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Characteristics of War

Discuss about the Social and Political Portrait System.

There is a deep connection between the politics and the security. The concept of security comes from the state of a mind where the concern is related to people, populations, property, territory, ideas and values (Dannreuther 2014). There is always a need of a political power for the betterment of the country from the point of view of both governance and the administration management. To make the security of the country more powerful and to create the powerful existence in the word it is always important to make the security more advanced in terms of both creating infrastructure and weapons. The concept of security among the people comes from different socio economical background and also from several political aspects. The main concern related to the people is to live peacefully with their family in the society and it is also important for them to be sure about the security of their country. The main concern related to the security depends upon several infrastructure of the student of the country like the border security, security in the field of air and marine. From the political point of view there are many cases where the country is also affected internally due to some unwanted attack of the different political powers. There are two aspects of making the system more advanced in terms of security. There are several threats which may cause internally or externally (Fierke 2015). The security can be internal or external in terms of making the system more advanced with respect to the types of the threats. There are several directions of the security aspect and the relationship of the security and the politics can be also of different types. It may be complex or it may be of several aspects with respect to different situations.

In case of politics the internal politics of a country generally lead to several violence which causes due to different socio political reasons and the roots are also among the people based on several regions and religion (Hehir 2013). In that case the law and order is the most important parameter to be maintained by the governance and it is also very important to keep the internal security strong enough in order to keep the peace and law and order maintained during the violence.

There are also many security policies which are utilised for several security issues which are implemented in large organisations like the national states for perusing security. People actually look at the security issues as necessary attention and it is actually politically contained. The security policies have a huge role in determining the world politics.

Characteristics of Pre-modern War

War is the most important subject which is discussed mostly from the academic point of view. It is one of the most traditional issues which are discussed in case of international relation and politics. It is also connected with the subject related to the international security. The concept of war is based upon the supremacy in an activity which can have several types of forms. There are several reasons for which the academics have interests in war. War is devastating in nature and it happens due to human activities and several human choices. In case of security war is discussed as the subject which is more than just a security related problem. The main source of war is the accessibility of politics management , history and society (Janowitz 2017). War is often generated due to the political interests and it dominates the other factors and rises above all matter in case of i0ts activity. In case of governance and national security several situations come in which war is considered as the largest security threat (HughesL and Long 2015). For the advancement of the infrastructure of the war it is also important to make the defence system more powerful and in order to do so the cost and investment for the military and the weapons become a huge amount which can be utilised in the welfare in other socio economic advancement.

War and history are two terms which are connected deeply and it is complex but intense in nature. The victors create the history as they create new era in the human kind. There are many famous wars like the Mongol conquests, hundred year’s war, American revolutionary war, Napoleonic wars, American civil wars and the World War I and World War II (Janowitz 2017). In every case the amount of damage and the number of dead people are huge. The modern structure of our politics, territoriality and society are also highly affected by the impact of several wars.

The effect of war is most important in case of making the social values. In case of a war it generates by not affecting some parts of the society but after the ending of the war the values, relations ideas are changed to a large extent in case of the society. It is also important from the socio political background as some of the governance creates the main system more offensive in nature by making the political leaders to take the war as a social practice. The main advantage of making the system more advanced in terms of making the system.  

Warfare is the state of one kind of combat where the representatives of several national states take part. The nation or the states take the decision of applying several forces that affect the international relation among the states or the countries (Michalos 2017). The state may be the government also and the military is also implemented by the interest of the government. It is also related to the organised violence as it takes place by the human practice and the main advantage of using the system is in terms of developing ideas which are generated by the people. In the modern era the conventional war is actually changed to the concept of warfare which can have other form rather than the conventional warfare. The main idea of making the warfare was generated by the Napoleonic war. The French revolution has also affected the warfare and it also spreads through more than 150 years. It can also take place in several places.

In the historical background the armies fought with mussed markets and the main way of war was to fight by moving on with horses. The naval forced were empowered with the canon and the wind powered canons. The nature of the war was also very slow and the cost behind the military forces was also very high and the military successes were considered as the diplomatic negotiation. In those days the warfare was characterised as the leader’s approach which was based upon the risk-averse (Hehir 2013). Since the army was too expensive it was considered as the leaders can make the system more advanced in terms of the risks. They also used several strategies by implementing the military troupes in the places where the enemy had several weaknesses.

