Command explanations in Metasploit demo
Part A. Shellcode In Literature
Students are required to answer research questions based on three academic papers:
“The Shellcode Generation”
“Evasion Techniques”
“English Shellcode”
1.In the paper “The Shellcode Generation”, what is the development bottom-line for an exploit? List and give detailed explanations to the three components for a usable exploit.
2. Read the paper “Evasion Techniques”, and explain how a piece of shellcode can bypass an intrusion detection system. more information about the shellcode issues related to computer forensic investigations
3. Read the paper “English Shellcode”, explain the concept of program counter and its importance to an attacker who uses shellcodes.
4. In the paper “English Shellcode”, what are the two advantages of using alphanumeric encoding engines to generate shellcode?
Suppose you are working for an IT security company which is subcontracted by Deakin University to test the system security of the campus network. Your manager wants you to attempt to write shellcode which takes a user’s account name and his/her password and stores the information as plain text in a text file called user.dat in the user’s current directory.
Requirements —
1. You should implement a C program to ask a user to type his username and password one a command line input (i.e., from the standard input channel).
2. Your program should demand at least two user attempts of inputting the passwords. That is, your program should only terminate when the user has entered two identical passwords.
3. Your program should store the username and password pair into a text file called user.dat in the current directory.
4. You should package your C code into a shellcode by using Shellforge
You need to write an essay to demonstrate your level of understanding about shellcode and its application on hacking platforms, operating systems vulnerability, penetration testing and exploitation. Your essay should consist of the following parts:
1. List and explain every command used in the metasploit demo
2. Identify the name of the shellcode used in the demo, reproduce its contents in hex and provide a screen capture of it in your essay, and explain what this shellcode is capable of doing.
3. Find and list at least five different shellcode-generating approaches. Then compare the advantages and disadvantages from the viewpoint of attackers.
4. Describe the concept of polymorphic shellcode. And discuss the impact of misusing penetration toolkits such as Metasploit for malicious purposes.
In cyber-attacks shellcode helps the attackers in order to hide malicious codes from intrusion detection systems by encrypting the code in the simplistic form. In this way it becomes difficult for the intrusion detection as well as intrusion prevention systems to identify this data as code from the attacker [3]. As the intrusion detection and prevention systems detects the shellcodes depending on their signatures thus use of the polymorphic shellcodes hides the frequently used strings for different kind of shellcodes, making the predefined shellcode signatures in the IDS and IPS useless. In this way the shellcodes evade the usual intrusion detection systems as they were not detected by the network security systems.
Explanation of Three components of an Exploit
For any kind of exploit main three components are exploitation technique, exploitation vector and finally the payload of the exploitation.
The exploitation vector is defined by the technique that will be used to gain unauthorized access to any targeted network as well as to a device. In other words, it can be the sequence of actions that exploits the vulnerability of the networks, devices or applications installed in the devices. An example of the exploitation vector is the vulnerability in PCT (Private Communications Transport) protocol [5]. It is an integral part of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) library in the vulnerable operating systems. Through the exploitation of this SSL vulnerability may help the attacker to have elevated privileges on the remote server or system to compromise security of it.
Another component is exploitation technique or the algorithm used for carrying out the attack. Primarily the objective of the algorithm used in the exploitation is to control as well as manipulate the control flow of the targeted program, network or the device. For the selected vulnerability of the PCT of SSL the following techniques and algorithms are used:
Stack smashing (in this attack technique the attacker forces the vulnerable application to overflow the memory stack [6]. Application or the network affected by stack smashing vulnerability can accept data or code from untrusted sources and execute them with elevated privileges.
In case the application buffer has data provided by an untrusted user (attacker) it may lead to the corruption of the memory stack by injecting executable code [3]. In this way the attacker can gain administrator privileges in the network or for the application.)
Pointer subterfuge (in this technique the attacker overwrites a function pointer in the application instead of any return address which follows the execution of the function pointer.)
Name and capabilities of shellcode used in demo
Arc injection (This attack techniques main goal is to inject a jump instruction or return address in order to redirect the execution or control flow of the program to some other existing or forcefully injected code in the program memory [4]. This is similar to inject or adding an arc into the execution of the program.
Exploitation payload: Through the use of the Exploitation vector when the attacker seizes the control over the execution flow of an application, network or the device the main functional component that is used for implementation of the desired action in the system or provide elevated privileges [1].
