Importance of Smart Energy Solutions for Reducing Ecological Footprint in UAE
Discuss about the Smart innovative energy system and how it contributes to reducing the ecological footprint of the United Arab Emirates.
With the technological development occurring at a rapid rate, it is essential to have advanced, smart and renewable sources of energy. The energy crisis is believed to be the immediate impact of the same, which is one of the major cause of economic and environmental crisis. Currently, the global society is mainly dependent on limited World’s resources for production and supply of energy. The over-production of energy is also causing the issues of environmental degradation (Sbia, Shahbaz & Hamdi, 2014). The introduction of the smart innovation within the energy system is essential in the given context as it can produce cost effective energy solutions. It is also possible to generate sustainable source of energy that are needed to meet up with the energy crisis of the future generation.
The UAE is the third country in the globe after Japan and Switzerland to adopt innovative smart energy techniques to deal with the issues of energy crisis and reduce the ecological footprint of human activity.
The energy crisis and the environmental degradation are caused due to the over-consumption of energy. This has resulted in the increase in the total amount of ecological footprint. The global society in the modern day is mostly dependent upon the fossil fuel, which is believed to be the root cause of all forms of energy crisis. In spite of that UAE is considered to have huge volume of natural resources, it is estimated that the same is not going to continue forever. The oil resources of the nation are believed to deplete within next 40 to 50 years. This is one of the biggest effects of rising ecological foot prints due to increased human activity.
The fast rate of UAE economic growth will help the nation to contribute for nearly half of the total energy contribution all around the globe (Sbia, Shahbaz & Hamdi 2014). Nevertheless, it is important to have alternate source of renewable energy. This is only possible by improving the technological infrastructure of the nation and introducing the techniques of smart innovations.
The aim of the study is to understand the importance of smart, innovative technology and the ways it can help in reducing ecological footprints in UAE
- To discuss the importance of smart innovative energy system
- To understand the importance of smart innovative energy system to reduce the ecological footprint in UAE
UAE ecological footprint
Being one of the top developing nations in the globe UAE has witnessed Rapid economic growth in the last decades. This is automatically caused increased demand for energy and natural resources that are needed to boost the manufacturing sector. In the year 2007 the Environment ministry agency of UAE has initiated the idea of Ecological Footprint, which was done in partnership with the Emirates Wildlife Society and WWF (UAE.Panda, 2018).
Initiatives by UAE Government to Reduce Ecological Footprint
The main purpose of this parameter is to measure the Nation’s impact on the total volume of natural resources that are being used by the country. It is done by calculating the rate of natural resource consumption with that of the ability of a nation to renew the natural resources (Taleb, 2014). The main purpose of measuring ecological footprint is to identify the scientific cause of increasing environmental degradation and carbon footprint. It can also help in developing scientific based policy. This process can be utilised in government affairs in dealing with matters related to that of environmental policy.
According to the latest report, the ecological footprint of UAE dropped to 7.75 hectares per person to that of 11.68 hectare in 2006 (UAE ecological footprint, 2018). Hence, the initiative of ecological footprint has helped the nation by improving their sustainability factors. In spite of rapid Urban Development, UAE has been able to control the environmental pollution. After Switzerland and Japan, UAE is the third nation in the globe to initiate the concept of ecological footprint.
Environmental impact
Charfeddine and Khediri (2016), have mentioned about the fact that uncontrolled is the primary cause of negative environmental impact. The country has the seventh largest Oil natural reserve in the world, which is the major cause of environmental loss in the form of wildlife destruction. The nation also has to face the issue of Limited agricultural land, most of which has been destroyed by the agricultural firms.
With the total increase in the number of industrial business organisations, the Nation has to face the challenge of sustainability (Asif, 2016). Due to lack of planning in sustainable development programmes, the socio ecological balance has hugely been affected within the nation. According to Al-Mulali et al., (2015), the parameter of ecological footprint has been quite effective to measure the overall environmental impact that is caused due to the over exploitation of natural oil Reserves. The activities of oil mining had huge impact upon the natural resources of UAE.
Current energy consumption
With the Rapid rise of population and economic growth in UAE, the demand for electricity and another source of energy continues to grow. By the year 2021, it is estimated that the average demand for annual energy demands will grow at a rate of 5.6% per annum. It is also estimated that the share of power generation from gas will reduce from 98% to 76% by 2021 due to the increasing popularity of smart innovative energy solutions (, 2018).
Challenges Faced due to Over-Consumption of Natural Resources
It is important to note that the energy industry plays a major role in shaping up the economy of UAE. In the global market, the nation plays an important role in deciding upon the price of oil and petroleum products. This is mainly due to the fact that UAE is the fifth largest Oil producing nation in the globe.