Napoleon is considered as one of the greatest leaders I the field of politics and warfare in the history. He was famous for his strategy and also he was empowered with a great military force. He had the great ability to utilise the resources in a more effective way so that he can make the system more advanced (Hehir 2013). This also generated due to several reasons and situations in France which were also based on the rise of nationalism and there were several new aspects which were related to the construction of the professional military and bureaucratic institutions for the mobility of the people and military of France. After the impact of Napoleonic approach the main factor which was added to the characteristics of war was the implementation of the mass to the war.

The World War I and the World War II are considered as one of the biggest wars of all time in the history and these are considered as the conventional war. The World War were created in the modern era of the history where there are many factors of generation of the war. There were several reasons behind the world wars. International security deals with the situations where warfare among two or more countries can take place. It also deals with the defence mechanism and different strategies of the countries which are also important for the security of the countries (Janowitz 2017). In the modern world the concept of conventional war is changed to a greater extent. After the huge damage of the two world wars it has also come to a situation where every country is concerned about the effects of the conventional war. In the modern world many countries are empowered with atomic weapons and it will be a huge disastrous which may lead to the damage of a large extent of the mankind.

WMD refers to the weapons of mass destruction and this has many aspects which can mislead in some cases. These kinds of weapons are unconventional in nature and the main concern related to the weapons is that these can damage a huge amount of people. These also can contain the biological, chemicals and nuclear weapons. These are the main types of the weapons which are responsible for the main concern related to the modern war and it can damage to a greater extent in the modern era. The effect of the concern related to the nuclear weapons is increasing day by day (Fierke 2015). From this point of view the concept of minimum deterrence has come and the main advantage of this is to create a least amount of warheads. From this point of view the concept of the cold war has been generated and the main concept is related to the international pressure created upon a country or state instead of going for a conventional war (Hehir 2013). In this way the pressure is created upon the country by several international platforms. In the recent history one of the famous cold war was created between the two major countries which are America and the Russia respectively. After the cold war the Soviet Union feel and it distributed to several small countries. In recent days most of the wars are denominated by the use of such international actions which are better for the peace of the world and human kind.

The spread of the nuclear weapons are increasing day by day. Every country is concerned about the increment of the nuclear weapons. It is also a huge concern for the countries in the international field with the nuclear weapon as it can make a huge destruction to the whole mankind management. The effect of the concern related to the nuclear weapons is increasing day by day. From this point of view the concept of minimum deterrence has come and the main advantage of this is to create a least amount of warheads (Dannreuther 2014). From this point of view the concept of the cold war has been generated and the main concept is related to the international pressure created upon a country or state instead of going for a conventional war. After the huge damage of the two world wars it has also come to a situation where every country is concerned about the effects of the conventional war (Michalos 2017). In the modern world many countries are empowered with atomic weapons and it will be a huge disastrous which may lead to the damage of a large extent of the mankind. Keeping that in concern it is also important for the countries to make their security strong and to be ready for the situation where it may lead to a war.


Dannreuther, R., 2014. International security: The contemporary agenda. John Wiley & Sons.

Critical approaches to international security. John Wiley & Sons.

Fierke, K.M., 2015. Critical approaches to international security. John Wiley & Sons.

Hehir, A., 2013. The permanence of inconsistency: Libya, the Security Council, and the Responsibility to Protect. International Security, 38(1), pp.137-159.

Hughes, L. and Long, A., 2015. Is there an oil weapon?: Security implications of changes in the structure of the international oil market. International Security, 39(3), pp.152-189.

Janowitz, M., 2017. The professional soldier: A social and political portrait. Simon and Schuster.

Johnston, A.I., 2013. How new and assertive is China's new assertiveness?. International Security, 37(4), pp.7-48.

Kahler, M. ed., 2015. Networked politics: agency, power, and governance. Cornell University Press.

Michalos, A.C., 2017. The impact of trust on business, international security and the quality of life. In How Good Policies and Business Ethics Enhance Good Quality of Life (pp. 127-153). Springer International Publishing.

Wright, A.M., 2015. War and Warfare. Routledge.

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