username and password to access the database and the system, they should disclose the password, in this way they can protect their privacy.


It can be concluded from the above discourse that the POS system can provide multiple benefits to Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery. POS system eases the decision making procedures. Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can be benefitted with the implementation of POS system; they can get the competitive edge. The organisation can get several benefits and all those benefits aspects that they can get have been illustrated in the report. The usage of WAN wireless technology can help the organisation to carry out the business activities. The company can face several risks and challenges while adopting the POS system. The company can suffer from confidentiality, privacy and security issues. All these negative aspects have been explained in the report. Recommendations made in the report will help to know how Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can make use of the POS system effectively in the business.

  1. Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery should ethically make use of POS system so that the employees working in the company can fulfil the business objectives.
  2. Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery should install an antivirus program in the system as that can safeguard the system and the database from the malicious activities of the intruders.

iii. Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery should concentrate more on taking innovative approach and decision making. This approach can give them multiple benefits. Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery can get the competitive edge so that they can earn revenues more.


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