With the help of effective leadership and government policies it is possible for the country to have high diversity in energy mix. This is also possible due to the sustainable development measures that are being included in government planning. Government is also investing in improving the existing Technology for resource conservation and renewable energy development. This is believed to be one of the effective policies that aim to deal with the challenge of rising energy consumption (Mancini et al., 2016).
Energy Conservation
According to Allcott and Rogers (2014), as the rate of energy consumption is rapidly increasing due to over exploitation of natural resources, conservation policies are highly essential in order to implement sustainable development for future generations. In general the aim of energy consumption policy is to reduce the energy consumption with per capita demand level. Nejat et al., (2015), have added that with lower rate of energy consumption it is possible to reduce the cost of energy production. It can also help to reduce the ecological footprint that he is causing environmental degradation problems for the society.
As the average rate of energy consumption is increasing in UAE every year, the policies of energy conservation have been one of the major challenges. The introduction of smart and effective energy producing policy is believed to be a major part of energy consumption planning.
According to Han et al., (2014), the implementation of Smart Home Energy Management System is believed to the key for popularizing the techniques of sustainable energy consumption. It can therefore help to improve the popularity of the renewable energy producing techniques. Khare, Nema and Baredar, (2016), have mentioned that integration of renewable energy system in domestic and commercial purpose is highly challenging due to the unpredictable nature of its efficiency rate. For example with solar energy producing technique that is one of the easiest ways to produce renewable energy, there are high levels of uncertainty that includes natural forces of sun and wind speed. The higher cost of maintenance in storing solar energy in the form of electricity is also one of the major challenges that prevent its popularization.
Impact of Energy Conservation Policies
Innovative system that helps the reduction
In order to improve the efficiency rate of renewable energy sources, it is essential to invest more in research and development work of smart innovation techniques. One of the major drawbacks of current form of energy producing technique is the loss that is caused due to transportation of energy through long distances. Hence, Mathiesen et al., (2015) have suggested that in order to implement smart energy solution it is highly essential to set up energy producing plants near the urban areas, where it will be possible to reduce loss of electricity or energy that is caused due to transportation.
It is also essential to design the commercial and domestic equipment that can help in less volume of energy consumption. This can be implemented by introducing energy efficient electronic gadgets and automobiles.
Null Hypothesis
H1: Smart energy solutions are responsible for reducing ecological foot print in the society of UAE
H0: Smart energy solutions have no effects in reducing the ecological foot print in UAE
Figure: Conceptual Framework
Source: Author
The research methodology chapter provides the overall framework of research designs and techniques that will be used to collect data. This data will be analyzed effectively to draw conclusions upon the research subject.
Positivism and interpretivism are the two main type of research philosophy that is implemented in most investigation works. The positivism philosophy deals with real facts related to the research problem. On the other hand, the interpretivism is dependent upon people's perception of the given area of research. In other words, interpretivism is dependent upon the opinion provided by the people about the research problem (Saunders et al., 2015).
For the given research work, the positivism philosophy will be used in order to use real facts related to energy crisis in UAE. It can also help them to make logical conclusion about the solutions that can be implemented to draw proper conclusion.
The three main kinds of Research Design include explanatory, exploratory and descriptive. The type of Research Design is selected based upon the am and research problem. Psychological aspects of the research problem give prior importance in exploratory methods. In case of explanatory method, the investigator aims to describe the data without understanding their positive and negative outcome (Lewis, 2015).
For the given research work, however, the investigator will use the descriptive form of Research Design. This will help in framing specific set of questions that are required to collect essential data about smart energy solutions and ecological footprint in UAE.
Need for Research and Development Work to Improve Efficiency of Renewable Energy Sources
Most research works are dependent upon primary and secondary forms of research. In primary form of Data Collection, the information is directly collected from sample size of the research through interview and survey. On the other hand, in case of secondary research information or collected from previously researched the same topic.
The primary Research and data collection methods are mostly dependent upon quantitative form of analysis (Cleary, Horsfall & Hayter, 2014). Here the investigator uses mathematical and statistical tools in order to conclude from the numerical data. On the other hand qualitative form of analysis is dependent upon making conclusion through personal experience and perception of people.
The given research work will mostly dependent upon primary form of research. Here, the researcher will conduct interview with various stakeholders of the energy producing sector in UAE. The interview questions will be frame in order to extract more information related to the energy policies that are being implemented by the UAE government.
As the researchers will directly interact with the stakeholders of energy producing department in UAE it is essential to follow certain ethical protocols. It is essential for the researchers to use genuine data without manipulating the same. This will help to ensure that the conclusions that are drawn from the research work are reliable and can be used for future purposes.