Explanation of the process of bypassing an intrusion detection system by shell code
Most of the IDSs are designed in such a way that they contain signatures of frequently used command strings inside shellcode [2]. In order to avoid the detection of the shell code in at the entrance of the network by using encoded or encrypted shellcode. This encoded shell code contains a code stub which in turn decodes the shellcode that will be used to exploit the network applications and gain elevated privileges from a remote position.
Using this technique for the shellcodes can helps in representation of the shellcodes completely different from each other every time they were sent to exploit any network and applications.
Concept of program counter and its importance ink shellcode Exploitation
In any computer the program counter or the current address register is a special kind of the register that contains the address of the computing instruction that is going to be executed next in turn. For any computing system every instruction as well as data have a specific address in the memory [4]. The program counter or the counting register maintains the sequence of the program instructions and the memory locations of data.
Whenever an instruction is processed by the processor the concerned application updates the program counter (register) with the next instructions address that is going to be fetched and executed. In the next stage program counter sends the information to memory address register as a part of execution cycle [3]. In this way program counter escalates the stored value by one for the next fetch action.
The attacker who is using the shellcode for exploiting any kind of vulnerability of any application must gain control of the program counter of the system. After having control over the program counter of the victim system attacker can modify the control flow of the program execution while disrupting intended/desired behaviour of any application. Having the ability to manipulate program counter instructions, attacker either redirects a victim machine/application machine to execute an injected code or any system code that have beneficial impacts for the attacker’s intent to exploit any vulnerability [1]. As an example of this kind of manipulation is the return-to-libc attacks to the applications which are affected by program counter exploitation.
Different approaches to generating shellcode
Two advantages of using alphanumeric encoding engines to generate shellcode
Compared to other shellcode generation mechanisms are
- It helps the users to encode contents or bytes which are usually not supported by the vulnerable applications due to the restricted access to the memory in order to stop the exploitation.
- With the use of the alphanumeric codes in the shellcode the monitoring tools such as intrusion detection system and intrusion prevention system would not be able to detect the shellcode in alphanumeric values generated from the engine [2]. With the use of the alphanumeric code generation engine it becomes difficult for the decoder in the IDS to decode the hidden shellcode and block the data packets containing the shellcode.
C program for asking user name and password
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
FILE *file;
int i;
char user[25];
char passwd[25];
// File I/O operration
file = fopen("records.dat", "wt");
if (!file)
printf("Error!!! unable to open a filea");
return -1;
for (i = 1; i < 3; ++i)
printf("Enter Your user name: ");
scanf("%s", user);
printf("Password: ");
scanf("%s", passwd);
fprintf(file, "%sn", user, passwd);
// Closing the file the file
The code packaged in the form of shellcode is following after using the shell forge,
The first shell code is designed in order to add a root user named 'r00t' with no password to /etc/passwd folder.
The seconod shellcode is utised by the attacker inn order to get the data copied to /etc/passwd to the /tmp/outfile in order to gain root privileges and access.
Explanation of the techniques used in attack
First used command is “msfconsole” to get into the metasploit console. In the next stage the “show exploit” command that lists all the available exploits from the attacking machine.
In the given attack, the attacker used the “metasploit/multi/ handler” in order to Crete and connect to the Victim machine. In the next stage the “set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp” command is used in order to set the payload for the attack. Next used command is “msfvenom –p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST address”. Then the victim and attacker machines are assigned with ports to carry out the payload. In this process the LHOST is the IP address of the machine that is targeted to connect to, literally [4]. As both the machines are in a same network, it is unlikely for the target machine to reach out the attacker machine unless both of them are in the same network. Next the SET LPORT: it is the port of the victim machine that the attacker targets to connect to the machine. After this, the payload of the attack is determined and the attack vector used is the Backdoor.exe. In the next stage, to send the backdoor file to the victim windows machine by zipping it with the password and message the used command is “zip –password 1234 important .zip”. in order to check if the exploits are working on the victim machine used command is “job” along with that to find active sessions for the exploit command is “session”
Polymorphic shellcode and the impact of misuse
Identification, Name and capabilities of the shellcode
For the given attack displayed in the demo reverse shell code is used in order to exploit the target. reverse shellcode is utilized in the attacks as shellcode forces the target machine to communicate with the attacking machine. On the other hand, the attacking machine communicated with the use of listener port on established with the use of metaspoloit.
