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Proper Information Entry for Recruitment and Record Keeping

Discuss about the Technology and Production Fragmentation.

The globalization and the modernization have resulted to the rise of many trends and cultures, which have irrationally brought about a change in the taste and the preference patterns of the consumers worldwide. In order to comply with the change in the tastes and preferences of the consumers, the multinationals have set up their business to satisfy the needs and requirements of the consumers and to take care of their demands at large.

Technology has improved considerably and the advent of the play stations and the other technological stuffs that are evolving every single day, the board games and those carrying a heritage have not lost their heritage invariably.  They do exist still, apart from the technological advancements in this modernized world with a new outlook. Therefore, companies continue to take care of the needs accordingly by manufacturing the games in accordance to the demands of the consumers. The report concentrates on the whereabouts of one such company that manufactures card games and board games compatible for all ages in this modern world. Adept Owl, the company that manufactures board and card games for all generations without any distinction, is the pointy of discussion for this report. 

The report concentrates in discussing the important aspects relating to the processes undertaken by the organization in order to manufacture and distribute the products to the market. The report discusses the organizational requirements and the steps that must be enumerated by the administrative team in order to make a progress in the business, identifying the flaws and taking steps to reduce the defects in production and distribution of the products. The report answers the questions that are listed in the appendix 2 of the given assignment, and thereby aims at solving the managerial and leadership issues that the organization faces.

The concerned company for this report undertakes actions regarding the proper information entry in their records in order to make the recruitment process more sublime and lucid. Not only the recruitment but also the the proper information entry helps in maintaining the movements of the stocks and the assets according to the structure of the company. The company can make use of software in order to make the process of maintaining the records for the organization more effective and appropriate. It also helps in simplifying the job of the person keeping track of the records. Excel, designed by the Microsoft corporations is perhaps the best software, which helps in recording the particulars and keeps an estimate of the daily improvements.   

File Naming and Storage

The software helps in maintaining the uniformity of the data entry and helps in making the concepts relating to the keeping of the records more lucid to the operator and the owners of the business (Pan 2017). The clear data helps the owners and the administrative team in determining the loopholes and the places where improvements are required for the progress of the organization.

File naming and storage is an important factor that helps in the proper maintenance of the records of the organization. The files that are important for determining the progress is an important factor that affects the growth of the organization. In order to undertake this function effectively, the company must appoint a data entry operator who has the knowledge of maintaining the data and process the data according to the requirements of the company. Moreover, the movement of the stock and the fluidity of the capital that keeps the business working.  

The operator must have considerable knowledge in the basics of data entry and must be experienced in keeping records of the events and the happenings. The organization must elaborately give training to the operator in order to make the person efficient in the task of maintaining the records of the organization and therefore uphold the integrity of the manufacturing strategy that the company undertakes.

Storage is an important factor that the operator must undertake in order to keep a backup of the files that the person has recently developed. Storage helps in keeping a record of the progress of the organization on the basis of the fluidity of the capital investments and the turnover on the investments. It also helps in determining the movement of the stocks and the amount of deficit that the company faces (Narayanaswamy 2017). Therefore, from the above discussion it can be understood that the files and the figures that it holds within is important in determining the present situation of the company and take the necessary steps in order to overcome the probable discrepancies that might occur in the future.  

Choosing a media for storage is an important factor again, as it determines the effectiveness of the storage facility and the vulnerability it holds in erasing off the data from its list. As it helps in determining the progress of the company therefore the storage option should be chosen wisely with adequate backup (Ortiz?de?Mandojana and Bansal 2016). Files can be stored effectively through Azure by Microsoft, which helps in maintaining the records uniformly and keeping them safe and away from being hacked or lost somehow as it consists of the highly confidential files of the company. The company must take steps to make sure of the safety and security of the storage system as it includes files that might expose the secrets of the organization (Peltier 2016). 

Quality of Document Design and Production

Document design is directly proportionate to the production rate of the organization as it holds the determining factors of the company’s progress in the market and it explains the situation of the organization (Kova? 2017). Moreover, it gives an overview of the discrepancies and the deficits that the company might face due to the policies that they undertake. Therefore, it helps in not only defining the policies but also modifying the policies of the organization.

Presentation and styles that are incorporated by the organization must be kept in mind in order to maintain the uniformity relating to the font and the usage of proper grammar and punctuations (Sambhanthan, Potdar and Chang 2017). A protocol relating to the writing styles and the language that is to be used is an important factor that facilitates the growth of the organization in the international markets.

The company must monitor over the existing procedures and bring about modifications in the processes, which facilitates the progress of the company in the years to come (Anastassiu et al. 2016). The existing procedures that the company undertook in maintaining the records and documents effectively are through the templates in which the records must be kept. The tools that helps in maintaining the records is generally laid down by the company, thereby determining the standard protocols that are being maintained by the organization in the process of documentation.

Delivering a training session on the documentation procedure is an important step that must be undertaken by the organization in order to ensure the effectiveness of the recordkeeping job (Gonzalez et al. 2017). Maintaining clear records of the stock in hand and the wages that are being paid to the employees and workers, basic accounting details and details on depreciation and the deficit is important for the organization in keeping their business legal and helps the entrepreneurs and the shareholders in understanding the situation of the business.

Information technology of the organization helps in maintaining the objective of the organization as it helps in achieving the common goal of the company or any business concern (Ko and Kirsch 2017). The growth of the technological trends in the ever-changing world has given rise to the organizational structure and the culture of the trends that affects the market profoundly. The right to information and the consumerism goes hand in hand determining the progress of the firm.