- What do you think is the current rate of energy consumption in the UAE?
- What are the main strategies that are implemented by the UAE government in order to reduce the ecological footprint?
- Do you think the concept of introducing ecological footprint has been effective?
- How do you think it is possible to control the over exploitation of natural resources in UAE?
- How far do you believe that the current policy of energy conservation by the UAE government can help to introduce the system of smart energy innovation?
- How far do you think introducing smart energy innovation system can help to reduce the carbon footprint in the society of UAE?
- Are the citizens of UAE are currently aware about the uses of smart energy innovative system?
- What is the future of using smart energy efficeinecy techniques in the society of UAE?
- How it is possible to deal with the issues of technological infrastructure that are needed to implement smart innovative techniches in the matter of energy manufacturing sectors?
- How do you think it is possible to raise the level of awareness within people about using smart energy innovatio
Findings 1:
The current rate of energy consumption in UAE is going up rapidly due to the fast rate of economic development and urbanization. The per capita rate of energy consumption is currently estimated to be around 1.5 kilo joule per person per year.
Findings 2:
The UAE government has introduced the concept of ecological footprint, which can help to measure the rate of energy consumption and depletion. This can help in understanding the total volume of natural resources that are being utilised by the society every year. It can thereby help to implement effective Energy Conservation Policy is depending upon rate of energy consumption.
Findings 3:
As the concept of ecological footprint has been introduced by the energy conservation Society of UAE, it is possible to significantly reduce the over exploitation of natural resources. This is evident from the fact that per capita rate of energy consumption has been reduced significantly in the past 10 years. Most importantly, with the introduction of ecological footprint parameter it is possible to raise awareness among the stakeholders of energy producing Industry. This will help them to initiate effective measures to implement smart energy innovative system for UAE society.
Findings 4:
The introduction in the concept ecological footprint has provided essential data related to the current rate of energy consumption. As smart energy solutions have been introduced within the society of UAE, it is possible to reduce the overall high rate of energy consumption. With essential data that are available to the government, it is possible to monitor the overall rates of exploitation and usages of natural resources.
Findings 5:
The current policy of the energy consumption, it is possible to reduce the overall effects of the environmental degradation. As the government officials become more aware of the facts related to that of the energy consumption, it is possible to reduce the overall effects of the destruction of natural resources. In order to reduce the ecological footprint, it is highly essential to implement the strategy of sustainable development program.
Findings 6:
The introduction of smart energy innovation system aims to popularize the usages of renewable and clean energy system. It also aims to reduce the overall loss and over-consumption of energy that is caused due to fuel ineffective machineries and equipments. These machines are used for both domestic and commercial purposes.
Findings 7:
After the introduction of the idea of ecological footprint, it is possible to reduce the overall effects of energy overconsumption. As the society is becoming aware of the matters related to global warming and environmental degradation, it is possible to popularize the usages of smart energy solutions.
Linking with objective 1
From the literature review section, it is clear that with the help of the rapid rate of industrialization, UAE has been able to establish as one of the fastest moving economics. In spite of being the fifth largest oil producing nation, with the current rates of consumption the natural oil reserves are estimated to end by next 40-50 years. Hence, due the introduction of smart energy innovative systems it is possible to implement the systems of sustainable development. Hence, it will be possible to preserve the natural resources for future generation, thereby reducing the effects of ecological footprints.
Linking with objective 2:
From the data that are given the literature review section, it is evident that after the introduction of the smart innovative energy system, it is possible to reduce the overall effects of overconsumption of energy. The per capita rate of energy consumption has also been reduced. It is also possible to reduce the effects of over carbon emission. More significant effects are evident due to the popularization of the energy conservation techniques that have been implemented as a part of the sustainable development plan.
The research will conclude by mentioning about the importance of smart energy conservation techniques. With the introduction of the principles of ecological foot print, it will be possible to improve the existing government plans related to the energy conservation. As the natural resources are depleting at faster rates, it is necessary for the UAE government to act effectively to make use of the research and developmental work. This will help them in implementing the policies of sustainable development.
The research work will also highlight the existing environmental issues that are encountered with the UAE society. It will also be possible to predict upon the future environmental degradation effects that can be caused due to the over exploration of the oil and natural gas reserves.
It is recommended for the future researchers to focus more upon the easy process of implementing the techniques of smart energy efficiency system. This can help in the process of meeting up the needs of the society as the requirement of energy is rising rapidly. Hence, it will be possible to ensure that there are no forms of hindrance in the rapid rates of economic development within the society of UAE.
Hence, from the result and findings of the research, it will be possible to prove the H1 hypothesis that suggests that smart energy solutions are needed to deal with the issues of reducing ecological footprint in UAE.
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