Five different shellcode-generating approaches and their comparison
Following are some of the methods that are used for shell code generation in vulnerability exploitation. Following are the list of methods
Use of msfvenom: In vulnerability exploitation one of the techniques that can be used is called msfvenom. In this method the generated shell code can be developed for exploiting multiple platforms. In this shell code generation method, it is important that developed shellcode should only consist ASCII characters. In addition to that, the Msfvenom package permits the user to choose output format from the shell code [2]. Hence the complete code that puts all of shellcode can be provided into python scripts.
Synesthesia approach for shellcode generation: One of the most recent approaches used for shellcode generations and provides sophisticated shellcodes that are undetectable by the detection system by restricting the method to generate shellcodes without any null byte, and mix of upper and lowercase characters in the process.
Use of NASM: it is the most basic approach of generating the shell codes and requires creation of the shellcode by writing them in assembly code. It generates the shellcodes using the x86_64 assemblers.
Use of Shellforge: ShellForge which is written and developed in Python are able to develop shellcodes from C programming language. This approach is stimulated from Hellkit. ShellForge consist of few wrapper functions that works around the system calls in order to exploit the vulnerabilities.
A C program converted into a shell code that uses system calls will be using the wrapper classes rather than the original libc calls. In order to generate any shell code from a c code ShellForge utilizes the gcc compiler in order to convert the C program into assembler. In the next stage shellforge modifies it a bit, extracts the code, compiles and encodes in order to avoid NULL bytes. At the end it adds a decoder at the beginning of the output package.
Use of PWNtools: pwntools is a part of CTF (Catch The Flag) framework. Shellcodes generated with the PWNtools are mainly responsible for exploiting development library for the targeted framework. The tools are developed using the Python language and is developed in such a way that it can help in rapid development as well as prototyping. Moreover, it is intended to make the complete exploitation technique as simple as possible.
Exploitation techniques: vectors, algorithms, and payloads
PWNtools many features in exploitation but only shell craft module is used for generation of shellcode. This module allows the attackers to develop assembly code like what is done using the NASM using python language [6].
Use of the PWNtools does not require the attacker to know much about assembly to create shell. Moreover, the application provides helpful tools in order to write shellcode faster.
Comparison of methods
For the msfvenom and shell forge the main advantage of this solution is that we don't have to write anything ourselves. The attackers can use predefined shellcodes to exploit any targeted architectures and platforms instead. In addition to that available options like '--bad-chars', where we can blacklist some of the bytes or the null bytes.
On the contrary, the Pawntool On the highest level we can create shellcodes like with msfvenom, there are predefined C functions as well as whole payloads [2]. For NASM the most important drawback of using this tool it is not possible to generate shellcode for other architectures like android or armx64
Concept of polymorphic shellcode and use of penetration toolkit for malicious purposes
Shellcode polymorphism technique encodes a generated shellcode which is responsible for exploiting the vulnerability through the polymorphic structures and avoid an IPS that distinguishes a shellcode as indicated by the predefined signatures from one or a couple variations of that shellcode. One of this possible technique is polymorphism. For instance, a hacker can scramble or pack the shellcode, and prepend a bit of code to decode or then again decompress the shellcode in the attacking process. An attacker can likewise supplant a bit of the first code with various, however semantically proportionate guidelines [5]. An inconsequential case in the last case is adding or inserting the nop instructions to be executed, i.e., no task, to influence the code to appear to be unique.
[1]I. Arce, "The shellcode generation", IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 72-76, 2004.
[2]W. Kim, S. Kang, K. Kim and S. Kim, "Detecting ShellCode Using Entropy", KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 87-96, 2014.
[3]K. Iwamoto and K. Wasaki, "A Method for Shellcode Extractionfrom Malicious Document Files Using Entropy and Emulation", International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 101-106, 2016
[4]T. Cheng, Y. Lin, Y. Lai and P. Lin, "Evasion Techniques: Sneaking through Your Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems", IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1011-1020, 2012.
[5]K. Iwamoto and K. Wasaki, "A Method for Shellcode Extractionfrom Malicious Document Files Using Entropy and Emulation", International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 101-106, 2016.
[6] J. Mason, S. Small, F. Monrose and G. MacManus, “English shellcode.” , In Proceedings of the 16th ACM conference on Computer and communications security . pp. 524-533, 2009.
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