Human resource is another important factor that greatly affects the productivity of the firm to a greater limit. It helps in the gradual development of the firm, and therefore helps in maintaining the equilibrium of the production and the marketing of the products (Agrawal 2017). Lack of skilled labor is a factor that greatly affects the productivity of the firm. It determines the quantity and the quality of the products being manufactured by the company thus affecting the brand name of the organization.  The administrative team should take steps to monitor the progress of the work and must adhere to the requirements of the labor. Keeping a track of the needs and requirements of the labors is like motivating them to perform their duties that the job demands of them (Kavanagh and Johnson 2017).

Importance of Information Technology in Maintaining Organizational Objective

The skilled labor helps in the growth and the expansion of the business and therefore proper monitoring of the performance of the labor must be undertaken by the administrative team in order to maintain the uniformity of the performance by the human resource. The proper allocation of the resources and the proper allotment of the incentives and bonuses in order to keep the labors motivated is an important step that the administrative team must undertake for the better utilization of the resource (Kanfer, Frese and Johnson 2017). A company can make its progress not by exploiting the resource but by proper motivation and unity of the diversity. Making them to work independently and providing the legitimate conditions enhances the working conditions and motivates them to get the work done (Li, Xu and Wang 2017).

The modern world and the ever-changing trends have led to the advancements in the information technology. Consumers all round the world are aware of the rights to information and the right to question (Keyes 2016). Therefore, IT plays an important role in the process of the evaluation of the company’s assets and in determining the situation and the production of the company. The documents developed as a legislative tool, which supports the structure of the company, greatly affects the functions of the IT.  The documents help in determining the information and the statistics. It helps in defining the situation of the company and which delivers the answers to the queries of the stakeholders or the final consumers. It also defines the brand name of the company and states the market situation accordingly.

The production undertaken by the company is greatly dependent on the IT. Information of the stocks and the expenses that are undertaken in purchasing the raw materials and the wages of the labor, the depreciation of the machinery and the cost of other relevant cost of production and distribution can be determined by the proper allocation of the information (Elliot, Dweck and Yeager 2017).  The IT helps in determining the movement of the stocks and the factors that is involved in the production of the products by the company. It includes the return on the investments and shows clearly the basic accounting part which helps in determining the situation of the organization in the market.  The IT also helps in understanding the market structure and determining the needs and requirements of the consumers and keeps a track of their ever-changing preferences. IT works both ways- from the side of the consumers and shareholders to the company, and vice-versa.

In order to cope up with the emerging technologies, the multinationals have setup certain standards, which enable them to find out the flaws and judge them and make the modifications accordingly thereby providing an option for the company to prosper with its line of business (Fort 2017). The concerned business must make use of the modern and evolving technology in order to get in touch with its clients all round the world. The company can make use of the minutes, the memos and formulate their expense reports in order to make the people aware of their situation in the market. Most importantly, they must make use of the online platforms and the social media platforms to reach out their customers worldwide.  Information, in the modern world, flows through different channels depending on the inputs. Therefore, in order to cope up with the global changes in technology, the company must adapt to the changes and thereby make advancements (Li, Xu and Wang 2017).

Every company requires documents in support of their activities that they undertake in order to understand the progress of the business firm and thereby all the business organizations have a general inclination towards maintaining a record of their activities. The documents include the movement of the stock, the cost of the purchase, the mediums required for marketing their product and the final distribution (Anderson 2016). It also includes the wages of the workers and the labors working under the organization. The documents depict the situation of the company in the market and their present state and the competition they face. Some of the documents that the company maintains is  being listed in the section that follows (Schnackenberg and Tomlinson 2016).

A business memo is a piece of inter-office communication, which is sent between the employees in a company or the subsidiaries that the company holds. Business memos are undertaken for effectively transmitting business ideas, concepts and the decisions that the management takes for the betterment and the progress of the organization. They are more of a private nature and more formal than emails. Memos help in maintaining a proper collaboration between the employees and undertake steps in order to make the processes uniform and clear to the employees.

A business letter is a kind of letter that is  given out from one organization to another or to the clients of other organizations and other external clients and stakeholders. The style and the format that will be followed in the letter will be based on the relationship with the clients or the other organizations. It is more like information that is being transmitted to the receiver, of the parent company. A business letter might be created keeping in mind the different situations that are valid enough to justify the letter and its correspondence. The different type of contents might be due to the situations that demands the letter from the organization. Situations may arise when the company is required to order supply from the suppliers, to reply directly to a request from a client or to apologize for a wrong that the company has undertaken. It holds a permanent written record and therefore can be used as evidence in the latter part.

The transactional documents imply the legally relevant documents that the company must hold in order to portray their financial activities. The transactional statements of a company help in maintaining a record of the assets and enumerate the liabilities and depreciation of the assets of the company (Gray et al. 2017). The document consists of fixed and variable data referring to the assets and the variable liabilities that the company holds at its place. The documents are prepared through financial computing and are sent off to the clients and the stakeholders, when demanded, with the help of electronic media or by post.

The Adept Owl brings you the most valuable moments that you can spend with your family and retain the joy by our line of products based on the concepts of traditional board games and the puzzles. Our company’s motto is to hold on to the tradition while involving tinge of of innovation based on the advancements in technology.

“They create games which engrosses every individual in the family-irrespective of the generation gaps and the age groups.” — Mike Paulson

The games created by the company is more like a stress buster and concentrates mainly on the unification of the families by holding on to the traditional games. Parents who are unable to give a good attention to their kids due to their hefty working schedule can easily make out some time for them.  

Call (800) 555-5555 now to receive your Adept Owl card and board games. An operator will give you a call in order to take your information and process your order within the next 48 hours.


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